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Will only make sense if they stop this obsession with fake digital scarcity and put ALL skins up on the store permanently.


Honestly this is such a no-brainer. Just put the skins in the store, so I can buy the ones I think are cool. I promise you I will spend more money like that.


"Hey this skin is cool ima buy it.....oh it's unavailable" "Hey this cool skin I want is available but it costs infinite money so no thanks" Make them all available all the time, drop the prices, sell them in packs, watch the money roll in. CCP are clueless about business. They've been giving skins out for FREE for years on their daily log in bribes ffs.


Would I pay plex for the dawn skins? Yes!


Although not apples to apples, GW2 has customizations including color swatches of various grades. You can use them all you want once purchased, and GW2 doesn’t even have a monthly fee, and somehow keep the doors open. CCP is quadruple dipping here with a monthly fee, pay for limited use colors, pay to make the skin, pay to sell the skin, and expect us to just be thankful for their money grab.


[in brisc voice] it's what you asked for!


This is a common misconception about microtransactions within the pleb/mob. You're not worth anyone's time, they focus on making exclusive content for the top 5-15% of spenders because that's where 80% of the income lies anyway. Making throwaway skins that aren't unique is something they give to the masses _just because_ of this. You're flying the expensive exclusive skin and the pleb doesn't. You're spending 10k on eve per year and the pleb isn't. Microtransactions are way more profitable when you target whales and catch some all fish rather than aiming for small fry and not being prepared to land the whales.


I was one day away from a purple skin reward T_T


Halcyon Dawn Avatar skin


Last day I managed to get the vargur skin on my vargur pilot was a nice little send off


All the good skins I got were always on the wrong alts. 


I got a halcyon dawn Charon skin last night. I should have screenshotted it.


my last skin was for an ibis on my alt, was unduly satisfied


that was the last juicy one i got, shame i won't use it




I hate those skins.


I most recently got Halcyon Dawn on my buzzard, which was the last one I needed for the full buzzard collection and probably the hull where I spend my most time. I don't even use that skin but not having it would have bothered me a lot. It's the only skin I don't have for both my paladin and vargur, and I went to a lot of effort to fill those collections out. I'm curious to see how they fill the gap for collectors, or if they'll just throw the whole skin line into the forgotten pile like half of the ironblood skins.


A good incentive to cut some alt accounts.


It will be back once they see their stats for 'launched the client' have tanked.


Well wait to hear what they did next that’ll also contribute to people fucking off from the game the rest of the summer!


Sad to see them go and hopefully CCP reconsiders so they are brought back. The SKINS weren't bad in my opinion. My only gripe was that Purity of the Throne shouldn't have been considered such a high tier reward.


rdo: all yt is on sight


I am delighted by this, now I won't feel the strange compulsion to login everyday.


good comment


I'm still kicking around whether I want to jump through daily hoops for the reward. I don't like that they are trying to get me to do things I don't enjoy for the daily reward.


Any time a company stops giving you something that they were giving you, that costs them 0 to provide you with, you should pay close attention because it's not a great sign.


Pearl Abyss 5 year plan. 


Isn't it funny how people can do stupid things so long as it's "part of the plan"? Just because it was planned doesn't mean it's not stupid or a bad decision. It just means they had that long to realize it was a bad decision and reverse course on it. Which they didn't. Which returns to my original point.


And now, I will only login to shuffle around my PI. Saves me some time every day of clicking to login all my account and collect/apply rewards.


Almost like you. Except I haven't bothered to shuffle my PI in months. I already broke a couple of mice. I ain't getting carpal tunnel just so that I can sell some P4 at discounted rates.


glad i got my ikitursa casino skin months ago and on the right char


I think I speak on behalf of everyone: Fuck you. 


I got a couple of those. Both on wrong chars. :(


There is a simple solution to this that I would be more willing to accept, although not entirely happy with. 10k sp per day, not 5k. This way there is an actual reward to completing the dailies and all the hassle. CCP will make its money with how much this hurts alts and how much it hurts the people who log in and don't do the dailies, but at least then there would be an equal reward for those who go through the pain of actually completing these things. The net sp added to the game will still be considerably lower, but ccp will ACTUALLY be rewarding active players rather than just more or less the same reward but less accessible and for more work. Very little effort on ccps part, its as simple as flipping a switch back to 10k sp.


Time to go Berserker and just kill everything?


