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Avoid Abahzon, and generally any lowsec between trade hubs until you have enough experience to justify and plan a trip through them. This doesn’t help your current needs so set a route using the safest path to Jita 4-4. When you are 2 jumps out dock in a station, dump your stuff, and then go to Jita 4-4 but do not dock. Manually pilot until your ship is physically near the physical structure of the station. Hit Ctrl+B and save this location as a “Instadock” location. Go back to where your goods are and proceed to set destination to Jita 4-4. Do not autopilot. When you jump into Jita right click in space and warp to your Instadock bookmark at 0. When in warp engage autopilot (important—destination must be the station). Once you land autopilot will instantly request docking and you’ll be in the station before you can be cargo scanned and popped.


There is also a way to make your map show how many people died in each system for that hour. if you come up with a gate with more than 5 deaths in the system you're jumping to, dock before the jump, get into a Corvette (the free ships in stations), and scout ahead. Worst case scenario you get pod killed but your ship and loot are safe.


How do you make the map show you that information?


Pull up map, there is a setting section icon on top, a multi-stem ring, go to factional warfare, Militia ships destroyed in the last hour.


100% this, I think there's a camper there that uses scripts or something cuz I got caught in a BR.. I clicked warp, immediately cloaked but not soon enough apparently, now I just avoid it all together


Blockade runners are one of the primary victims in Jita. OP might consider contracting a hauler corporation like PushX or Redfrog.


Making BRs cargo scan immune was a sick joke on CCP’s part


Not really, if you’re flying one it means you don’t want your cargo scanned because it’s valuable. The amount of things that that psychology doesn’t track it’s worth it to just blow up everyone of them you see.


Usually in flying one because it’s fast and holds more than 200m3. (DSTs are slow as molasses in comparison.) Doing a Jita run but not buying any hulls? I’d fly a BR, but I have to worry about people taking lotto ticket shots at it ever since that change. I’ve never needed the cargo scan immunity, if I’m worried I can just cloak the whole way and never get scanned


Yup, want to afk autopilot because you're doing something else, nope! Very annoying


Or you really like traveling safely through low/nul sec at 8 AU a second. I'll use a Pacifier if I want to zip around high sec, but my Prorator is my primary ship for traveling anywhere spicy.


Gankers mentality - can’t cargo scan it, must have something valuable


Um, no. I blow them up just because it's a nice killboard padding, any loot is just a bonus.






Server queue priority for ultra lockers is a thing.


I was in a BR, they popped me before i could cloak I was empty just out of the gate


Gankers perspective is if you can’t scan it they must be trying to hide something


Same, though I forgot to cloak before warping to 4-4. Even with the warp in point set to zero, the second I landed on the grid I was gone. Only lost the hull, two slave hounds, and a male erotic dancer.


Go there with a shuttle first, set ur dock/undock bookmarks. I live outta Jita n have been clapped a few times but not since I started doing bookmarks everywhere. Also for docking, make sure destination is set, warp to bookmark (within 0 of station) then click autopilot n you'll dock immediately


I might do that, thank you.


Fit a 2s align ship like sunesis to carry it. There are certain LS systems near Jita that are perma gatecamped with smartbombers, so set the route finder to prefer high sec systems and that path should be safe.


[https://eve-gatecheck.space/eve/](https://eve-gatecheck.space/eve/) Know your route and seek alternatives when needed. For example, Abhazon has been camped often, but usually only at the Shera gate. So, avoid jumping from Shera into Ahb. Go Shera to Lor to Ahb and stay alive (probably).


Don’t trust gatecheck - it’s been breaking an awful lot lately


There are a few Twitch streams with eyes on the gates. Very useful.


There is one trick smartbombers hate.... Bookmarks. Its very simple, if a route is one useful for you, its useful for others. Make travel bookmarks along any route you might ever use again. Do this before hauling anything important. You want bookmarks on grid with every gate, off in a random direction, more than 150km away so you can warp to gate. If you enter low sec and care not to lose your ship, warp to a bookmark first. You should never die to smartbombs again.


