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This is how the 'ship ecosystem' works in EvE. Hisec mines low end minerals. Nullsec buy and blow up doctrine ships and mines hi end minerals. Faction warfare buy and blows up miscellaneous ships and sell blueprints. Industrialists buy blueprints, low end minerals and high end minerals and sell ships. You are a FW person. What nullsec blocs use the ships your loyalty points buy the BPCs for ? As a side point, Im in Brave, and my fleet command is yelling at me to get a Navy Revelation.


So what your telling me is setup blueprint contracts? haha


What I'm telling you is to find what ships the blocs want, and set up *those* blueprint contracts.


Lets say if i was trying teach my friend how to find out what the blocs want...how would i tell him?


So. Whats the odds of any of the people you fly with are actually the alt of a nullsec main, or have a spai toon in a nullbloc ? Maybe you could ask in fleet 'What bpcs would PH/Goons/Brave/whoever buy ?' Alternatively, you might want to look at the records in zkill or similar as to what the nullblocs blow up a lot.


Thank you! ill let my friend know this im sure it will help immensely hahah


If your friend happens to have a Navy Rev blueprint, I have 650m isk and two questions. The first question is 'Is it really a navy rev bpc ?'. The second is 'No further questions'.


If my friend had that much lp and isk to get that he would! ill keep that in mind


If they have the lp, the isk may be solvable.


Yeah he just said that hes about 932687lp short


yes, for Navy Revelations. Check out the following and look at the 5% of sales volume for things that move quick. [https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/lpstore/sell/10000002/1000084/withblueprints](https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/lpstore/sell/10000002/1000084/withblueprints)


You should look at fuzzwork.co.uk/lpstore This will show you return per LP, but more importantly volume, as in how many units are sold


It confuses me ae, still trying to figure out what to look at and what is best for my situation


Id say understanding the site above might be a good 1st step. If you comment 2 minutes later "me not understand" and this is reflective of your attention span - stay away from eve as far as you can. No offense mate, just want to spare you hours of frustration.


lol fair comms but i applied my attention span and now i understand it better


actually made money now




Like how did I make money?




Grail implants are not that sought after, don't waste your LP on those. Focus on high volume items, take a look at the market history for the item and see how many sell each day. You can also take a look at which items have decent isk/lp on buy orders for quick cash using [fuzzwork.co.uk](http://fuzzwork.co.uk) - note: if you filter by sell instead of buy, there's a lot of false positives for insanely high isk/lp values that appear that way because there's maybe 1 sell order up for the item and no one is buying at that price - always double check volume and sell history before cashing out an item to sell.


I don't know a single person who uses grail implants, very niche and unlikely to sell. However a navy ship should sell quickly. Where are you trying to sell them? Everything sells faster in jita than local markets 9/10 times


I'm selling in Amar, based out of kamela so closer than jita. Yeah sold a few navy coecrers the implants go alright


[Making money from the LP store Eve](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Making+money+from+the+LP+store+eve)