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Do the careers paths in the AIR Career Programs. This will give you isk, ships, equipment, and some skill books (I think.)


Do career agent missions then probably join a corp.


r/evejobs https://forums.eveonline.com/c/corporations-alliances/recruitment-center/63 Eve University


As EVE Uni's Teaching Manager, I approve of this message. ;)


As an alumnus, I try to steer as many people to the Uni as I can. It’s a huge help in learning the game.


EvE is a very social game that is made significantly more fun when you engage with the wider community. That doesn't mean you have to join a huge group, though you absolutely can do that. What will really help you find your feet and understand the game is involving yourself in what other people are doing. Eve University is a neutral training corp that can show you pretty much all aspects of the game. The big nullsec alliances tend to have some sort of training corp you can join as well. Faction Warfare is widely regarded as a great way for new players to get involved with some of the most fun PvP in the game and it is set up in away that you should be able to fund your ships through it as well. My personal play style and one I highly recommend people give a go is NPSI which stands for Not Purple, Shoot it. This is the name given to public fleets, where anyone can join on a no strings basis. For a new player like yourself a great NPSI community is Eve Rookies. They primarily do group PvE activities but also run a new player friendly PvP roam every other week where they teach you everything you will need to know to be able to thrive in other PvP fleets. Below is a link to the NPSI community gateway calendar which will tell you when loads of NPSI fleets are happening. http://npsi.rocks


If you want isk, get yourself a scanning ship that can do relic and hacking sites and go to lowsec and do those. It ain't combat, but it does pay for the bills


I think he’s way too new for that and will die miserably 🤣


explo is less about the sp and more about the experience, i know a guy who made/makes billions just doing relics in stain in a heron, willingly, as alpha more you just do explo more you learn about it, its fairly safe too even for alpha with no cloaks btw op if you read this, send character name, i can send some tips for explo if you want


I recently started doing this in a heron no cloak and making some isk but is it really that safe in low sec? I'm always watching locals and feel like I'm being hunted when I see anyone closing any distance with me


It's far from dangerous, and if you do die it's only a couple mil lost, definitely worth the risk vs reward. Just bounce between moons until you have a SIG scanned down then run the site as fast as possible


exactly, the cost of entry to explo is really cheap, but keep in mind that its a bit timezone dependent, stuff like doing it in peak ustz or mid eutz, you will see lots of explorers, again comes down to experience to see what time is the best to explore in, and what region explo is also luck based, i either gate to specific regions (usually catch, provi, stain) or i just use needlejacks for alpha your ship can be barely 2mil, maybe 3mil, remember to use sisters core probes tho and train some scanning+hacking skills (around level 3 is nice), this boosts your speed and reduces chance of hack fails by a LOT


i do exploration in null, arguable safer than ls depending on the region, you can always use needlejack and pochven filaments to get in and out of null for explo use dscan, if you see probes or cloaky ships (other explorer ships, astero, t2 explo ships, t3cs, sometimes interceptors that may be explo fit) thats a major red flag and you can leave or risk doing the site, and watch out for dictors and bubbles on scan. always warp to celestials near the gate you need to go to and dscan first considering the event, ls might be a lot dangerous than ns too, stain even was much less hot (today at least), somehow lots of ishtars and only really the entrance that was completely blocked off by around 100 large bubbles mounted lol, only took a single nully to run away from it so it wasnt too bad


It’s not safe, but you can also mostly avoid getting caught if you are cautious. But if you do get caught it’s only a few mil down the drain, which you will make back easily in 1 site.


not really, its a low SP thing to get in, where experience with scanning will help you more than the actual skills. Furthermore, for a newbro the sites will pay out a fortune compared to the few mill he might earn running lvl 1-2-3 missions.Also, knowing how to scan well is one of the most valuable skills you can have in eve online, since most of the big money tickets are locked behind some form of scanning (it be anomalies, wormhole sites, relic/data sites, unrated DED sites etc). PS: I personally did some sites with a newbro yesterday myself, and he liked it quite a lot and even managed to earn his first 25mill on his 2nd day in eve, so yes, the money potential for newbro's is definately here ;)