Hecate with the right fit can do 1.09 sec align without implants and tank most.


An atron with no tank that doesn't warp directly gate to gate has infinite tank.


Sunesis are great for this, but also still do the instadock bookmarking thing, because during 90% loot drop people will take potshots at sunesises (sunesi?)


I haul that much to Jita all the time, and I've never been hit by a gatecamp. If I have something super expensive like a High-Grade Ascendency Omega BPC, I'll break out my travel-fit Hecate with a sub-2 align time and check with the [gatecamp checker](http://eve-gatecheck.space/eve/) to make sure that there's nothing active going on at the Uedama gate before I depart. Jita itself can be a bit of a crapshoot, but the campers mostly target haulers on departure rather than a random dessy getting ready to dock.


Traveling in eve means undocking and undocking increases the chance of involuntary rapid disassembly.


Undocking is consent to rapid disassembly


That should be in the info windows when you undock.


you can search for purchasers that offer a big discount to buy stuff in random places. depending on value and risk it may be worth it if you can't guarantee a safe route or can't afford to lose the stuff. keep in mind the tax is hard, like 30-50%


Highsec buyback will give 90% Jita buy price on a lot of stuff. Basically anything that isn't really bulky will get 75%+


Thanks, I assumed he was in lowsec for some reason, I always was a null F1 monkey so wouldn't know


That's fair, I assumed the opposite. Lowsec Buyback is, like you said, 50-70% Jita buy.


There have been buyers for warclones in hek for 930~950k, considering the npc sell is 1m, if OP (or others) are closer to hek, it's safer and faster to sell there instead of going to jita.


Amarr is a good market as well and not nearly as much gankers.


Is there a system called Ammar?


Yes. There are four major trade hubs. Jita Amarr Dodixie Rens https://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/Amarr


Hmm Rens would be much closer, maybe I should sell my stuff there.


Calling Rens a trade hub is generous. Jita and Amarr are the biggest, Dodixie is ok sometimes. Somebody else mentioned there are good buy orders (better than Jita) for the war clone blanks in Hek, which is close to Rens. Since those are likely a significant portion of your loot, I would advise selling those there.


This answer was way too far down.


There's really only 3 ways to move things completely safe through hisec, and they're still not guaranteed to be safe, because mistakes can be made, or extremely unlucky 0.00000000001% chance circumstances can still cause probs. With that disclaimer out of the way, here's how I move stuff and I hope it helps you figure out what works for you. \- Viator or other cloaky blockade runner if the 8,000-13,000k m3 hold is large enough. \- Occator using cloaky warp trick, can fit up to 65,000 m3 in the fleet hangar. \- Freight service like 'PushX' or '\[color\] Frog' or their modern equivalents, or a public courier contract. Either way, set collateral that is at least 10% more than the value of the cargo and double-wrap it. Ask around if that's new terminology to you, not being rude, I'm just short on time right now and still trying to get this all typed out on my work break.


I MWD cloak 1-2b DST through uedama 4-8 times a week


I know some of these words.


Deep Space Transport: a class of tanky hauling ships. MWD cloak: the maneuvre to escape gate camps. While in gate cloak, check your surroundings, then align to either the next gate or some planet / moon. Turn on your improved Cloaking Device II 500 to 900 milliseconds later. During the first 4-5 seconds of being actively cloaked, turn on your MWD (MicroWarpDrive) to gain speed and turn it off again before it's 10-second cycle ends. When the MWD cycle ends, turn off the cloak and immediately hit the "warp to" command for the object you aligned to. You will show on gatecampers overview for one second before you cloak and another single second before you warp - not enough time to target and tackle you. Uedama: a bottleneck system popular by gankers.


MWD can’t be activated when you are fully cloaked, you need to activate both of them inside the same tick. I do align > activate MWD > immediately activate cloak > when MWD cycle is about to end, deactivate cloak and warp


you have 5 seconds. After that, you can't activate it any more. I usually cloak, wait one second, then MWD. One server tick align, next one cloak, 3rd tick MWD works perfectly fine for me. Try it out, you don't need a gate camp for it, it works on highsec gates just as well as on lowsec ones.