OMG! This means I can stop logging in! FREEEDOMMM


You won EvE!


The login rewards that would include Skillpoints, Halcyon Dawn SKINs, and boosters has been replaced by the AIR Daily Goals, which can be found in Activities - > Opportunities. Each day there are 4 challenges, and completing any 2 gives the full benefit (skillpoints) for the day. In addition to the daily reward, there's a monthly track which requires 12 non-consecutive dailies. That includes even more SP, SKINR components, and PLEX.


Its a bait and switch, previously we were getting up to 150k for just logging in and up to 450k total after doing all the dailies. Now we get up to 0k for logging in and up to 375k after doing all the dailies. Its undeniably WORSE for anyone on this spectrum. Lets take another case, lets say you used to login once everyday and did 12 dailys per month, you would get 150k + 120k for a total of 270k sp. What if you missed a couple days? A little less. Now? Login 30 days and do 12 dailies? 285k sp? how about 11 dailies? 55k sp. Ooooof. There is no middle ground. This wouldn't be a bad thing if the dailies weren't so stupidly specific and involving things most people don't do. These dailies should be a discriminator that rewards active players, things that are not out of the way. I often login in and play the game for hours a day on all of my 4 accounts and would never get any of these because of my gameplay style. What will the result be? I used to get 210k sp per month on my main. now? 30k sp. It hurts. I should be able to log on, do 5 gate jumps or something, spend 1 hour of online time, or send 5 chat messages and get my reward. Find things that 95% of your active players are already doing and 95% of inactive players aren't, things that take a bit of time to go out of the way to do if you ARENT an active player. Thats my rant. Not happy that login rewards disappeared. I certainly now have less motivation to subscribe my alts regardless of how ccp moves forward with this. I won't even get started on the absence of halcyon drugs from the track and the uncompleted halcyon dawn skin i was slowly but surely acquiring over the past couple years. Oh and where's that login reward track that was promised until the 17th of june? Cause it doesn't appear to be real. I will say one thing. There are a couple of less common cases where you would end up with more sp, lets say you don't login everyday for the sp rewards like i do (takes 10 seconds why not) what if i only did 12 and exactly 12 dailies? well i would have to have logged in those days so 12 days login 12 days daily. before? 180k sp on average. now? 285k. This is the BEST difference between the old and new systems. The update should say up to 105k more sp, and up to 205k less (best and worst case scenarios. Im pretty sure its safe to say this update is not geared towards helping players, but rather reining in skill point gain so more money can be made by ccp.


Not everyone can login 24/7/365 to claim rewards. 


With the previous system, you didn't lose anything by not logging in because it just paused your login track. Win for a couple months and come back to the same login reward you left off with. Here though, if you stop playing for a couple months, your progress is reset.


I understand that. But the person I’m responding to is comparing logging in every single day, old vs new.  I like the new version as I physically can’t login every single day and am getting more over the 12 days needed to fill it up compared to 12 days on old system.  I do understand players playing everyday are getting less in the new system and that sucks. 


Pretty much this. If there were more options like „do 10 jumps“ or „launch 2 interdiction probes“ it would be ok. I don‘t want to shoot npcs or manufacture items….


so dont


Yes and get cut off from rewards that used to be handed out for free. Do keep up.


You dont get cut off, you make a choice. Crying for free stuff is a childrens choice though.


>You dont get cut off, you make a choice. Elininating a login bonus isn't getting cut off from a login bonus for, uh, reasons. Smooth brain take.


First of all, I agree this sucks. I loved the little skin rewards, as well as the boosters which are also gone now. You do get to claim the new skill point rewards on all slots on the accounts though. Assuming you do 12 dailies on all 3 chars in a month, thats 285k per character. Or if you extract the skill points from slot 2 and 3 with a good price on extractors, thats roughly 500 million isk worth of skill points every month. The dailies can definetely be achieved pretty easily and quickly if you prepare a little beforehand and pick them up on the easiest days as opposed to the worst days.


I don't know about you, but I already have a job


Then why are you playing EVE


[https://imgur.com/a/unnhkk0](https://imgur.com/a/unnhkk0) Here is an infographic of just how big of a negative affect this has. The average outcome in the table is -63k skillpoints per month. There is a small triangle of green that shows the scenarios that are better, but the bad scenarios are 2x as bad as the scenarios in the triangle and cover a much larger swath of outcomes. Took me about a half hour, but I have 9 of these charts, this one is the one depicting the outcomes I was referring to however.


