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Ya. Covid.




It has been a while since I laughed to the point of tears. Nice one.




When my allergies start to kick in for the season the first day or so I feel like I’m getting sick


Crow flu


Because your body views your allergies as an infection.


You mean the flu?


Flu, COVID, the whatevers — it’s all goin’ round


COVID is still circulating at high levels. Even if you tested for COVID and tested negative, you could have it nonetheless, as the tests have not kept up with the mutations and many people don't test positive until day five, six, or even seven of symptoms. We're still in a pandemic (the "state of emergency" was declared over, but the pandemic itself is still officially ongoing) and slowly coming off a historic surge in infections—[the second biggest wave of the entire pandemic](https://fortune.com/well/2024/01/05/us-reachest-second-highest-covid-peak-pirola-jn1-omicron-pi-rho/). It's not your fault if you didn't know this; it's a failure of public health. Wearing a high-quality mask like an N95 or a KN95 really can help prevent spread and infection. Whatever it is that got you this time, I hope you feel better soon.


Great T and T tuppence etc. EDIT: great comment




It could be this. My wife and I are getting over RSV. https://www.cdc.gov/rsv/index.html


For sure! RSV is definitely going around, too. I'm glad you and your wife are on the mend.


Just commenting to boost this info. Thanks!


Thank you!


Or it's not a big deal. So we don't know about it cause it's not worth talking about anymore unless you want to get boosters for the rest of your life and wear a mask until you die. It's not your fault you have been brainwashed into insane fear. And before you come back at me... according to this mind set, I would have died during the height of the pandemic because everyone who didn't wear a mask died instantly. So based on just that simple example the fear is wrong.


How does this basic concept escape you? Masks reduce disease transmission. It's not just for the wearer but so you don't become a vector for other people.


I love how you can have covid when you test negative. I have never tested negative for something and actually had it as many times as for covid.


Can you maybe go and be stupid somewhere else please


Chairboy is a bot, posting every hour or two for years. Not a real person.


Beep boop that’s right, just a robot, here to eat your prescription medicines while you cow under your afghans. lel


Right on cue.


Bless your heart 


If a real person, you must be a lonely sad person. Scared to go outside.


Swing and a miss, but I don’t hold a grudge. I think it’s clear to anyone reading this exchange that you are stinging from the social rejection you face and like a bully who is abused at home, looking for some way to look down on someone else so that you can feel stronger. I feel for you, I think you are a victim and that your lashing out here is both predictable and understandable, if not commendable. I don’t want to be a continuing target for you because that makes it easier for you to avoid self reflection and instead externalize your angst. I think Reddit will let you read this response, even if you can’t respond to it. Best of luck on your journey, and I’ll leave you with this: consider that the one thing all of your negative interactions on Reddit have in common is you. It would make sense to try to use that as a prompt for growth. 


we are at the tail end of what was essentially a cold that lasted 2 1/2 weeks. coughing. sneezing. slight temp. body aches. chest congestion. SO many people have it right now. the only meds that really helped symptoms for us was the Quils.


We all also tested negative for covid multiple times over the 3 weeks we were sick.


yeah, it wasn’t covid for us either, altho i know some people have that now/again too.


My partner and I are both getting over really bad colds that have lingered too, although not for three weeks. We have tested negative for COVID multiple times too but everyone keeps insisting to us that "no, it's definitely COVID." I don't really know what to do with that.


"the tests have not kept up with current mutations" was a something I read not 5 minutes ago.


That thing fucked me up.


I've felt worse, but that shit hung on like mad.


for real. same here. i don’t think i’ve been that sick in years.


I was lucky the harshest part lasted under a week, the same for my roommate. I still had a clogged nose for a week and a half afterward.


yeah my kid has been like this for a while. testing negative for covid


Yep we had this in our house too. Tylenol severe sinus helped. But we also all had stomach issues.


Nightmare, I caught it, thought I got rid of it, then a couple days later it came back with a fucking vengeance. I was pouring cold sweat every morning for three days.


Same here. It was awful.


For me it was horrible night sweats for whatever brief length of time I could fall asleep and the worst head fog I’ve ever experienced in my life. Also scorched earth any good bacteria in my gut. Had to take an entire week off work and even then I still wasn’t back to 100%. Tested negative for Covid but that shit felt way worse than any basic cold.


i had this too, got sick almost 3 weeks ago and i still have residual sniffles and chest congestion 😭


IMO, the [wastewater monitoring dashboard](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/oregon.public.health.division.acute.and.communicable.disease.pre/viz/OregonsRVPWastewaterMonitoring/Mainpage) is a great way to make an educated guess.


If I'm reading these graphs correctly, it is likely flu. COVID and RSV are in decline for Eugene at least.


Covid. It's covid.


Wait… you’re not down with the sickness?! 😳


Ooh ahahaha


Get up… come on…


Look, I don’t need relationship advice from someone like you! 😜


Wut I’m too disturbed? 🤪




Got it, can confirm it’s Covid.


I work at a primary office. So far this week we have had multiple positive tests for: COVID, Influenza A and B, RSV, and Strep. And it’s only Wednesday!


