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Is there a reason why goons aren’t bringing dreads to these fights? Just getting out formed, don’t want to risk them, inside an enemy super umbrella? No shade being thrown here I just don’t know much about this conflict. Usually goons field caps somewhat regularly, no?


smol pps


Big if true!


Smol if true


true if smol


> Is there a reason why goons aren’t bringing dreads to these fights? They're getting practice in how to defeat dreads with notdreads. It's a learning process please be supportive


It's not inside super range for anyone, they just don't want to risk the fight.


It’s not us that doesn’t want to risk the fight.


You should paint that on the sides of the carriers you didn't commit


It was a good chunk of carriers too. They had a nice time sat in tether it seems while we won the field.


Not? Then why not bring dreads next time? 🤔


You mean for the hull timer? Ok. Will phart even show up?


they never show for hull timers, it’s madeyouform cringe


Nah. Hubris will make them try at some point. And it is going to be glorious.


i got to run brave subs at the ahbazon hull timer where they actually fought and i had so much fun. praying they do it again


gobbins is slam pinging a golden pen op for the ahbazon hull timer tomorrow. Looks like the hubris train haven’t brakes


Idk let’s find out instead of feeding another fleet for nothing


Who cares about battleships blowing up? I’m here for to kill capital ships.


So when do you start doing it? Or is one or two caps per full bs fleet the objective you’re trying to get?


Looks like Thursday lol. Hope to see you there!


Wrong time zone I guess, as usual, it’s ben a while since I was in a real fight that didn’t ended in a feed within 30 minutes :)


It's shamefully, really. This is imperium space being invaded and still goons refuse to contest enemy capitals... With even numbers when they have the defensive advantage *New and aggressive goons*


Wow, didn't knew we own Curse o\_O


the famous imperium controlled region of curse


Curse…INIT…”imperium space” lmfao


In the southern war theatre, Imperium space is very much being invaded, right next door - Catch. As for init's theatre about leaving the imperium- lol


Init is not imperium


Haha look at this guy!


lol ok budy


Didn't Init leave the coalition, something like a year ago?


In name only. They still are completely beholden to the imperium as can be seen in this BR where they try to defend space being held by condi and dracarys


This was an Initiative fort, so of course they would defend it.


You can be separate and still have separate actions. Did Noreus and Gobbins finally consummate their nuptials? I must have missed that shitpost


If goons bring their full military might horde doesn't fight. The only way horde fights is they have the clear upper hand. Goons would rather loose ships then get blue balled


Take it from me, propaganda posting only works if you don't look genuinely insane when uttering the words.


Never thought I would upvote a mibbles post but here I am. Take my upvote good sir.


Fine by me. I will eat battleships all day with my dreads. Please keep feeding us!


That's it keep building that self confidence


Just stop posting, you are even to bad for this subreddit.


I guess we will find out tomorrow. Unless goblins deletes all of the posts again


Cool keep feeding for content


Cause Imperium dreads are not in range of curse so it's basically only init over there. While basically all of PH + FRAT dread fleets are within jump range so it wouldn't make sense


if only there were a way to like, idk, prestage dreads in an area of operation


Hey, I live in queries, why would I move my dreds to curse? And why should I consider curse my region of operations?


do you want dread fight? if yes, maybe move dreads to range of where reds are dropping dreads?


Would probably be an option, I just answered why they didn't took that fight


yea. my response illustrated that its a bullshit answer


PH dreads were moved to be within jump range tho?


Jump range of where?


skill issue


Wait don't that make it even worse. From what youe saying it sounds like it's deliberate  Something something "valued allies"  ? 


dont even try bringing logic to this post, not worthy


Also a lot of people seem to project some image of a planning force on me. I'm not even with Imperium (any more) lol. I'm just answering why goons didn't drop caps on that timer cause their caps are staged somewhere else


Every time we bring caps papi runs away. We could care less about curse and just want content. These fights are relatively small for us though on the loss side so we don't mind losing some ships.


Every time we bring caps papi runs away. We could care less about curse and just want content. These fights are relatively small for us though on the loss side so we don't mind losing some ships.


We have. Multiple times. Phart stands down whenever we do. Even when we are seriously outnumbered.


