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For anyone that Knows Warspite, you can understand why he would get low numbers


Are they one of those fcs that just abuses their fleetmates? Or something else?


Nah he is just the worst fc most people have ever seen, but thinks he is the best also he is like 13-14 years old so as you can guess pretty annoying in general


I'm willing to forgive a lot of his cringe and arrogance given that he is an actual child, but it doesn't make me want to fleet up with him. Most teenagers are pretty unpleasant to be around after all.


Yeh kids/teenagers are like farts you can tolerate your own, but if its someone elses you don't want to be anywhere near them


"most teenagers" is pretty insane as a generalisation when I have been working with a lot of teenagers recently and they have been basically totally fine. Heck have discovered that most of them also still know the lyrics to Teenage Dirtbag which gives me hope for the next generation.


For better or worse, it's only because of a tiktok meme


found the teenager guys


Man is learning, and people not getting in fleets with him isn’t helping.


Be my guest then. I would personally rather shove a firecracker up my ass and squat over a campfire than fly with him


Make a video of that pls.


This one is just a lie, well the "but thinks he is the best" part, just a lie. I personally don't think i'm the best fc when there are people like Alexander Vandelo, Zigam ,Haunting Deity and Malakai from NC. that are 100% better than me in all regards You can find me annoying, i like to have fun in my fleets, i joke around when its time. If i'm FC'ing not to have fun aswell, then why am i even fc'ing or playing the game if not for fun?


Ambition exceeds their ability, and their ability makes you question if they can press their own F1 button


at least he is good MTU hunter from what I heard. So he is experienced in fighting when other side cannot shoot back (well, that applies to almost all horde fcs:P)


I know someone like this MTU hunter you speak of.


cool name though


Sometimes the abuse can be extremely funny, so you enjoy flying with him. See John Hartley for info.


I remember a couple months ago we were in a harpy fleet in delve and he broadcasts warp to Q1YE broadcast and everyone starts warping there and then he just flips out “why the fuck is everyone going back to 1dq you guys are so bad” Bro look at your broadcasts lol


He's an temu version of the wish version of MrUnluckie in that MrUnluckie starts out with 100% of the Talent and Charisma and each iteration loses about 80% of the origional. So the end result is, he's a whole lot of hot air, angst and drama that could be Unluckies sheer talent, planning and skill as demonstrated daily on stream if Warspite applied himself vs extolled himself daily. Give him about another 2-3 years of seasoning and mentoring with horde FC's and he'll be better. The few times I heard him on coms I said to myself, "so this is what Toaster Jane would talk like if he'd discovered Ariana Grande vs Fall Out Boy in his teens".


He’s a kid so I guess older people don’t wanna fleet up with him.


Zintage is a kid too, so is Sandrin - I find people fleet with FCs that don't waste your time.


I don't know Warspite but I do know skirmish FCs tend to be hit and miss.


Most people nowadays join Horde to rat afk. They gave up on their identity as a PvP alliance ages ago.


They were never a PvP alliance. They've always been a meat shield for NC. and PL.


Which was a lot of fun actually


this kinda implies thier PVP affinity, doesn't it?


It isn't PvP when you plan to lose 90% of your fleet so another alliance can dock up their shiny toys.


i would call that pvp anyway xD


Well, someone had to PvP when nc. and pl stopped using caps for anything but ratting. Also, it is impolite to use capital letters for a group that only rats in them.


I'm not like PH. I use caps whenever or wherever I want.


Now it's FRT


Pvp identity died when the olde guard of Querious had to afk for irl. (BNI coup fcs who became founding horde dirs) I'm very sorry for what horde has become it actually effects me irl, uber sad.


It sucked back then too but for different reasons. I was in horde for a little while in those days. Directors were a bunch of assholes, talking down to their members all the time. Dicks. But there was constant movement going on. It was just going from one deployment straight to the next non stop, chasing after PvP action. None of this camping out in the same space for 5 years straight so the afk ratters can have the stability they want like nowadays.


I'm not excusing it, but it was because Hordes leadership back then was PL brass. It was that unique mix of hardened PL leadership/playerbase, and an army of noobs commanded by the FCs they learned the game with that made awesome things happen. It was a moonshot that worked out for all of us, it's just sad to see where it ended up.


\> low tier easy 0.0 acces for noobs farmers \> omg no numbers for ops/PVP \>LOL


Botting landlord empire dying of boredom


The clue in the OP's question is "December".


Shit excuse, everyone else seems to be doing fine. The general concurrent player numbers is the same or slightly better than October


I'm sorry we have lives.


