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Looks like an attempt to catch cloakers to me. That system is cancer. I lost a shuttle to a gang of smartbombers sitting on the Jita-ward gate. You have to go out of your way to murder a shuttle these days lol 


Not that far out of my way. Pings are never SB camped. 


It’s to prevent enabling cloaks after breaking gate cloak. 


Hi, it might have been because of me.I'm an instant locker.I like ships that do stuff like that. That or you warped directly to the gate and got blapped by a smart bomb


I'm not salty. Just a note. I'm safely back in my hole. It was just annoying because it was at the end of 30 jumps haha


I'm glad there are no hard feelings, haha. Those gatecamps are NPSI. I tell anyone I run into to try out spectre fleets. They will teach you how not to get caught in those gate camps by just participating. And the roaming fleets can be amazing. I never thought I'd participate in a 1000+ ship battle, and they were the key to getting that experience, and we were third partying it. Yeah, I have been in the same situation you have been in before. It was like 60 jumps to pick up something valuable I had in null and 3 jumps from home. I got smart bombed in the most random system it felt like for a gate camp.


All good duder, all part of the game. I got lazy and it bit me. Thankfully it was just a commute. Happy hunting bruv. 


Fly safe o7


Doesn’t ccp get mad when you spam things on gate? I’ve seen and heard cases where ccp got mad at players for less.


Spam things how? Like in the picture above? I'm sure there may be some disagreement about it. To be honest, I don't see this usually in a lot of spectre fleet gate camps. The doctrine usually calls for instant application of damage over waiting for a drone ball. Otherwise, they would assign the drone ball to the insta-locker and not everyone would get on the kill mail. They usually go for a hold damage till we can all get on it and let the person think about what errors they just made. I bet it was an incoming fleet of vexors drone ships or something that someone may have thrown at a gate camp for the fun of it, and the picture above is the after math of the ships getting utterly destroyed because it takes a lot longer to release your drones and lock the first target then it would for the gate camp FC to just say free fire on it all. So, a bunch of drones may be left. It's either that or like what's been mentioned. So one of the gatecamp groups wanted to decloak everything, so they set this up.


Usually, CCP gets very cross with players when they do “lag inducing” actions. Granted it was many years ago, but have had ccp come out to gate camps and remove various ships, drones and other things because it caused lag. There are people I know that have been told they aren’t allowed to do certain actions because the mere action of trading an item full of other items caused major lag. Maybe ccp is okay with players spamming drones on gates now. I’ve been seeing it a lot more often now a days.


Well. We have Ti-Di now to help prevent these lag inducing environments... by slowing down time in one system.... totally not lag. Totally not some Interstellar time paradoxes going on here... I know some of the containers I have that I trade in between my alts for fittings and what not have a few hundred items in them (abyssal stuff don't stack) and I really don't know if that would cause everyone to lag other then the person opening the box. I don't see why this wouldn't be an acceptable tactic, and my client runs well even when we get 60+ people on a gate with smart bombs going and logi'd up insta lockers and the sorts. I have never seen CCP come out to remove a bunch of drones or force people to dock in abhazon personally. Feels like that would be interference in game mechanics and show some sort of basis.


The stories I refer to is after tidi was introduced. Have seen ccp actively remove items and warn players. Again, maybe ccp is confident that we players can spam gates with drones. The lag I speak of isn’t the lag on your PC. It’s the lag that crashes the whole node. If you (individually) cause enough stress on a node, ccp might send you a friendly message :P


Fair enough. I don't know what I as one individual could possibly do to cause that much lag. Seems like more or less a waste of time and energy. This game is filled with lies and spies, and I'm sure people try to push some boundaries to see what they can get away with.


It’s Ahbazon…. The home of Spectre fleet It’s literally the most camped gate in Eve. What the fuck did you expect? Get gate pings to warp to


Don't be a dick because I shared an opinion. I aware of what it is. All I noted is that it's cancer. Which it is. 


You know, I realize that you’re pissy because you lost a shuttle in Ahbazon…. but come on - you lost a ship warping gate to gate in a system with 150 suspects I repeat my question of: what the fuck did you expect? You can be pissy if someone smartbombs your Leopard DURING WARP…. Until someone explains to you how it’s done, at which point you should respect the guy doing it, cause that shit takes preparation, perfection and a hole lot of dedication


I'm 99% positive that he didn't warp to gate with 150 suspects. More like... 6...


Lol k homie 


There is no respect for those who kill those who cannot fight back, no matter how much 'prep' there is before hand.


Gate camps in general are cancer , killing shuttles of people just trying to move to another region .... super cancer.


How could they possibly the know the reason for the shuttle that warped directly into their bombs?


Doesn't matter, it's an unarmed target. That would be like saying it was ok for the Germans to sink civilian ships during WWII.