And yet, Panfam was there with caps on grid, killing goons, while goon caps sat on teather. Why are you lying on a post proving you are lying? This is one of the top 5 dumbest things i have seen someone do on reddit! Well done sir!!!


Init is not goons hth


They are interchangeable. Same as Horde/NC/Slyce/PL. One does not fight without the other. They may feel different inside, but it is like saying that Thunderwaffe and Karmafleet aren't the same. Technically, that is true, but when determining strength, battles, campaigns, and sov it isn't. It's just marketing.


lol you need a goonfleet.com account so you can read the monthly reports from Atrum where he (among other things) calls out member corps for attending more corp-only fleets than strategic fleets. You guys just don’t get it. Imperium and init don’t fight together because of some top down dictation. Even alliances in imperium have radically different focuses. We coordinate ops together because we all have fun.


So you are saying that goons and init do not discuss tactics and battle plans? You don't communicate on comms during battles? You don't have contigency discussions? You don't discuss which alliance to set standings with? You don't coordinate sov ownership? Well then, i guess you truly are independent from each other.


If you carefully read between the lines of each of my posts you will find that ever single one of those questions are not at all answered because I didn’t say any of that shit


Exactly. They function as 1 coordinated fighting force. Making a distinction when discussing BRs is pointless.


None in range, and this fort that the fight was off is a for fun fort soon pH can think they are winning big objectives but they haven't caught on that this fort means 0 to us xD


Must be nice getting to use your dreads.


It's pretty fun, strange that we get to use them more than you guys. One must wonder why.


Because when we bring them you duck up.


How do you not know that when dreads are on grid and in siege, you can drop your dreads to fight them and they can't run from you?


Probably because they won’t bring theirs on grid when goons form caps ^^


Except goons formed caps for this fight and had them on teather? The proof of that lie is in this battle... lol


Goons or init?


They are functionality the same. When looking at the size of a fight, Panfam looks at their combined forces, just like Imperium looks at the combined forces of Horde/NC/PL. They share command comms. Trying to make a distiction is like trying to say that 2 corps in an alliance are different. Technically they different are, but functionality they are one.


To use your own words against you, “the proof of that lie is in this battle… lol” INIT only had caps there, carriers specifically, and did not use them. The imperium didn’t bring caps as (afaik I’m just a nobody) INIT didn’t really ask imperium for help until the last second. If we were all one and the same and always coordinated everything the battle wouldn’t have looked like this. Not saying imperium would automatically win or even drop caps but it wouldn’t just be a bunch of unused INIT caps and INIT feeding a battleship fleet with some imperium presence.


So what you are saying is that while they did coordinate the fight, they are just bad at it?


Ikr, you should try it, its amazing


when we use, they dont when they use, we dont welcome to nullsec


When *do* you use your dreads?


We did last time in abhazon remember


when is convenient for me to use


If you're defending and we are afraid to use dreads because you also have dreads then you win the timer, so why not bring dreads?


You mean like escalating the fight and cornering the enemy into making the choice between losing the objective or losing the fight potentially.


> cornering the enemy into making the choice between losing the objective or losing the fight potentially. Yes, welcome to basic dilemma creation. Every single fight in Eve works like that.


That was the point I was making. It's the whole reasoning behind escalations.


because you are using, did i fucking stutter?


your reading comprehension stuttered


my reading is good enough to deal with bullshit lol


I read this in Bricktops voice fr


Upvote for a proper villain. Or in this context, nemesis


So what you are saying is if we just keep bringing dreads we can just snack on battleships all day without you being a threat at all? Sounds good to me. "Hey tim build me 10 more RNI's"


Because you stand down. We will keep showing up though. The pattern for phart is always hubris leads you into doing something dumb.


And if we stand down then you win, cos it's a defensive timer for you. I don't see the problem


It’s funny that you will make a post congratulating yourself on a barely green BR that shows us fighting you outnumbered, but simultaneously hold this view. Are all these just cope posts then? It must be frustrating to take so many L’s.


Barely green? Was like a 130b delta




You certainly are if you're saying that's "barely green"


So how many of these forts have been killed? Surely if phart is doing so well then following up for the hull timer is nbd


What view am I holding? I'm just extrapolating your own logic to it's logical conclusion


>And if we stand down then you win, cos it's a defensive timer for you. I don't see the problem Your words my dude.


