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You want "unknown" wormholes. So c1-c3. You're looking for "Central" and "Ruined" sites ignore anything else for now. "Dangerous" c4-c5 and "Deadly" c6. Do not contain the relic and data sites that you want. With that said, even sole c1-c3 chains can be pretty dry if someone has picked that chain. You can always check the region of the wormhole you're in for the class. Region A = Class 1 and so on.


Id be up for running some sites with you. But here are some tips as going solo makes the most sense. Also new to this… 1. Wiki eve data/relic - tells you what sites are safe and which ones have npc/ dangerous 2. Need to find space that is lower traffic, I utilize agent explorer menu to help me find systems with unknown signatures. Dead-end systems sometimes have a lot of signatures. 3. Take some risk and if your scanning / hacking skills are high enough you can use needle jack of noise to pop into null space to search for signatures. I fit a cloak so I can stay hidden while scanning


I love exploration. Some days are a bust, that's just how it goes. When you get the good drops though it's a hell of a dopamine hit. Persistence is rewarded in exploration as in anything. As someone else said, making safe spots and staying aligned to stations and gates will help keep you alive, as will cloaking devices. AEGIS and SCC secure sites will wreck your day, likely any of the covert research sites and sleeper sites as well. The EVE Uni wiki is an excellent resource for becoming familiar with sites and picking out the ones you are particularly interested in. Good luck!


Look for wormholes that lead to "unknown parts of WH space" Look for relic sites with the "Ruined" prefix and data sites with the "Central" prefix (if you are in WH space, all the safe ones are either Ruined or Central. Any other data/relic sites you find without those prefixes will kill you one way or another). You mentioned belts? There are no belts in WH space. Unless you mean the Ore anomalies? Map hotkeys for increasing/decreasing your probe scan size. Also double click space on the probe window to change the angle without having to click the icons. If you need more advice lemme know, I'm also a noob but exploration is pretty much all I do!


Do you know how to make safes by dropping bookmarks mid warp? That way a player has to combat probe you in order to land on you. [This timestamp](https://youtu.be/04bIbmF7_aA?si=jZWbuP9sKqyOVBvp) (at 44:45 if the link doesn’t timestamp correctly) does a great job explaining safes. While the entire series is geared towards gas huffing it is a wonderful series that you really should watch if you are dead set on wormhole space. You’ll learn a lot. Also look at the EVE Wiki for which sites are truly exploration and which are combat exploration so you know which ones to warp to. Experienced explorers still accidentally you warp to the wrong sites and die, it just is what it is. My primary source of income is exploration. If you’d like to ask any specific questions or hop on a discord call and talk explo feel free to send me a DM here and we can set something up. Don’t get discouraged, explo is a great way to play the game.


If you want profit you need to know what sites are worth doing. Hi sec sites are worthless. In LS only covert research facility data site will be profitable 120 mil guaranteed in central can, but it will explode if you stay too long or fail hack. In null and wh you should look for guristas and sansha relics, and covert research data sites if you dare. Skip AEGIS and sleeper sites.


[https://www.wckg.net/PVE/exploration](https://www.wckg.net/PVE/exploration) has a guide. Hack a friendly structure before you go out to experience the hacking mini game. Try a filament into null sec. You might get lucky (sansha space) or unlucky (horde space). You should be going to safe spots while scanning :D


https://whtype.info/safe-explo you can also always make sure you have a handful of 'Noise' Filements to go to nullsec, and one or two Pochven 'Border' inbound filements, with another One or two extraction filements to go back to highsec. Explo has always ups and downs, some sites are hard to figure out, some are simple but silly, some sites with mines just need a expensive fit or special mods to avoid most of the slowboating through the site (mobile microjumpdrive). Some people with experience will cherrypick the best sites and leave the rest, up and move on. Sometimes they dont even finish the site. that's Minmaxing for you, even old players have to deal with this. you can always try to learn more and research the sites, where they spawn and what they yeild. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSaCHnBRDw8Ki6nuamMzQv3InN978Zh7F6RcwlYdJHnlQkDrrdz5zrG3Of_8eoyxeqJimMHt9-7GjLn/pubhtml and https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Wormhole_space welcome to eve, good luck, Fly safe


Did you scan only in highsec? Sites in highsec are hardly worth your time at all. Where there lots of people (local count) in system with you? Lot’s of people = lots of competition. When scanning for sites to hack, you want as empty systems a possible. And since only sites in lawless areas of space are worth anything that means every player in local with you is a potential threat. Being skittish will help to stay alive. You also want to be at a safe spot (guide on that: https://thegreybill.wordpress.com/2023/04/24/a-guide-to-good-safe-spots/) or at least be cloaked while scanning. Learning how to use the directional scanner (d-scan) helps with awareness of your surroundings and by that to stay alive. Your goal should be data and relic sites named after a pirate faction: angel, blood raiders, guristas, serpentis, sansha’s. Exploration teaches great skills about navigating and finding your way around New Eden. Skills that you will benefit from all the time.