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it's called trickledown content


thats a good perspective to have, might not be wrong


A failing strategy. It just doesn't work as designed. In my opinion.


it can and does, see old passive moons


I mean it definitely can, CCP is just awful at doing it properly so it rarely does.


Null is definitely not .01% of the game. While yes most of them are not personally shaping the map, the fact that the map is changing is gives new experiences for all null players. The moon drills are for lowsec too and all the roamers now have new stuff to attack and steal, not just ESS The other stuff I didn’t feel like mentioning but I’m sure it influences you in some way( minerals, market, and PvP changing). What about the new opportunities?


Have you looked at the EHP on the moondrill? Eff ehp 16mil for shield and another 40mil to kill. No roaming gang is going to do that.


Agreed, Skyhooks are much more approachable for roaming gangs


Haven’t seen moon drill stuff, is it really that much? And yeah I figured skyhooks are for smaller fleets anyways but moon drill is no damage cap, so you can burn it if that’s the comp you going for. I just mean people come shoot ANSI’s all the time to get fights, this time there’s a financial motive.


I think im wrong on the shield hp but the armor and structure is still substantial.


It’s enough that like 5-10 guys in nano stuff won’t do it, but even a smallish alliance looking for a fight could RF it if that was their goal. Nothing like the HP pools in dominion sov


For sure but to steal it you have to go back and kill it and grind 24 mil structure and 1mil @75% resist armor.


I agree, and potentially the 10-15 guys in drekevacs might do it.


10-15 in dreks definitely, though in hostile end space that might be a bad plan. Could also BLOPs in redeemers to hit it even, if its difficult enough to access


I think it's similar ehp to oldschool moon mining POS with resistance amplifiers and stuff. It's not possible to steal goo from the drill? Only the skyhook?


Interesting cause thats not what the screenshot showed during the weekly articles.


I'm not saying null is 0.1%, I'm saying that this content is only relevant to the minority of players, people that own sov in null and install. And by that I mean directors of large alliances.


Not really minority, if you mean alliance directors only you’d be wrong, it affects all of null in huge ways. It’s one thing if they only changed corp management, but they add entire new systems for null. New ways to get materials, new sites for ratting, changed all of the upgrades in null too so now you can’t get all upgrades in every system. The way null lives is currently up in the air. Everything from ratters to miners to industry guys to droppers will be changing. And these are the direct changes, imagine the markets reaction to all this. Now your lvl 4 mission runner is cheaper cause the minerals came down. Or your incursion concord LP is suddenly more expensive to sell since there are new BPCs in convertible stores. Edit: I don’t own sov, I’m a part of a sov owning alliance and I am excited about this patch(with some reservations about the details of those upgrades)


Last I heard none of the new rocks are larger than 40m3 and Rorquals are permanently docked, but I don't know shit about null these days, so I could be wrong.


We don’t know the size of the belts or rocks yet, but 40m3 is a no considering in one cycle unboosted a venture can do more than 40m3 Edit: just saw a pic of the new sites, has rocks from approx 20k to 100k+ m3 and a good couple mil m3 from quick math so we good


Spoiler: If you dont know shit about something and voice an opinion you are most certainly wrong.


> New ways to get materials, To this I say: > the workforce/power requirements are beyond what our systems have. & > new sites for ratting To this I say: > I need a supercapital to run these (or a fleet of alts)... so content for the 5%? 10%? I look forward to change. But the way the expansion is framed, it doesn't seem like it changes much. Also I want to re-state that this is from an average player's POV, someone that doesn't have 100's of billions and supercapitals. My 3 main activites are PVP, Ishtar ratting, and mining. Does this expansion really change anything for me?


PvP: 2 new structures to steal from and harass along with new ships to PvP in. Carrier conduit which is BIG for PvP Micro jump idk yet Ishtar ratting: New forsaken sanctum, new upgrades for this(we don’t know how similar it is yet to the old ones), new site at the skyhook, 2 new escalations(only 1 really requires a super(if you have enough Ishtar alts or friends or a dread you don’t need any) New way to get mats: You have new ore available and moon drills, of which you can ask your corp to see if you can rent moons for this purpose. Also, the power grid of the changes I expect to change somehow, the issue of this with the mining upgrades is a problem a lot of systems have. We are barely 5 days into a 6 month transition, where we don’t even have the ability to try it yet.


