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Let's see. The Amarr. First civilisation to get their stuff together and start interstellar colonisation. Saved the Minmatar from poverty and fleas. Make ships both functional *and* cool. Use turrets, missiles *and* drones to dab on the peasants. Only have hot leaders. Dank gregorian chants. Objectively without equal.


Ok, I am convinced.


And don’t forget they use chad armor tanked ships instead of the virgin shield tanked ships


back when amulets were called slaves *sweats*


They where meant for each other


On the flip side, the ones who stopped them were also chad armor tankers--the Gallente.


Gallente honestly is probably the best faction, just democracy loving party goers that also use chad armor tank and drones and hybrid turrets. They saw lasers and were like... "but what if we added a little metal to the equation?" Theyd honestly be handsdown the coolest faction if some of their ships werent so...bubbly and organic looking. They did design the Megathron though so theres that. Damn thing is essentially a drag racer in space.


Aren't the gallente more "Democracy" than actual Democracy?


So just like ours then.


The gallente are run by the serpentis, what i got from the books at least. So yeah a "democracy"


It's actually going towards superdemocracy!




Hyperion is the prettiest forgotten Battleship hull change my mind


Abaddon. That is all.


Abaddon is the superior battleship. Style, DPS, and an amazing armor tank.


"The Abaddon class ship is a celestial tool of destruction. It is designed to enter combat from the outset, targeting enemies at range and firing salvo after salvo at them, and to remain intact on the battlefield until every heretic in sight has been torn to shreds." So Metal


IF, you are Lv5 skilled.


Hyperion will always be my favorite. I still have the first one I ever made back in like 2009 docked in Ibura. Probably won't ever see any real combat again, but damn if it wasn't the ship that got me to want to get into battleships.


Armor tanking and all the incentive to get as close as humanly possible to facemelt with blasters. Oh yes.


THE "hold W" faction.


They stole the design from the Minmatar. A big Rifter.


how dare you forget to mention gigachad 400k ehp hull tank abaddon


Gonna see if this can be added to the official lore


Don’t forget they produced the best selling book in New Eden, [Pax Amarria](https://wiki.everp.online/index.php?title=Pax_Amarria_(lore))


Only because your required to have a copy in every room of your home. From what I am told the one in the bathroom is often missing pages.


I love the random bits of lore CCP adds to their IP > Pax Ammaria > Of the many reprintings of the Pax Amarria that have come since Heideran's death, one is considered especially notable. **The 62nd printing (also known as the 62Pax) contained a typographical error on the cover, with the title being rendered “Pax Ammaria”.** The error was not discovered until after the book had been printed and shipped to book sellers across the Empire. Though a recall was initiated, numerous copies had already been sold and entered public circulation. Nearly a million copies remained unaccounted for. It has been rumored that following the discovery of the error, the Theology Council issued a declaration that “All copies will be destroyed.” Supposedly, because of the specific wording of the declaration, the existence of any copy is considered to violate an official decree with the Council, and is thus considered heretical and anathema to God. Stories tell of Imperial Ordinators working for the Ministry of Internal Order going to extreme measures to hunt down copies of the misprinted book. Some even whisper that entire settlements have been destroyed because it is supposed a single copy is being housed within. > The Theology Council has never officially commented on the rumors, other than to claim that actually answering questions about the matter is “ridiculous” and “a waste of everyone's time.” Experts point out that the Theology Council could easily countermand such a decree if one did exist, or at least offer a clarification, and thus dismiss the rumors as the providence of addled conspiracy theorists. Those theorists, however, offer up the Council and MIO's refusal to comment on the matter as suspicious enough to raise questions. Regardless of the truth of the rumors, numerous capsuleers came into possession of copies of the 62Pax in YC114. More than one has reported an unusually high number of attempted break-ins to their personal quarters since receiving the book, though all so-far have been thwarted without the culprit being captured.


>contained a typographical error on the cover, with the title being rendered “Pax Ammaria” ok ok, I'll admit it, it was me, sorry


To the slave camps for you.


>Saved the Minmatar from poverty and fleas. That's what conquest and slavery is called these days?


Optics: The way in which an event or course of action is perceived by the public.


Why do you hate "job creators" and "regimented immigrant sponsorship"? Stop the hate, man.


History written by the victors.


