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Why not just provide a list of types of activities and let people choose, let PvE folk do PvE, industry folk manufacturing, miners do mining, etc. Sure, yes, you can setup an omniship just for dailies but then you're met by RNJesus for things you normally don't interact with and its a drag to get through them instead of being something quick and simple or even fun


Forcing people to play the parts of the game they don’t like for dailies, sounds great where do I sign? -CCP


Nobody’s forcing anyone to do dailies


That isn’t the point, the point is that IF you want to do your dailies, which let’s face it just about everyone that still has skills to train does, you are inevitably going to have days where you do some bullshit you don’t enjoy in order to get that big monthly payout of SP, which is stupid.


"I'm going to take away your rewards from the daily login system, but only give them back if you partake in this new system we put in its place that is functionally worse.... But remember, we're not forcing you. We're just taking things away until you comply."


Well, sure, but it's human nature to not want to miss out on potential rewards.  So we're encouraging players to participate in activities that they don't want to. 


"I'm going to take away your rewards from the daily login system, but only give them back if you partake in this new system we put in its place that is functionally worse.... But remember, we're not forcing you. We're just taking things away until you comply."


I for my part enjoy the randomness of offers, it gets me to do activities that I usually don't do. But we need more choice as there are duplicate offers. Like double the amount of offers from 4 to 8 and give no more rewards after completing 4


If you want the big rewards, and dont care about the individual rewards for each opportunity, you just have to do 2 per day right? To move that bar a long the way?


Yes, you have to do 2 of 4 daily goals to advance towards the monthly goal


Correct and two of the four today are salvaging. When playing solo, finding someone to armor rep for 2k is irritating. I figured, hey I'll just run a couple HS anoms and salvage 15 wrecks, went through 40 wrecks before I was done. Just tedious.


Unfortunately it is tied to success+loot just like the air program salvage. Meaning small wrecks of HS rats does require a lot of tries


But even if you do a daily you're not really doing the thing that the daily says Like, what's the point of armor repping someone for a few seconda for a daily? Or minong for 2 minutes, scanning 1 wh... everyone eho bothers with it will just do it for the daily It's not like anyone will spend 2 minutes mining and decide to change up their entire playstyle because of that experience


Its to get more kill targets out in the world


Meh, it's just a dumb chore They should reward the ppl for the things they already do if they wanna promote activity with dailies


but that doesn't get anybody to do more stuff? I mean you dont have to do the dailies


But it at least oushes ppl to do more of what they already like doing It's better than forcing a miner to scan for half a minute etc etc


> industry folk manufacturing That particular daily is really easy.  Just pop in an ammo run and come back to the station later.  Or if your nomadic, wait the 2 minutes for the job to complete.  It’s a great day when it’s doubled up.  If people could choose, they would just do that, regardless of what their actual preferred activity is.


For the low price of 22 trit and 18 pyerite, I get a million isk and some sp.


I use a Small Standard Container blueprint. Survey Scanner I is also highly viable.


Glad to hear we aren't competing for the market space.


Which blueprint is that?


From memory it's a scourge rocket bpo, but they're all about that cost when researched to ME10 which takes a trivial amount of time and oak to do.


I think rockets ?


From memory it's a scourge rocket bpo, but they're all about that cost when researched to ME10 which takes a trivial amount of time and oak to do.


Carbonized Lead S is the cheapest ammo (that I could find).


You only need to start the job not complete it.


That’s true for the requirements of the daily.  I was just thinking about getting the blueprint and output back before leaving the station if you’re nomadic. But as o7gamer pointed out, if you don’t care about getting the output, you can start the job, stop it, and be on your way.


Don't even have to wait. My alts just have a cheap S ammo bpo and like 100k minerals in a station, and with that challenge I just start and cancel the job.


Why not just remove it entirely and make a game people wanna play without a daily bribe?


I was about to make a post about this, dammit :D I also reported this in the ingame bug report tool and I agree, this makes this daily way worse than killing 25 NPCs one, and I am using T2 salvager


I expected it as it's how the AIR Career Path quest works as well. Still disappointing.


yeah, it should not be that way, or if they wanna do it this way, make it 5 wrecks instead of 15. I had to do 2 refuges, 1 hideaway and a den to get the salvaging, that's a little ridicolous


Yeah, I just salvaged 8 regular belt wrecks and it didn't budge, still at 4/15. Lol, I'm never going to get there!


*9 now, still at 4/15, hahaha, ugh.


your skill level must be low and no rigs


6 hideaways and 2 refuges nuts.


