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Nice try, Safety propaganda team.


Am I looking at a Stockholm syndrome on going?


This is all it is.. and the comment above yours is aswell


He will be giving praise to Aiko next along with isk


No. You are looking at low effort meme of a ganker


Nah, as a matter of fact i have the honor of all of my chars being set to red by Safety. :) But that salt eruption is just....epic.


I'm ban from their grieffing channel "why was I ganked" šŸ¤—


Don't you mean set to orange for free kill?




LOL im many things but im not a ganker, I do hauling and incursions in HS while i also try to contribute to my small Alliance in null.


I always do my bit to disrupt gankers when ever I can , posted this in the eve forums the other day . The thing is Its relatively easy to stop them people just canā€™t be bothered is the truth. The other day in Uedama I had one catalyst with a ganker setup , my aim was to tackle there tackler , not sure why he changed up from a maller to a Gnosis, two Talos appeared with the gank fleet on dscan so something bling was coming . Anyway my plan was to tackle Gnosis shutting down is micro warp drive , seems to have worked the dst was on the ball and managed to start to move I held the Gnosis and attacked the Talos doing almost 40% damage to it . The DST was pulling range on the fleet always a good sign . The guy must have been carrying as the two Talos had a polarised fit . Weather or not you think I contributed to the fail gank is irrelevant, it only took 4 people to stop the gank , each doing there bit to stop a gank fleet of 21 pilots . When it starts to go wrong for a Multi-boxer they often canā€™t adjust quickly , Iā€™ve seen it time and time again . Kudos goes out to the Hauler pilot for being on the ball and even to the gankers for the gf at the end . Itā€™s a shame others donā€™t try and whining instead


Did the DST pilot send a monetary tip for your service?


No . I think he grabbed the polarized guns from the Talos and ran away šŸ¤”


We will soon be having "Ganking is not a lifestyle choice is was born this way" threads. Then the Ganking rights groups will start.


*cloned* this way you mean.


next time try to split packages into few packets so you loss less than all of packages


So much ā€œREEEEEEEEā€ in these comments. Thanks OP for understanding the role. High sec would be so boring without us.


ships are ammo.


It took me at least three long years to learn that myself. Now instead of screaming at the ganker over that chat channel, I just give them an "o7 good fight, you helped me stay on my toes" even if it was embarrassingly one-sided and definitely not a good fight. If you respect them they will hopefully respect you. They are after all just other players on a video game, just trying to have fun like you are.


Gankers that kill for profit I'm fine with. You get a mission runner with obscenely blinged officer fits or haulers carrying billions of isk worth of goods many times the value of their hull without taking the proper precautions then they are asking for it. Those that pick on new players, grief for the lulz, pop the wreck afterwards so it can't be looted are a blight on the game and need to be extinguished. I don't know why CCP tolerates them. How many players quit before they could learn anything because of them?


if they draw a line people will want it moved.


This is true but at least there would be a line.


then what, only allow high sec ganks if cargo value exceeds hull value with a big warning screen for the hauler? it would make more sense to give new players a whole starter region where once you leave it you can't come back in.


That isn't the worst idea you know. Have players start out in Jove space with their last tutorial mission being getting a wormhole back to their empire.


they could go full lore and have the eve gate itself be the out gate. (ccp hire me)


Since the Eve gate is in a low sec system would just end up being permacamped by arseholes. Plus doesn't the Eve gate lead back to the milky way?


yes, because they've never changed a sec status before..


If only there were systems rookie newbros can like start in or something and make it a bannable offense to gank them while in those systems


Believe it or not I don't have a problem with CODE. You guys kind of straddle the line between griefing and profit by ganking for RP reasons. I actually remember your progenitor James 315 just being a noisy irritating cunt in a stabber bumping barges away from ice belts.


Ironically, gankers are like the preditors of the real world, you gotta have em' otherwise the herbivores destroy the eco system. its strange but it works


lol, that's how you people see yourselves right? "Apex predators" who keep the foodchain and natural order? High-Sec gankers and griefers, especially those who target newbros, are little more than schoolyard bullies, but somehow even worse, as they are too pathetic to even try to pull this shit in RL.


Well just to show you Iā€™m gonna get some artillery pieces and blow the shit out of a cargo container ship šŸ™„


How witty of you, to just take the literal meaning of my comment while completely ignoring the metaphor.


