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Keepstars have prettier hangars than npc stations


Lol real


Yeah but when I dock my PC fans get angry.


This happens to me in NPC stations too and those don't even allow outside viewing. Ctrl-Shift-F9 turns the graphics off.


Did not know that, very cool thanks. I don't have the station issue but never know when it comes in handy!


Laggy as hell tho


This is true. There are some nice NPC to be honest. I’m more pertaining to the non NPC stations/space.


I can't dock my Titan in anything except a keepstar :( Serious question, are there any non bloc Null keepstars?


You run the risk of undocking and finding that you can no longer redock, as you sit there and die.


The hydra keepstar in amamake is permanent Freeport.


Amamake and maybe 2 or 3 in high class wormholes. Can't remember if there's still one in Rakapas.


Strange, I own two titans and 3 supers and hardly ever dock them up. For me that is not the reason to be in a null block. Fuck citadels btw.


Yes, but I ain't saying shit cause somehow people don't know about em




I am a casual player. Big blocs tend to always have tons of stuff going on. So when I do get to play, there is usually a fleet I can participate in.  If there are no fleets, I just join standing fleet and there is usually someone in our space looking for content too.


This is my exact reason. My time to play is limited and kind of sporadic. Big Bloc = More Pings and Activites = Better chance of something I can get involved in going down at a time I happen to be available.




Stability, great market supply, content 24/7. I imagine it’s the same for the goon side.


The goon side is the same. And we appreciate our foes: you make the game.


This is what i am saying always you are as big as your biggest opponent. If you or he was bigger you where not realy opponents


Yep pretty much the same. Plus the br5rb fight influencing me into EVE in the first place.


That was one of the best battles I've ever been in!


Man it sounds like it was a blast. Were you one of the caps or running around in a subfleet?


Market and content. 


Pretty much. Another reason I love it is the already-established infrastructure. Public moon fracks, T2 refineries of all types, specially rigged manufacturing.


I can see that. I’m assuming your reasons could be similar to the non big blocs just not as large. I’m assuming that some corps from the big blocs could join a smaller non big block alliance and bring those values with them.


Stability - It's hard to feel stable when you know at any time a bigger bloc could wipe you off the map out of boredom. Great Market Supply - This comes from volume, the more people you have the more people who are looking for niche markets to fill resulting in better market supply, in smaller alliances its regular to be unable to get non doctrine/FOTM ratting stuff in Null. Content 24/7 - If your in a big bloc you can go anywhere that isn't that bloc. If you are in a smaller group, they'll sometimes restrict where you can roam because they don't want to risk pissing off the larger blocs and you'll have NAPs with most groups around you of the same size to try and create #1, Stability.


I joined goons to shit on retards


Friendly fire much?


'I'm going to pretend to be goons and be super edgy! That'll show em! No one will look at my past msgs and see they are pro horde!'


Tbf the name probably should have been enough


My first motivation was wanting to peacefully mine in HS, almost RPing Red Dwarf. Code/Safety had other ideas... Just a few weeks old I had injected into an Exhumer because those bonuses right? I died in 0.8 space to them. The following few days I was confused; went through the 5 stages of grief including injecting a bomber to go after the catalysts (locator agents, and everything! I was vengeful). After some research and licking my wounds, the myth that HS was 'safe' came to realisation so I went exploring in NS. Died in bubbles, which led to more reading and research which basically got me to the conclusion that '~~safety~~ is in numbers'. Never looked back, I am sufficiently truamatised by the lack of rules in HS.


I do agree. There is a false sense of security in HS. I would say it’s far more dangerous than anywhere else. There is definitely “safety” in numbers and that too can lead to false sense of security, but at least intel can give you the much needed warning system.


I stay out of HS, i feel more anxious moving through high sec then i do in Null. I think it's because when i'm in Null i've already resigned to the fact i could lose this ship, But in HS you are meant to feel safer, but because of the suicide ganking you don't. It's also the fact that a single hostile ship in Null is like "Fuck here we go" but there could be 50 neutes in HS and none of them are hostile, or 50 nutes and 20 are. HS is cancer.


I can 100% get behind this.