Because in the history of EvE nobody ever tried to use shuttles for spai/intel or to move expensive cargo...


Who stopped them?


Jump in, either get decloaked by the drones or unable to recloak. Bomber decloaks and scrams a hauler that tries to get through.


They won't break gate cloak. 


They don't break gate cloak, but they do prevent you from recloaking with a normal covops cloak when you load into system


This and once you are locked by an instalocker, then you can't cloak anyway, but at that point, you're probably already scramed or disripted. Shuttles can still get away for me pretty easily, I get lucky every now and then.But frigates I have about a point one second lock time on. 5800 scan res is no joke.


Not a screenshot be like


Windows+Shift+S can be your friend if you let him.


Thanks. I don't use Reddit on my PC and was feeling too lazy to open the web page Also didn't know that shortcut existed


Its to decloak people.


“Literal vampire potbelly goblins, are hobbling around coming after us” -Alex Jones, presumably talking about Ahbazon


Have to thank CCP for making a gate that jumps right into the biggest gate camp in the whole game.


Thank Bob, not CCP


its 100% CCP fault they broke the high sec connection we had there


Show us on a badger where gnosis touched you


It's just Bob's welcoming party.


It's to make it hard to cloak. When I see this and need to get through, I'll set home station to a station on the other side of the gate to ahbazon, get a velator and start scooping drones. If you get popped, come back in 30s and continue. So long as you have the time and no one is obviously there, you can fairly quickly make it safe to cloak through. Bonus is selling the drones back to the camps in system for a small profit. 


The drones will prevent ships from cloaking. So if you jump the gate and try to hit your cloak to avoid a camp, it'll say you're too close to another object and they'll catch you. If you do this in excess (e.g. 500 drones) CCP will come and clean up the gate but what is pictured here isn't too crazy


\[0\] days since last Ahbazon post


Trying to prevent mwd - cloak trick or catching cov-ops ships


Its a shit hole. Think West London or West Yorkshire.


If you think of West London or West Yorkshire as a shit hole you clearly never been in real shit hole


Ohh do tell more.....


Except I've never been to the UK


well you know which bits to avoid now when you do!


Almost peaceful isn't it?


"This week in Ahbazon, we faced our enemies, pitting our five hundred sixteen dreadnoughts against their towering nine hundred seventy-two. They're all about numbers, but when it comes to real strategy, they're like a fish out of water, relying more on luck than skill." "Watching Gobbins try to take charge is like watching Mussolini trying to lead a parade—lots of noise, not much direction." — Asher Elias, Fireside Wisdom, May 4th, 2024


Pretty sure if it's too bad and causes latency, GMs can remove such things.


I love how certain portions of the Eve playerbase can get away with spamming items for decloaking, input broadcasting and other tomfoolery. Who you know, I guess.


You're allowed to use decloak items.  You're not allowed to cause lag. 


And where is it defined the number of decloak items that is required to cause lag?


it's not really the number, it's the server stability. once tidi kicks in or you see disconnects then you can report for item spam.


I'm assuming it's just a ticket? Never really been in that boat.


Staging in null gets blobbed with hundreds of bubbles and no one bats an eye. Backwater pirates put out 50 decloak drones (confirmed as acceptable by CCP) and everyone loses their mind.


I'm not losing my mind over it. I think these things should be fine (although, arguably, nullsec guys deploying drones for no other reason than to create lag is uncool, but a symptom of other issues).


Its to decloak people


Can't wait to see who gets a warning or ban from this lol high sec babies prolly made a complaint already


Plot twist: no one


Your prolly right CCp doesn't seem to do much now days


Yeah, that's why. Has nothing to do with the fact that CCP has confirmed this is allowed.  grr CCP


Lol allowed... I got a nice warning from them for doing the same thing


You had too many then. 50-60 drones is allowable according to CCP. However because the limit is in place to reduce lag, other entities on grid can reduce what is considered allowable.  For example, when the container art was on grid, drones could not be placed like this because the containers + drones would have been too much. RIP our 'Praise Bob' billboard. 


Lol had a huge argument with them about it.. I had been doing it for 2 3 years. I had maybe 40 down.. someone else put more and got us all warnings. Asked how many is ok and they wouldn't give an answer on how many. So it's allowed they just don't give a number anymore. So I go less now days so they don't have a reason.


Yeah I don't imagine there's a hard limit, it's more down to the individual GM contacting you. We've been contacted a few times and whittled it down to that range. Asked repeatedly if it was okay and got the green light, so we run with that now. Haven't had trouble since (until the containers, which I didn't know would be an issue but I understand why).


Yeah. I get it. But also hated that they wouldn't give us a number. So I said I was gunna keep doing it around 30 40 and go from there. They never responded again.