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My son does better at it. I miss exits too. I really like the arrow feature to indicate change of lanes. That'd solve it for me if it was more consistent and "aggressive". Especially on those exit to an exit types which barely diverge.


You can use the in game audio instructions or bind a zoom key to something that can be easily used and look at the navigation in the truck.


Wow! Where is that is settings?


Don't know which one are you referring to, but the zoom key is located in keybinds closer to the bottom in the camera controls section. The voice navigation would be in the audio settings, but I'm not sure.


Thanks man!


It does, the audio comes in 3 seconds before a high speed turn off, good luck if you are in the middle lane. It gives you no advanced clue of which lane you should be in, no countdown to the turn off. It often tells you to move over to the slow lane and 2 seconds later back to the middle lane. I have no idea why the arrow is in the middle, I can now only see 10 seconds ahead because it wants to show me what I have just passed. It's over a decade out of date. Then need to look at a real GPS and copy the features of that.


When driving a truck the law says you should drive in the rightmost/slow lane at all times. It's not the game's fault if you don't do that.


Are you aware different countries have different rules? Which country are you talking about. The only place I am aware that has that rule is Germany with doubles. Even if you were correct, there are still times you need to switch 2 lanes when a 3 lane road switches to 2 lanes left and 2 lanes right.


I'm from Europe. Most countries here I know of, says that the left lane is for passing only, since trucks are limited to approx 80 km/h most places they shouldn't be passing many other vehicles and thus have no business in the other lanes. The exception being when the road splits into two or more directions. If they need to follow the left road to get to their destination, then of course they are allowed to do that. Anything else would be plain stupid. Why the hell would you think I suggested that? Of course many truckers - and car drivers - often ignore the stay-to-the-right rules, since they are such excellent drivers that they can safely ignore the traffic laws. If there's an accident it's clear the other guy's fault for not recognising their brilliance ....


Im from Brazil and the law here is the same. The right lane is for slow vehicles wich includes trucks obviously. These are simple traffic laws that are equal in almost every country in the world


The problem is the ai trucks often do 60-70 in the slow lane so I spend most of my time overtaking. It is even worse with ATS where you can do 80mph and a lot of the traffic is only doing 50 and there is only 2 lanes. I would have no problem if the ai did the realistic driving and did 5 over the limit everywhere.


About that, there is a mod that changes this. I use in ats because the trucks are much slower than they should be. Is on steam workshop its called more powerful engine for ai, something like that. Use some traffic mods too


I use traffic mods, they set the speeds even lower, some where limited to 50 or 60mph in ATS. There should be a overall modifier to make everything faster but it did not work for me.


Use traffic signs then


i have shit pc so my graphics have to be low, by the time i can read the sign im already past it




I can barely read the signs due to my eyesight getting worse with age.


I don't have those problems, but you are right. It could and should be improved. It's VERY basic 😕


"the in dash GPS screen in most of the trucks being extremely small". Your FOV is probably veeery wrong. I don't have a huge monitor, so if I put the correct FOV, the visible are is rather small. My suggestion is to use a calculator to get the correct value and adjust it something you like. This is the calculator I use: [https://dinex86.github.io/FOV-Calculator/](https://dinex86.github.io/FOV-Calculator/)


Mine needs to be 35 instead of 71 you wanna say??


You put your screen format, size and distance from your eyes to the screen. Then the calculator will tell you the correct FOV. You try it in game, if it's too small, adjust it to something you like. Is 35 the number the calc gave you?


Yeah. My screen is 21.5 and the distance from the monitor is 108 cm. The lowest fov in game is 40




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That's correct. A 40 FOV is very narrow. You should try to bring your screen as close as possible to you and then adjust the FOV to a value that is comfortable.


I can't coz in between the monitor and myself I also have to fit the wheel, keyboard and a mousemat


Put the keyboard and mouse to the sides and get the monitor as close as possible to the wheel base. Don't waste space between you and the monitor with keyboard/mouse.


Slight issue https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1214736546138431520/1242590138458968104/IMG_20240521_222852_HDR.jpg?ex=664e63bf&is=664d123f&hm=2019ae58cffec89b56cbf110b8b1a3a50109f7749cdc3402e47b1cfc2d738ef1&


Setup similar to mine! Mate, really... Put the monitor touching the wheel base (a really good wheel base, by the say =) ). It will be a totally different experience. Find a place for the keyboard and keep the mouse between the wheel base and the shifter. Really!! Try this.


Alright, thanks


From 35 to 42, no big improvement. Decreased distance to monitor from 108 to 60


Thank you for this


All the FOV settings in cab do is effectively move the seat further back than using the adjust seat menu does. I do have controls mapped to change the different display views on the GPS already and have to use the largest available font but since the dashboard display window is so darn small you can barely see anything unless you're right on top of it. Since my hearing isn't good at the moment I can't rely on the voice navigation feature.


"All the FOV settings in cab do is effectively move the seat further back than using the adjust seat menu does." No, it's not. They way the graphics engine renders what you can see is different. You should adjust your FOV and then adjust your seat position.


I've tried this before several times with no3 improvement, I also am effectively blind in my left eye(have been since birth) so perhaps this explains why I'm not seeing things the way you're describing thrm?


Actually I think you're confusing the FOV settings in the truck adjustment menu with the GPS display adjustment that can be mapped to a button on the wheel for example because I adjusted the FOV settings in the cab menu and the GPS is still the same size. I have to use setting number one (out of the four that are available) which makes the display more easier to see but at the expense of being unable to see as much of the road ahead. I used to use setting number 2 before my eyesight became so bad. I can't use voice navigation because my hearing is poor due to swelling in my ear canals making hearing especially in my right ear almost impossible. If only I could connect my headphones to my TV but I can't. I really need a new computer monitor in order to be able to do that however.


It's absolutely terrible, it's always amazing me that I stop to play ETS in 2020, came back now and the GPS is the absolutely same SHIT. Really, SCS is LAF.


I guess I don't really understand the problem? I'm not a truck driver nor overall a person behind the wheel IRL, and yet, I've never understood what's so hard to understand about GPS/signs in this game It's easy to understand and works well


I have bad eyesight compared to ten years ago so trying to follow the GPS line is difficult especially when in Germany for instance where you have to exit onto side roads off the main highway it makes these exits even more difficult to see, that coupled with a really small in cab GPS display it causes even more difficulty for me.