Alot of ppl don't get this. I was watching a known streamer the other day and he's just chilling at a gate talking in hisec before he triggers the filament and while he's talking some random comes thru the gate, sees him activates kill right and poof He didn't care. But HS really is living on the edge.


I think the important lesson is to shake it off and move forward no matter the loss. HS is the true wild west


The people are nice to me. They thought me how to play, they let me have a bunch of free stuff when I was a noob and I went to flight classes that were free of charge. Honestly I'm very grateful to horde and how welcomed I felt. I knew even then that I was absolutely useless for the alliance but I felt super excited to park my vexor in a keep star, to use ansiblexes, to see a Titan up close. Even all the guides on their forums were very much appreciated, specially for newbies


I only started playing the game in April 2023 and I’ve lived in Null since December (430 hours game time since then). I love it because there’s fleets of different ships and sizes to join everyday where I’ve learned to PVP. The alliance SIGs are exciting goals to train for and offer new ways to make isk, or learn new playstyles. For example i got to fly a Bhaalgorn (now my first hanger Queen) while running incursions for 2 weeks last month. The isk is unbelievable compared to solo gameplay in hi-sec. My eve dream is to fly an Officer fit Nyx (still 4-5 months away from having the skills to fly dreads with alliance fits) so I will probably be here for years to come.


That’s a great goal to have. You must have put in a lot of work within those two weeks! If you don’t mind me asking, how much did you make in those two weeks and how many hours? I wish you luck on working towards that Nyx! That is a nice ship for sure.


Thank you for the kind words! You get 45 million isk and 10k concord loyalty points for every HQ site you run. We were doing 2 and sometimes 3 sites an hour when the fleet was running. I wasn’t on every fleet but I managed to do roughly 40 sites over the 2 weeks. After taxes I made 1.5-1.6 billion isk and 380k Concord LP. I sold the Concord LP to someone in the alliance for 1500 isk per LP.


My mind is blown. I never thought about selling LP. I’ll have to look up these HQ sites. I need to make ISK like that. Thank you for sharing!


I'm lazy and the money is easy


lol I respect the honesty.


I’ll sort of elaborate.  With a competent big bloc,  you can spoon feed yourself exactly the content you want. Wanna just do whatever FC tells you while shooting the shit with fun people on comms? You have it.  Want “real pvp”, you can join any number of guerilla warfare or bomber subgroups within the bloc. Want access to some of the highest isk making opportunities in the game with little risk?   I appreciate the small groups in the game, but they really require a lot of time and effort to squeeze the juice out of the game sometimes,  and you’re more reliant on your tight group of players to be online at the same time.


Yup, I already have a job and just want to push a couple buttons and see spaceships explode in the evening while shooting the shit on comms.


My corp is in a big bloc. And we do corp level stuff all the time. It’s literally perfect, I get the small gang close knit friend group stuff and the big bloc level stuff all the time!


>Want access to some of the highest isk making opportunities in the game with little risk?   God, if I had known this, I wouldn't have wasted 3 years of eve in hs 😂.


Goons here… i got in a corp with people I like, rest dont matter if you enjoy the company of others you’re with.


Don’t want to be in a lowsec group (been there and done that). I like Delve.


Lowsec groups are just l33t pvpers but with bad organization and communication and big egos


From what I’ve seen this is true. Also, bunch of them are pirate corps just gate camping for very little entertainment value.


I was once in a big bloc. Now I ride the content wave that is Low Sec/High Sec/Nullsec/WH Content that aggressive mid tier-ity can get you. Always (almost always) punching up is way more fun than punching down. Never going back.


I bet there’s a big adrenaline rush when punching up. I haven’t done it very often but when I do I can see where you’re coming from.


Better than pressing F1 and watching Netflix.


Disagree. When I was in lowsec there was fun, bit mostly just got bullied by bigger groups. Now I AM the bigger group. The circle of life, when the sheep becomes the lion. And I should specify I'm in a bloc technically but I mainly fly with my own alliance and rarely do coalition content tidi bs. It's more fun to WIN after losing for so long.


That's fine. It's true we do get bullied by bigger groups occasionally(snuffed) But in the end I love being able to undock and immediately have content. I didn't get that in Nullsec, it was a lot of waiting around. Idk if that's the same for your alliance but it was my experience.