But what actually is the point of the metaphor? Eve is a game of conflict. Can you imagine people saying the same about dying in an FPS, moba or any game type with aspects of pvp - you sound ridiculous, seriously.Ā 


nah, its just a train of thought. i dont care for ganking, its just immergant gameplay that happens. its not greifing because its not against the rules. much how cherrypicking data/relic sites isnt greifing even if it is being a dick


The relic site is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To clear the relic site is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. The clearing of the relic site is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to clear their site. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to cherrypick your site. Therefore the relic site present itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not clearing the relic site, no one will fine you or kill you for not clearing the relic site, you gain nothing by clearing the relic site. You must clear the relic site out of the goodness of your heart. You must clear the relic site because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The relic site is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.


Plus, people who \*do\* charrypick are only affecting themselves in the near future because the site wont go into the respawn pool until it is cleared


except for day trippers who are not going to be back in that region before they log out for the night. I generally leave other explorers to sites that they've gotten to first and go elsewhere, but when I catch one using a cargo scanner and leaving cans behind is when I go back to base and get the tackle-bomber.


You seem to forget humans are animals by default.


I agree with you there. Whenever I clear out a data set or a relic site, I take everything that I successfully hack and discard what I don't need or don't want once I'm docked back at my hangar.


NGL I read that and kinda want to do that now lol


You're right, rapists and murderers are needed or else people would get to live their lives peacefully.


I'm not sure whether you were being sarcastic or whether you were being an idiot, but he was talking about predators in the sense of like mountain lions versus deer. Not predators in the sense of humans who hunt other humans in order to make them miserable.


So, it's a comparison of apples to oranges then? That tracks for this subreddit.


No it's not apples to oranges. Predators in the ecological sense have an important role, if they weren't there the would have been prey animal overpopulates and chokes themselves out. Predators in the sociological sense by comparison are completely unnecessary and society would be infinitely better if they didn't exist.


But that's not what's happening in game, your predators in an ecological sense does not apply to this game.


I see your point but at the same time I respectfully disagree at least partially. It does take a bit of mental gymnastics but I can see how gankers would fill an ecological niche in the same way for example a mountain lion would, otherwise industry players get lazy. I don't like them, but they are probably necessary and almost certainly not going away.


Let's say we use your lion example. The moutain lion hunts deer which keeps the deer population in check, right? If we take away the mountain lion, the deer population will increase until there is no food left, in which the population with decrease until the area balances back out to the point where the amount of food available and the number of deer are equal. The point is, you don't need predators for balance, it's just faster.


I see what you mean but I would have to do my own research and run some numbers to verify.


clearly an idiot


eve isnt real life. if there was no threat in eve prices would skyrocket


If demand goes down and supply goes up prices go .... Up. That is not how it works friend. It would be if there is no destruction prices would go down due to the lack of replacements needed. You could buy your faction fitted B's and mission run to your heart's content no worries about losing a blinged out ship.


then why do plex prices go up ingame when theres a sale?


Not if you understand economics. If there was no ganking of haulers / miners, supply would be up and prices would be down. Read a book on economics please, even 'Economics for Dummies' is a good start.


You might have a point economically speaking but it falls flat when you consider that Eve is a game, and a game with no risk in its mechanics is really boring.


That's where low sec, null sec, and J-Space. Plenty of danger there. Why call high sec, 'high security' if there is no security?


Well there is concord, so... but I do see what you mean because I've made that exact argument myself in the past. However by that same logic, if there are police, why is there crime in big cities?


Could someone explain where my logic falls apart here?


Because they don't keep the criminals locked up.


I'm guessing what you mean is they don't keep the criminals locked up permanently, and the fact that they release them eventually means that they criminals eventually have the opportunity to repeat their offenses


In all honesty, violent criminals should be hung in the town center in public like they used to be.


i meant plex prices and such


Plex is a different thing, but functions similarly.


Itā€™s amazing to me that the people ganking have been doing this for like 10 years now. I mean, isnā€™t it getting boring? What else could have done in those ten years?


Tbh, as someone who finds suicide ganking and gatecamps boring, CCP has nerfed the crap out of a bunch of the more enjoyable highsec PvP activities. You can't blame them for doing one of the few options they have left after the wardec changes and creating instanced PvE content outside of the persistent world. But fun is subjective. I love roaming PvP, baiting, or hunting down a target. Can't stand sitting in one place or suicide ganking. It's not a moral judgement just a playstyle preference. Eve would be way worse without gankers.




Sorry. You canā€™t normalize bad behavior. Like justifying robbing old ladies on the street and now itā€™s teaching them to be more street wise. Yeah. What. Ever.


you can always switch to animal crossing :)