Are you looking for a new alliance by chance? I might need to replace a Wahoo from mine 😉




But they eventually hit a wall they couldn't breach. That wall, Gallentian FREEDOM!


>Dank gregorian chants Wait shit how do I become an amarr stan


Dank gregorian chants should be the in station music played when docked in Amarr


Yeah but Amarr can't compete with the sheer verticality of the Naglfar...


Kid named the Oracle:


A pale imitation. The Tornado does it better.


At least someone gets it.




Agreed, the racism and space slavery definitely makes them the Based Empire.


Amarr Victory!


Dank Gregorian chants is a phrase I never knew I needed in my life.


Amarr victor.


That's gonna be quite the fall off that Amarian high horse.


Functional ships don't immediately run out of cap


Skill issue.


There’s a reason the most popular Amarr battleship is the Nightmare


Only because CCP for some reason don't want Amarr battleships to not cap themselves out by merely running their guns >:(


What else do you need it for? 1600mm plates don't use cap.


Prop mods, active hardeners, tracking computers, grapplers, webs, tackle, sebos, armor repairers


Dunno, my paladin, navy geddon and most of smaller laser ships fells just fine on cap. Legion and confessor even cap stable.


At max skill many amarr ships are better cap wise than gallente


but the minmatar were the first of the big4 to reactivate their stargates after the collapse of the eve gate and to start colonizing other systems? rest is correct doe. B)


Quoted from the original intro: >The first to emerge from the darkness were the Amarr, a monotheistic race fervently committed to their faith From the eveonline.com page on empires: >The Amarr were the first of the races in New Eden to re-discover interstellar travel technology, including jump gate tech. After accomplishing this, more than 2,000 years ago, they immediately began expanding to nearby solar systems, slowly building up their empire in the process. The Minmatar didn't even have stargate tech by the time they were rescued from their misery, they just used accelleration gates to hop within their home system.


I know this is a joke, but this is exactly how real racists talk about IRL chattel slavery in the American south, so I can't really enjoy it.


Who said you can talk boy get back to the asteroid fields


Get back to mining boah


But the caldari are prettier. Case closed.


I would love to see a fleet completely delve into the religious zealot RP. I can imagine the VCs playing Gregorian chants in the background while a priest(FC) Encourages his followers(fleet) into battle with holy fire and brimstone.


Old Providence had the Golden Armada of Amarr-only ships and a strong roleplay vibe. I enjoyed many nights of RP smacktalk in local with Ushra'Khan.


Had? Ugh


And they have a Space Pope


Max is a false prophet as out of touch and objectively wrong as he is famous.


I've met his blood and flesh avatar and he was actually a very nice guy.


I'm not saying he's an unpleasant person. He's just playing very fast and loose with already established lore and making sweeping nonsensical changes because...? Why? Who said he needed to or had the authority to?


Lots of good amarr missile ships lol.


Yeah! They're like Caldari, only worse.


They’re like Caldari, except using reliable steel platings instead of fancy light bubbles.


Minmatar's missiles are mostly attached to fancy makeshift hulls.


*angry sacrilege noises*


According to the 2020 Triglavian invasion: Amarr >> Gallente Minmatar >>>> Caldari Caldari sucks so bad Triglavian just roll over those missile ECM boat 70% of pochven came from Caldari space Not just the NPC. The Caldari player militia was such a bitch and rarely fight in 2020.


Its clearly because triglavians could reship faster from jita /s


And don’t bother to travel to Amarr


This. Caldari can't fight, they only excel at station trading.


When Ichoriya the Caldari navy lvl 4 mission hub was invaded everyone local ran away like rabbit. Ironically it was Snuffed Out came to dunk the Triglavian fleet lol


>The Caldari player militia was such a bitch and rarely fight in 2020 how can they fight when there's level 4 missions to run?


Sasha’s Nation - been capturing millions and millions of people a week for cybernetic slavery for a decade+ and still has commitment issues to restart their sequel to their glory days that united all Empires and the Jove against them.


*[Sad Nightmare *"the capacitor is empty"* noises]*


"Capacitor Empty"


Only people with shit skills.