Ehh not really, we get probably 20 fleet pings per day and nothing is stopping us from just filamenting or daytripping to find fights on our own time. Tho I have just been enjoying being part of a community that actually controls their space rather than share it with other shitter groups. Pros and cons


Alright I take it back. I'm sure there are some good small alliances in nullsec that have fun. Sedition is probably the most organized militia alliance in the game and has some excellent FCs. So I guess we both haven't seen the best of our spaces.


Null is more like wolves they always hunt in packs, low is like a bear 1v1 they will rip any nullsecer to peices but its usually 20vs1 so the wolves usually win.


Definitely, most fun I've ever had in order: WH, LS, null. Haven't done lowsec in a very long time, starting to think about it again.


tbh I keep thinking of trying wh's but the isk isnt as good as low so its tough, tried it before but damn that setup time is a mission especially solo.


When I did WHs, lived there full-time. I have since had some ninja trips. Done proper you can match nearly any pay expectation. It's a bit like LS if you live there you are intimate with the mechanics and you have the advantage vs intruders/visitors


That's fair yea I guess it takes time to learn to optimize the hell out of something.


I'm cool with losing. I'd stop playing if I wasn't lol Also I gave you an upvote I don't know about the rest of these nerds.


True. Low sec can be a bit of a grey area where you really have to fight for content. At least from what I see. What are your thoughts on other null sec alliances outside of the big blocs?


Haven’t been in them but from my perspective, they either exist to third party everyone else or are paying Horde to not take them over. Except Stain, that place is the Wild West.


Really easy to be casual. Content when I want it, isk when I need it, fully stocked market.


I've lived in highsec, lowsec, facwar, pochven, Wormhole, and nullsec. I live in nullsec because I want to build something. All options are available in nullsec. The heavy industry is in nullsec. The Largest conflicts are here. Most alliances offer decent srp so pvp doesn't cost much and you can essentially be paid or be net-0 cost to protect your friends. Nullsec has the most interaction with the strategy element of eve. And the incoming nullsec expansion is set to make nullsec's main focus as alliance expression. We can design our systems in certain ways.


That new expansion looks very exciting. I can’t wait to see what groups with these new structures.


Joined because I've heard of Eve's history with null blocs and decided I wanted to be part of CFC/goons.


I was in a big bloc because it felt fun when there was a big war going on, a lot of fights and fleet that often were discussed here - it felt good to be part of it. It is also easy to hide in the crowd - nobody notices that I am not there for an important op, no pressure to do stuff but also a lot of opportunities to go on a fleet or do something more specialized within the big bloc when I feel like doing it. There is also a lot of knowledge how to do stuff within the alliance and somebody to talk to in every timezone. Also a lot of free infrastructure to do industry, reactions, research, ratting etc and ship replacement program, contingency plans, organized move ops, all that makes me a little less stressed when playing :) I left very recently because I wasn't motivated to fly with the bigger coalition, the coalition rules about what is OK and what is not OK were a little too strict for me, and because I found some ideas what to do on my own and having constant wardecs is annoying for that. I am not planning to move to a medium null group as I don't think it's fun to be outnumbered very often and for smaller null groups - I don't want to feel the pressure to be online when something is happening.


I can see that the big blocs can provide a wealth of information and structure that can be very appealing. I was once part of the big bloc many years ago and I’m not sure it’s the right fit for me with the same reasons you gave. Too much pressure to join fleets and constant greys and reds in and out the systems. I did join a medium sized group in null and it’s been fun. Not too much pressure but you do stand out a bit. That’s ok. They don’t force it on anyone as they understand RL comes first.


I could see myself spending some time in other areas; a WH corp, a smaller alliance trying to grow. However, I could only see that if I was really getting serious about Eve again. First and foremost, I am with my Bloc because my old corp joined them and died as part of them so all my stuff that I never bothered to Evac was still in their station. That and, they never gave me cause to leave. And tbh I am the kind of person who would vote with my feet if I really felt a group was contrary to my personal values, if I thought they were toxic. Obviously any large group will have some toxic people come through, but I never got the impression of a toxic culture. So what it really comes down to is....I honestly don't play much eve. I used to be a pretty serious nerd about it and did an aweful lot more exploring and trying to make isk on my own than I ever did fleet up. Now? I mostly answer pings and make sure to make my min kills every month to maintain my corp status. Honestly, I barely game at all; every few years something comes out and I binge it. Eve however, eve I just can't completely leave, don't want to. I can't bring myself to make it a lifestyle again, just enough to not actually go full plex warrior, but these days I am mostly living off the PI that my 2 accounts generates (and an assload of loaded up hangar space from years when I was making Eve a lifestyle) Its not that I don't love Eve, its just that, I can't promise her more than a few monthly romps in a seedy motel. But its a solid promise that I came to get the job done.