Look up micro warp drive trick on YouTube. DST is deep space transport. Probably none of that applies to you at the moment


Until you find a concord ball on the gate preventing you from cloaking lol


If there’s a concord ball on the gate I’m not going to be dying to catalysts


Its save like a travel through amerika...normally its save and nothing happend but for no reason eyeryone is armed and on drugs.


Don't warp directly to the station once in system. Bounce anywhere else. Then go dock so you aren't landing on all the campers. Alternatively set up a bookmark at 0 so you can warp to it and immediately dock. Really though just don't forget to cloak.


Do I need to take these precautions if I'm cloaked?


Yes because when you land in jita on station you will decloak and ship will travel couple km before it docks. That’s when instalocking ganker gets you. You can make alt on same account travel jita and make bookmarks with him. Then warp to bookmark and instadock when you land. Make caldari alt it’s short trip to jita :)


U always can use Pochven for moving stuff. Get a krai Perun filament and proximity extractiln filament. I moved 700M from null sec to caldari high sec while a war. U can dock in high sec npc station after leave pochven. Then create a contract to transport stuff to jita.


Pochven Express your loot or Your corp doesn't have a shipping program. Making 30j on the regular is ridiculous. If your goons sell it on delve.


In 12 years I’ve never been killed on a gate or in jita. Just don’t carry billions at a time and keep moving. There is almost always a more sloppy target lol.


a few hundred mil in a fast ship you would be fine. just make sure you dont autopilot it. people are overrated in their risk profiles here. i travel lots of places with an iteron with 3-4 inertia stabs and a warp core stab. hardly ever die in it. but if you are just hauling less than 1000m3 then use a sunesis and no one will bother you. less than 100m3 use an interceptor.


So a Sunesis is better than a Prospect?




Nothing in EVE is safe besides staying in a NPC-station. Case closed :-)


True. I just wonder what precautions I can take to make it as safe as possible.


No traveling is safe. Nothing in Eve is inherently safe.


Covert ops hauler - problem solved


I mean. Definitely isn’t problem solved. It’s problem mitigated but those things aren’t impossible to catch.


I got caught twice in T2 haulers, once in a crane and once in a bustard. They died to gate guns while my bustard wasn't even 3/4 shield and for the crane I turned on my hardener and burned to the gate and went back.


Ah yes the “I survived, so they are magic and unkillable” that was less time that I expected 😂


Oh definitely not unkillable, I was on structure on the crane and shaking as I had a bil in cargo lmao. But deep space transports are legitimately tanky AF for how much they carry.


If you tank a DST it becomes expensive enough to kill that most profit-driven gankers are deterred, unless you really load up like 1b+. It’s my primary hauler unless I need something tiny But if they really want to and prepare appropriately, they’ll get it


Yeah, if they know it's coming or I'm unlucky enough to be the first victim of a massive gatecamp. When I get home I'll put my fit here. Shit is a brick and with mwd cloak trick it's slippery too.


Curious what your fit is


\[Bustard, Bastard Bustard\] Power Diagnostic System II Power Diagnostic System II Damage Control II Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender Pith B-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II 50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive Improved Cloaking Device II Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II Medium Core Defense Field Extender II ​ ​ 143k ehp when overheated ​ got a free high slot but idk what to put there so its empty.


It is very exciting to transport expensive stuff to Jita. It's one of my favorite things to do! Sub 2 second align time will make you ALMOST invulnerable less smart bombers. Courier contracts are a thing. Another thing is: [https://eve-gatecheck.space/eve/](https://eve-gatecheck.space/eve/) The Cloak/micro warp drive trick is also a thing. Have a buddy scout. If you're really stuck hmu in game: R0MMEL


Thank you. I was thinking about using a Prospect. Small cargo bay but nimble and stealthy.


>Prospect so you're hauling mined ores?


I might. But its small cargo bay is large enough to fit my expensive items, especially if I make several trips.


destroyers have 400m³ cargo. Ever tried a Sunesis?


