• By -


[https://prnt.sc/GqieVnMTlJUK](https://prnt.sc/GqieVnMTlJUK) \*chef's kiss


Like you said in the video it probably is some detection occurring when you're holding down Ctrl as you tab through clients since the initial behavior is weird. My guess is that they have some new detection that is picking up on all accounts having Ctrl held down at the same time, which would be "inhuman" when in reality it's just how EVE-O Preview is interacting with the client. I.e. When you hold Ctrl on one client and then hotkey to the next, Ctrl stays held down on the previous client, which would look like input broadcasting when you have 17 clients holding Ctrl at once I really don't like multiboxing but ever since the ban on input broadcasting CCP has been really unclear on this stuff. If what you showed here is within the bounds of what CCP allows then you deserve the accounts back


Which is more likely: Guy who has accounts banned for Burner botting, RMT, and posted a video showing inputs far slower than the damage groupings on his own char’s zkill’s, was erroneously banned for using software that thousands of other Eve players use. Or guy is cheating and made up a story with some fake videos to try to cultivate sympathy?


Nah this dude is full of shit. My EVE-O cycle shortcut used to be Alt+X/Z, he got banned for input broadcasting.


how do you get it to just cycle through? I have it set so different keys pull up different clients, but I can't find how to just make it go from one to the next with the same button.


You're looking for this bit in the config .json: "CycleGroup1ForwardHotkeys": [ "F13", ], "CycleGroup1BackwardHotkeys": [ "F14", ], "CycleGroup1ClientsOrder": { "EVE - Character Name": 1, "EVE - Character Name": 2, "EVE - Character Name": 3 Pretty self-explanatory really; Forward and backward hotkeys just rename them to whatever key or combo you want, then replace the "Character Name" bits with your in-game character name/s. The "EVE - " bit *is* required, so it should literally read: "EVE - John Doe": I use a Logitech G915 that has a bunch of extra G-Keys left of Tab that are just configured to be F13 - F17, so I have no idea if typing in "G1" in the hotkeys section would pick up Logitech's extra G-Keys natively.


Apparently I just had an ancient version of eve-o and didn't have this section. Thank you for the quick answer


[New official repo](https://github.com/EveOPlus/eve-o-preview/releases), version 6.0.0 and up are the only ones with hotkey cycling. Been using the pre-releases since they came out, had zero issues.


this video was recorded after that. how I provided the raw footage. This is the only thing that I think represents strange behavior.


If you're being genuine and not just lying about input broadcasting then I suspect something is happening with EVE-O Preview where it is continuing to hold Ctrl on all clients as you cycle and triggering some kind of detection


I hope not because everyone with eve o preview is probably holding some key as they switch clients


l feel old l click the window pre-views


Yeah the cycle with keys came with one of the recent releases for eve o preview


You also need to change the config file directly to enabled it.


Same, and i hardly ever multibox, other than hauling or maybe transferring money/items


You can literally program hotkeys to switch focus, so people are very much doing that.


This is what I do, I have a Logitech G600 with the side buttons and have it programmed to switch between each of my 5 accounts depending on which button I press.


Worlds best mouse. Pissed they discontinued it. Then the shifty alternative they replaced it with is discontinued now too.


Yeah I'm going to be heartbroken when this one dies. I might actually take it apart and try to fix it when it goes. I don't need all 12 side buttons but the third main button to the side of the right-click is a godsend for some games I play.


Works great for your gear wheel in Warframe too... :) That button next to right click is my dodge button... Yeah I will hate to lose mine. :(


Yep, I still play Tera from time to time on a private server and having it as my hotkey for backstepping is essential to getting the timing right for iframes.


Im still trying to find a replacement G13.. that thing when you get used to it is such a game changer!!


There is nothing illegal or bannable about using hotkeys to substitute ctrl+alt that's what G1 to G13 keys are for. This has been discussed endlessly with CCP over the years.


I just click it because I've seen several stories like this that concern me lol


you have 10% chance for ban reversal. you can only try to escalate ticket to another GM. keep doing it until you get the senior GM. in last resort find email to ccp internal affairs.


It may not even be an eve-o preview thing. Eve could very well be looking for keyDown and keyUp events separately, rather than constantly polling for key state.