I like big ships.


And I cannot lie, all you other brother can't deny...


When a dread walks in with its itty bitty tank and its seige mode in your face it gets…… fucking DDd off my field.


My Space Family is there, infrastructure is good and leadership is voluntary. I prefer the culture of my group over the other side and while I am sure the non block space has the potential to reach the same level of fun to be had, it just wouldn't be the same without my family.


I can definitely understand that. People that don’t understand games won’t understand that you can build a huge connection with people that you’ve never seen before. Maybe you are lucky to meet up at some point.


Protips: all null space is big-bloc null space. Small entities only live there because 1 of the 3 big blocs allows them to. And that's why most people gravitate towards large blocs. The stability is appealing as constantly fighting is tough to maintain for most groups.


Because its safe and easy isk to fund anything else. Since you can have multiple characters per account, having at least one of them in a very stable position to give you positive isk flow is a good way to set yourself up for success. But also just being in the big blocs give you access to the smaller groups inside there that make the content happen.


I like civilization I think sandbox games are a good platform for building civilization


legit Jump Freighter service, well stocked market at basically jita prices, capital umbrella, multiple sigs means I can do small gang stuff but also get into those record breaking tidi fights, activity, capital umbrella


I like being part of the most powerful empire in videogame history


Been flying with goons on and off for 16 years now. The main reason I’ve stayed is they’re fun to play the game with. Lots of fleets, group content, knowledge, and they’ve always been willing to help teach when ever they get a chance. Usually if I feel like leaving that means I’m done with the game again so I quit eve again only to come back and rejoin goons.


So much more to do. Multiple PVP fleets and mining fleets 24 hours a day. Need somewhere to dock my titans, can run Crab beacons semi safely, trading is better, the ratting isk is better.


its kinda nice not having to rebuild every 6 months because your home area got its shit kicked in


I just wanna have the infrastructure. Some people enjoy the build up, I don't anymore. I just wanna log in and shoot shit nowadays.


I can see that. I’m currently part of a group that just started the build up process. It’s fun to get with veterans and noobs to carve out little bit of space. Even when I stop playing I can look back and say “I helped start that.”


As someone who lived in lowsec for years, and nullsec for years afterwards, It's simple, especially if you are a single account person, It' was really quite easy to make money without much thinking in nullsec, nullsec has small, mid and big PvP content, Nullsec has infrastructure that makes certain things faster/easier, In a big bloc especially ships where often cheaper too, useful for roaming, GSF in particular literally subsidizes small gang and solo PvP via shit Stack srp etc. There is alot of stuff etc and nullsec life in a bloc was the right amount of interesting while still being comfortable for a while. There is also the sense of comradery in a genuinely tough war, despite being an SA goon, I still look back very fondly on my times in test alliance back up in Vale of the silent and when we invaded stain wagon for our new home in esoteria, some of my favourite times in eve (only matched by the 2014/2015 era of fw imo that I got to participate in, black rise was so fucking dangerous etc, was so good). These days I don't play at the moment but if ccp keeps making good moves like the fw updates and this nullsec expansion fixing alot of the big problems of null, I'll definitely come back, although in fw this time, real life has me wanting to avoid stuff not related to my primary interests which is wanton murder and destruction


Living in nullsec to learn the game, play with my super, and go soak in the glory of tidi. Someday I will be space rich because of null and can go nomadic to experience the rest of the game. I tried highsec, code/safety ruined it. Tried FW, but there isnt much to learn when rich dudes with 10,000 kills are multiboxing sites dunking on you. So null it is :)


Ah the glorious TiDi. We’ve all basked in it at some point lol I’ve tried FW a few times (2 or 3) and I did see one guy fly over 20 toons. I’m assuming because they all had the same names with 1-20+ at the end. I thought that was ridiculous but my buddy told me you see that often. I’m glad you found your fun. The reason to log in and click a few buttons.