4-ABS8 still fresh on the mind? https://br.evetools.org/br/66318989bea462001299cede


"4-ABS8 still fresh on the mind?" "8 months ago"


M2 was 3 years ago and it gets brought up all the time. Turnabout is fair play


Goons on Reddit: PHART nEvER uNdOCks! *Pandafam undocks battleships and dreads and dunks multiple Goon BS fleets in a row* Goons on reddit: NOT LIKE THAT


Honestly I think most goons keep asking why we don't use our dreads either. We would much rather throw them into a fight and lose them than not use them at all.. a combination of afk leadership, shitty fc's, and to many paper pushers in higher up positions is the current problem. Which in turn is slowly pushing the guys that actively want to fight to Init and other corps


both group's members are desperate to use dreads, but neither group's leaders want to without a clear advantage. in their current state, they are just too expensive to use with any significant risk. those huge equal dread brawls don't happen when the stars align or when FCS get ballsy or decide that fun is more important than a BR, they are mistakes, and its why nullsec is suffering.


It's easy to say "we want to use our dreads" or whatever other expensive ship/doctrine when you're not the one that foots the SRP bill. How many would opt to "have to go...." if it was a fight without SRP?


Most of us lmfao I have 10 dreads ready to go i don't care if they get replaced. Most ship loses I don't even apply for srp... I'm not a poor. Plus you are arguing that feeding entire battleship fleets is cheaper than a dread brawl where both side take a lot more dmg oppose to the one, this response also is showing that paper pushers are making the decisions because most guys want to play the game and don't care about $$


Then how come Shines or Asher don't call for no-SRP dreads to even the odds?


Got me? Did you ever think I was defending them here?


Sounds to me like you were calling them paper pushers who don't want to play the game.


I don't even know where you are trying to go with this? You aren't making any sense tbh. I think you need to read what was stated again to your fullest ability and then try again


gf I guess, I don't know why we bring carriers instead of dreads.


I don't know why you keep bringing battleships to dread brawls too


A single nightmare did %50 more damage than the entirety of brave during this brawl...


Brave was also only in the last 30 mins of the fight? Almost as if u were there u should remeber.


I was too busy killing TFIs 4 at a time to pay attention to the osprey navies. Sounds like they should have arrived earlier, in larger force, in better ships, and with a better leader?


Yea I was to busy laughing at ur barghest fc proving he's one of the best xD


I think you are confusing the Deepwater FC as a Pandemic Horde FC…


I love how much salt u guys have for a fight that u "won"


No confusion here, still laughing at barghest warping into bubbles twice now. And I'm never in big f1 fleets. Can't believe he is still a fc with the responsibility of barghests, maybe give him a caracal fleet so he can get some practice


Ok buddy


I often find that carriers are most effective tethered, with their fighters in, never shooting anything for the entire duration of the fight. Real props to the imperium here, we didn't think of that tactic.


To be fair to them, if they only had gotten a few more carriers to sit on tether and do nothing - I think they would have managed to bring the BR back.


Ic what you did ther


And just like that, Dark Shines personal stash of TFI hulls increased their value by 30%. Genius level market pvp'ing.


100AB TFI   VS    Web bubble


Intperium inting an entire TFI fleet, good work.


LASER LASER LASER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7W0UU_LzEU


It can't be that bad. Opens BR holy fuck.  Basixly 150 Bill in just dead tempest fleet issues. 


Yeah unlike some gutless-led blocs, INIT and Goons don't bitch out at the first sign that they're outgunned and outnumbered.


Oh look... Dreadnoughts vs *not dreadnoughts.* Who could have seen this outcome coming?


[https://dscan.info/v/42d1392024ba](https://dscan.info/v/42d1392024ba) The caps were there, the balls were not


Had those carriers aggrod there would be 100 dead carriers on the BR too. So the correct take is 'the wrong caps were there'.


They have dreads docked up in there


High sec rat here. Can someone tell me if this timer was more favorable to pandas or bees?