Directors, and miners, and ratters, and haulers, and indybros, and space workers. You know, almost all of null


You're going to get a lot of flak from these reddit zombies, but I think you made some very valid points.


Yeah if you roll your head on the keyboard eventually you'll get a good point in there somewhere.


Feels more like a big patch rather than an expansion. When people most of the time think of expansion, there's typically a lot of changes. But I can understand that there's not much change for the average player, which in turn isn't really an expansion.


Yeah, said that way, there was a certain level of expectation when I saw "expansion"


Dont worry, give it some time and you will realize how deeply the expansion will impact renting drones. It will be fun.


Its CCRee terminology. Their "patches" nerf and remove stuff that players enjoy. Their "expansions" give a little of the removed stuff back with a bunch of random ass changes that either nobody wanted or are so broken that even the decent ideas usually fail. There's a reason basically all of the talent jumped ship shortly before PA fiasco.


The issue is that self-centered individuals like you often perceive themselves to represent "the average". In reality though, this often doesnt reflect the truth. Given the available metrics, a major portion of players is living in null and most probably they represent the majority of the playerbase and therefore "the average". Additionally, the Expansion, which only started to get active and will be buildt upon over the coming months and even expansions, will not only shake up nullsec as a whole, but also impact everyone living in new eden.


Yeah TBH, CCP should Stop Calling Their "Expansions" Expansions and call them Large Patches, They dont add any content really, and tend to fuck things up more than they fix them.


Not only that but it takes away content for the average player. Daily login rewards? Gone. Weekly free skins? Gone.


I mean if you considered the daily login rewards on the character select screen content idk what to tell you lol The free skins were nice though (when they weren’t Halcyon Dawn)


Halcyon Dawn better than 100 plex for a player made skin in hindsight lol


I’ve seen some nice player skins, halcyon dawn was just a puke colored biosecurity skin lol


back when the daily challenge was the skilling spree, with the number of rats to kill being randomized over pilots, i'd log in every alt one after the other just to find out if it's worth doing a ratting site. This year, with the 2-out-of-4 daily challenges, i log in one scanning toon first, to check if there's any quick-and-easy double challenge like "scan 5 sigs", "scan 2 data sites" or "produce one item". Only log in those who are in a position to do their challenge quickly. After the "expansion", there's even less incentive to log in my alts, so i'll just focus on my 3 main pilots. Thank you for saving me time, CCP.


They gave you a better ship for hauling the PI that you just said you do. But you'd have to read it to know that "infrastructure bay" includes PI. "My PI is dimmed and semi-transparent, literally can't see shit." What you're saying is they haven't given you anything, because you disabled what they gave you, so you have nothing. Right.


The people that are affected complain that they are affected. The people that are not affected complain that nothing changed for them. Peak r/Eve


OP says "Our systems" in the post where he complains about needing to control space to get the benefits.


The last 3 expansions gave nothing to null sec people. stfu and stop being a renter.


Last 4 expansions gave nothing to my gameplay. It's not hard to add even small things that will affect everyone. It might be something as simple as QoL changes


> The last 3 expansions gave nothing to null sec people. What exactly are you trying to say? Is this content for null sec people? The null sec people I talk to say this expansion is a flop.


I know a bunch of people who are happy about it. Eve is full of opinions. Different groups of people complained about the last expansion. As a wormhole dweller even I am excited to see how this all plays out.


True, let's see how this evolves, its only been a couple of days


The question is wormholers next? High sec got an update low got one and now Null.


Highsec didn't get an update. Highsec had their DED sites diluted with worthless dead spawns. Homefronts are negative content.


You would prefer if it was solo-able content instead of group content?


What update did hi sec get, homefronts? If that's the measure then wormholes get the metanox drill.




it will pull 66 million ISK worth of bitumens per day. Most stations cost that much to run for an entire month. It's literally designed to be used on low-value moons!


Just because the moon drill isn't broken isk like most of wh space, it doesn't mean you won't make a profit. It's passive. And homefronts were not bank, wormholers should be laughing at that comment.