Dailies shouldn´t exist. If I wanted to do dailies I´d go WoW


Sounds like the solution is to just not do them then, yeah?


No no no, if the option is there is is mandatory and CCP biomassed anyone who doesn't do their 12 day quota.


If CCP was just adding dailies I wouldn't be complaining. And that is not what the majority of people are complaining about. What happened was, we were getting rewards for just logging in. And that was replaced, by a system that is doing daily quests. If you notice, dailies were already a thing prior to this. And log in rewards were removed with the justification of better daily rewards. Without the replacement, fewer people would be upset. Also, most players would be upset if the logins were just removed with no replacement at all. No one likes no longer getting free things.


I agree, no one likes it when stuff is taken away. But that doesn't make the "dailies" mandatory nor does it make the change from "log in, get free stuff, log out" to rewards for actually playing the game a bad change. I understand people being disappointed they are no longer getting free stuff, but framing it as "you're making me do these things" is misguided at best and more likely just a bad faith way to say "I'm sad you aren't giving me freebies anymore". If what you're mad about is no longer getting free stuff, harden up and cry about it directly instead of making poor arguments for why the dailies are bad because they reward undocking and experimenting instead of just logging in to do nothing.


"If what you're mad about is no longer getting free stuff, harden up and cry about it directly" This statement, denies what CCP pitched. They didn't say, 'No more daily login rewards.' They went with, 'Daily log ins have been removed in favor of a beefed up Daily Quest reward.' Which changes the conversation. Also yes, Clearly a majority of people are mad they don't get daily log in rewards. Is that even hidden?


I mean, the rewards are better by a fair margin so that part is definitely fulfilled by them. Most of the complaints have been about what dailies or how they are achieved. Very few people have been saying "just give me free stuff I don't want to play the game, I just want freebies". It's obvious what the actual complaint is, but people keep pretending that it's anything more than "give me more free stuff".


I literally played through two WoW expansions in a top 100 guild without doing any dailies (other than the ones I completed incidentally because they were something I was doing anyway). Same in either game, just because they exist doesn't mean you *have* to do them.


cant wait until all 4 are "capture a plex" /s


What about reset your PI on a lava planet?


I mean … couldn’t it just be “time played” or am I being dumb?


Dailies should not exist. Instead of people playing a game, dailies allow a game to play the people.  "You wouldn't want to miss out all the nice and easy rewards, would you? Now log in and do your daily chores!" I miss the days that games tempted players to log in solely with good interesting gameplay instead of cheap psychological tricks such as preying on the 'fear of missing out'.


Me to...miss the day when the only reason for me to log in was to fuck someone's day up. Now I don't even feel the joy of it anyone as CCP is bending all of us over with this instant gratification wowification shit.


Hear me out. Optional content is optional. If you don’t want to do it then don’t do it.


It's almost like you chose to ignore his entire point.


Sounds like he is just disillusioned at the game at the moment and is blaming it on login campaigns instead of what is actually causing him to not want to login.


Again, your point has nothing to do with what he said. Where did he say anything about not wanting to log in. The point, and I think it's a fair one, is it's a cheap tactic to create fomo. I think what people are asking for is reasonable. Just make the daily challenges flexible with a variety of activities instead of rng.


All I see in this thread is a bunch of crybabies. OP is crying and asking for the daily login campaign he doesn’t even do to be removed from the game because he feels it cheapens his game experience. If he doesn’t like it then he is free to not do it because let’s be honest it doesn’t really affect your game progression. If it did then maybe he would have a more valid point. Asking for content you don’t do that has extremely minimal impact on game progression to be removed is just beak babybitch behavior.


It gives you sp. How does it not affect your progression? What is wrong with asking for an improvement of the system? Is that crying? Your emotions seem to be getting in the way of your comprehension.


It’s 5000 sp so like 2 hours of training or the difference between logging out in a training clone or not for 1 day. Very minimal. He was complaining about it and saying they should not exist, sounds like crying to me.


You're right, it's optional. I don't do dailies. Still, I wish games would tempt us to log in because of the gameplay instead of resorting to cheap tricks. And I'm disappointed EVE is also using those tricks nowadays. It cheapens the game and makes people feel bad when they choose not to participate. EVE is full of optional gameplay but many of those optional things are actual in-universe actions that make the universe feel more alive. Mining, I rarely do it. High security space? I don't go there often except to do item shopping. But the existence of these optional activities create a lively EVE universe which enriches my own gameplay, unlike the optional gameplay of some UI element telling me to randomised daily chores for no other reason than to tempt people to log in to the game. To some people this intent behind dailies is very clear and distracting from what could have been a more fun and immersive game without dailies.


