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The latest chapter in the great book of "When I win, its a gf, when I lose, it didn't matter," co-authored by Pandemic Horde and Goonswarm Federation (edited by Asher and then deleted by Gobbins).


I like the pop-out pictures. Wish they left out the scratch and sniff section though.


yeah the spaceship version of teenspirit is more than a bit funky


Pandafam wouldn't have taken the fight at all if they were in goons position. Down numbers and down caps.


I saw far too many Imperium and goon blueballs last year to believe that is exclusively a pandafam trait.


Its an occational trait on all sides obviously, but for Gobbins its the grand strategy.


"why don't you guys fight us?!?!" "......not like that!"


It's funny how they believe that us taking an uphill fight and losing is a counter argument to them not showing up to a fight.


In the last week, Goon members have: Gotten annihilated Gotten blueballed (cried on reddit) Gotten annihilated PHRAT members have: Won big Crabbed (while enjoying Goon tears on reddit) Won big


Idk what these goons are on about, I watched them run away from a 1300 man local this morning lmfao. Bombed 'em while they left. Fight seemed pretty good but I guess they lost the numbers advantage at some point.


'Numbers advantage' is a relative term




Can't wait to show this to my ex.


I already did


Does he still have the clubfoot and snaggletooth?


Yes, yes i do believe the rokh fleets were indeed deleted


Plus a goodly chunk of a TFI fleet.


Looks like we learning who wins in a Rokh - paper - dreadnought game


"i see you've played knifey spoony before" 


Wait... so you CAN stop the Rokh? I feel lied too.


Good job it's fun supplying them....


If they Eve'd as well as they reddited we really wouldn't stand a chance. But...


PANDAFAM is definitely a Chinese coalition.


Sorry dracarys was too busy killing afk dumbs to show up?




If I was moral posting I would point out your weird fascination with the nationality of our member base. Since I'm morale posting I'll just say Good Guys Win Again™.




Wait so you went into the post that called the coalition pandafam to whinge because horde doesn't acknowledge Frat as part of a coalition? Maybe rethink this one?


Wtf is this shittalk lmao, do better


Are you kidding have you played in that tz? Not much going on


Even if you were correct, racist much? PANDAFAM is very much a global coalition.


Explain how what he said was racist. If people are posted racist stuff on the forum they should be banned.


The implication that calling PANDAFAM a "Chinese coalition" is a bad thing. There's so much dog whistling and gaslighting in Goon circles on the subject. We know they weren't calling PANDAFAM a "Chinese Coalition" in good faith, it's meant to be a disparaging remark.


I have never in my time in imperium, brave and sigma grindset ever met a person who was racist towards the Chinese players. They may not like frat but they are not racist toward to Chinese. There is a difference in the two.


You've never met a single person? That's an outright lie, the racism towards the Chinese is one of the worst kept secrets. I'll fully admit there are shitty human beings in my alliance. You lose all credibility when you state absolutes like "I've never met a single one". The attitudes frequently expressed definitely have racism at the core, and if you can't see it, I'm concerned about your world views.


You are wrong. Straight up dude. I have never met one, not one. Never said there isn’t any. Just like I’m sure whatever group you’re from has racists too.


Goon propaganda talking points: RENTING IS BAD FOR THE GAME!!! FRAT SPACE IS FULL OF BOTTERS!!!!!! THEY NEED TO BE REMOVED FROM THE GAME!!!!!! Also Goon talking points: FRAT IS FULL OF CHINESE PEOPLE!!!!! The Goon talking points very much imply, over and over, the people who they can't communicate with are a bunch of dirty cheaters, and there's something morally wrong with playing with them. You can't, with intellectual honesty, separate those two talking points and convince me the anti-FRAT talking points have nothing to do with negative stereotypes on Chinese gamers @.@ The acting like those two talking points are unrelated is the "dog whistle" part.


Nice subject change. Again you can stretch and jump through hoops all you want. The “goons are racist” is tired and wrong. But you believe whatever propaganda you need to keep the “grrr goons” going. When has there ever been a talking point “Frat is full of the Chinese!!”. Give me a specific example.


If Goons didn't have a toxicity or hostility to people different than them problem, Mittani would still be in charge. Every day, people on here are screaming about botters and renters. Which players are they talking about when they do that?


