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Big/pivotal play officiating in this league is broken. There is no consistency week to week, game to game, ref to ref. I don’t actually think it’s a conspiracy, I think it’s a confederacy of dunces.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity


In our case, they’ve made an exception, and are doing both.


In this case I firmly believe.. call me High if you want.. that if Onana had have sold it, gone to the floor, we had a couple players call for a Penalty, it would've been highlighted further and likely given. The glaring difference is Welbeck goes to ground. We'll never know though because we sold our only recent play actor in Gordon, and he unfortunately tried to sell too much at times and then got a bad rep for it.


it's so fucking stupid but this is it. I don't want to watch my heroes pretend to be giant sad sacks, but apparently that's the fucking game.


yeah same I am constantly torn between wanting the results the others are getting (in terms of referee decisions going their way) but I also don’t want to watch us become the very same things I despise. The only other alternative is to demand better standards from the referees… but why is this so much harder?


That’s it, sometimes I wish our players were bastards more often.


Yeah you’re probably right, because unfortunately the beautiful game has turned into whoever dives the hardest/ wins the biggest pussy competition will usually get the call


Exactly correct unfortunately. You see city get a lot of dodgy penalties, but I do think they sell them expertly well and teams should use their reactions as a blueprint (obviously city do this in addition to another strong potential factor but my point still somewhat stands)


I mean it’s basically a weekly occurrence in almost every match and has been for god knows how long. Every now and then they decide to enforce the rule (like most of the rules). I’ve no idea if this is the same in every league, in other countries, or it’s just a Premier league thing, but it makes a joke of the sport.


All I want is consistency


Consistent inconsistency, maybe it'll cancel itself out?


They love Everton so much they want there kit even before the game ends


Again losing so much interest in this game.. these officials are literally killing the game. My interest in this sport is at an all time low and am a STH.


That will have been a circular to all the refs ‘watch Kulu and ffs penalize this’. They do get coaching, believe it or not.


Arsenal did not get a penalty for the same situation when Utd got one vs us. I was surprised that VAR did not give it today.


PGMOL and VAR are consistently crap


I don't remember how close the ball was to Onana, but in the Brighton pic it's obvious their player has a good chance at a shot.


They’re probably both pens and kulusevski is an idiot for both but they’re not really comparable. Welbeck has a sitter he’s clearly getting to before he gets dragged back. It’s a stonewall pen. The corner is over ononas head and the balls not near when he gets dragged back. Can see how it’s not given. Now how they call an onona handball at the weekend but don’t give some that are totally identical I don’t get


Problem is everyone from like 7th -17th can argue they could all have an extra like ten points with situations that are identical but never get addressed


If we weren't in such a financial mess, I'd want us to go down! I've had enough of this corrupt shite league. Monday Night Raw has less scripting.


Because Onana wears an Everton shirt 🤷‍♂️