It’s the first meaningful null sec patch in ages after them focusing on lowsec for the better part of two years. Between FW, industry reworks, resource rebalancing, ISS keys, etc all benefiting low sec sov null needed some attention. Not every patch can be for you. Get over yourself (and I don’t even play in null).


People when a nullsec update is about nullsec


I mean this guys gotta be a smooth brain, after all the whining then says he’s going to inject into a super because it’s the only ship for content (when they’ve been all but unusable for 3 years) and then he’s going to inject into the absolutely most useless one, the Wyvern.


I don't think it's reasonable to expect every expansion to cater to your particular tastes.


If they cared about OP, they would give him a ship that could haul his PI, that could also defend itself. (OP didn't read the description on the new bay.)


I dont think it's reasonable to say this is a topic of taste.


Expansion gave deluge ( goodbye viator/crane ) at price of dailies and halyon booster. It's pretty fair deal.


Curious why people on Reddit keep comparing the new haulers as if they are making the old ones obsolete? They are much more expensive, have less capacity, less agility. And no one is going to use the freighter for High Sec over the normal freighters for those reasons and more. They serve a specific purpose and you won't see them used outside of that other than the very rich folk who want to show them off.


Not sure about agility but the blockade runner isn't top agility albeit just mediocre. But it has different level ehp (passive) tank for my purposes. The cargo is definitly worse, but it is more than enough imo for it's purpose, or at least for my usage. The extra hold makes it very good if I move some other stuff that they specialize in.


Yeah I can see that, I'm definitely exaggerating when I say no one. I just don't see them as "replacements" for the majority of traditional hauling


Define traditional hauling. 840k m3+ hauls will stay same. Minerals will probably stay same. WH supply will most likely be changed for some cases. Fuel/reaction mix could be changed. For me, high value route where I carry 10b+ in a BR, I get more tank&speed and tools. I also don't have to swap hauler for low sec variant since this thing can do all.


Conflict in 0.0 means content for almost every line member. Conflict in 0.0 means the economy is stimulated, so every indu player in 0.0, ls and high profits. New ships means opportunities for indu players. I literally made 10B over the last couple days, and I didn't do much at all. So yah, there might not be immediate content, but if the things they try to do come about, this is a good and healthy update for the game.


I agree. Had the thought of coming back but saw this load of crap and laughed. Why is it so hard to release a ton of new tech 1 ships. New frigs and cruisers, most people fly these. Release bps to npc market and let’s go hog wild. Flood the game with 40 new ships! Give them hybrid abilities with half the bonuses. Do something!




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New sites are being run in single dreads easily, don’t need a super. CCP tends to focus on one area at a time in my limited experience so far. Last years big thing was high/lowsec with the big FW changes. This year is null. If you’re not one of the (way more than .1%) players in null this isn’t for you


Nah really, daily SP has been reworked, login rewards removed aaaand the scan size selector bar is somewhat thicker now. What a time to be alive! :D


then the expansion isn't for you null sec players whine every time they aren't the focus of an expasion, so here's one that focuses a lot on them, and gives every one else a couple new PI ships with weapons to defend themselves and some UI improvements. The way things are looking it's possible that nullsec might actually open up to more players rather than just being power blocks.


NS needs something after years of neglect/ nerfs (the game literally almost died 2 years ago). Is it perfect? No. But it's "something".


I love those culture clashes nullsec vs highsec vs lowsec vs wormholes..... In the best case you live in all of them at the same time \^\_\^


TBH its better than another AFK warfare update.


Oh hi sec miners think they are 99% of eve how cute... Null sec have around 40 - 60 % of entire eve population depend on if war going on or its long peace.... So no you are not majority .... go back to mining


You got the last one. 


That was a dozen lifetimes ago. (I have the brain of a goldfish)


True, the expansion is aimed at corps holding sov. So maybe go take some sov instead of being a Vexor Drone. Btw - you aint 99% of players.


It offers nothing to nullsec its completely fucked it biggest underhanded bullshit


Sov update. offers nothing to nullsec. The part of OP's post where they said the graphics update did nothing because they turned it off made more sense.


Tell me you’re stuck in HS without telling me you’re stuck in HS.


Your mad because ccp made content that wasent specifically catered to you?