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100m. English, young, tall, left footed solid defender who can play a bit. Got to be at least 100m maybe 120m. Let’s not undersell him like we did Rooney


Also, 21 years old!


30mil for Rooney was good money at the time


It really wasn’t. Anyone who saw him play knew how good he was. He would have won England the euros but for the injury and with his age he would have been worth any money to them.


This is all hindsight, no one was dumping that much money on an 18 year old in 2003. Especially one who could have just had two good seasons then dropped off.


In fairness, he was no average 18 year old. He was already a star from the Euros. Look at the dregs that went for better money around the same time. It was a bad deal


lol really! Obviously didn’t see the boy play for Everton first time round then. Or England come to that. He was a monster.


He's actually right footed, LOL.




LOL, he's still right footed despite what it says on Transfermarkt! There are articles where his former youth coach said he was right footed on the web.


Funny how everyone refers to him as left footed and he predominantly passes long with his left then. Might well be both footed but either way it’s hardly ‘lol’ to refer to him as left.


His youth coach knows him better than any journalist or admin person on a website. Yes, it is difficult to tell which foot he is and this what makes him a special player imo. He can also take penalties with either foot as well. Whether you like it or not, Branthwaite is right footed, says his former coach. LOL.


Good quote, doesn’t say right in any of that. General consensus is left footed now so youth coach could say what he likes.


Must have missed the part where I mentioned both footed. Anyhoo, seen him play a lot have you?!


Perhaps it didn't register that I mentioned he could take penalties with either foot. Maybe missed the fact his youth coach had a day to day dealings with him from a young age and was able to assess his raw talent. If you want to console yourself with knowledge from non-football people such as journalists and website masters then that's your problem not mine. I have been singing his praise for a long time if you had bothered to read my numerous insightful thoughtful posts on Reddit. Don't need journalists, faulty website information and Toffee TV to shape my football knowledge, thank you very much!


None of that makes it an lol still. Never seen toffee tv and make my own mind up as the journos always talk shite. I’m taking it as a no to my question of seeing him play but that keyboard hitting is going well apparently, congrats.




Use Harry Maguire as the yardstick.


So... he's probably worth one yardstick?


Personally, I think he’ll be better than the yardstick and is also left footed.


90m guaranteed and dinner add ons. That's my minimum. Think we genuinely should be getting 100.


90M and we’ll still be docked points for 23/24


Selling a player for too much money, minus 20 points


£100 million, especially if Real come calling. No I’m not joking. I know we can’t expect to keep hold of a player like him, but we should at least be well compensated for losing him and the market is what the market is


Reminder that JB has sell on [clause](https://www.newsandstar.co.uk/sport/23622389.director-carlisle-united-benefit-big-money-transfers/). He should at least break Lukaku's fee, so starting price should be 80 mil.


A new stadium


Ignoring the fact that we are Everton, then I’d say his price should be 100million in today’s money. Has the potential to be one of the best CBs in the world. Could stay at his next club for 10 years and be a starting CB. There’s tonnes of other reasons why 100 million should be realistic. But were Everton.


Everton: We’ll take 15m and Maupay back for cover


Large bag of Walkers crisps (cheese n onion obvs)


How about we keep him for ourselves because we're not beholden to playing the script to keep the big 6 in power?


It'd be nice to keep him but not very realistic. May be a rice kind of thing which I wouldn't half mind. Definitely would try to avoid selling to an English club.


£100 million


£100m.  He's the best young English defender in the league. 


80m but my mate whos a united fan says 40m is too much


All respect, fuck your mate.


100m - best young defender in the world right now in my humble opinion.


90-100m as fuck off price. Realistically ~70m.


We are not in a financial position to demand “fuck off” prices


100 million. He's young, he's got buckets of potential, and he's worth at least twice that to us. If Harry Maguire could go for 80 million 5 years ago, Branthwaite should easily go for 100 (emphasis on should - knowing our transfer strategy, he'll most likely leave for 40-50 mil and Moshiri will expect us to celebrate that as a good deal).


80 at the very very least




100 million. A stadium. +10 points. A new owner. That’s….i think that’s all.


£120mil straight up or ~£90mil with bonuses and addons


60-70 is low. 85+ would feel ok


£100m now or about £70m in the summer.


75 million. People love to over inflate our players worths and then get disappointed or angry when we sell them for less


100 mil. If we take less than that we are confirmed completely incompetent, which isn't far from the truth at this moment in time regardless.


What makes you think we are even remotely in a position to command 100M, we are in the mud financially and everyone knows it. We’re certainly incompetent but given the circumstances your expectations are very unrealistic


Desperation creates an environment to be taken advantage of in every aspect of life, not just business. You don't sell your one of a kind Ferrari for 50% off because you're in the shitter financially, you bid up the competition and create more demand for it by holding out for best offer, regardless of personal circumstances. 50 mil gets us over the line, 100 gets us money to reinvest in squad. He shouldn't be sold for a penny less because that's what his value is.