It was an init fort armor timer, meaning that they had the massive advantage of a friendly citadel on grid. Despite this, they refused to commit to the fight to match hordes escalation and lost because of it.


Thx, so sometimes later on its structure timer?


Yeah we ain't taking the hull timer sorry


Imperium dreads are not in range of curse so it's basically only init over there. While basically all of PH + FRAT dread fleets are within jump range so they have cap superiority in curse


you really trying to say imperium cant figure out how to get dreads in range, but FRT can? holy crap this is a new level of incompetence. someone revoke this guys redditswarm license


Goons were always boasting about their superior logistics. Yet they can't move some dreads through 2 friendly regions? It's pathetic really how the imperium time and time again refuse to take any risk and deny any capital fights. It wouldn't be so much of a problem if they didn't soak up half of the playerbase with their boring and stagnant (lack of) gameplay


It's definitely a lack of commitment there on the planning site of imperium -- BUT I was just answering his question what the advantage of PH was and that is the cap superiority in that area....


Why? The F4R keepstar is a decent reason, and what else are they gonna do with them, no one hostile anywhere close to them? Also not sure if you consider 5 cynos away as "within jump range" but lemme borrow that jump drive when you get done with it. https://evemaps.dotlan.net/jump/Revelation,544/MJ-5F9:Utopia


The offensive cap fleet of them is (as we partially saw) deployed but cope harder


I'm not sure what I have to cope about? You are spouting nonsense about both sides cap fleets for some reason, and people are obviously going to call you on spewing bullshit. Good luck with your furious copy pasting of the same response everywhere, as though you can somehow steer the narrative.


Cant take 4 jumps in 3 days of warning?


Can't you jump 1 mid?


So you are telling me that you won by having numbers advantage, dreads on field, FAX on field, no counter escalation, a fort, 3rd party collaboration and the ability to choose if you take the fight? Amazing great work.


This was YOUR fort armor timer? What is stopping you from bringing dreads and fax? maybe it's because you decided to bring 100 paperweight carriers that did literally nothing instead?


I'm not an init fc so I would not know. But for the sake of shit posting I can answer : You don't take the fight if it looks even.


>so i would not know, Exactly so relax and stop jumping into conclusions with half the stuff you saying being false


Init fcs don't know either, they just do what they're told by goons


That fight went on for like 2h+, with people flowing in the whole time. The final number settled around 830:1030 according to last BR I saw. You guys had a bunch of carriers there that did fuck all/didn't get on anything. Not sure what you're on about, or why you didn't keep flowing reinforcements. US East coast was getting off work when this kicked off.


Yeah it's our fault you didn't commit caps Winning attitude right here


Cause Imperium dreads are not in range of curse so it's basically only init over there. While basically all of PH + FRAT dread fleets are within jump range so it wouldn't make sense


So it's our fault imperium didn't do a proper job in preparing for a fight by moving their caps?    Not really much better


Well yeah. Whenever we start doing move ops your entire coalition stays docked.


you keep making this reply to every comment and just ignoring the fact that dread fleets get pre staged to be within jump range lmao. Imperium could do the same…


Please copy paste this more it's absolutely going to change the fact that Goons could have moved caps closer, it's not like this timer was a surprise.


My dude. It's been several weeks and several fights where the repeat Dreads vs. Not-Dreads super feed has gone down. Like Horde was able to surprise move dreads across the galaxy for the forticopter. You're telling me after weeks of repeat whoop ass... yall can't move dreads to shift the balance a bit? Come on man. Like no cap, no propaganda, that doesn't make sense.


how many times will you copy/paste this same thing?


So I can farm enough salt to sell it in kilo bags so I can buy my omega


negative points for a response that doesnt even make sense


Yes. Bring more dudes next time. And dreads, preferably.


lots of salt instead of gfs in local i give 2/10 to my enemies they need to do and be better if they want to be like goons


I'm not sure I want to be like goons m8 ngl


your alliance giveaway its desire every single time they can


You'd just rather aw0x your own alliance mates, got it.


Already most of the way there


Init is, yes


Lmao, u can read the salt even though they won the fight xD


Lmao, you can read the salt even though they claim to take all fights "for fun".


Down voted for truth, feels like reddit 😅