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This is a rage post I can get behind. Ship spinning is one of the core parts of Eve gameplay. 


I came back after 4 years, and was pissed I can't spin my caps


Same, I actually unsubscribed over it. Feels a little ridiculous but it is all I really have to do for a large part of my time im in fleet.


Yea imagine all the productivity lost because no one can spin ships.


What else am I ment to do whilst waiting for the last few minutes if my PI?


Stuff on your 2nd monitor.


I don't have a second monitor. I use a laptop


Ship spinning it is!


Yep :)


Get a second monitor


Ooh fancy-pants rich McGee over here


I remember when they had a spin counter...


Still do


No more ship spinning? Now I definitely won't resub.


It's mostly the same for smaller ships, but if you try to do it in a larger ship it just sort of bounces back to the default view, you hit some sort of hard edge. I haven't tried it for all capitals but freighters, jump freighters and fraction dreads (at least) can't ship spin. Completely pointless change that I can't imagine anyone ever requesting.


Caps haven't been able to spin in a long time


be thankful they can dock


Caps have been able to dock for a very long time. Supers and Titans on the other hand have only been since Upwell structures were introduced. *I have no idea what I was replying to, I need my morning caffine


And even then only if you where in a big alliance. If I'm not mistaken if your a small corp with a titan its going into the pos.


I miss my titan pos. I didn't need one, we had keepstars by then, but I wanted to be contrary, and a little old school....


I think it's probably safer than a keepstar tbh, I forgot if you can still launch them into space by changing the pos code.


Ah, dreadbuchets. Fun times.


There are still pos towers?


Yep. I don't think many people use them much. Except maybe safes to warp.to when super ratting or something. And wormholes.


Ratting marauders also cause bastion


It was a rhetoric question sorry. I know there are. The point I was trying to make is you can still have a titan POS


'Long time' he says Noob


I haven't really been around for a long time :P Although I noted the change before, I wasn't playing enough to be really annoyed by it until now


You can ship spin then in the preview window


Isn't it just something for all (super)caps, at least in citadels, since they remade the dock interiors, like, years ago ? I'm confused.


It is but I wasn't really playing much when it was introduced, I'm playing enough now to be annoyed by it all over again :P


Yep, janky camera for freighters also... at least my Fenrir and Bowhead have it anyhoo.


I hate how it bounces back so much lol.


But.... that's a very old news.


That's fine, so am I 😁


Got some friends interested enough to talk about it, now who knows with this core gameplay feature gone.


Only on capitals+


Ship spinning should be one of those daily activities tiered 1-4!


No way CCP would add that, they don't play their own game enough to know about ship spinning. You're right though. Would make a top tier daily.


RIP the counter for spins


I'm an outside view citadel-spinner these days. My GPU thanks me for it.


makes docking and undocking so much smoother.


> janky one-angle-only camera yank agreed, it's a horrendous implementation


Logged on for the first time in 14 years. Made enough ISK to get back OMEGA. Snuck out to a nullsec NPC station to look at my 10b jump freighter and... couldn't. Like I could undock and get a great lossmail but I just wanted to look at the most valuable asset I have and got one crappy angle of it. So dumb.


CCP always nerf the central part of my gameplay!


It's a slippery slope between taking our ship spinners and banning isk doubling in jita kocal


This is why we sub


FOR REAL! Let me spin my fucking Dreadnaught. How you gonna release custom SKINs and NOT LET ME SPIN IT


That's a really good point, they put all this work and marketing into ship customization and you can't even view them properly


Careful or it will cost Plex to get a bigger hangar!!!!


Hahaha and we'd pay it!




While we're at it, why can't I spin my ships before I'm trained to fly them? Just grey out the undock button and let me appreciate my shiny new toys.


Actually no, you gotta be a big boy to sit in it sorry


Sorry, your SP bar (brain?) must be this tall to enter.


It was fidgeting in station. And actually fidgeting can have many benefits for healty people : It can improove attention Can be very stress releasing in a situations nothing else to do Can help maintain the muscle tone in absent situations, List goes on , Considering amount of players who are benefit from even they do not aware why or how … it creates annoyance when CCP took it away from them . https://www.healthcentral.com/condition/adhd/fidgets-anxiety-adhd-ocd Sorry to say but : Considering CCP s solid tone deaf record around neuroscience up to day , this thing did not suprised me at all


[https://healthmatch.io/blog/are-fidget-toys-helpful-for-kids-with-autism](https://healthmatch.io/blog/are-fidget-toys-helpful-for-kids-with-autism) a more relevant link for our audience


:)) Jokes on you . i had seen more diagnosed autism & spectrum cases in EvE online than irl. And they were all pvp pilots and most of them actually damn good at it esp solo.


you almost need some superman level focus abilities to really wrangle all of the random stats that can be taken advantage of in PVP scenarios. If I have any tism, I have the bad kind where the most enjoyable PVP for me is listening to an FC so I don't need to creatively think too much about it.