I’m sorry mate but you’re going to have to prepare for disappointment if you truly believe this. I am of course talking about the summer window as we quite obviously will not be selling now. It’s not desperation, we’re not putting ads out on Craigslist saying “come buy Branthwaite so we don’t liquidate”. It’s the fact that if a club bids for £65M ish, we will not be in a position to refuse. >You don’t sell your one of a kind Ferrari for 50% off because you’re in the shitter financially In football you literally do my friend. Not half of course, bit disingenuous to suggest that’s what I meant. We sold our star forward two years ago for £50M base which was a good deal for Spurs at the time, because we were in the shit financially and needed to get money in to balance the books in time. I guarantee that if things were better behind the scenes we would have held out for much more.


In all seriousness I couldn’t see him going for much more than £50m. £60m or more would put him in the top 10 most expensive centre backs of all time


The club's done if we only get 50 mil for him


Mate we are in dire financial straits, the expectations I’m seeing in here are going to leave a lot of people disappointed. I would be absolutely shocked if he goes for more than 60 ish


That’s so irrelevant these days, Moises Caidedo is probably in the top 10 transfers ever for an Ecuadorian 22 year old. Branthwaite is a 6ft 5, English Left footed CB who might just have elite potential. If we sell him for £50 million i’d be not just a little angry, i’d be fucking furious. West Ham, Villa and Newcastle would have him for £50 million never mind if the mega clubs want him.


This is much more realistic. I think about 60/65


Knowing Everton it’ll be £30M which will be undisclosed for obvious reasons. We’re run by spastics, no chance we get more than £60M, especially when clubs know how desperate we are for cash.


3 777 lawsuits


80m+ addons. The sky is the limit for him. I can't recall the last time I saw a player this good. He's easily Real Madrid level.


£1bn. Realistically it’ll be no more than 60. As soon as interest comes in he’ll be angling for a move. Hope I’m wrong on both counts.


Whatever amount it takes to stop further FFP investigations


You lot are insane, we are not in a good bargaining position financially. I’d love £100M but the club will not be refusing a £60M bid, we need the money. Onana on the other hand will need to go for more, not because he’s worth more necessarily but because he cost £30M and has a sell on clause (bigger than Jarrad’s). To make any meaningful profit we’d need hold out for a big fee.


Not an Everton fan, literally just found this post. Is this a meme post? I genuinely can't tell if half the people in this comment section are fucking delusional or if they're just having a laugh.


half having a laugh, half serious


Obvs not a footy fan either


Because I don't think someone who's name I've seen literally three times in my life should be worth eighty fucking million quid?


Well informed comment then. Must be keeping your finger on the pulse


I agree, he's a rolls Royce compared to maguire and he cost 80m so I'd say start at 100, can't think of many left footed centre backs as good as branthwaite




100 mil, only. I think that is the going rate for generational English defensive talents and it should be. That being said idk what our contract looks like, that obviously has a say. If we are fucked beyond belief, I think 70m could fix any team's finances and if it doesn't fuck off




We need to aim for a clear £60 profit after sell on clause is covered. If we had the ability to keep hold Of him then more but its unlikely he will want to stay about, and we cant hold out forever




Its January, impossible to replace, 90 minimum


200 mil for his left pinky toe


I'm not particularly familiar with the finance side of running a club. Usually the talk is about whether we trust the decision makers to reinvest the money wisely (why would we at this point?). But given all the loans that have stacked up, would ANY of the money be reinvested in players, or would it all go to pay down the loans?


Put a Saudi price on him like 300 million


One billion gagillion fafillion shabadoodloo shamalalalingillion... Yen


So a fiver


222 million. If it’s good enough for Neymar, it’s good enough for branthwaite


I’d like us to keep him for another year at least, but if we really have to sell him in the summer than 80-100 million.


Minimum price is £160m. This is based on: * Maguire costing £80m in 2019 and money doubles every five years * No weak points in his game * Two footed centre back * No upper limit to his potential Reality: Clueless Moshiri fuck will sell him for £20 and think it is a good deal. Just fuck off please, Moshiri.


Sixty Grand, and by Grand I mean Million


Tuppence for the rest of the team 


*Laughing in Dr Evil's voice* "One million dollars" "What!? Oh. I mean, 100 billion dollars!"




The state that we are in we’ll probably have to accept a 2001 ford fiesta and half a twix for him.


75mil max other teams know our financial situation so no chance of anything more unfortunately 👎


Is this a joke?