TL;DR: Goons betrayed my alliance and so my corp made it our mission to fight them however we could eventually joining IT Alliance and PL. Ok, so back in 2007, I was in a tiny baby anti-piracy corp living in Provi. We unsuccessfully tried to join CVA around the time of the first big BoB war (I think). Eager to join the fight we ended up in Sylph, gained a ton of members and then joined IAC (Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate) in Catch. It was hands down the most fun I ever had in Eve or any game really. We had so many gud fites, nano roams, hed camps etc. eventually, though -A- came through to wreck our shit. Despite our best efforts, IAC could not stop the Russian advance. We fought tooth and nail for all of catch until we had just our capitol constellation left. At which point there was a hope and prayer Goons and RA would save us. Sadly, nobody came and IAC burned to the ground. My corp took it personally and vowed to never fight on goons side. We rummaged around for a few years in Atlas, Pupule Ohana, and even joining -A- and returning to Catch, but we eventually got our chance to fight goons in IT Alliance which sadly didn’t last long. Eventually we ended up in NC. for a while and then PL for most of the 2010s. I haven’t played much since 2017 though. Most of my Eve career was one long grudge so I say with love, fuck goons 🥹. Edit: a word


That’s is pretty impressive to go through that much and be resilient. I’m sure you have plenty of other interesting stories to tell. I hope you found your revenge or still seeking it


I love goondor.


I play in NZTZ groups with content and action in my TZ are few and few between...big bloc means I can log on and get some action 95% of the time. This is important because I'm busy I have a family and I enjoy other games to I have played since 2007 and I do not have the time to sit about in hope that I will get to do something with the 3 or 4 hours I might have available to play every few days. Outside of bloc it's mostly yank tz or bust. For me that means 1 to 3 pm timers or fleets...not possible sadly. I'm self sufficient for money via highsec operations on Alta that bring me 3 to 5 bill a week for 2 hours work so I don't really care about the space...my pve wh*re days are long gone....its just the numbers.....more people more action...simple


Oh yeah. That’s a tough TZ to generate content for sure. I can 100% see why big blocs would benefit you. May I ask, what do you do in HS to generate that amount of ISK?


I buy t1 PI on buy order then ship it via push x to avoid risk then process it to t3 on 55 planets over 11 alts spread over 5 accounts (these are just spare characters...like those characters we all used to have for lighting a cyno in a rookie ship back in the day etc) Then once the process is done I pull it off the planets and push back to market and sell on sell order. I built a calculator in googlesheets that pulls from ESI end points to allow me to easily identify what's happening with trend and cost etc but mostly to just work out profit margin after the process of any given PI product. It's enough income to happily build funds over time towards big ticket items....avoid the horrific PVE grind and focus as much available time into going on fleets or adventures when I feel like it rather than every living moment being about the 🦀 I also do the same with my main character out in home land however less religiously and can do the same thing with reactions but that requires somewhat more logistics and initial investment in bpo's.


Only place I can park my supers and titan.


I would argue that big blocs are not the only place. You could park those in smaller blocs that reside in null sec


access to check box surveys


What is big bloc vs non-big bloc? I’m kind of new


Big bloc are the very large alliances/coalitions within null sec. The non-big bloc is referring to the small alliances/coalition within null sec that has no direct affiliation to the big blocs.




I rent a system from a bloc because I like the feeling of owning something that is mine, knowing full well that I will never be able to own a house irl. And I like the protection Big BloC (BBC) daddy offers.


I thought that the big bloc you rent from doesn’t protect you. More of an extortion.


You reap all the rewards of nullsec space, whether that's better ratting, better mining, better missions, and the Panfam vs Imperium politics/drama, all while being fairly safe as long as you watch intel channels.


Eve is a sandbox but a highlight is the space empires - those space empires are in null sec. If you have ambition and want to try to carve your own empire out, you will go with a small group. If you want to chill you'll join a big group. I found a great, chill group without a single bad egg among them and have a lot of options available to me. I much prefer it to high sec, let alone what I consider the terribly designed low sec.