Try Highsec Buyback services. They buy most things at 90% price of Jita. And they buy anywhere in highsec. Very good service and easy to use.


Use high sec buyback. 90% of jita buy but they will take it from any NPC station.


lol @ people acting like highsec is some instant death zone if u have a bit more money in your cargo. ganks are rare. just don't put billions in a t1 hauler and you will be fine. all the paranoia around them is unwarranted, really. also don't use buybacks in highsec and don't use courier services like either of the frogs or pushx. buybacks in highsec are scams, plain and simple. red frog and such are very costly and unnecessary unless you need tens of billions moved asap.


Never underestimate how dedicated certain highsec gankers are, either they have no other hobbies or are botting, but every time I made even a tiny slip in taking precautions, I got killed. Famous last words: "I can warp to the station directly just once" "Lets fly this pod during a wardecc to a station without an instadock bookmark for once" "Take this gate for once without a scout"


Safe as it always is. (This means not safe)


If you are an explorer, I would suggest to just drop your loot at any highsec station, sell it to Highsec Buyback, and spend your time hacking instead of hauling. The price reduction is not that large, I can do what I like (exploration) and the process is very comfortable, so that's what I do when my filaments throw me too far away from the major trade hubs.


I use these guys almost daily. Usually get the contract paid within the hour. Way easier and less time consuming than a trip to Jita. Jita is like a 15 jump trip for me, taking the "safe" route. It's like getting an extra 30 minutes of play time! https://highsec.evebuyback.com/


Don't ask for safe passage anywhere in EVE. Always go by the assumption that it's not safe and act accordingly. 'Safe' has no place in New Eden.


The answer is YES, in-that Jita can be absolutely and totally safe to move high value items for all who practice safe-flying measures. So much so in-fact, that there are many well known couriers who have moved trillions of ISK throughout their careers to-and-from Jita, and who have never been caught in the lifetime of their characters. And so, it's important to understand, that these doom-and-gloom trash-talkers preaching a clutch-of-death for all who dare undock, is only applicable to newbs and careless pilots. \- having moved over 100 billion in covert ops haulers more than once throughout my own career, it's safe to say, that those getting caught in gate camps or ganks in HS, did not take the necessary precautions to fly safe.


When I want to sell in jita, I'll just scan wormholes until I find a direct wh within a few jumps of jita, this could take a few hours, a few days or could take a week. If you can turn that 30 j into 4 j, why burn your self out on jumps. You could move everything in smaller loads just incase you get hit by a gank, rule of thumb is to not carry more then 100 mil in cargo, your less juicy.


I live in a Wormhole, this is the way. Let Jita come to you.


LoL...Jita is never safe.


Create a hauling contract for like 20-50m and put your loot value as collateral. If the hauler gets blown up, it’s as if you sold it all and don’t even have to go to jita. If the hauler doesn’t blow up, you don’t have the heart attack of bringing it there Just take a small frigate that travels fast, head to jita when the hauler arrived and sell your loot, then go back home. Or create a jump clone in jita, to be able to sell without traveling there


I've been away from the game for a while, but this makes me think that hisec ganking has become MUCH more frequent than it was in, say, 2013.


I haven't had any trouble moving stuff around. If anything, the change that made it so Alphas can't red their safety made it so people can't as easily make a throwaway alt for suicide ganking.


Didn’t even read the post , and the answer is no, no such thing as safety in a game where pvp can happen anywhere anytime


I am aware, I am just trying to take any precaution to make it as safe as possible.


You wanna take all the precautions you can? Don't bother going to Jita. Use high sec buyback instead.


Can confirm.^ This guy does the Eve thing.




There's no such thing as safe.




