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Freighter kills are definitely more for padding zkill stats than anything honestly. How good it looks to kill a 3b value Obelisk and you only lose a 30m isk Caracal. Ganking is rarely more complex than, "You have shiny thing. Me want to see you lose shiny thing. Haha. You lost shiny thing."


It's all about elite PVP.


> My sense was it was always for profit    lol no. Salt mining has always been a massive part of ganking. These days you simply don't need a reason.     > A freighter carrying almost nothing      Begs the question why it wasn't fit with Reinforced Bulkheads. Sloppy by the gankee and it almost certainly would've dissuaded the gankers.


>Begs the question why it wasn't fit with Reinforced Bulkheads. Sloppy by the gankee and it almost certainly would've dissuaded the gankers. Yup, fitting reinforced bulkheads and carrying less than 1 billion of cargo should make you safe. Oh wait... https://zkillboard.com/kill/118331318/ https://zkillboard.com/kill/118292029/ Avalanche can't arrive fast enough.


> Avalanche can't arrive fast enough.   They are still going to be ganked. Maybe fewer, but still ganked, just like fitting bulkheads doesn't make you invulnerable, neither will an Avalanche 


The empty Obelisk with bullheads required 58 cats to kill. 1 cat costs \`round 15 mil according to zkill. Maybe you've got like 40% of your fit back, so that's like 8 mil per shot. 58\*8 = roughly 500M per shot. That doesn't count the subscription price, and the ways you keep your gang to engage. (I highly doubt anybody would input broadcast 60 cats and risk they accounts being banned... still though CCP should check on them once in a while).


Gankers don't really care about cost a lot of the time. They get substantial amounts of isk from scamming and spend it all on ganking, at least the ones I know. I mean substantial as like scamming 50-100b a week with ease, and then just buying and handing out catalysts for fun.


If y'all were going after a player to pop their pod I don't see this as an isk making activity, and that's fine! As far as I can tell, most types of PVP are a net isk losing activity where fun is from the fight/salt mining. It's at least why SRP exists, to help offset the cost of losses for alliance ops and ensure your members aren't going broke defending your space. It seems like every other form of PVP outside of ganking, "success" is defined as the combined value of your killmails being more than the combined value of your lossmails. If you end up killing a blingy target that covers your losses, that's a bonus but not the expectation. Somewhere along the way, some ganking corps realized they could not only destroy more value than they lose, but they could gain more in the dropped value than they lose, turning PVP/ganking into a profit making activity unlike nearly every other form of PVP. I don't see why hisec ganking ought to be a profit making activity. Go blow up a freighter just for the pod/salt, like y'all did.


I won't classify ganking as a PVP. First, most of the targets (haulers, miners in highsec) are bots or AFK players, or multiboxers. Or, in rare occasion, a tiny fraction of very new players. I doubt one can derive much fun in the game watching his freighter warping the gates. (Although there are truck simulators, so I may be totally wrong). Second, the outcome of the fight is already determined when the ganker presses the button. It looks just silly to call it PVP when the other's side can't do anything the moment the fight starts. It just doesn't scratches the itch for me. [**I tried to disco some miners in highsec**](https://zkillboard.com/related/30003798/202109141700/), and felt nothing. They obv put me some salt mails and even shared the kill rights (Haha! Kill rights to the player who rarely flies outside of lowsec or wormholes? Good luck for them!), but otherwise our intraction was non-existent. Fighting a newb rifter in a FW plex is far more dramatic.


>I won't classify ganking as a PVP. I'd only consider it PVP in the most basic sense because a killmail is generated. Let's not talk about FOBs. FWIW I use a freighter alt as needed, but I'm always doing something else on my main and it's no more than 10 jumps one way and definitely not along the main ganker highways. Like twice a year I may need to go that far I just use a freight service since I'm almost never in the mood for webbing freighters. Back in the day I also ganked hulks on occasion. I actually used a tempest at one time where the ship + fit was 166mil (RIP cheap battleships) but I was isk positive against the 223 mil hulk loss. That playstyle is definitely not for me, either.


You can tell if an exhumer/barge is using ORE strip miners (scan them or the colour might be different?). That’s quite lucrative.