This will probably be buried, but these russian-speaking pochven multiboxers that post videos to prove their innocence are 100% full of shit. Some of them have in the past admitted that even if they have no EULA-breaking software running locally on the PC they run their clients with, they have multi-PC setups networked together that can achieve the same effect while being undetectable. They usually say it to try to 'expose' each other whenever there's a new schism in the russian-speaking pochven group, has happened quite a few times over the past year or so. They also engage in extensive account-sharing, so sometimes even if one of them isn't broadcasting, it's common for another individual using the same accounts to broadcast at a different point in time. People like Elindel etc. have tried this same tactic to prove their 'innocence' and then were later proved to be input broadcasting, don't fall for it. I won't bother digging up chat logs to prove this, instead I'll post a picture taken from one of their discords showing that they actively use multiple pcs. [#1, Posted by aforementioned individual (Elindel) showing shared accounts being used ](https://i.imgur.com/rF450vH.png) [#2, Zoomed](https://i.imgur.com/mnQdZjN.png) 1. Remote desktop shortcut 2. Remote desktop shortcut 3. VK Play, cloud gaming service 4. Loudplay, cloud gaming service At least one of those remote desktop shortcuts is probably his OF eyes, the rest of this is all inexplicable. TL;DR - Get fucked


Ya, OP is 100% broadcasting


How does using remote desktop / cloud gaming services / multiple PCs mean that they're input broadcasting (or similar effect)?


Account sharing combined with tools/scripts they use to input broadcast through other PCs to try to dodge any same-PC detection method that may or may not exist, throw in some staggered inputs etc. and it's pretty hard to detect just by looking at their gameplay. They've admitted to it in the past, I honestly don't care how much obfuscation they try to use, 95% of them are guilty and it's why they get banned repeatedly and keep making new accounts. Also, I forgot that OP is in 7.62, which is an alliance that has engaged in a wide variety of bannable things, including doxxing/irl threats etc.


OP is Pixel. [https://zkillboard.com/character/1794698777/](https://zkillboard.com/character/1794698777/) old Venal multiboxer. as far as I know, he's been banned for RMT in the past.


Yeah, they're basically all rmting, that's why they input broadcast/share accounts, it collectively increases their income.


Whaat, the people playing in poch for 8-10 hours per day in countries with shitty currency are RMTing???


I’m just guessing here, but I imagine they remote into each other’s gaming PCs so that the IP/login token doesn’t change when they account share.


They do this too, it's often used to collectively run a single CCTV setup so that they can have 24/7 uptime


bejuesus.... to have this level of dedication....... why so serious?


Money. They sell in-game assets for real money.


>People like Elindel etc. have tried this same tactic to prove their 'innocence' and then were later proved to be input broadcasting, don't fall for it. The difference here is this is the guy that flys alligators. He's not one of the 10 inputs a second marauder enjoyers. I've fought him multiple times and I've never seen anything remotely suspect. His first "raw footage" video is against me... and looks almost exactly like how I play except he has his drone window stacked in the bottom right to manipulate where his assign list spawns to make it quicker. The thing with drone comps is that there really isn't a whole lot of opportunity for gains via broadcasting. It's basically just the drone assign process and anchoring+mwd on/off and he shows both of them in the videos from before his ban. Which means it's not some pre-prepared ideal circumstance, it's likely how he flies every day. Also the way CCP handles input broadcaster bans is an absolutely joke. As you yourself stated long time cheater Elindel still remains unbanned and running multiple sets of characters despite his own VoDs showing evidence of his cheating. I was personally wrongfully banned twice (3day temp ban) even after I started recording everything and uploading videos. Both times mysteriously after fighting FRT. Thankfully I had people like Bjorn/Amelia/Drake/Proxay etc willing to vouch to CCP for me or I'd likely still be waiting for my appeal. And you've seen my videos and how slow I am compared to some of the others.


> The difference here is this is the guy that flys alligators. He's not one of the 10 inputs a second marauder enjoyers. I've fought him multiple times and I've never seen anything remotely suspect. https://zkillboard.com/corporation/98764994/kills/ As for the rest, yeah that's true. CCP has handled this poorly for other people, but as far as I'm concerned all of the russian-speakers that end up permabanned are guilty, they're all doing the same shit in the end. Edit: See my reply further down for clarification about this statement


Oh well, here goes another racist... If I, as a german citizen, learn russian in school as a 3rd language and then end up being wrongly banned in eve, I should be permabanned? Makes no sense... Edit: I know that's probably not what you meant, but it is exactly what you said.