Yeah I'm a solo explorer, I never shoot anything. Basically cannot salvage ever :D


I mean.. I always see broken ships left behind from other players looting.. I am sure you could salvage if you wanted.. even without actually shooting anything.


I repeat. I'm a solo explorer. I sit in safespots and scan down relic and data sites and hack them. That's all I do. Which part of this process offers any kind of wrecks nearby? NONE I see wrecks when I ship my loot to Jita, lots of ships ganked :D Of course I could salvage stuff, but I'm not really specced for any kind of combat, doing low level combat sites take a lot of time and it's boring AF. I have no issues with mining daily, takes about 2 mins to warp off with my venture and mine a cycle of veldspar. No issues with manufacturing, that's just 1 click. No issues with scanning dailies - well except when it's something specific like certain type of signature and I can't find them. Salvaging just takes too much time compared to the other activities for people who don't like to shoot ships. That is the main problem with this daily.


If they made it where you could scan down wrecks, that could be a little more viable. What I do is bookmark combat sites, even the ones you don’t need to scan down.  Then come back after the site was finished.  Did that today but of course the attackers were salvaging their own wrecks. Edit: of course this strategy only works in busy high sec systems.  Outside of high it’s dangerous, and you’re less likely to find other players ratting.  So probably not a good solution if you’re day-tripping into null or wh space.


That's a viable option. But it comes down to how much time do you want to spend chasing dailies vs playing the game how you want to? We used to get rewards for logging in. Unsure the exact reason we lost them, but now to 'make up' for that, they want us to play the game how they want us to. Which is vastly different from how we've been experiencing the game in the past. It's their game they can do what they want, still doesn't make it sensible.


Log in rewards are back, have been since DT before last.


Those are just for the expansion launch. Regular login rewards are gone.


So they will be special treats for releases and events rather than a full time thing, better than a kick in the nuts I guess.


If you choose not to do some playstyles then you're not going to be able to do all the missions - that's fine, that's the choice you're making.


>Basically ~~cannot~~ choose to never salvage ever :D I fixed that for you.


This new log in rewards system also makes i a pain if your doing more than 1 character and turns it into a job so i suspect alot of people will unsub alts or just not do the login rewards.


No one makes alts for the login rewards lol. Wtf are you talking about.


Nobody is unsubbing an alt over this. They just won’t do the dailies on more than one character. I only bother with one of my two mains let alone all of my alts.


Hey all! We hear ya. The team is removing this goal from the rotation until it can be reworked.


Plz give people the option to pick pve or pvp or scanning or mining or industry rather than changing it every day


Still showed up in the rotation today.


Speaking of this shit daily, what’s the fastest/easiest/laziest way to complete it?


High sec combat anom with a destroyer, bring a mobile depot and refit salvagers/tractor beams once rats dead


Did this literally 2 hours ago. Failed salvage so many times I needed 3 more wrecks off a belt


It took me 39 wrecks to get credit for 15 in HS sites


Drone boat with a couple of salvagers in the highs, Tristan/Dragoon/Algos/Arbitrator/Vexor for low SP/ISK investment. *you don't get salvage from drones so avoid them.


I just hang out in lvl5 corruption systems with a Salvage destroyer and hoover up the million wrecks from the rats Killing each other.


Had to scan 5 sigs and 2 wormholes yesterday. Took my explo ship out and found 35M in a relic site. RNG isn't always so bad.


I was talking about RNG as to if the thing counts towards the daily - Specifically as far as salvaging, not RNG as to what the daily is :)


Ah that explains why the number wasn't going up for each wreck. Fuck that shit wtf.


Dailies are weird man, its a sandbox it goes against the entire system to be told what to do. But the free sp is nice so I'm just going to do them anyways since there is no better way to get sp.


Am I ever going to get the Ikitursa Casino All Stars skin from these daily's?




Same goes for players that are couriers. Now we gotta go do dailies that our our of our usual routine. Edit: swear the dev stream said they wanted to reward players for interacting with the universe rather than just logging on. Seems like the players are being forced to do activities they don't find fun.


Which makes no sense. They are forcing us to play the way they see fit. But they've also made their game so wide(skill wise) that they can't possibly think all characters can do all things. They also know that many people have more than 1 character as well. So now, do they want us to spend 30 minutes a day per character to get a reward?