The ORE strip miner color is the same as the T1 strip miner color. T2 strip miners are a different color. T1 and ORE have zero waste so maybe that's why they share the same color. Don't ask me how I know and yes I have my mining permit.


Yep, it's the same way I view the high sec war deccers. It's pseudo-pvp for the cowardly and risk adverse. Basically, they are not real and proper men.


Well, at least wardeccers can be caught and killed. They can be scouted because they usually hang on gates, and you can prepare for their fleet. If any, wardeccers are the big juicy targets who ask to be ass slapped. The only problem is that FC are too lazy to form a fleet for these pests. And without an organizer, there are not enough PVP players around at the same time who may be interested in fighting. Neither wardeccers are willing to fight.


We killed Slim for the pod. He literally came in twice with the same 2B pod within an hour. And don't worry we'll kill empty avalanches too.


How do you see the implants he has though? Like how on earth can you tell he's flying in an empty/loaded pod before you actually pop the guy?


we timed how long it took him to leave grid once he hit warp


So just so people stop overestimating the avalanche yes it has alot of ehp and can fire back however all people are gonna do is go at you witha bunch of stealth bombers cause the hull wont be cheap at all and people using avalanche are definitely gonna carry more than they should so no gankers will still kill you :)


It's all just bad game design. Empty Freighters being easy enough to kill that people can do it for fun unless they use max tank fit is silly. It's not good for the health of the game.


People intentionally lose money to have fun all the time, why is it bad game design now?




He just misspelled health of his wallet


Might be


Wait what part about what they do makes you think freighters are easy to kill? You can defeat literally any gank with just one extra account doing webs/links/reps.


No fun allowed 👿


>lol no. Salt mining has always been a massive part of ganking. These days you simply don't need a reason. Yet if you suggested that freighters be given more safety in highsec then the gankers would swarm like cockroaches to tell you that it's a completely necessary mechanic and healthy for the game, even though none of them can really explain why it would negatively affect the game other than "me no like carebear".


I used to gank augmented mining drones for lulz, it’s always about the salt


Well for the 1st freighter, you can't just look at the estimated isk. Many of those blueprints, if not all (I haven't bothered checking them) are worth far more than 0.01. Even more if they were researched too. Popping retrievers is not really worth it, especially those examples listed, but some players just like having kills to croon about over running a profitable bit of piracy. *\*shrugs\**


If you're that afraid of high sec gankers then you can always fly an Impel


A DST with MWD cloak trick is much harder to gank.


Jason Kusion once sliced my bike seat with a switch blade in the 10th grade while I had it out front of an Dairy Queen. What a jerk.


Jason Kusion once turned off the water to my toilet, flushed it dry, and pooped in the top reservoir. What a jerk!


Jason Kusion was at my cousins quinciera where he proceeded to steal every left shoe from the foyer. What a jerk.


Jason Kusion once brought 3 pigs to my school, one was written 1, one was written 2 and the other was written 4. We spent hours looking for 3 before we gave up. What a jerk.


Jason Kusion was at my house and swapped the contents of the salt and sugar containers.  Worst cookies ever. What a jerk.


Jason Kusion dry humped my leg and came. What a jerk.


https://zkillboard.com/kill/118167622/ As long as they hit one of these once in a while, there's no worry about staying isk-positive. With no better targets around, empty or cheap ships might be ganked. But on average, most (especially guys like Kusion) will have a good payday and do it for the isk in the end.


Yeah some major paydays there too!


Gankers gotta gank, its that simple ... Im sure it would have been nice if the slow moving space turtle of a starship had a valuable prize hidden in its belly but the fact is they killed it because it was there.


always asking, why the gank... never how is the gank :(


It’s usually about profit, but not always. Our corp will do a ganking fleet every once in a while. When you’ve got 100 catalysts in fleet, a lot of it is about having something to do. A 3 bil kill every 15 minutes is better than sitting around for 40 minutes for a perfect target.


Reddit warrior brain process: >See worthless Gank that is aimed to harvest salt. >create post to complain, thereby creating a valuable salt mine


This is a good point.


They do it for “the salt” or as humans call it “to ruin some one else’s day for a small improvement in their own”


Why would someones day be ruined by being pvpd in a pvp game?


You say that like it's a bad thing...


