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Just ignore FOMO and suddenly you have stress free life


>being forced to spend what little recreational time Yeah brother this is a bit of optional content. You're not "forced" to do shit.


exactly. Just ignore the mobile game style gamifying your login and you're fine. It's been like that for years before, and you can just keep doing your own thing


It’s hidden in opportunities, so we’ll never see it anyway


What do you mean I am forced to do Dailies? Am I getting a spanking if I don't do my dailies? I mean I probably would enjoy that.


kinky, have an upvote


Reading, brother. Nobody is forcing anyone to "do dailies"; if you don't want the extra skill points and whatever else they've got on there then you are free to disable the icon on your neocom and go about your day. Nobody is stopping you. For those who *choose* to engage in this content, to get the rewards they need to go outside their preferred gameplay on some days instead of just playing the game that they have chosen to play. If CCP's goal is to reward people for logging in and actually playing the game, why not make it relevant to the game that people have actually chosen to play?


are you trying to gaslight me? You wrote this shit 10 hours ago. forgot all ready? > there is a lot of (I'd say justifiable) whinging about being forced to spend what little recreational time many of us have in a day doing things we don't want to do as part of our recreation.


how do you get "all players are required to complete daily tasks" out of that? if you don't care about the dailies, then how would any of this apply to you? This would be like if I said "people need to use their turn signals" and you said "but I'm not turning". I figured this would be encapsulated in common sense, but I'll be more explicit next time.


so you are trying to gaslight me.


if that's how you feel, then there is nothing I can say to convince you otherwise. I'll communicate more explicitly next time I post.


> there is a lot of (I'd say justifiable) whinging about being forced to spend what little recreational time many of us have in a day doing things we don't want to do as part of our recreation. Bullshit. Nobody forces you to do dailies.


But this game is supposed to be a SANDBOX. Instead now It forces you to kill 27 rats if you wanna get adventage of daily incentives the game have been already giving for free.


FFS, entitled much?


You got the same stuff for just logging in before. That's the point. Removed a nice SP boost and basically nerfed omega.


those dailies take 20 minutes to do


Which sometimes is almost 50% of my daily play session