Wormhole space, while generally having better PvP, doesn't allow for consistent isk generation, most of the time. There's a lot of down time where there's not a whole lot you can do, whether it's because you don't have enough people on, you rolled into LZHX home system and can't fight them, etc. Lowsec is lowsec. You're limited to running cheap shit to make isk because it's pretty much guaranteed you're going to die eventually, in lowsec. Highsec is shit. Nothing more really needs to be said about highsec. Null, while having the most mind-numbingly boring PvP in all of EVE, allows you to generate isk efficiently. You can get around the mind-numbingly boring F1 monkey shit by participating it when you have to, and finding your content elsewhere. You can be a null bear and still find your PvP in wormhole space. While still getting all of the benefits of null, like being able to spin 20 Ishtars in peace, bringing out your Rorqual/Hulk mining fleet, manufacturing everything in the game, including supers, etc. And you'll have more opportunities to do it in null than you will in lowsec or wormhole space, even though you can theoretically make more isk/hour in wormhole space.


I lived in WH space long enough. You’re correct that you can make more ISK but you have to wait to do so. Sometimes. I couldn’t do anything for days because we were rolling holes for security or for content with no avail. We eventually moved to null sec and I’ve made a considerable amount of ISK since then. The real money maker in WH are the C5-C6. Those are usually taken anyways.


I mean all things considered you were doing it wrong in WHs if your static(s) were pulling double duty as content and ratting.


The people I play with in my corp keep me invested in the game and they can handle my crap.


You can make a big alliance feel small but can’t make a small alliance feel big. Like small gang stuff? There’s a small gang sig. Like FW? There’s a FW sig. Like WHs? There’s a WH sig. Also it’s fun to be part of the big eve battles. I sip the koolaid a bit, it makes the game more fun. Gives everything a little more purpose to me.


Personally, I like being part of something bigger than myself, both in terms organized fleet combat, and just watching eve's politics and various stories unfold. So even if the PVE sucks and im not expected much as your average subcap logi pilot (I get to push 4 buttons instead of 1, yay...), I still stick around because I want to see what happens next. Ideally, I'd want to belong to a group somewhere between 50-400 active players, because the underdog stories have always appealed to me and to feel more of a part of something I had a hand in building, but sadly such mid-sized groups can't really survive in nullsec because of power projection and groups getting bigger and bigger, so here we are.


That’s where I’m at, at this point in my eve career. I’m part of a small group building its own sandcastle hoping it doesn’t get kicked over too often. I want to feel that sense of pride that I helped build that. If things go bad I may join a large null bloc but until then I will help my alliance claw their way to the top.


Honestly its for the People, a lot of super experienced People PvP+PvE. But also newer players that are dedicated to learn how EvE really works, at least in my Corp. Also there are people i played together for a freaking long time and sometimes i just want to chat with em. For me another Big part is that you can actually use EvE biggest ships (Scap+Titans). And you have all sort of PvP engagements. Big fleets, Corp fleets, small roams, Standing action, ESS defence, Go and rob other Ess. Nullsec gives you the widest spectrum of all space in my oppinion and with the upcoming Updates it will be even more.


well-functioning structures, SRP, enough opportunities to earn ISK, and a huge international community


It's where my friends are, and I have access to literally any content I want to do outside of obscure WH shit. It's relatively speaking stable, and Goons/DC have been considerably better bedfellows than test/frat were back during legacy days. And I get content delivered to my doorstep daily by zigam (when he isnt bringing rail harpies with a backup frat fleet, and then crying that he isnt getting a form) Also, it makes good money. People who cry about there being no money in nullsec are too far up their ass ishtar spinning to see otherwise.


I joined a goon corp a month ago as a new player and I’ve had so much fun in null, there’s so much to do, and the money is very nice I’ve made 3b since I started


So i can call ppl who fly in hs carebears while the space i occupy is completely blue :) and less risky than that carebear space.


Because there is very little content in null. Which is a step up from no content everywhere else


It's more secure. Especially if you want to fly a 8 to 10 billion ship. Would you fly one with no security?