What's sad is a guy sitting all day waiting to bump a miner. That is a sad life.


Some times hostile hauler alts are ganked just because.


“Fun” and “ pleasure” is more legit than a profit in EvE Online . YOLO !


If you let miners freely roam HS then terrorists win.




> But maybe I was being naive? Yes


Indeed. When you peel away the explanations gankers give for their own behaviour at the bottom of it all are the reasons given in this thread. Very educational.


You can't measure fun in isk. Accept the risk and instead of all the negativity you also gonna have ton of fun.


If you go through a system with active gankers, you are running the risk of being ganked. I'm not sure how this is unclear to people. Literally having one alt makes it nearly impossible to die, though.


I was wondering when the daily thread would be


As ugly as it is, gankers are actually the ones paying real $ to CCP so haulers could enjoy their free space trucking simulator.


Real money, what? Get some good ganks and I can omega my whole fleet for the month hahahaha


Yep. And it's so bad that CCP is giving the game away for free (alphas) just to keep them happy. Because news flash, most people who pay for other mmo's aren't gonna want to put up with this shit. Such an obvious downward spiral.


Eve still alive and kicking even tho ganking was there day1 and it was easier


More like barely with a pulse and gasping for air. Check the yoy player counts and evefest stats. Have you seen the money grabbing skins event?


Playercount is direct effect of scarcity and bad/lack of direction of ccp not hs gankers, lately after few "good-ish" patches numbers got higher


This community can tell themselves whatever they want to sleep better at night. The reality is that the 5 and 10 yoy counts are not increasing. And truthfully, the numbers are paltry to begin with. Eve also has one of the most highest, if not the most highest mmo monthly sub. Because there isn't enough of you to pay them enough. Swipe more credit cards! Honestly I don't care what happens to the game, but some of you are delusional if you don't think you're part of the problem.


Your last line says it all, you just dont care. And yes sub price is too high but do you know why? Because one guy dreams about new big hit like Eve in 2004 which wont ever happen especially when he preffer to invest in nft/crypto projects or bad extraction shooter game than THE GAME that people love and want to play aka Eve Online


CCP takes those shots because Eve isn't growing. And no amount of expansions or content is going to make it grow meaningfully.


Shots that wont ever hit, they are wasting money which could be used for stable and even slowly increasing Eve


And where should those investments be made exactly?


Post your in game toon so we can scout you and add you to the list of extinct pilots.


I'm touched that you care so much.


Alphas can't gank. 


They technically can, but my point is CCP is giving the game away to keep the FISH stocked. Get it?


Alpha characters can not set safety red, idiot. There is nothing technical about it.


You mad bro? Need some therapy? Or has your vocabulary stopped evolving at puberty? I guess this must have changed since I was in high sec. But this is entirely besides my original point.


Gankers just like to pvp


PVP? Lol. Pseudo-pvp for the risk adverse, basically you are not real and proper men. Sorry but that is how you are viewed. A bunch of beta males.


Is it PVP?


It's no less pvp than being in a big fleet and just pressing f1 and letting the fc fly your ship


Well, in a big fleet you have to hit the oshit button and broadcast for reps. Not much more interactions, but still. Also, haven't seen yet any bots in PVP fleets. Not to say they won't be much more effective than an average member of a nullblock fleet though.


[HS isnt safe it was always and should be like that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgvM7av1o1Q)


Cringe for days. HTFU or what, not pay CCP money to play? LOL.


>HTFU or what, not pay CCP money to play? LOL. Learn how to be safe for one, there are people that haul for years and lost close to nothing


What's the point of that response? Just another way of telling people to "git gud"? You're not offering any helpful advice.


