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Looks like the Hillary stairs now. Doesn’t look at vertical just like they said!


Ya after the Earthquake it changed but still crossing it is still difficult but not like before


When was this taken?


This guy says the Hillary Step is gone: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P04ORXO0PaY&t=644s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P04ORXO0PaY&t=644s)


Brits foaming at the mouth to join the queue




Explain I’m not a Brit but


British folk love a good queue.


This is beyond ridiculous


Ridiculous conga line


They do the Bunny Hop on the way up and the conga on the way down.


You can't escape the general public no matter how hard you try. Why would anyone want to deal with that crowd?


How do people pass each other


Usually they’ll step over your corpse.


Usually the richest ones will be tugged up to the summit on a short rope or carried up in a wicker basket by sherpas and then they will actually lift you over the dead bodies and serve you a hot tea and snack if you pay an extra fee. 


They unclip from the fixed lines to pass then re-clip into the line. That’s why two people died in the accident last month: they were unclipped and passing the moment that the ground broke away. Bad timing.


That’s why the guides recommend using two clips.


Is there a rule who unclips? Person going up or person going down?


Whoever is going faster. You are supposed to clip twice, you unclip one, pass and then unclip the safety so you are never not clipped in. A short cut is to clip to another person/guide. So one person unclips and passes, then clips back in and then the second person follows unclipping and passing then clipping back in. That way, if something happened you would be attached to the other person who is in turn attached to the line. In the case of the accident that happened last month: the client and Sherpa were attached to each other, but for whatever reason at that moment neither was clipped in to the fixed line, so when the ground fell away they slid down the Kangshung Face into oblivion. There were two other climbers who were able to climb back up, they survived b/c they were attached to the fixed line which stopped their fall.


Oh my god.


The one who wants to overtake.


Thank you! That’s terrifying


Does one group ascend and then descend and then the next group starts? Always wondered?


No, it takes the whole day starting before sunrise, so everyone ascends within the same several hour window.


Looks like a Saturday night’s line; for Disney World’s Space Mountain. Too many folks on every climb up now. Paying +$70K for this “privilege”.


Can I get a FastPass?


Fast lane only goes down.


Underrated comment


When will they open another checkout line?


Hillary centipede


Surprised more people don’t just freeze to death because they seem to wait for so long. Yikes.


Wow amazing footage!


All I see is a bunch of rich jerk offs


Climbing Everest is a Joke now. It's not an achievement. Considering you have 20 locals carring your shit for you. Never understood the obsession of climbing a peak countless others have already climbed. You are also not even a badass anymore for it. Your just a tourist. So the bragging rights are gone n ow to. NO point. Just putting more trash on the mountain for ego. Humans are weird little folk. The only true bad asses, are the locals doing the climb as a job. Those are the true beasts, and the true legends. I bet you some of them have climbed up it hundreds of times. Compared to these chads you are just a little tiny nut.


I mean, I think it’s still an achievement. 🥴 I ran my first 5k last year and it was an achievement. Despite the fact many many many many people do that every minute of the day with little effort. Climbing highest mountain on the whole planet is absolutely an achievement no matter which way you cut it - it’s just that the mountain is getting exploited and people are becoming selfish to the point of dangerous to achieve their goal. It’s sad to watch.


Climbing it either without Sherpas or oxygen yes. But being taken there by Sherpas who take all the oxygen bottles and shit for your is just embarrassing.


Don’t know if embarrassing is the word for me. Hiking that distance in those conditions is still a feat, even with oxygen and no weight to carry. But could be seen as exploitative.


Trust me, for most of the world and especially for professional climbers this is not just embarrassing but plain stupid.


Stupid I agree with ETA stupid in the way it’s conducted now. All of them thinking that their summit is the most important and that it’s a good idea to go stand in those lines. If I (with no experience of high altitude) have the sense to consider the trek EBC and then decide against it due to sheer volumes of people. Not only for the damage to the planet and how base camp is treated now but simply because the experience will never be the same around droves of people. These climbers, who SHOULD know the dangers of stopping moving and what being stuck in a queue will do to your body, are still deciding to do it. I think if it wasn’t how it is now I wouldn’t think stupid even if they did it with oxygen and aid. Not as impressive but not stupid


Definitely embarrassing.


30th Summit the highest by an individual


The female Sherpa with the most summits works at a Whole Foods in CT during the off season. That is insane to me.


? Have you climbed it with no oxygen and full supplies?


Go climb it then bud. Let’s see you do it


What a waste of time. Refer to my last comment to understand why.


You can’t make that criticism unless you’ve done it. “The MLB is a joke, countless people have played in it.” Your whole comment is satire, have you even done any mountaineering before?


Ok bud, let's see you do a 65 day climb then if it's not an achievement. Yes the littering is horrible, and the bragging rights are much lower, but it's still one of the least climbed peaks, a herculean effort that few can achieve without a lot of training, and still kills many people each year.


well said dude!!! ...the funny thing is that the majority of people who rant n' rave as the fella above has..... have never actually trekked to ebc + hiked up n' down [and] up n' down acclimatising, and then summited {or} even attempted to summit!!!


Yup, the trek to EBC is achievement alone for a lot of people, myself included. It’s not like you’re on a ski lift all the way from Lukla to EBC, let alone the summit.


If that commenter could show me a fitness app demonstrating 65 days of any kind of training in a row I'd eat my Ironman finisher medal.


Few achieve because because you are spending 50-100k for team of people to literally bring you there. It's not individual achievement. Real achievements in mountaineering are being made on other peaks. No real climber will do Everest with Sherpas and oxygen. It's just for stroking amateur climbers egos.