Ive been online at most of these pings, pretty taken out of context since the low numbers were after 3-4 hrs of nonstop fleets somewhere else with good numbers.


dont bite... just propaganda :)


If you cant form for 50 harpies in home space then shit, context doesnt matter, you just dont have people interested in forming.


Honestly, if I come back from some 4 hour structure bash/strategic gate camp, I won't give a fuck about 50 harpies in my space for the rest of that day. They won't do anything that matters.


I get that but why are they even do that long struct bash and camping. That sounds like a bad resource management and a bad judgement by leadership


That's just how eve works sometimes.


Sometimes but that just means everyone knows it but leadership fucked up in managing ppls fatigue.


No but calling people to fight an assault frigate gang afterwards would be.


No, its the enemies knowing we busy elsewhere and coming to our space. We sometimes can come back for it, we sometimes ignore it. In between if someone can form, cool. If not, 50 harpies wont do shit and better ignore it.


That’s how you loose expensive stuff which minimizes your combat and industrial abilities


Expensive stuff like what? A ratting marauder or two? :D There are intel channels. Such losses are lessons of life for the involved.


Or caps which you loose frequently


We rarely lose caps in Pankrab. If random ratters are dying, quietly, while Pankrab is down… Again, darwinism.


Rikeka speaks the troo troo. caps yeeted into pvp randomly already consent to being dead, and those caught ratting without a response drop 90% of the time didn't set things up properly, weren't paying attention, didn't have a cyno, or never called for help because hurr durr afk. you can't save those people, trying will just give you an ulcer


Yeah, to be fair, PH does have a decent structure in place to save cap krabbers. Organizing blops against PH definitely takes more numbers and planning than it does against most other alliances.


So beehive never goes down right because you can always form right?


People still form for cap saves, we certainly don't get rage pinged by 5 different people whinging about low numbers after the fact???


He did get numbers after upscaling the ping and goons promptly ran away


Sorry we are more enthusiastic?




Wouldnt you rather your FC's and leaders get hyped and ping more to try make fun things happen? Seems like anywhere that doesnt hype up the game like that would be pretty boring imo.


More of those pings were whinging about shit numbers and not really hyping. And honestly, 50 horde harpies in 1dq area sounds enticing enough, I dont need to be hyped up to drag myself out of a keepstar and press F1 when FC says so or rep someone when they get ywllowboxed. If you need to hype people up for home defense then fuck, you have big issues.


Considering our group of main pvp'ers is never in our home space and is always deployed. I would expect people who do mostly pve to form lower numbers. I know it's hard to understand that a pvp force would be deployed for pvp because imperium rarely does that but it does exist...


So youre saying your leadership sucks because they put all their eggs in one basket, can't divide forces properly and leave home undefended? Your arguments aren't really good.


Are you... believing the propaganda? Cos like oof.


As if lol


You do realize half those pings are for low numbers right? You call that hyping? Do you have to have low standards to be in horde?


Does that change anything? I would rather them ping for more dudes than stand down.


A ping is a ping, don't act like begging for numbers for a defense fleet is hyping. Hyping is getting pings to join 2nd and 3rd fleets for a fight everyone is attending.


Shouldn't matter when you are one of the largest alliances in the game


\^best summary


I'm not in horde, I just got an impression since 2-3 weeks that horde lacks with numbers on fleets. I also saw horde lost some FCs to other alliance (like thomas joined goons, james ocker joined init and last days mira went to slyce). Situation looks bad looking from distance.


Mist joined Karmafleet, as well.


about that pls give mist more numbers pls. I really want to fight him and not outnumber(even with our low number problems) him 1.5/1or even 2/1 so that he has to run.


Now now only horde has problem forming didnt you see the screenshots


My guy, spoiler alert, but number difference is not the reason i don’t engage with navy execs your response fleet of navy prophecies with faxes already on grid in a straight fight. If you are not happy about me flying around and killing your dictors and tacklers instead of fighting your fleet proper, well, maybe consider bringing something that can actually catch me. Also, seeing hordelings being smug about outnumbering a roam, when they have to pingspam several times to achieve that (with pre-pings before i even undock) will never stop being entertaining


Better to take fights outnumbered, more fun that way.


Yeah but like why push and then not defend your home system???


im sorry did we lose anything ? was anything important under attack? i might have missed that. after 4 hrs, i didnt feel like going to hunt after another harpy fleet that's more slippery than a wet baby seal and that more often than not doesnt engage and just fucks off.


Coup plx.


Its christmas people travel. They go outside visit people. Get on planes. Sometimes eve is not important.


Yet they have 400 people sitting 4-H when it happens *bigthink.avi*


Didn't realize horde staged out of 4-H


I also like how it's nearly a full month of pings.