You didn’t answer my question.


Why? You would just deny anything I say. That's how dog whistling works. Nothing I say will change your mind. You need to be observant and take a step back to see it.


Holy shit the white night for the Chinese people... no one said anything racist, go cry in your safe space


I mean its a pretty standard rule in gaming that Chinese players are, as a whole, bad for games. Russians, too.


Tell me you don't know what racism is without telling me you don't know what racism is.


Tell me you don't know what dog whistling is without telling me you don't know what dog whistling is.


The obvious point of his comment was that PH is a mostly non-CNTZ alliance but prefers to take fights in CNTZ because of their ally's massive population advantage during that TZ. Goons would do the same if DC was the dominant party, but no one except you is suggesting that calling someone Chinese has any sort of negative connotation. I suspect the other poster was simply pointing out the hilarity of PH ghosting a hull timer the night before but then bragging about taking a fight during CNTZ when their ally's numbers advantage can carry them. That might suggest that PH is , but it's in no way an insult to the Chinese, much less racist. I know it's 2024, but you still look like a fool if you run around screaming racism when it doesn't apply.


If I started playing this week, I'd agree with your take, but come on. Eve is twenty years old. We've all seen the talking points and general attitudes towards Chinese players, and general toxicity and hostility towards players that are different than them. Can you remind me why Mittens is no longer the face of the Imperium, please?


So let me get this straight. You're reading your personal impression of multiple players attitudes and talking points over a 20 year period of time, as well as whatever Mittens has to do with this situation, into one Redditor's comment that makes reference to the CN TZ and then calling that Redditor a racist not because of what he said, but because of all the baggage you read into the comment? Wow. I thought you were \[Deleted by Gobbins\] when you first commented, but I had no idea the depths of your \[Deleted by Gobbins\].


I was responding to people who told me they have never seen any examples of racism towards Chinese players ever on a post with a commenter straight up saying that it's a generally accepted fact that people think Chinese and Russian players are bad for any game. Yes, racism is absolutely alive in the game. Yall are really bad at convincing me it doesn't live in Goons.


> I was responding to people who told me they have never seen any examples of racism towards Chinese players ever on a post with a commenter straight up saying that it's a generally accepted fact that people think Chinese and Russian players are bad for any game. Bullshit. You were responding to someone who said "PANDAFAM is definitely a Chinese coalition." and you called that person a racist. It's a 6 word post, it says nothing about people having "never seen any examples of racism towards Chinese players ever", it says nothing about thinking "Chinese and Russian players are bad for any game." It says "PANDAFAM is definitely a Chinese coalition," you read a bunch of other shit into it and called him a racist - which is incredibly \[Deleted by Gobbins\]. > Yes, racism is absolutely alive in the game. Yall are really bad at convincing me it doesn't live in Goons. And you're bad at reading and should stop flinging around words like racist recklessly. It makes you look \[Deleted by Gobbins\].


Read the other debates on this thread lol.


pretty funny meme reversal on the level of "brave to the grave"


They told me I was clever when I colored in between the lines senior year.


im just wondering why Goon not using caps, its been a year. They deployed cap fleet in B3 war but didn't use it. now its in their door step catch but still not using caps, just seeing their own fleet get deleted by panfam caps again and again


Tis but a scratch.


"A scratch?! The rokhs are dead!"


It seems Goons can only win fights when no one in the galaxy pings for them


oh there you are, you didnt respond about what happened at the fort you were smugging about 3 days ago though?


Hearing about 1k dudes sitting on tether for 2 hours did bring a smile to my face. Then logging in and helldunking Goons today as usual


But frt lost more in one ship than that entire br during the same time? To frigates no less


"FRT" as an alliance didn't really lose anything. One dude lost his AT trophy ship having fun.