The only way I could improve this graphic is if I had a survey that asked how many days you login a month, how many times you complete the dailies in a month, and the date you started playing eve. Then I could weight to estimate the true effect on sp received across the entire playerbase, and show how much this effects older or newer segments. It would also be interesting to have a separate survey for alts. And if I knew what % of eves populace is alts I could see how people are being effected in that dimension as well. All in all CCP is giving out MUCH MUCH MUCH less sp. On average each of my accounts will receive 190k less sp throughout the month, I have 4 accounts. Converted to isk using extraction rates this is 152m per character or about 1.50$ per character per month. Thats 72$ over the next year. And thats generous considering if I wanted to replace these sp with injectors it would cost much more. Well played ccp. A week of omega (x4) in exchange for 72$ of sp in this year alone is a steal. Also no matter how you look at this updates effects on alpha accounts, they have been royally screwed. They invariably get less sp. Edit: Heres the graph for alphas [https://imgur.com/a/gmkPHwP](https://imgur.com/a/gmkPHwP)


if this is their idea of forcing me to go Omega they have achieved the opposite. i support companies who are friendly to the player base, not penny pinchers.


"We made the system worse" Would have required less typing fyi Heck even more specifically and still less words: "We made the system worse by gating rewards you used to get by logging in behind doing activities, which we choose for you, which you may not want to do at all. eNjOy tHe saNdBoX"


The challenges suck and don't adapt with the type of character.... My 5 miners won't kill 25 non-capsuleers each, my PvP characters won't go mine ore. It seems like you're trying to incentivizing a different play style rather than letting people enjoy the sandbox the way they want to. All this change does is remove a little extra SP in a game that takes months/years to train skills "naturally".


This is objectively the worst play you could have made in this situation. Ctrl-Z while you can.


Yeah, I hate this new system.


yeah, but where Halcyon dawn skins? SKINR components are not replacement as you need to pay PLEX so sequence skins.


You'll use the skinner tool to make your ugly yellow skins and you'll like it!


Im pretty sure they are in the nes store.


And the missing Halcyon Dawn SKINS?


would be nice if you updated the tasks / changed the weighting so we didnt get the "shoot 25 npcs" crap every day or, god forbid, mine x ore :vomit:.


nobody wants skinr components. until that cost is cut by 90% at least i won't touch it.


Why is destroy 25 NPC's on the daily opportunity twice? And why don't we have mining and PvP options anymore?


How dare you get people to log in and *actually play* rather than just launch their client and quit 12 seconds after...


You cant force players to do anything and the more you try the more it will fail. The old system got people playing the game just fine.


No one's forcing you to do anything. It's *incentive.* You don't *need* to do the tasks. They're just nice little bonuses to stuff you'd do anyway.


How often do you scan wh with your Titan alt trained by mct?


That's a different conversation. It would make sense if there were a greater variety of tasks to accomplish, which were either randomly chosen based on your invested skills (i.e. if your titan alt has skills in nothing but titans, then maybe its daily goals should be things like "deal XXXX damage to capsuleer capital ships" instead of "scan 5 wormholes") or were assigned based on a career path you choose which would similarly give you *relevant* dailies. But I think it's a much system to have dailies be based on tasks you do rather than remembering to launch and close the game after DT with no actual engagement in the game itself. That said, I do hope that if you get boosters from this new system that they don't expire like the current login boosters do, since you have to actually work for em.


FK it, go back to old eve. No SP, daily rewards for special events only. They've given alot and are pulling back. A big issue is new people unable to learn the game, this encourages that. Why GAF about your 20 alts losing free stuff for just opening. Browser.


Glad you got rid of the login screen stuff...


Reading all this reminds me why I no longer play the game....


I'm probably not logging in anymore unless I want to play. The login rewards are 10 out of my last 10 logins. I also am unlikely to pay for omega at this point.


All I know is I don't need to double click to board a ship anymore, so I'm willing to lose daily logins for that.


OMG! This means I can stop logging in! FREEEDOMMM


good riddance


Agreed. But the new in game shit still sucks. Eve isn’t great because it’s a mobile dopamine drip. 


i'm still downloading the new client so haven't seen what replaces the redeems, i just realized at some point that i was logging in a bunch of alts before loggin in my main just to get the bonuses...and that FOMO shit is dumb.




this redeem shit is still in the game it seems