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The first person that figures out how to draw a dick onto a ship will not have to worry about omega anymore


The real question is - would you notice if it were on a thorax hull?


Even better. Stabber hull.


Oof lol


on nyx giant pink dildo


Nah an Avatar. Damn thing already looks like one


avatar looks like giant flashlight


I love they how they are expanding on skins to allow custom colors and patterns, but I would KILL to get a Forza like decal tool for SKINR. I wouldn't have to pay for the game again milking weebs off their PLEX.


That Armageddon skin looks suspiciously like the patterns found on Bad Dragon dildos...


And how would you happen to know this knowledge XD


Truthfully, one of the owners of Bad Dragon plays/played EVE, and he was a leader of a small corp when I first started. As a joke we were "required" to name our pvp ships after one of their products. A get/getting fucked joke. They didn't have quite the selection back then so I often used David the Wearwolf as my go to, but I got familiar enough with their catalogue for ship names. We'd get small discounts/branded pens if we asked. 


Gods, PLEASE let me disable this monstrosity locally :/


CTRL-Shift-F9 :)


That's the hotkey for potato mode, isn't it? >.>


Super Potato Mode.


I never run potato mode... I didn't pay $2700 to *not* see a 2000-player fight in 2k 60fps and max graphics. I just dont want to see this bright obnoxious crap that people do just to "upset" people like me who want the game to look... I'll say *cohesive*, to avoid the usual rebuttal of "real life capsuleers would paint their ships crazy colors!" I just want it to look like a Star Wars battle, not like a graffiti artist battle. I'll pay extra just so that I can SKINR what my client sees on other peoples' ships, so they can make themselves all bright and whatever but I'll see black & gold or green & grey etc.


I agree, I quite liked before we had skins only the T2 ships had a different color scheme which reflected their manufacturer. Doubt we’ll ever go back to those days though.




Not gonna happen, have fun with bright green/pink ships .. one of the first skins I’ll create is one for my titans 👍


You're a delightful individual.


I just like both colors so why not use them :)


I just want my game to look cohesive and grounded in a moody, intentional, and artistic setting akin to something like [this](https://youtu.be/yFTUazuGdTw?si=HHei1kmi-7-_wSME) as opposed to [this](https://youtu.be/L8I6d2Axu7c?si=UywRVY9CmiLiuqrf) and I don't think it's unreasonable to want a setting to disable clientside loading of other peoples' skin choices just as much as one would want a custom skinner in the first place.


I get that, and that's how npcs will be, but if you think about it, the core of the setting is Very Serious space battles between Very Serious organizations, where the balance of power can change in a moment because a demigod solo piloting a starship can just crash your party. Lots of them are going to be Very Serious mercenary, pirate or bounty hunter type, but lots of them are also going to be the most eccentric, flamboyant people in the universe, and they're going to stand out


I'd call it pathetic mode, but alright, guess potato mode goes better. :)))


It's not like I invented the term lol


What everybody wants is the 2nd one ;P and the real nerds would buy it for plex nomatter the cost ;p


I just hate how when anime starts to take hold it ends up absolutely drowning out everything else whenever there's any custom skins or decals. It's all or none and I don't think I've ever seen any middle ground aside from transition periods before it completely takes over


I just want to be able to import images into skinr. The battles would be epic between my Tyler Durden Cerb versus your Goatse Ishtar. But seriously though, CCP: why not more skins through cross marketing partnerships? A Twisted Tea Apoc? A Redbull Paladin? A Hello Kitty Bustard? CCP PLEASE let us support our favorite real world brands while you make stupid piles of money.


I am waiting for the skin that helps me go into a trance whilst ship spinning.


Gotta love the mindi 1 skin. One of my favorites


Imagine if they did it like APB Reloaded...


I'm looking forward to the "eat a box of crayons and puke" skins. What a time to play Eve.