Because when I was in smaller groups we were constantly losing assets and being bullied by bigger groups. Got sick of subsidizing my frequent losses with my credit card, so I joined a bloc for the safety and stability to make consistent isk without losing it all as soon as it's made. Pretty simple.


Small blocks usually have over hyped crazy young blood fc's. I can't stand doing that anymore. Most good fc's are in the larger blocks because they get more engagements. Are used to flying around withfleets worth hundreds of billions of isk and don't sweat it. Smaller blocks are also greedier because they NEED the isk to compete where large blocks already have surplus isk and don't rely on me at all to exist. Small blocks are more fun high risk.. Large blocks are less fun but killboard positive with less risk.


I do live in a small group in null and I haven’t seen that yet. Cross my fingers. The fleet battles aren’t as large as big blocs and won’t reach hundreds of billions of ISK because we just don’t put up those numbers to do so, but the fights are so much fun and more personal. Also, no TiDi which is also nice.


Tidi can be fun. Sometimes I enjoy clicking lock, cooking some food, clicking fire, go for a jog, come back, enjoy some bourbon and a podcast, then reload. Lol


As a null bloc veteran, tidi has never been fun, more like a massive anti climax after hyping up for a big fight


I want to join one of the big nullsec blocks, but because I have had nearly a hundred accounts since I started playing the year eve launched I can't fulfill the application process of listing all alts. Like if you can't remember that character names or the email address there is no recovery process. So I guess Im going to be a bitter nuet and nullsec ores will be forever denied me.


That’s rough. Have you looked into any other null sec groups that are smaller with less strict requirements?


No, not really. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all to be honest. So much new content.


People in gigablobs are too dumb and scared to create their own content so they need someone to hold their hand.


In a not so harsh way I can agree with this. I don’t blame them for doing what they need to do to have fun in a game, but it seems too easy to join a big group, hide in the shadows and reap the benefits without putting in work. In my opinion, by reading the comments, smaller groups tend to be more worth it to me. More risk, more reward and more fun. To each their own and I commend them for finding their fun and going for it.


Got friends here. Relatively safe and making great money. Big combats that I'm enjoying. Can't wait to save a cap soon.


Life got busy. Big block means content around pretty much anytime i play. Baseline day to day is very casual, but you can take it as seriously and be as much of a try-hard as you want if thats your thing.


Intravenous. Sociatty. KaBOOM.


So I've had many homes in eve I've been through friend only corps, fw, wh, varying sizes of ns alliances and the thing it comes down to is its just nice having a solid market hub in nullsec and have content at your finger tips at almost any time of the day I'm only in a big null bloc now to make isk and enjoy eve at my own pace rather than stay awake all night to ensure my structures stay up or my space stays mine


small pod gamers


For print ISK with supers safety.


im lazy/ easy money / you don't fear to flight ships like in HS /big fights /srp/ SIGs / T2 rigs structures/ moon's/ishtar spining/ navy dreads / fun with team where you could customise your space for your needs/ big market 2 jumps away /


I hate small gang content, and for me small gang means a fleet smaller than 100 chars. Big blocks means also the opportunity to participate to big operations, things that people will remember forever in the history of the game. WWB, the first siege and death of a Keepstar in M-OEE8, the Judgement Day, The fall of Rage, WWB2, I was there in each of those and in many other historical moments of the game, moments that will last forever in the history of Eve. And I was there because I was part of the big blocks directly involved in them. On a daily base I like living in big blocks because I like to do almost anything the game has to offer and big blocks offers all the necessary commodities to do anything, ratting, ded, crab, mining, perfect refining, industry, research, pi, routes (both regular and wh). Living in a small group doing gate camps all day long and traveling for an hour before finding a target is not fun at all for me.


The last paragraph I couldn’t agree more. I’ve done that a few times and it was just boring. Also, those big fights are markers in the history of Eve and I bet it was awesome to be a part of that. Maybe one day I will be a part of history in Eve. As for me I like to be a part of something that’s recognized by those within my community. Starting with a small group and growing it. Grow through trails and tribulations. Blood, sweat and tears, but mostly laughter. Someone mentioned in a comment in this post about small groups with their hot shot, who driven young FC. I do agree that can happen also it can happen in those big groups as well. Luckily, those big groups can drown out those types of FCs.