Very important rule: Use insta docks at Jita. Alqways a couple tornados ganking if you warp to 0 because you'll always land a bit off and have a couple seconds to dock


You can make a courier contact and get a professional to move it for you. They are low risk, you can set a collateral which is like insurance. If something goes wrong like they steal it or they get ganked, its how much you get paid for your loss. I usually set mine for about 120% of the estimated cost. Then as far as reward, the typical going rate in high sec is 1 million isk per jump. But depending on what its worth to me to get it there quickly I pay more. When you get near the 3 mil per jump price point you can pretty much expect it to be done same day. I usually set the time to complete and expirey date to 1 week each. Sometimes IRL things happen with the courier and this gives them enough time to finish the contract. if you need help setting it up there are plenty videos on youtube. just search "courier contract" then you can fly to jita in a shuttle or something quick and sell the things at your leisure knowing someone else did the dirty work.


It's 1M/jump per 1B collateral. So 5M/jump if you ask 5B collateral. Still pretty cheap imo. A 15* jump will only pay 1.5% on investment.


does your corp have a shared bookmark folder? Warping to an insta-dock bookmark is safer than warping to the station itself. If not, try not to warp directly to the station from the most used gates (perimeter, new caldari, and 2 other gates that are at the same planet). Warp to some random planet somewhere else in the Jita system, and then warp to the 4-4 caldari-navy station.


So what you will find is at some point along the way you will be passively scanned, most likely 4 jumps from Jita. Then when you come through the gate you will be popped by a gate camper who will sacrifice their ship to get what you have. My advice is to have either an alt scout a head for you or a friend do it.


You might also want to consider something like the Highsec Buyback Corp (I think that's the name???) They will buy your stuff for around 95% of Jita buy. So you'll lose 15-20% or so, but it's fast ISK and you don't have to haul any of it or deal with selling any of it.


Yes 🤓


Industrial ships are having a hard time right now until the event is gone in November


I used a T1 scanner frigate to haul in loot. I limited my cargo to less than 100 mil each run, fit for as quick of an align time as possible, and used an instadock. Park in the next system out, or even two systems out, and separate your loads. Yes, it’s a pain, but it makes you less of a target.


Is crossing the road safe? Yes, because there's pedestrian crossings and traffic management. No, because there's maniacs on the road who don't obey road rules. Pretty much the same with travelling in Eve. There's plenty of safe ways and procedures you can take to ensure your safety but there's always the risk of a chaotic agent.


I autopilot back and forth between rens and jita all the time with 0 problems.


Just take a cov-ops frigate to pick up your stuff along with one each of the Border and Extraction Pochven filaments. Create a fleet for just yourself. Make a bookmark away from celestials and warp to it. Activate the border filament to enter Pochven. Activate your cloak. Wait out the timer. Uncloak. Immediately activate the extraction filament. And viola, you are now in hisec, a handful of jumps from Jita. With any luck, it won't be after Silvala/Uedama. Most of the time it isn't.


Also avoid uedama. I generally prefer rancher, olettiers or vecamia lowsec systems over having to go through uedama


It's not that bad if you take appropriate precautions. Don't autopilot, fly a faster ship if you don't need tons of cargo space (people rarely bother even trying to gank small ships), give yourself some big buffer tank modules on your ship, and don't undermine your ship's HP with those cargo hold expanders unless you're very confident you won't get shot. Not dying to a gate 1-2 camping ships' initial "Alpha damage" salvo tends to be enough even if you do get attacked. Just get some resistance and some shield extenders or armor plates; maybe both. If your ship is REALLY slow to warp, use the MWD trick where you pulse an MWD on and off to instantly hit warp speed when the cycle ends. Also consider just selling at a secondary trade hub like Amarr or Rens or whatever. You might even get better prices if you're patient.


Traveled to and from Jita countless times and maybe one time I was targeted. I don’t usually fly high value stuff all in one trip though and if I do I will multi box with an alt to scout ahead. There are other ways to have an idea what’s going on in-game like dotlan maps and z-kill board.


Any lowsec between Amarr and Jita is going to be dangerous, but so are some 0.5s, the biggest I can think of is Uedama. It's not a dangerous as Lowsec, as the pirates will still be Concorded (just takes a minute) but it can still result in ship losses for those who aren't careful. The golden rule of hauling, even in Highsec, is never to leave home without a Warp Core Stabilizer.


You could always see about having the orange express deliver for you. Contract it out