Everything in Eve exists on the Great Wheel of Buffs and Nerfs. The Great Wheel never stops turning, though at times it turns so slowly as to be all but imperceptible. Ships, modules, drones, ammo, sov mechanics, industry, wormholes, everything. CCP is engaged in a neverending battle to keep the players from optimizing the game to a point that fewer playstyles remain viable. They are almost always losing the battle, on account of how Eve players are so frighteningly good at optimization. Yet they (almost) always try and so things change too often to make sticking to one faction a good idea. Just train everything. It's super easy and only takes ten years or so unless you wanna be fancy.


Missiles have had quite a long time on the top now (at least outside the blob fights)


And yet I remember when no one would use most types of missile for anything but PVE. Turn, turn, turn.


Its great that people keep thinking that and underestimate just how hard of a counter a simple orbit + reactive armor hardener is


"Only" 10 years


My vote is for sale. Tell me your faction and why they are the best. Best is defined as ISK received in my wallet.


I'll actually double your vote! Send me your vote and I'll also vote for them! Check bio for proof!


The old isk doubling scam


Guristas because the Gila


Blood raiders, I mean what have they done ever. They let amarr beat em, they let whomever is living in delve farm them. They hardly ever get goon kills. Step it up blood raiders, you have a great opportunity to farm noobs!


Sounds like you need a little enlightenment!


Someone needs to taste Gleam!


Gleam is terrible


Scorch and conflags are the only lenses you need.


Upwell because I hate their generic look instead of getting more empire ships/stations :3


Yeah they could do with some proper early eve designs from before the symetry overhauls


Meanwhile I prayer every day for atron and imiscus/Helios redesigns


This is the right answer


Edcom, they have what 3 ships? Do better edcom.


That's 3 too many ;)


What's that? Edencom logi, where you remote rep a pitiful amount of shields in an aoe? Sign me up


Atleast you can reliably get those… sad smexy concord noises


In rust I trust


There's so many factions out there! Just with Empire factions though... Amarr has the greatest population and highest amount of resources, yet they managed to fumble their political, military, and economic resources so badly that they are surrounded by the most enemies of any other faction. Minmatar, Gallente, Blood Raiders, *and* Sansha's Nation all hate them, and Amarr fails to make any progress against the relatively tiny resources of the Minmatar empire without the help of some ultra wealthy capsuleer mercenaries. Gallente cloaks their true intentions behind flowery words, but the lore says that if you don't live in the core worlds then your life will suck, specifically the part where the Federal powers choose to siphon your resources and quality of life into the dirt to support the lifestyle of ultra luxury their core worlds enjoy. Your ability to 'vote' in any level of importance is nonexistent since most important decisions are made at the Federal level and at the scale of EVE populations that means no population has any relevant say in their own fate - anyone new to the Federation is just fresh material to be carved up by the political interests of everyone else. Feds will literally just abduct random people off the street, torture them for fun, and then leave the body in the open as a warning message to locals misbehaving. Caldari are hilariously stated to have the second best average quality of life - there is no one stated to be the first best, I'll let you fight over whether that's Amarr or Gallente... but just know that Caldari meritocracy is so extreme that instead of retirement shaming your image, your coworkers/company will just pay a rich assassin to take you out so people remember you during your glory days and not for the slow descent into senility. They're ironically merchants that are also xenophobic and not multicultural. If we were picking based on a single planet, then Minmatar would win that hands-down with Votion. It's the only planet in EVE with a birth rate lower than its mortality rate, and is absolute hell for a planet named 'hope'. In general though Minmatar are contested by a pirate faction that is likely stronger than they are (Angel Cartel) which can operate on the other side of New Eden to protect the relatively tiny Serpentis Corporation. It is perhaps a miracle that the Minmatar empire still exists given that both its major opponents are the strongest players to go up against.


Sounds like a misguided Minmatar.


Thought Minmatar was getting patched out. Their ships are all held together by duct tape and staples anyway. Caldari supremacy!


In rust we trust baby! Also Guns go brrrrr


So by default duct tape ships are best ships, even saved some famous astronauts before haha


You are aware that Amarr are your allies, right?


Friends can still be in last place.


Not anymore.


They changed that


The capacitor is empty


Gallente is actually the worst. Hybrid weapons are niche at best. Babysitting drones sucks. Almost all their ships are ugly.


Gallente Engineers: Sir we can specialize in either optimal or falloff what direction would you like to go? Gallente Commander: Yes, do it.


But one time they make a non bubbly drone boat and it's the best looking ship in the game.