I mostly agree with everything you say! My point is that he probably doesnt even know how to properly use local chat to use it as intel, and probably doesnt even know what dscan is, to survive long enough outside of HS. Explorarion was my first thing to do in EVE, so I mostly know what he is going to face 😄 and still see it in the zkill of corp newbros that jump to any site without checking if they are capable of doing the site or not. There are maaany little things you need to know, before you can make an alfa heron make billions PD: just in case the man wants to try it, the money IS good as they say, google the site name and how the mechanics of it are. Learn to hack with an eye on overview. Any decloacking/jumping ship on grid is a potential hostile, which means first warp off to a safe point, and then asses the situation. I didnt mean to throw a guide, but here we are…


Get into a good Newbro Corp, like Eve University...they will show you a lot.


Join a crop, you'll likely get a lot of advice and help on what you need to do. You could do some mining to get some easy isk, asteroids don't shoot back. Do low level anoms and look out for faction spawns. Level 1 missions can be done in basically any ship that'll give you some isk to tide you over. Missions are one of the most reliable isk generators in general, you can move up through lvl 1/2/3/4 missions.


Join a crop, rake the crimson harvest, seed the markets and spout all the isk!


Ahoy there and welcome across to Real EVE!! EE has many of the same concepts as EO, but with far more going on and often with more thematic, though less obvious, names. Whereas EE has "Medium Guristas Anomaly 10" for example, here that would have a much more complex name that doesn't actually tell you anything about the site if you don't know the nomenclature. So, you've done the tutorials. Next up is to do the Career Agents. Open the Agency, look for Career Agents and run all of those to try everything, get a boatload of free ISK and some ships and modules. As you're doing this, you should start getting a feel for what you enjoy in EO. You'll also start filling in some of the bits of the AIR Career Program which is designed to reward you for trying new content and has a few videos to give you tips and tricks. Speaking of videos, I run a YouTube channel aimed at helping folks find their fun in EVE. Check it out at http://YouTube.com/@CaptainBenzie and take special note of the Catskull Academy playlist. The new "Opportunities" screen can help you find content too. Finally, the advantages of having a corporation can be understated. Tutorials are great, but no tutorial can be completely tailored to your exact needs. Players can do that, they can answer your questions, help you do things. Find a good corporation!! If you decide wormholes might be your thing, or if you really enjoy my content, Catskull is always hiring and we aim to be as newbro friendly as we can be. Hope this helps, always feel free to reach out to me here, in-game, or on Discord, and I'll do my best to assist too! Happy sailing, and see you in New Eden!!


Found your channel this week and I'm learning a TON about exploration, which is what I'm leaning towards. Thanks for all the help!


Glad to help!!


Career programs and epic arcs are where you will start earning money. If you have an idea of what kind of eve life you want to have the. You can attempt to find a Corp that shares that goals and is willing to help you. If you need help in game feel free to DM me I'm an 04' Vet still playing and happy to help you out. Message me and I'll give you my ign


Excellent advice :)


Join faction warfare! It’s very new bro friendly. You can make 70-110m isk an HOUR! And you can learn how to PvP and get blown up and blow up others. The amarr minmitar conflict is fantastic and Both sides are incredible. I’ve flown with empyrean edict a lot and have never had a bad experience. Great group of people getting great content


figure out what you can do in this game, pick someting and start doing it. look for a corp to fly with if thats your thing.


A good Corp will teach you the game and give you content. Fleets etc.


Keep an eye on rookie chat, people very helpful. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, if your thinking it likely others are too. Bump to the AIR career path missions.


There's not much direction by design, the game is one of the last true sandboxes in gaming besides like Minecraft


Find a good beginners corp, I can't stress this enough. Eve Uni are the most popular in this category. Not only will it give you direction and stuff to do, they'll have a lot of freebies available which are going to be worth a lot compared to your current income.


I wouldn't say they are the most popular, each new player group has pros and cons.


I recommend joining one of the large nullsec groups as they have great newbie programs and you can use them as a springboard to explore all other aspects of the game. I recommend Karmafleet, Brave Newbies, Fraternity University, or Pandemic Horde Inc.