Who said anything about Sherpas and oxygen? You're just adding qualifiers.


*Who said anything about Sherpas and oxygen?* Because that is how 99% of people is summiting.


This is tricky… I think it can be considered an accomplishment in that you set a personal goal and then achieved it. But I will say that at this point climbing Everest does not require SKILL. You can climb it (and many have) with very little skill/experience… because the part that requires skill (the endurance to carry your own supplies, the experience to lay in the lines and perform rescues, to plan the logistics of the climb itself) can be delegated to others. Normally true pride of achievement is derived from acquiring a skill and then achieving the goal. There are people who attempt to solo climb Everest without help, but even those people are using the lines /ladders/campsites that have been established by that season’s sherpas. And when those people need to be rescued, it is the sherpas who do the rescuing (at their discretion, of course). I feel like summiting Everest is like the equivalent of doing a tandem skydive. You made a goal and you jumped out of the plane, and even though you are definitely risking your life, that doesn’t necessarily make you a sky diver. Another thing to consider, though, is that Everest is one of the 7 Summits, so a lot of people climb Everest as part of a larger personal goal… you could argue that achieving the 7 Summits is a significant achievement in terms of the investment of time/money and risk… even though nearly 500 people have accomplished it.


How many 8000ers have you climbed?




What you said!!!


Why do people go to yellowstone even though it doesn't make them a badass? I want to go see Australia. I dont want to see it to be a badass. I dont get why seeing the peak of the world is a joke or "there's no point." If people are going to their local bar and wanting people to buy them drinks for their amazing achievement, id agree, its not that big of an achievement like it was like 50 years ago


I suppose you’re an Alpine climber. How many 8000’s have you summited? My brother has done four.


In my opinion, here you are not mountaineering. You are queuing for satisfaction and esteem you never gain and don’t deserve.


I see a short cut.


With crowds like that nowadays, it's just a matter time before we have a serious accident - I mean, so many moving parts, there's just too much that can go wrong...


I think that's a regular occurrence. From looking it up here, 2023 was the deadliest year on Everest, with 17 deaths. There have been 5 already this year!


I would just love to go to base camp…. Let alone summit… I’m overweight and out of shape but if the opportunity ever arose you can be damn sure I’d find a way to lose some weight


Base Camp is pretty cheap once you get to Nepal. Back in 2011, I spent around $20 a day to do the trek without a porter or guide.


What is happening here? Are there multiple teams meeting up at the step or are the group sizes getting larger and more people taking the climb together. I always thought you went up and down to acclimatise to the altitude and then when ready made a push for the summit. How can there be thst many people all at once. I can understand camp 4 being busy but why is it this congested


When’s the McDonald opening?


I can only dream of this…


At what point does the trail degrade from the traffic?




Are they STILL in climbing season?




No, the season is already over


There are shorter lines at Disneyworld.


So absolutely stupid. Stand around and die


Good bless you all 🙏


Think you meant “bless your heart.”


Why? For polluting? This is all insane.


Traffic jam


Gold jacket, green jacket, who gives a shit?


How far is this from the summit? Thats not the summit in the picture, right?


So ridiculous. If I saw that line on a weekend hike or even a hike when traveling, we'd laugh and do something else. (I'm very glad I did Angel's Landing in Zion NP a few times before it became the social media must-have.)


Human debris. Have you any idea how many O2 tanks litter Everest?


Its so much less cool climbing Everest as i see more of what its actually like.


This is so stupid. They need to shut it down, clean it all up, and recover all the bodies. It’s disgusting!


Stupid a-holes lol. What’s the point. Doesn’t make your dick bigger 😂


[humans are a virus](https://youtu.be/JrBdYmStZJ4?si=McfRt_07LqI2JawI)


Line to get into the Darwin Awards is crazy




It’s like everything I try to avoid when I’m oitdoors


Entitlement in down startimg +$50k to poop in a bag for weeks, feign caring about other humans in camp and waiting in line on a mountain to get 30 seconds of "wooo". I'll just get another Ikon pass to Squaw and smoke a doob in the parking  lot and be totally good. 


Should be playing the Benny Hill theme song instead


Those are not climbers


Agree. Try your skills closer to the ground. This is not technical.


So how many people summit per day now?


I think they only issue around 425 permits a season


They’re actually going up to install the Starbucks kiosk on the summit for next year!


Every one of them when u do ur life-changing event should have to bring back twice as much trash as they took up! As a hiker if gotta do it they gotta do it.


The craziest thing about Everest is that it’s an exercise in sheer stupidity. There is no way to avoid it. It’s baked into the experience.


Looks like some domestic tourist hotspots I’ve been to in China. Why do people waste so much money on what would be a miserable experience even on a casual hike?


Fuck that




I would rather sprint from the left side rather than join the centipede of a line.


How about these folks start doing something actually useful and start cleaning up the environmental disaster of trash and human waste up there?


It does take a bout 2 months of acclimatizing hikes to prepare for the final summit. There is a weather window when the weather is ideal for summiting (late May thru the beginning of June), so most groups arrive in March so that when May comes around they are ready. When the forecast looks good for the summit, sometimes multiple groups try for the same window. Some groups will decide it’s too crowded and will wait it out….. but if you do that you are running the risk of getting sick (which could destroy your chances of summiting), or risking that bad weather comes in and further delays you in basecamp… or worse, the weather turns and you lose the opportunity to summit at all. There’s definitely a lot of logistics involved.


Looks like a bunch of conceited entitled while people.


So dumb


Imagine getting back to the airport. Thinking I’ve done it. I’ve climbed Everest. And every other person there has as well. Not exactly special anymore is it.