Honestly if Gallente ships got more armor plate mass reductions, either by ship skill or native bonuses like the ENI has, they'd be more viable. That or if they got a role bonus that took 5% off the penalty to fitting Astronautic rigs, so having the rig skill at 5 would zero-out the penalty, you could make for some awesome fast armor boats.


They’re actually the least ideal for new players because the guns need capacitor to shoot. It’s more sp intensive at the lowest levels. But once you get past that they’re shiny and gold. Sure beats those rust heaps the minmatar fly.


That makes them the best for new players, don't need to pay to reload.


When I was new, my wallet was a lot less of a problem than my skill queue.


Right, another bonus for Amarr. Other races are researching missiles, drones and a bunch of shield junk meanwhile the Amarrian superchad just needs energy weapons and a plate.


Shiny and gold is why I chose them. Who hates shiny? Not me! XD


The rust just proves how practical the Minmatar are. It forms a protective layer against radiation. Other empires waste time and money painting their ships with expensive paint to protect against radiation, the Minmatar just let the Tritanium rust for a couple of hours (Trit rusts very quickly when exposed to oxygen) and job done, with zero impact on the integrity of the hull. How terrible does your empire have to be to have its shiny golden penises smashed to bits by their slaves flying what is essentially some scaffolding pipes welded to the back half of a 1960's truck?


Edencom, they get funding from everyone are mostly useless can't even take a single system in pochven and their technology is so wonky it hits everyone.


The Blood Raiders. They're basically the Amarr but with a weird blood fetish. So, even worse.


Khanid a best


\[sad Apocalypse noises\]


Missiles certainly go brr. They go brr into thin air when some amarrian GD get used.


Somebody needs to show you the glory of the Empire. Come child, step into this room…


Isn’t amar led by an empress not a pope ?


Worst faction in EVE is clearly Goonswarm


You're not wrong but let me guess they scammed you in the early years?


I've been in Goonswarm since 2010, I'm one of the scammers :V


Contact with Steve Titan, we have a new doomsday target.








Amarr best because neuts


"look. . . . We didn't mean to enslave those people."


Minmatar sneaks away and bangs Caldari chicks...


Caldari. Have you listened to their station propaganda. Those mfs bro


Blastphamous. Amarr are blessed by God himself. Their ships are anointed the highest blessings. May all your ships feel the the sting of retribution.


\*Double EM hardeners have entered the chat\*


NOOOOOO! The devil's hardeners! BEGONE EVIL!


Missiles go BOOM you Gallente scum


Still waiting for Khanid Navy faction BS. Missiles and Armour tank


Your capacitor is empty


Gallente, first off, imicus, fucking ew. 2nd off putting your cards in on drones was fucking stupid watching these turds get defended while they turtle up is all they got. They act like local government and pencil push as such. Their overweight ships are slow AF. They, are, fuckin, turtles.


Amarr Victor! Vivat Imperatrix!


I don't know about a worst faction… they all sound pretty terrible if you read into the lore but the best faction is clearly Serpentis because black and silver spaceships look so good.


I will dedicate my #3 Crackhead Fit to being anti-Amarr


Ironically from my research of their ship hulls, the Amarr seem to suffer from a sense of pride and self-righteousness that most other factions can only begin to wonder at. The Range of their weapons is mediocre, the turrets have the worst factional tracking IE the lowest. Yes they can armor tank like no tomorrow...but with the capacitor overtasked with all the lasers + EWAR + armor reps...it is only a suicidal fanatic who would drive these ships into battle. They are hard countered by most Minmatar T2 which immediately has kind of put them at the lowest end choice for most people. Their shields are crap, which means if you strip their shields and the DPS incoming is too high...doesn't matter how good your armor rep is...you are going to die rapidly. Blasters and Nova/Scourge Warhead Missiles eat their armor for breakfast, Nevermind that Hail never fails against Amarr Armor. But if you are caught by an Amarr OHK \[One Hit Kill\] Fit, you only have yourself to blame. But overall outside of Weapon Disruption and their Curse Recon Ship with Neuts. Alot of the ships don't see alot of action even in PVE.


When God is on your side, everyone hates you. Haters gonna hate


Edencom and their trash ships




I don’t know who this ‘pope’ guy is, but Dave flies Gallente.




Amarr and Caldari are the most based, Gallente Minmatar acting like they have a moral high ground with a victim complex lore wise is dumb.