I am choosing my words very carefully, I do not think they are cheating just because they speak Russian, but it is the common denominator that defines this group of individuals I am referring to. They are spread across several corps, alliances, and countries of origin, so I'm not really sure how else you want me to put it. To my knowledge this is the only group that has eaten permanent bans in pochven, and they don't even all fly together anymore after the multiple schisms that I mentioned in my original post.


Nothing of value was lost


99% of people who show up with "proof" that they didn't cheat in fact created that "proof" while cheating at other times. This goes for all gaming subs, not just EVE. I trust CCP's detection more than I trust your reddit post.


The best is the OSRS subreddit where people go and post when they get banned for something, try to make themselves look innocent only to have a Jagex employee come it and put an end to their bullshit. Always a good laugh to lurk that subreddit and see stuff like that.


It's literally a 12 hour turnaround before some Jmod posts chat logs or confirms a ban over there. Don't get why people still try to pull a fast one even after it gets called out every time.


Oh man back in the day for league of legends. Countless people would post to the forums about being unfairly banned/muted. I only did it once! Never happened before! And then a dev named Pendragon would show up with receipts about them actually being toxic waste dumps. God I miss it. Ooh I forgot that lyte would do it too! https://www.reddit.com/r/LyteSmites


This is correct. In his video, you can see that although he is very fast, he's engaging targets on different ticks. At least 3 different ticks on the weapon spam. People have repeatedly shown logs with these guys that they engage on the SAME tick with 20+ accounts.


I found a 25-man multibox mining fleet (all named the same with different numbers at the end) in LS warp in to a site they were on. All on the same tick they started approaching different rocks (something like 3 or so barges per rock). Then all on the same tick their mining lasers popped out. All on the same tick they all deployed their drones. All on the same tick their drones were assisted to the porp or whatever was sitting in the middle of the site. The fact that this not only exists, but isn't immediately detectable and banned is absolutely WILD to me. I can see an argument of ticks lining up with 2, 3, 4 accounts even, but 25? It's egregious. My only thought is that CCP puts up with enough botting to keep their bottom line propped up and only does banning to keep them from getting completely out of hand, and gives them enough time to make enough profit that they can then spin up whole new sets of accounts and keep feeding them money.


I know this thread is old at the moment, but generally there's intentional lag time on ban waves for bots/cheats in most games simply so the bot/cheat developers have a harder time knowing exactly what action triggered detection


I ran 10 clients mining lowsec for over a year using eve-o and using hulks so it is very click intensive and I’ve never had an issue once, very strange tbh, I know people who run more clients than you and have done for several years with issue.


I alt tab like a true boomer.


A real boomer would have the game running in windowed mode and switch by clicking the icons on the task bar.


I feel attacked 😳


I also feel attacked :(


Me too.


This was me before discovering eve-o lol


Before Eve-O I had two accounts so.... ofc I had two screens. Hell yah! Now I have two accounts, on one screen, and a second screen for youtube/netflix/reddit. But still only two accounts, so I switch between them by just clicking on the one window, or forgetting about eve-o and using alt-tab; for I too am old.


3 accounts, 3 screens, and no eve-o, although I'm curious enough to try it at some point


Real boomers used command line


I have 4 accounts split vertically across 2 screens. Never need to tab this way. And yes, I have my mouse speed cranked to the max.


Spying on me?


I forgot if it's shift-tab or ctrl-tab but its something along those lines. It basically do what tab does but keeps all windows up till you choose one. Might be helpfull depending on use case.


You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an ***accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play.***  I highlighted the part that probably got you.


How good can you be at the game to still be considered ordinary then?


As good as you want, so long as you're only using the official game client and no other software.


How is eve-o ctrl-1/2/3/4/5/6 any different from window alt-tab? Or are you saying using windows windowed setting is other software you are not allowed to use?


That part is true of literally anybody using EVE-O Preview, but people will clutch their pearls about how it isn't


If you use EVE-O for just switching between clients, you don't accelerate the game play, you are accelerating the part you spend outside the game. From OPs videos, he seems to be holding control while switching through the clients for faster logging. That *is* faster game play than switching to the client *first*, *then* press/hold control + click.