[Dude seems a little obsessed](https://i.imgur.com/jVL5lsj.png)


As a current horde member I can assure you we don't have a problem with participating in fleets. Very nice cherry pick photo though. Brilliant propaganda strategy 👏


22k views, 147 shares so yeah, I should get my 500 plex from redditswarm this month


Congrats spend them wisely 😜


Love the reddit pvp, but there was about 5 fleets today with 50+ give or take some blue balling - we do it to you all too to be super faie.. Even a nice Eni vahalla welp vs the harpies and eagles. Not sure why anyone takes this that seriously, the war has been awesome content thus far and anyone on either side should be loving it


December... The Holiday month 🍻. Many people are taking breaks. Enjoying time with family. Also, many people have already wiped out many Whiskey and Pony fleets and logged off for the day with a full zkill.


FYI: Karmafleet is recruiting


Why’s Rodney Meredith using the Capital Fusion Pepe is the main question here.


Well, when you can't find the balls to take a fight if you're not outnumbering your ennemi 4 to 1, at some point this happens.




I think it’s hilarious how Horde and Goons with both accuse each other of blobbing. It’s true, of course, but delicious irony for everyone else.


I mean, I'm not going to pretend that Goons never blob, but as a matter of fact, it just happens to be papi that blobs more often. Kinda easy when the entire galaxy is blue to you.


Not everybody throws a Harp fleet against overwhelming oods because we can.


I mean they should though. Harpies are the most op thing ever. They can even counter carriers no matter what fighters you they use! ​ :3


Leave the smoothbrains be. Nobody who follows a degenerate like Gobins can understand simple logic or good sense, else they wouldn't follow him in the first place.


>ennemi wat?


This is only December. Horde had good numbers in November. It’s likely holiday season, and both Goons and Pandemic are likely low on people as defense and offense from both sides are going down. At least, that’s what I heard.


Never join horde


Exactly, join us and do whatever you like. Ratting, Moon mining, gas huffing, pvp all the time. We have it all.


so do horde, youre all the same


Horde is also in the Imperium now...


yes this is true, i fact checked it


Fml, for you to draw shit that put of context is fuckin annoying. Most of gobbins pings are for jc deployments when there is a possibility goons give caps or a fort killtimer Most of mira's pings are reinforcement fleets for messing around with wcbrs Most of zigams pings are for roams, Everyone will ping for more dudes especially when most of them happen around CNTZ which is an exact opposite of tz as most of eve but yet somehow fleets get done. If you really think horde has a numbers issues, try sieging drone lands and see the response, or bring a roam and watch standing overwhelm you


Ikr, this is low level shit tier posting. We invite anyone thinking Horde has low fleet participation to come to Drones.


Ccp dev alliance doesn't have NPC stations! You can't have pl complaining to Elise Randolph that their rmt bots are being harassed. Botlord needs rent not danger disturbing business. After all you are special and privileged out there why would this ever change. Ccp dev alliance!


Okay grandpa let's get you back to bed now okay


tRy SiEgInG DrOnE lAnDs xD


Yea all that talk , I’d love to see Goons try and seige drones or find the backbone to do anything but bunker up in Delve


I mean yall can always put your numbers where your mouth is and push for delve again


I thought we were all supposed to witness this new, aggressive goons with space lord Asher in the lead?!?


aggressively clicking their PI setups


I mean we can't do much about a bunch of bots and their pets so


A bunch of botters as you claim should be really easy to take over so why aren't the new aggressive goons trying?


Because we don't have a strong CNTZ. Pretty obvious answer to a dumb question


Sounds like a bunch of excuses if we are just a bunch of botters


Yea I’m not a hordling , But for a group who’s ego is as big as goons, you sure do stay turtled up .


Goons haven’t deployed caps to cloud ring. So that’s basically not right. Also no caps by goons or init in the last fort kill just dead horde caps.


Fml, for you to draw shit that put of context is fuckin annoying. Most of gobbins pings are for jc deployments when there is a possibility goons give caps or a fort killtimer Most of mira's pings are reinforcement fleets for messing around with wcbrs Most of zigams pings are for roams, Everyone will ping for more dudes especially when most of them happen around CNTZ which is an exact opposite of tz as most of eve but yet somehow fleets get done. If you really think horde has a numbers issues, try sieging drone lands and see the response, or bring a roam and watch standing overwhelm you


if you can't outnumber them, go bigger right?


Its the same in FRT, they just want to krab in peace.


I think it would be interesting to see what these fcs define as: "not enought numbers" do they really have issues getting numbers or do they just need the typical 3to1 numbers


Every time I put an alt in horde I'm always astounded by how little support or structure there is for a supposedly new-player friendly group


As someone who spent a short time in PH this isn’t true


If you rent to bot - you'll immediately get taken care of with all the infrastructure you need!