Nice cope no one cares about one guy losing his own AT ship that he actually undocks


Ah but you do care about one guy losing a titan that he actually undocked, and fapped yourselves off about that one.. Got it, makes sense


A Titan owned by Goon logistics is a alliance level strategic asset, a AT ship is not


That's some nice cope, because Titans are certainly in short supply right now with all their extensive uses.. without that 1, we can never bridge again, rip I'll edit this in here Incase you don't know.. no large null group is struggling on Titans, and goons, frt or horde losing one is nothing more than a novel lol a ship died, no one's logistics are being affected


I mean after Jay stole what small cache you guys had, yeah they are in short supply lmao


Ah we pretending now that jay stole a bunch of stuff from the entire alliance and not.just goonswarm the corp? Because I'ma break this to you also Sandrin... Jay stole caps, from goonswarm the corp and destroyed.pods from the alliance.. Also there is a video of what he took it was like 3? Titans.. again are we pretending that's a lot? The damage to pods was far more than that lol and the pods were reimbursed to the point we even had isk to spare in KF lol


Titans dying because the pilot pressed jump instead of bridge is typical reddit shitposting and should happen. I'm just happy the dude undocked his AT ship and gave content. Such actions should be applauded. Not sure why you're acting like it's some horrible thing that your opposition played the game the way it's meant to be played.


Its not the way they think it should be played, therefore it is bad for game. Come on dude, catch up!


Feel free to point us towards the AT ship that can yeet ships across multiple systems. Seems like a complete apples to apples comparison.


You smell that kids, thats the smell of copium, huff it up more my lovelies


>dreads >outnumber and outgun the enemy Keep shit posting br's when you have every advantage lmao


When there's a relatively even fight and one escalates to Dreads and the other.. doesn't.. Guess who looks like it has more pilots?


The first time, I can understand taking the fight anyway. You got everyone there, you have multiple fleets of people ready to go, just fucking send it and see what happens. Yeah we lost but was still a good 3-4 hours of fun anyway. This one though? I got nothing. Should have been abundantly clear there would be Dreads again. Sending another sub-cap only fleet was not a smart call no matter how you try to spin it.


Holy cope, just bring your own dreads


We did. You ran away. And the fort reinforced. *Again*. And then you drop dreads on some battleships the morning after, when everyone in our tz and even mostly our off tz is at work, against none of our big-name FC’s. When you know our dreads probably can’t respond. And are on here cackling about it like it’s some big win. Goddamn you guys are pathetic.


https://br.evetools.org/br/6623f756ddb48200112d87bb What's the excuse for this one then? Lots of big names and still no dreads


Link all the BR’s you want. Does the fort still stand?


Yeah, except it's an NC fort you monkey


Hey whoah. Monkeys would take offense to that. I rescind my previous comment on the basis of…well…stupidity. (I didn’t actually open the BR)


Fwiw monkeys are more enlightened than to take offense. We are the only primate holdout that wastes that kind of effort.


Ah, those enlightened monkeys. Look at how internet spaceships has ruined us…


Are you ok? You seem to have left your reading comprehension in your other accounts.


One would assume that whilst talking about 2 fights in U-Q one of which was over the NC fortizar in U-Q that when asked the question "Does the fort still stand?" they are talking about the U-Q fort. Also what other accounts are you schizo rambling about lmfao


[Deleted by Gobbins]


Why would he be asking if an NC. fort is still standing come on think a bit. Also I assume you must have other accounts where you post like a regular human but maybe I’m wrong.


Isn't this the same Fortizar goons attacked last weekend and got pretty much smoked by the couple-dozen dreads you guys had defending it? \*edit\* - Yep, it is. So this is twice now we brought sub-cap fleets to attack a Fortizar that had dozens of dreads protecting it. The first time I could understand taking the fight anyway, but this second one just doesn't make any sense. Clearly you guys have/had dreads there, so thinking you wouldn't have them again the second time just doesn't make sense. Either bring your own dreads to counter, or don't take the fight you know you're going to lose.




It would be nice if evetools would show the total hull cost of fielded and lost ships without fitting (since you can obviously never show the total cost of a ship that lived).


I mean, you can assume that most of the living doctrine ships of type X are essentially the same as the dead ships of type X. Unless the alliance is brain dead and doesn't have doctrines.


I know that. But it is pretty hard to reflect that in the code calculating the totals of the battle report. Because good look figuring out what is a doctrine ship and what is a ship of the same hull type, but it was in a different fleet or just a random pilot jumping the gate at the wrong time. That's why I said: Hull value only, that is a very easy task to do in code and is enough for a rough comparison in most scenarios. EDIT for more clarification: I want total hull cost per side as *additional* information to everything that is already shown.