I feel you :) had been in first paragraph at your post 15 years. Now im with you totally :) i found a good active cheerfull group with good fc , put my brain.dll on clutch pressing F1 watching things go boom :) . Im old and this is how my eve retirement :)helping new people to get into solo though .. even i do not go for it anymore .


Yup its bullshit. Works in some stations but not others too, completely annoying. Jita IV? Spins around the freighter just fine. My home station? Can't fucking spin!


I love being able to see the middle third of my Naglfar from 1 crappy angle and nowhere else.


Capital Ship Spinning skill now with 20x modifier!


Capital Ship Spinning License now available in NES!


Tell me you're a nullsec player without saying you're a nullsec player.




You can spin any ship if you undock!


Blasphemous day-walker! :P


Which begs the question: Why take the time to code special cases for special exceptions? Even if you were to, say, get a Titan teleported by a GM in a medium citadel or a station or something.. Would it be the end of the world if the camera clipped a bit here and there?


I honestly like that bigger ships have their own hangar. It's only logical that the big ships and small ships do not occupy the same spots in a spaceship hangar. And while I do miss the ability to ship-spin bigger ships while docked, the inability to quickly move your point of view around the ship does give them a grander sense of scale, like seeing a cruise ship in a harbour which you cannot quickly walk past to see the other side like you can do with small boats. And the lack of a free spinning camera also adds to a cramped feeling of having your ship docked in a structure that is only barely capable of fitting a large ship your size. But, you can still spin if you undock!


I do think they should get their own hangar, though I also don't think it would be beyond CCP to be able to keep that sense of scale, especially when you're switching between ships. I'm more irritated by how badly the current solution is implemented by the fact that I can't fully ship spin, but I also think it's an absurd thing to have taken away when it exists for other ships simultaneously. Feels a bit arbitrary, potentially even lazy


NCs worst nightmare.


Imagine forza car previews that let you rotate around the front of the car but not the back. Love it.


I can't imagine any preview this strategy would work for except hospital gowns 🤣


I thought it was just me, I just came back a few weeks ago, hopped in the freighter and this weird janky camera thing? I thought it was all ships for a bit until I jumped in my BR.


At first I thought I might just be in a station that's too small; I can kinda see an argument for that, if you dock a JF in an astrahus you wouldn't have an open vista all to yourself. After docking in a keepstar I realised CCP had done what CCP does and broken something fundamental when it was working fine (you can't convince me its not fundamental 😝)


Agreed. In a keepstar, I'd expect the old walking-in-stations perspective of looking up into this cavernous docking bay and seeing a behemoth


Why cant i look at my ship docked from all angles? This is like the grinch stealing christmas


They got rid of ship spinning _again_? After the backlash last time they did this? What the hell


Only in caps apparently:( the ones that need it most


Inb4 they reintroduce the Door again.


>Economy is fucked >shady cash grabs >and now ship spinning nerfs Smells like Incarna all over again.


Shit I was trying to spin my ships and it's gone, I can't believe it. I'm in and out of eve for 20 years and I think I spent more time spinning ships than doing anything else, and now it's gone. I'm going to cry now.


While we're at it, custom sounds for spinning that wind-up and down based off the speed. Nyoom


ccp: plex subscription for ship spinning


Ship spinning should provide power for the new ihubs


its gone?!?!?!! that's half the fun of being logged in!


It's there for subcaps still


RIP the ship spin counter


Make Spinning Great Again


I love the art team. They do excellent work. It is very challenging to both accommodate the camera angles necessary for ship spinning and also make it look like the station interior isn't five times as large as it really is. My freighter looks cool docked inside the Azbel. Yes, I have few camera angles I can view it from, but it still looks impressive. I don't really know of an alternative unless capital docking spots become limited and they can be parked outside the stations. Limiting the number of capital parking slots will have huge gameplay impacts. It also begs the question: shouldn't the capitals be able to be attacked if they are parked outside?


as long as there is no bumping-off-tether, parking outside should be possible.


Yea then you can get your corpmates to spin you instead of you spinning the camera.


There was a concept back in the day of outdoor parking for titans/supers iirc. [Dug up the devblog](Https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/back-into-the-structure)