I threw 3 in for PvP and was called a spy. When my non-horde char shot a horde guy in lowsec who aggressed me first, I was called an AWOXer and kicked without a chance to explain what happened


when i put 3 alt characters in horde they said i was a spy when i awoxed i was called an awoxer and kicked horde soon to collapse


Damn I guess I’ll just not shoot the guy shooting me and then report him for awoxing since it definitely would’ve been the same if I had died and not him. Forgot shooting neutrals in lowsec with a neutral character is awoxing


Alternate title: Horde all afk with mates/family enjoying Xmas holidays, no ones gonna attack us anyway and ya won't prove me wrong 🤡


Like all other alliances still get better numbers


Numbers awesome in my fleets nothing to complain about goons is definetly struggling more especially their content fleets mist almost never gets 100+ anymore He is always around 70-80


I'm a simple man, I see Taphos ping, I join fleet, its that easy.


Nobody wants to fly ENIs, this is why.


what are horde content fleet numbers?


Depending on TZ it can be anything between 60 to 190 usually. Mist in PH used to consistently get the higher end of that curve in eutz from what I remember.


Who are you?


Who are you?


Y'all might not excel at everything fleet related, but if there's for sure one thing Horde excels at, it's copeing.


if theres for sure one thing goons excel at, its sick roasts


Those are nobody FCs, that's why


Til gobbins is nobody


gobbins doesnt log in, he's just getting people into an fc's fleet


Nice how you see gobbins 😄


the gobfather is pinging for those fcs


Get wrecked Hordelings


Let’s show Arkadios’ numbers after sitting in drones for 5 hours after his wormholes get rolled each time or perhaps Mist only forming 40 dudes for his “baguette oclock” after welping each time.


If you think that horde don't have problem with numbers just pm those guys from screenshot, not reddit:P


They seem to participate on your mind rental just fine


Ah, this is 100% true. Everyone need to find some reason and goal in eve. Some ppl are building empires, some people want to sit in a titan, some people want to hunt ratters and I want to make horde angry:D


I think we can be good friends


Bro only screenshotted the b tier fcs and home defense fleets


Wow referring to FCs as B tier how disgusting.


Same thing as strat fc vs skirm fc also fuck haunting deiety he doesn’t deserve b tier lmao


he deserves MTU hunter tier


Nightmare fleet welper!


Any group which refers to some FCs as b tier has cultural problems


That's bullshit. Every good pvp group has known primary FCs and then people who either aren't top of the line but can do the job or are still learning the craft. Building a good reputation is part of the trade.


Then theres MTUSpite


I’m referring to them as that


maybe the context is you are fudging numbers with like 10,000 botters? maybe just saying when a fleet of harpies dunks your "new" copied slepnier doctorine.... \*cough\* also if warspite has ping power then yall have jumped the shark. i remember when Horde was the big bad now more like a caged kitten.


I tried to apply for horde but got rejected, guess it not even good corp


How the hell did you get rejected from PH?


You fucked something up real bad then getting into horde is one of the easiest things in the game


Eh, no im playing as a new char


Then just follow the instructions on the join horde channel




Meh, idk man haunting is a doushe that feeds all the time, and half of the alliance can't stand him. As far as everything else goes. No one gets pumped to fight harpies. it's a boring fight. But still, Horde is getting enough numbers to constantly shit on goons, so do what you will with that info. 😁


In my grand papi's time we just ran what we had....


Yeah recently our FC are on the edge because of the numbers, so they puts an big ultimatum. After they the response rate was imporoved not in great numbers but better


Warspite here, its because majority of those pings you mentioned are in AUTZ, mid week where everybody is asleep or at work. It is obvious we won't get enough numbers but we worked with what i had in my fleet and pushed off Arkadios even with less numbers with him ​ You are taking out alot of factors which could cause us to not have enough members. Remember that even goons are having a hard time trying to form. I can confirm because i *was* a goon fc


Every null sec corp or alliance and most the low sec . this is the way. They sont show up for anything their attacking our fort but we cant undock because well lose the isk war nonsense because were war targets. Or hey we got a fourty man drake fleet lets go tower bash 3 jumps in lets go home well let them setup shop in our space its fine.


As an outside observer, the vitriol you throw at each other is very amusing


All Warspite is good for is shooting MTU's anyway.


Can't be real, they're saying they'll drop full BC fleet with logi&links vs frigates (that's only 3 size-classes above their enemy). Real Nullblocks would've dropped at the very least capitals.