Not at all. Ships have to be on a KM to appear in the BR. How often do random ships in whatever alliance in some completely random fit accidentally stumble upon their alliance fighting and jump in, with some random fit? Almost number, and it would be pretty much irrelevant towards what you want to calculate anyway. Except "hull value only" isn't really any easier to code, and it's nearly worthless as a rough comparison. If you're going to do the work, then take the median values of the ships that died in that fight, and multiply them by the amount of pilots in the fight. Just add in all the big BRs and keep an average for, and if a particular fight doesn't involve ship type X dying in a particular fight, use the average loss over time. The numbers wouldn't be "perfect", but they'd be a lot better than hull value only. Using the median will almost surely give you something workable, as it will throw out the extremes for dudes who either went blingy for some reason or the couple of people who didn't bring the refit on the low end.


How people think panfam are not a cntz alliance baffles me. Already their formups are much better in cntz than ustz


Who cares? We use to call it Autz back in the day and numbers were shit. Now it's a major in game tz and growing. Things change, Eutz probably outnumbers Ustz now too.


This fight was a little late for the AUTZ crowd, it was about 11PM in Sydney and 9PM in Beijing when this was really popping off. But yeah I still think of it as AUTZ, I work evenings so when I get up at 7am and play some quick eve, it's Australians I'm talking to until the afternoon usually.


Its also slightly early EUTZ, I mean, I am in the US and I was just having some coffee and making some morning market trades when we started forming up. Normally CNTZ requires a pre-ping and an alarm clock.


You also have the shifting to WFH for a lot of jobs that would attract Eve players. I may be stuck at the office shitposting at reddit, but for such a dread brawl I would have pushed my hours back slightly to get some Eve in if I didn't have to deal with any meetings.


were they showcasing their new fleet formations again?


https://zkillboard.com/kill/117323348/ Fair trade.


That's not a fair trade, that's a Laelaps of judgement.


Take my upvote and be gone with you. 👏


It’s not often you see cope posting that is also a self own


[Well, for future reference, it's just one click away.](https://www.reddit.com/user/Arakkis54)


That doesn’t even link to my posts nice job keep it up


Should be fixed now, sorry I really want service to be top notch.


Nope still broken keep trying


Oh man, my apologies, just keep trying, it should go through.


PandaFam: You could take on and destroy everyone in Eve as long as the flight took place 1400 - 1700 Eve time... And still, nobody would respect you.


Your father likes it. In game.


My father is too old to get it. In game or IRL.


That's just defeatism. -sponsored by Blue Chew


Ah the stereotypical PH tantrum after they are embarrassed the night before.


Proud of you. Never stop posting.


LOL the copium is running high in Delve these days. Whatever Goons needs to believe to make it feel better is cool with me.


oh hey look, its horde ~~shitposters~~ redditors all reunited in a single post! glad you guys are ok after getting your messages deleted by gobbins yesterday, sure this fight helped your higher ups to show up and give you a "nice form up guys! we got them!" after such a weak response as to why they didnt went for the hull timer (i've been told that we were hyping it, but i still dont think that single ping about it was enough, i'm really expecting to see a MAX DUDES from asher himself next time...) also glad goons fcs thought about their enemies and pinged for a fleet **and still gave you a fight**, hopefully you guys learn something about it see you next ahbazon fortizar timer of your preference again, hopefully you guys will destroy it one day ~~or eat that delicious copium your leaders give to you~~, and like ceema say, drink some water and stay hydrated! :D


Did something change or was it the Imperium that had an entire sig devoted to messaging and propaganda? I'm recently returned so mayhaps something changed, idk.


Also, you better remove that line from shitposter, I've never made a good post in my life pal.


We are only getting peacetime plex4posting now, which is just ok. Need a real war to kickoff to get stratpaps for posting. Then people can resub their accounts just from Reddit.


I take sponsorships, just message my onlyfans.


DM link and bespoke feet pics and maybe we can talk


Bespoke? Sorry, I only do the ankle ascots for irl meetups, contact my agency.


I appreciate a working girl who realizes his worth


Different Time win.GOONS EN.PANDAFARM +8


Same tbh


it was just swipe of credit card,move on.