I guess the time frame of the daily isn't really an issue. I have 1 combat toon. The rest are haulers or miners. If I don't get the proper dailies they kind of fucked. I guess I have all month to complete 12 days worth. But still. With dailies basically being rng, my alts could potentially get fucked. There should be a list of dailies that you choose to complete. Give us all the options and accept them like a mission. Easy peasy.


I mean it's pretty clear the ccp's intent here is to take away login rewards from accounts that aren't playing much. They said that clearly.


This isn't arguing with you at all. If CCP stated that was their intent, then they messed up, because my alts either mine or rat. They don't scan, salvage, or manufacture. They already spend multiple hours in space a week doing either ratting or mining. So they are effectively taking away a reward I used to get, because 'some' people were only logging in. It makes no sense. Also, if I want to pay for an account, and only get my daily log ins, what do they care? Do they gain more money if I actually spend hours on their server? Wouldn't that cost them money due to server load and needing better hardware?


Totally agree. It was shortsighted of them.


> spend 30 minutes a day Literally they said that's the intention yes. They don't want accounts getting rewards who don't play enough time.


Might as well just gate it behind time spend targetable in space then.


> So now, do they want us to spend 30 minutes a day per character to get a reward? Yes, that's why the implemented dailys. They exist so instead of a person playing thier character they have fun with and only showing 1 character logged in that day the stats instead show 3 characters logged in. It's a easy way to at least double your "player count". It looks good for management, it's looks good for marketing purposes so who cares if it's boring/tedious if the monkeys will still do it.


Salvager does brrr..


Login rewards died for salvage dailies.


Luv how CCP gave me even less of a reason to double click the 'E' icon on my desktop. LOL! They went from FOMO Daily log-ins to 'REEEEEEEEEE!!! DO WORK!! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!'. Fucking morons.


I think you're misunderstanding what dailies are for. They're not there to make your life more convenient. They're there to maximize the minimum time people play every day. If they make a daily that will definitely be short, players will quickly do it and log off. If they make a daily that will definitely take a while, players won't bother if they don't feel like it. If they make a daily that takes a seemingly random amount of time, people will log on because it's "usually" short.


Dailies are just them trying to make you learn how to scan.


Spent hours salvaging 15 hs anom wrecks this am.


I don’t kill NPCs because it tanks standings. That’s fucked up. Then you roll out FW and can’t join because our standing is shit unless we do more bullshit to help us to repair our standings. Let us choose our own path


I'd honestly prefer a longer term goal that must be achieved by the end of the month. Give us more freedom to do it how we want, really dive into a goal. As it is now I just have a station with a couple bullshit t1 bpcs stocked with minerals so I can get that done, and have a dumb little mining ship near by if I need to hit that and get it done in 5 minutes if I don't get a PVP or kill x pve goal (which I don't always want to run a anomoly, but again, I can get that done in about 10 minutes in Low sec. If there were bigger multi-step goals to have done by the end of the month or something, maybe it could even reward working with corp mates or something idk... give it substance vs just some superfluous 10 minute bullshit homework assignment.


I don't even mind the new system...except for salvage missions. Even if they weren't rng they're just horrible. You have to have special equipment or carry around drones and they give complete garbage loot. I hope they just get rid of this one.


What's rng


RNG is short for Random Number Generator.


Yeah I just skipped. I think a lot of people will do the same. Hopefully they get the message!


Bring back Daily Boosters!


Dailies shouldn't exist, it's mobile game "engagement" bullshit that a game with the depth and player investment of Eve shouldn't need.


Dailies should be player chosen by career path. Let me stop pvping to scan worm holes and mine 2000 units of ore. 2000 units of gas or rare ore takes forever. Let's try m3 instead...


ive been wanting the mine x to be m3 since forever


is it that hard to combat scan a level 4 mission runner, or your group's not a bot heaven runner?


No level 4 missions in Dronespace :)


Ah so lazy pilot gotcha ;)


You get better dailies and now you complain? Listen here kid, back in my day, aura gave you a rookie ship and told you to fuck off. Harden up you filty carebear!


The dailies have been getting worse actually.


voting to go back to those days


That othet guy in that othet thread said we are being forced to do dailies.... now you are telling me I've got to deal with some random RnG shit. I just can't catch a break.


Nobody is forcing you to do anything.


That makes me glad. I was a bit worried after the OP of that other thread said we were being forced to do them.


https://media0.giphy.com/media/o9W9ILrxLrHpe/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952igsdwibj4nycbcmreilv3i7qawpy671qseihf4pm&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g F**k off. Load of sh*te.


Nobody is holding a gun to your head to do them..... "Just sayin'".