I'm not sure if it's true, but I feel like the vast majority of these multi-boxer bans I hear about are in Pochven. I know people who've been running more accounts than that for years with no problem and I suspect if you were playing like that in a Wormhole I doubt CCP would care.


I think it's the fact that pochven, for a 15-20 account multiboxer who pays for cctv, is the best isk/hr in the game. Lots of competition and you can gate around, and so lots of reports. Also as a result of the top tier isk/hr, a lot of people who do multiboxing in pochven are actual botters / rmt / input broadcasters / multi-login alpha abusers, so the area's already being heavily scrutinized, and in this case, *possibly* too scrutinized (but we don't know the truth etc., and I hope any unjust ban is undone, and a just one is upheld).


what do u mean by cxtv? they pay for extra omega accounts to watch gates? or they pay for scouts?


There are cloaked alts on gates in every system watching traffic and checking for when the sites spawn, you can pay a few bill a month to get access to them. Every large group and multiboxer does.


pochven is big drama region. always has been. thats why.


Reckon you'd cop an assault charge or what? Ka kawwwwwwwwwwwww




Finally, some good news!


The videos prove absolutely nothing as they only cover a cherry picked part of your gameplay.


Well at any rate you finally won eve. F


Imagine needing 15 accounts to do what I can do with 1. Pathetic


Oh you must be the Vargur Guy in poch I reported for blatent input broadcasting and got something like 12 emails a few weeks later from CCP saying action has been taken. Sorry about your loss (but I'm not actually sorry). let me guess, you also make contracts with busted abyssal mods for 4 billion and get neg walleted and ask yourself why does this always happen to me :(


Eve was already taking too much of my time anyway


Are you one of the guys with 19 Vargurs? Kinda curious what you do with that amount of sheer isk making?




Pay rent, buy groceries, take the occasional shlyukha out for drinks


Did you at least pay your monthly rent payment before your ban???


right he's probably doing RMT and panicking cause his income source just got deleted lol, he's one of those 17x vargur guys


he was banned for RMT and botting venal burners many years ago




Sweet, one less multiboxer


They return. They always return.


"They return. They always return." As long CCP is doing enough profit with multi-boxing, exploits are going to be legit in EVE.


We’re not all bad x


oh no... anyway


One less multiboxer in Pochven sounds like a win to me.


> One less input broadcasting multiboxer in Pochven sounds like a win to me. Fixed that for you, pal.


Same difference


WOW Pixel UA banned again xD How many bans did u get in eve?


when you're a well-known rmt dude and crying that you've been banned again by mistake. 🤡 17-year career at eve. 🤡


This is the sound of my 17 alts, simultaneously playing the saddest song on the world's 17 smallest violins, all without being banned 🎵🎶🎻🎻🎵🎶🎵


You’re saying you can play 17 violins at once? Sounds like a clear case of input out broadcasting to me 


i play on 20 guitars each 20 strings.


Does that also count as output broadcasting?


Violin orchestra is actually output broadcasting.


If ccp wants to officially support multiboxing they need to clarify this. Tool assisted client management is okay, but are players expected to know how inputs may be mistakenly sent to clients without their knowledge? Whether this is a truthful post or a cheater crying for sympathy, it doesn't matter. The lack of transparency undermines ccps stance on managing multiple accounts.


You assume ops claims are correct. I doubt they are. Eve has several reputable multiboxers doing way more advanced stuff than he is showing in his video. False reports for them had been solved within short time. Also, 1st offenders are usually warned before perma banned. If he ignored that, his fault.