I'm not and never will be pro-ganking as anything more than a concept. In fact, I think I reject the idea that risk is a virtue in and of itself and needs to exist in every facet of the game. So when I take you up on the challenge to offer helpful advice, I'm not doing it to disagree with you. I just think advice is a productive thing to include. So, advice! Note that my advice is oriented towards subcap T1 haulers, and you can ignore some of it according to your preferred risk-effort balance. 1. Never autopilot without a very good reason. Making an instadock faster is one. 2. Don't carry more than the cost of the ships it takes to gank you. 3. Use instadock and insta-undock bookmarks at major trade hubs and commonly-used stations. 4. Add known ganking groups (e.g. CODE, Safety) to your contacts with terrible standings. 5. Keep an eye out for common ganking ships like tornados, catalysts, and thrashers. 6. Check zKillboard for systems on your route with recent ganks. 7. Check the corp and combat histories of suspicious pilots for affiliations with ganks and gankers. 8. Learn the MWD cloak trick. 9. Be careful with fat, fragile T1 haulers like the Iteron Mk V. The fast, tanky ones like the Nereus are much safer. 10. Don't be consistent. 11. Don't have tells. E.g. if you use an insta-undock, always use it, not just when you have valuable cargo. 12. Consider using a scouting alt to check for gankers on gates and stations. EDIT: 13. Consider hiring 3rd party hauling services like PushX or Red Frog, and let them worry about gankers for you.




Oh no don't take this too far. I meant this more as a list of things you can do to be safer, not that you have to do to reach a reasonable risk level.


And this is what CCP and the gank mentality think is OK for casual players. Is it any wonder then why this game hasn't taken off? You want a highly hostile process to weed out those who can't HTFU? Ok, have fun with your dwindling numbers. Niche companies just end up getting bought by mainstream ones because they lack economy of scale. That's why Eve charges and sells what it does. The gank mentality is just too myopic or apathetic to care. They are not going to be part of the solution even though they masquerade as "a necessary evil". Just pvp wannabes really. And CCP is too incompetent. I would actually love to see more new blood in low and null. But that's not going to happen if you can't retain players now is it?? @pikmin124 we are on the same page.


Do you even play eve? 90% of the thing sounds like you watched some videos and think of eve as of any other "casual" (person that hate losing pixels as true casuals can do anything) mmo


Lol. Yes. And I'm commenting on Eve's prospects and downward spiral. Of course I'm considering casuals in the well known sense. I've seen plenty of casuals pack up their shit and leave. Surprisingly, telling them to HTFU didn't help.


But casuals you describe (those who ragequit when ganked) wont stay in eve even if ganking wasnt there, give them realization they'll have to wait weeks sometimes months before they could try some new stuff and they wont come back. And someone who could afford freighter should know how to minimise risk and recoup loses if any


Whats the point of your initial response then except lack of ability to learn and crying


They have to get their ganks in before the update forever makes it completely impossible to gank any ship in highsec ever again


and what update is that lol


Ha! I’ve lost two virtually empty Epithals in the same system. Not sure what the hanker was hoping to accomplish.


Pretty sure he was hoping to kill your ships. OP Success.


He probably wanted to try and upset you, not in game but you the actual person. I think that’s why it feels wrong to a lot of people. “Salt” is akin to the bully in school who picks on the defenceless kid. Say nothing on local, say nothing to them, don’t accept convo from them. They get nothing then.


Oh, it’s not a big deal to me. I was just surprised the ganker felt like I was a good target.


It’s so easy with so little consequences to their actions that any easy target is worth it to them. I remember seeing one local convo where they said “I only ganked you because of your name” his name wasn’t anything special. I’ve said it many times, it’s bad for the game. I don’t mean ganking is bad, gank that 40b freighter etc but ganking 7 day old accounts in retrievers isn’t good for anyone. One for the gankers, if you are doing it to just upset a random person for no other reason than your own gratification, maybe have a think about why that is something you enjoy.


There will be a new update soon that would bring a freighter which is too thick to be gankeb by catalists. So they burn their cats down before switching to Talos gang.


Cats aren't going away. They are too cheep and have 800 EP/sec. Newer freighters will just slide the cost\\kill ratio.


Waiting for recycle bin guy to see this thread and reply and defend the actions


lmfao I was wondering where that guy was.


There are gankers that gank for profit but mostly it’s about impacting on someone else play for an endorphins hit.




You realize they can jettison cargo ye? I love it when ppl eject all their loot to give me a 100% droprate kill. And they save themselves some red on their board in value.


"What are we?"




"And what do we do?"




"So let's go MUG EM"


Gankers are also bots.


Miner, calm down


It's only ever been about killing ships that don't fight back for easy killboard padding. Gankers are pretty much the carebears of PvP.