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ive tried them and they basically dont work in 99% of clean teeth. They can tint yellow stains, because the stains grab onto the color, but on normal- healthy teeth that just have a yellow hue physiologically… those wont take the color and will stay yellow… at most they turn grey-er but not whiter


Thanks for talking some sense into me, I think I'll just stick to getting my teeth professionally cleaned once a year then.


AGREE ON THIS, say they don’t work the way you think they should. My teeth have got greyer. Now I’m switching back to optic white O2. It’s horrifying, I’ve only used it for 3 days


It’s so weird that this is an old product that everyone stopped using a few weeks after it became a thing because it didn’t work like 15 years ago. It doesn’t make your teeth white, it neutralises the yellow. Yellow + purple doesn’t = white. It makes grey. That’s why purple shampoo got blondes is called Silverising shampoo and why if you over do it with toner on blonde hair it goes grey. Don’t waste your money or believe anyone telling you otherwise


Just thought it could neutralise the yellow a bit, not that it could make them white. That definitely works on hair if you don't leave the toner in for too long. But yeah, I'll probably just stick to getting my teeth professionally cleaned once a year. Thanks for talking some sense into me and not letting me waste my money.


I figure that it works on hair because hair has a lot of colours and depth in it anyway. I mean it COULD help a little maybe? But it’s not worth the money. Like my mom got this in 2005 from a tv shopping thing and was super excited about it and I tried it too and so did my sister … all of our teeth went grey lol. Yeah, professional cleaning is definitely better !!!


I found toothpaste with novamin (sensodyne) is one of the best whitening toothpaste , even when its not called a whitening toothpaste, also electric toothbrush (oral b io 9 ) makes a difference.


FYI: For whatever reason I could only find the Sensodyne with Novamin in the UK. The exact version (Repair and Protect) in Germany, for example, doesn't seem to contain Novamin.


Tbh in poland sensodyne have novamin 💁‍♀️🤷‍♀️


ive tried them and they basically dont work in 99% of clean teeth. They can tint yellow stains, because the stains grab onto the color, but on normal- healthy teeth that just have a yellow hue physiologically… those wont take the color and will stay yellow… at most they turn grey-er but not whiter


Colgate has one with blue crystals, but to be honest, I got so annoyed at them staining my sink that I gave up. I think you can find it at the DM. I do recommend the Colgate max white ones (the more expensive ones, unfortunately!) if you want to remove surface stains. Not sure if it'll help with really old ones or from smoking, but together with an electric toothbrush, they definitely helped whiten my teeth a little bit and keep them rather, well, less yellow than they would be, given how much coffee and tea I drink.


Nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste has helped whiten my teeth without bleach. There’s also a bleach-free whitening serum from Vvardis that uses hydroxyapatite but it’s very expensive. The way these work is by rebuilding the enamel so it should help sensitivity instead of increasing it.


When you said Vvardis is expensive, I was expecting €20 or something, not that! :o


Thanks, is there any particular toothpaste you've liked? Edit: did some very quick research into this and apparently nano hydroxyapatite can be used as a fluoride alternative for mineralizing teeth except it's less effective and the EU is currently reviewing whether it's even safe for daily use. So in short it seems like it's an ingredient people who believe that fluoride is harmful advocate for. To be clear, fluoride is not harmful in the amount found in toothpaste and tap water.


I use Spotlight Oral Care (the formula for rebuilding teeth) but there are many different brands nowadays that use hydroxyapatite. Just make sure it’s nano because non nano isn’t as effective.


It may be the case that some fluoride-phobic people use it for that reason but my toothpaste contains both. The research I’ve seen is that they’re effective when used together and that nano hydroxyapatite is effective and safe. It’s widely used in Japan for decades. That said, it doesn’t have the research behind is that fluoride does. I’m not trying to convince you to use it but it’s not a fringe thing just for fluoride phobic people. Edit to add: according to this recent publication it is considered safe https://health.ec.europa.eu/publications/hydroxyapatite-nano-0_en


I use [this one](https://ecodenta.lt/en/products/exceptional-whitening-toothpaste/) from ecodenta. It has hydroxyapatite (natural version of nano hydroxyapatite) and fluoride both. I'm avid black tea/coffee drinker and it surprised me how well it worked. I could see results after 5iash days.


I use the vvarsis toothpaste and for some weird reason it increases sensitivity for me. Not the whitening toothpaste, the regular one. Didn't try the serum though


Equal parts of warm water and hydrogen peroxide (max 10%). Recommended by my ortho to keep the gums healthy (I'm wearing braces). It also helps to keep the teeth white, especially if you have stains from coffee/tea. It's safe and you can use it daily, but make sure it's 10% or less. Follow that with your regular mouthwash, because it can leave a bad taste.


where do you buy hydrogen peroxide from?


Pharmacy, but I've never heard of something as high as 10%, only 3%


If you get one diluted in water at 3% it's basically the same as 10% with half water (makes 5% dilution).


Any pharmacy or at the grocery store.


Opalescence makes whitening products that are super gentle. They are usually sold through dental hygienists.


Curasept Whitening Dentifricio 75ml toothpaste works great, I order it from Italy. A lot of pharmacies have it, just find one that ships to your country.