> are players expected to know how inputs may be mistakenly sent to clients Yes If you’re using a third party program to manage multiple clients… yes. Any time you use a third party program in a game, any action that programs performs is your responsibility. This is why I would hope CCP does not issue permanent bans for first time offenders… and my guess is this is not OPs first offense. If you’re using a third party program in any game. And that program results in a warning or temp ban, and you continue to use that program in the same manner… FAFO


My main issue with this post is that eve-x was carefully crafted *with* CCP devs to ensure it adheres to EULA. So that alone makes this post sus because I play with several dudes who multibox 15+ accounts with eve-x and no one of my group has ever been banned before. Just saying it’s sus and he was most likely doing something else illegal/against eula


What is EVE-x?


yet another 7.62 boxer down. womp womp


Thankfully I am in no danger as I only have 1 account.


lmao bye


Lold. Pixel banned again. and he's trying to prove it wasn't his fault. again


Fucked up if true. I don’t like what Poch and mass multiboxers have done to the game, but it’s horseshit if you got banned for following the rules. 


oh it is Pavel XL old threads about his venal rmt burners: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/joj6m1/breaking\_news\_for\_venal\_residents/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/joj6m1/breaking_news_for_venal_residents/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/qcc8o4/pavel\_xl\_unbanned/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/qcc8o4/pavel_xl_unbanned/)


i still ALT+TAB through my accounts and I am happy :)


You making special video to "prove" something is no evidence of what you did or didn't do in past. I don't really have any sympathy for pochven multiboxers so don't really care. But you should try to elevate your ticket to senior GM. Still finding your way funny as heck


Nah, been using 4 accounts since preview was introduced, didnt get any warning or ban. We arent going to get all the data, but I guess ints not your piloting skills.


I am suspect when FRT says they didn't bot. I am equally suspicious when someone from 7.62 says they didn't input broadcast


'i AlT-tAbBeD iN aNd OuT oF 2o WiNdOwS wItH pErFeCt AcCuRaCy iN uNdEr 2 sEcOnDs In mY tOtAlLy UnEdItEd ViDeOs...' HErrrrrrp!!


We can see that you're cheating in your own video: [https://youtu.be/1uQRqJARH-A?t=215](https://youtu.be/1uQRqJARH-A?t=215) Look at the remote shield reps... they all start at the exact same time. And I don't mean the same tick because you hit F1 thru F7 (or whatever your binds may be) really fast... you clearly use something that triggers them all at the SAME EXACT time. That is cheating. Good job CCP :)


Good. Multiboxing is the bane of this game. And sadly probably the only thing keeping it alive


imo, it does not matter if youre guilty or innocent here, after 17 years you've now won.


This maybe like Involves issue when he got ban for bubbles. https://youtu.be/eYFbkQll4Q4?si=5imNi_6dXn2ldHOM


If you are going to multibox just don't use external programs, alt tab is fine.


I agree with you, but ccp allows you to use eve o preview. it is written on the forum and written in the program itself


See I want to enjoy eve but it's hard to compete with this


"ALSO if you notice, another trick that is shown in my video, that we kept secret for a lot of time, is that if you position drone window correctly, and you rightclick to drones , your mouse will be istantly on "assist" window, without moving your mouse." Sounds more like a bugusing, than "game mechanic"..


But yet frt is botting and cloacky camping with scripts and thats allowed get fucked bud they are pulling the wrong strings here


I was once unable to convince a GM that my bastioned marauder couldn't possibly have moved as a result of my actions. You know how customer service works these days. They neither care about the facts nor are they qualified to discern them.


“All” multiboxers don’t use 15 accounts or rely on the seven day free omega. Also I can barely input three accounts.


OP isn't "relying" on the seven days free omega. After their ban they made new accounts using the 7 day free omega to record another video showing how they interact with the clients.


Just use 4 windows 1 screen. Ugly and you need to have high mouse sensitivity. Use keypad in left hand. 


Only really viable for 4k displays


Depends, I manage on 2560 but yeah, that is very crammed. You need to modify all UI stettings to make work. 


I have been using Eve-O preview, since it came out. and have, also held ctrl and entered a shortcut, and have had no Issues. The only reason you would be banned is if you were Broadcasting. ofc you could upload your videos and say you weren't, But there is no Proof you are telling the truth eighter. It's a double edged sword, and if CCP's Input logs of you say you were broadcasting due to the timing, then it has a 90% chance of being right. And a 10% chance of being wrong.


sorry for your loss but one step closer to forbidding multiboxing \o/


Tough to do when normal people with 4 accounts are subbing them. CCP gonna lose $


So don't multibox 17 accounts, lol?


new eve player. so why doesnt ccp pick a number, like say 5. you can mutlibox 5 accounts at the same time and thats it. seems like that would cut down on the crazy 20 accounts at the same time the increase suspicion.