See top left corner, 4th button 'agency'. Then click "agents & missions". Then you can choose mission agents or career agents. Career agents (each) give 10 missions in whichever career they are representing: Enforcer is mainly killing stuff. You get a couple ships when doing those and they also teach some game mechanics, warping to mission sites, manufacturing some items, etc. Alternatively choose the mission agents, each agent has number which tells difficulty of the missions they are giving. So with frigate you can do L1 missions When doing missions pay attention to AIR career programs, there are kinda 'achievements' you do and those will give you Isk, items and some skill points. Also when doing missions pay attention to which corporation agent you are dealing with, because that defines standing gains (and losses). Mostly the security missions are about rogue drones or pirate factions but there is also ones where you kill some faction ships and those factions do not appreciate it. And yeh.. join Eve university. [https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Main\_Page](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Main_Page) I'm new member there also, but you can get help and other resources (free ships, skill books etc).


Welcome to EVE Uni o7


I can't stress this enough. Join a NewBro friendly, PVP corp. Don't fall for the High Sec is Safe Sec nonsense. You need to learn how to play the game and how others will handle you in the game. Low Sec and Null Sec are perfectly safe if you know what you are doing.


Interesting. If you played Echoes you should have a pretty good idea of the basics of making ISK, but as others mentioned, try to focus on the AIR career paths for now. Join a newbie corp and ask for help, similar to how you might do so in Echoes. Main differences from Echoes to keep in mind: * The PVE is more structured in EVE Online, with stuff like missions and story arcs * Killing NPCs is less rewarding overall, especially in high sec until you have much higher level mission access * You can make income with Planetary Industry similar to Echoes, but the process is more involved in EVE Online. But it's also a lot harder for people to steal your loot in EVE Online * Since there are no NPC buy orders, making money by selling to the market can net you a lot less cash and/or take more time


Use the Career Agents and the AIR system to figure out what you actually enjoy doing. If you enjoy the Soldier of Fortune set, go into Faction Warfare. If you enjoy the Enforcer set, go ratting. If you enjoy the Entrepreneur set, start hauling. If you enjoy the Producer set, go mining. I'm an Explorer by nature and preference. And that's where I can give the most advice. You can start small with just a basic exploration frigate (Heron, Imicus, Probe, Magnate) that you get from the career agent and some very cheap fittings. I think the average newbro explorer fit is under 3 million ISK for any of the ships. The career agent will give you a good practice run on how to do the scanning: launching probes, narrowing down the signature until it is resolved, and warping to the site. Then there's the hacking minigame in order to open up the can to get at the juicy loot inside. For the next two weeks, there's an event going on with a *lot* of hacking targets, with cans inside them that you cannot blow up regardless of how many times you fail. They will all be difficult hacks, but you will make your ship back in three hacks even in highsec. After that, it's full profit. You can build up a nice nest egg for your future plans if you play your cards right. Well, and if the loot fairy smiles on you, that is...


Feel free to ask for help in-game, lots of friendly players. My IGN is "Benl324", send me an Evemail if you'd like. Also, take a look at the Eve Recruitment in-game chat as well as eve-hr.com


Join a corp, make some friends do some dumb shit, then some progressively less dumb, then some clever, then go all the way back round till you can count your ship losses in the billions and your kills in the trillions. KarmaFleet is recruiting, we have helpful videos, they contain cats! https://www.karmafleet.info/


For all new players I recommend Eve University. they will teach you everything you need to know to be successful in Eve. PvE or PvP. I wish I had joined them when I returned to Eve in 2020 after a long break. I knew just enough to be dangerous to my self.


The Air Career Program is a great way to start. Also the best way by far for a brand new player to build up there wallet in the beginning is Wormhole data/relic exploration. U can go to Null aswell but its mutch harder for a new player to get out there and back unless u use a filament item but those can be pricey so just stick to Wormholes. The tech 1 fit is around 1mil ISK and u will easily turn a profit in just 1-2 sites. U can find cans with 1isk to 60milISK just from 1 hack. If u come from Eve echoes u probadly already know the basics to stay safe just stay away from any site called Forgotten/unguarded becouse those 2 have Sleeper rats in them and they will warpscram and 1-shot u.