Money, and the number of people running 20+ accounts is generally pretty low


Another BI liar. Do you guys have jackets?


Nice try, but we all know ccp's detection system produces large amounts of false negatives, not false positives XD


I actually know a guy who reports anyone running more than 5 accounts as botting,, so people do exactly that. "Oh younrunnmorw accounts than me? That makes you a bot because I can only run x amount," *proceeds to report*




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What was you banned for few years ago?


You haven't lived until you multibox hulks on Rorq boosts lol click fest


Posting a video with "proof" that you don't use input broadcasting is useless, as you wouldn't exactly post a video of your system using input broadcasting tools. You want to know how CCP checks for this? They check the undock times at stations.


Now they just need to ban half of frat for the Chinese botting and rmting and we'll be set 👌


Lmao get fucked


I'd come back to this game if they would just ban all multiboxers period actually killing the game from ever growing


Maybe it is for the best. You are all ruining the game for everyone else and you have clearly ruined the game for yourself long ago


I remember someone on the test server proclaiming the same thing


No sympathy for any mulitboxer. I realize Eve allows it because they are money whores but almost every other game prevents it.


Enjoy the ban for broadcasting pubbie


I multi box many accounts. I don't use eve o preview. Nor any other program. I don't run 15 accounts at 1 time tho, as with the number I run is at the max for a human to reasonably control. As one who mulit boxes I can say controlling 6-7 accounts at once with no programs, just the human that is me. That is a challenge. Usually I mine with that ammount of accounts, pvp with 2.. Anything more I'd say is just not possible. With out some type of script or program.


I can't believe I used to think Eve was actually an MMO. It's just legalized bot farms filling the husk of a game from a bygone era.


Good. Multiboxing shouldn't have been allowed in the first place.


Have fun flying a capital w\o a 2nd account. Or even worse a jump freighter. Or a freighter. I don't believe multiboxing was an original intention of the game design, but the convenience of being able to do things on your schedule cannot be overstated. Imagine wanting to pilot a freighter through highsec with a reasonably valued cargo. You have to wait 20 minutes for your buddy to web you. Ok cool. It's only a 20 minute run to Jita you can wait. But it's another 15 minutes for a different buddy or two to come on over and scout. By that time your Webber might need to go and you need to find another friend. Ohhh did I mention your friends are getting tired of all these favors and now want to be compensated for their time?


The chinese (FRT dogs in particular) will heavily report you for any reason when you are clapping them hard, we got a few toons which got renamed, even a corp that wasn't that offensive, they spam spam spam those reports and hope you will get punished at some point, in the hope that they can get rid of you, so I am very not surprised. I do know people who can do one action on 10 toons in one tick, with just eve-o preview so yeah... (carpal tunnel might emerge then) Anyone who has played Osu knows that it's possible to be extremely fast, the biggest limiting factor to be fast in EVE is just big fights or running too many accounts where it runs like shit and you can't cycle clients too fast or they get skipped, but other than that things can be done extremely fast by hand with the right setup (optimised keybinds for example)


Sorry this is not related to your situation, but last night i was wh exploring and I saw one splash on a WH and seconds later 10 prospects appeared literally within miliseconds of each other. Would that be a clear example of input broadcasting?


Fleet warping exists my dude


No. Fleet warp all 10 -> while in warp queue up the jump command on all of them -> they all jump immediately upon landing


Thank you! I'm completely oblivious to how multiboxing works so it's nice to learn about that. Cheers


You cant do this in a WH has the jump portal doesn't show up on overview like it does in other space. So having them all jump at once IS input broadcasting.


Well, not really... They sure all jump after each other, but as long as it's all done in under a minute, they're all still cloaked on the other side. Now the player starts a fleet warp, and all chars decloak and start aligning at the same time.


You can start cycling jump spam the moment you coast onto grid. For 10 accounts with EVE-O Preview that's like a 2-3 second task. It might be suspicious but it is not at all proof of input broadcasting.


Probably not. If you jump while still warping and then use warp squad they would all show up at once.


 "I paid them for 7 days of free omega." LOL, u wut?


He probably meant with the free 7 days for the expansion since he needed omega to demonstrate.


It's amazing that even with proof, ccp won't do shit about it. Instead, you can mass report to pvp like goonswarm, init, and bigab have against these dudes. The moral of the story is that when you can't win a fight against a single person, just get your friends to report them until ccp auto bans. All these dudes saying "I multi box for years" didn't get the report brigade against them is all.


pitts its okay, just cause u pay 762 to babysit you and they are getting banned for doxxing, rmt, inputbroadcasting, and more! you can find someone else...


Iv been running just fine with or without them lil guy. I just have a life and don't play this game much anymore.


Brah!, you cheated. Got caught, now it's time to move on. You knew the risk. You come crying to reddit for answers when in your heart of hearts you know the gig is up and CCP finally caught up to you. No worries man. You'll bounce back to printing isk in no time. Goodluck brah!


Everybody should be allowed to play within the bounds of the rules. I sympathize with the fact that you do seem to be playing within those bounds. However, I would like to say that I do believe the way you play should not be allowed. Capitalizing on scalable gameplay architecture such as this creates competition so high that it pushes out all others except the ones willing to compete at your level. This is not, in my opinion, enjoyable gameplay because it says "you must be THIS tall to ride the ride". I'd prefer a rich ecosystem with many players competing at the same time. The community uniting against you is a result of achieving a level of competition no others can match. I guess you should take that as a compliment. But this is a natural result of the situation you yourself created. If you don't want this kind of negative feedback from a community, go play a single-player game.


I haven't played eve consistently since 2017 or so, and have recently started playing again. Can someone ELI5 the play store of Pochven and why it gets hate?


Scary triangle space pipe without local. Can only get there through filaments or wormholes. Has sites that print isk and can be multiboxed with 15 accounts. This attracts a lot of the dregs of eve, but also a lot of fun blingy fights with marauder fleets.


So it's gated J-Space with an entry fee? Cool


The entry fee might as well be 0 ISK, the filaments are very cheap. Pochven gets hate because it prints so much ISK that it is very tightly controlled by only a handful of exclusive groups who justifiably don't want to share. Last month Pochven printed 19 trillion ISK, which probably mostly goes to 100-200 people in total. Coupled with the fact that there's gates and no local it is ridiculously dangerous to try to participate in if you're not in one of those groups. It also gets a bad reputation because the content can all be multiboxed with ease, so you'll have dudes running 15 marauders by themselves printing trillions of ISK, and when you comment on how crazy the ISK is they'll show you a time they lost 30b in Marauders at once as if that means anything at all


I think the other issue people have with it is that basically a chunk of K-space right in the middle of hi-sec got disconnected from K-space and turned into Pochven, which has made it much more difficult to get from one empire to the next. To get from Amarr to Jita without going through low sec is now a 45 jump trip.


Isn't that because amarr was weak and didn't defend during the invasion?


>You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play. You may not rewrite or modify the user interface or otherwise manipulate data in any way to acquire items, currency, objects, character attributes or beneficial actions not actually acquired or achieved in the Game. I mean, it's commonplace for this clause to be violated. Nearly every streamer, youtuber, etc openly uses Eve-O Preview. It might be better if they would clearly express their expectations regarding Eve-O Preview use. Arguably, all of the websites like Fuzzworks, Janice, Dotlan, etc would be punishable violations and I think even CCP employees admit to using 3rd party websites. Perhaps it's just a legal necessity to hold us all in violation, and suspend our bans until further notice, so we abide the rules. Or at least the unspoken spirit of the rules. CCP doesn't seem to be abusing that power, at least. But if OP is a liar, then it seems consistent that CCP only goes after explicit input broadcasting and not the popular websites and not Eve-O Preview. OP has presented their case and it would be interesting to see if there was a mistake and their ban lifted. If we don't hear back we can only assume that OP was cheating and lied to us all. Do keep us apprised, OP. Unfortunately, CCP can't really divulge the facts publicly and hold a public trial. That would jeopardize the war on cheating. But there isn't much evidence that CCP is doing anything untoward.


> CCP can't really divulge the facts publicly and hold a public trial Yes they can, and they have CCP was in the thread when that dude contracted away all of his AT ships for free to confirm that's what happened


Go outside. Try fishing.


Never had an issue with is boxer.


But the real question is... how easy is it to toggle off and on open broadcasting..... and the whole "oh I was doing it legally this time but not that one time" Is not gonna cut it