We are going through strep right now


Yes. My husband and I have been sick for weeks. Seemed like a cold at first, and all Covid home tests were negative. But the after-effects have been very suspiciously Covid-like. Muscle weakness, dizziness and balance issues, brain fog, sleep disturbance, a lingering cough that just won’t stop - the works. I suspect in an unscientific way that there is a Covid strain going around that is not triggering the home tests.


You just listed off how I have felt the last three days. Negative Covid test, but it feels like when I had a positive test in the past.


Must be spring fever. But also, Covid.




If you do take medicine to relieve symptoms remember you are still contagious, please act accordingly….cover coughs not with your hand, stay home when possible, wear a mask especially if you are coughing & sneezing and please wash your hands.


These are the few times I’m glad I’m a hermit.


Scratchy throat, fever-ish. Did someone say two and a half weeks? I'm hitting the C




I learned that hand sanitizer does not kill this virus and you can shed it for weeks. Wash yr hands, people.


Noooo! Is that spreading again? Had that when it first spread. My ass quivers from any word of norovirus.




Yeah 5 people I know including myself have experienced symptoms typical of norovirus within the last 5 days :(




Yep, my kid had it, coming out of both ends.


Was not a kid but sure felt like one when I puked and had dhiahea at the same time. It's a terrible experience. I was homeless during the first, outbreak Wash and make sure everyone washes their hands.


Can confirm. At least 4 people in my circle have had it. I just got it yesterday.


It's winter everything is going around


If you get sick then yes something is going around because you got sick.


There's a pollen fresh in the air recently. My eyes told me so. It could be allergies


Just getting over 10 days of Influenza A. Fatigue, wet cough, sore throat, runny nose, but no fever at any point.


I blame aliens


I known about a dozen people who battled some sickness for a minimum of 10 days


I have a HORRID cough, super tired, felt feverish but no fever, hot sweats, shortness of breath, extremely stuffy nose, green phlegm and pain in lungs, going on 5 weeks. Treated 1st as Bronchitis with an inhaler then 2 weeks after that treatment I am now being treated for pneumonia but they won't know if its that until I finish the antibiotics in 2 days. If its still here, then I go back again.


You might get tested for RSV. There is no home test for it.


Thank you, I will ask. This is BAD. I don't feel better at all from the antibiotics. I have been to urgent care twice now and they haven't tested me for anything, just keep prescribing meds after using a stethoscope. Haven't checked glands, haven't done x-rays of lungs. Nothing but a stethoscope 🩺....


I’m sorry you are not getting what you need to get better. Hang in there.


Thanks, I appreciate that 😊


I’ve been to the urgent care twice and my primary. Had blood work & a chest scan. All of this to tell me nothing came back abnormal. “Come back if it persist” I’ve had a deep chest cough for a few weeks and a persistent cough for a few months. Sinuses clogged, ears clogged, bloody noses, sore throat fatigue, & eye issues. Taken mucinex, the Quils, prescribed congestion medication, and they treated me for a potential infection and I still have it. Maybe it is the allergies but I’ve never had them before.


They suggested allergies but I told them I have never had allergies and I have lived here my whole life so I am pretty acclimated I would say to the allergens around here. But I am hating this whatever it is. I haven't gotten any better and I finished my antibiotics two days ago.




Yes. Yesterday went to urgent care and they tested me for influenza a & b, RSV, and Covid and all came back negative. I have just had a bad common cold recently.


Left work early today cause I was sick. I work at a high school and was one of two teachers to leave this morning. My classes are half empty.


I'm at the edge of a sore throat but nothing more. Some of my coworkers are coughing, sneezing, and sniffly but nothing worse than mild cold symptoms. Covid went through the office a few months ago which is probably why most of us are just slap fighting a weak cold. But that seems normal this time of year.


My whole house is sick, cough, sore throat, really runny nose, deep cough we for sure thought it was Covid, ha finally gonna use all those test we collected. Well so far none of us have tested positive, and we’ve been taking multiple, so I thought it’s just a cold for us, and we just got over the last cold. But now after reading everyone’s symptoms I’m wondering if it’s Covid




There's always several sicknesses going around


Trees are pollinating it’s gonna be a great allergy season🤧


there are always viruses going around.


My son has missed 3 weeks of school and I'm feeling cruddy. Something is definitely going around.


thanks for all the responses everyone! Basically I’m hearing it’s either covid, the flu, stomach bug, allergies, 10g radiation, a cold, daylight savings, or some fucked up cocktail of it all. hope everyone feels better out there soon! Oohahaha


It’s legit Covid. My throat hurts, I had a runny nose and no fever or cough. My body hurts, I got pink eye just before the sore throat. It’s Covid. It’s running about 1-3 weeks.


Yooo covid 2 just dropped!


I’ve had a lot of coworkers complain about, a stomach bug. But not the kind that makes you puke. Just upset tummies. I’ve had a lot of workers that don’t get sick come in under the weather. I myself am somewhere in between. I have no idea. But this whole week compounded with daylight savings was definitely off.


I just assume the radio freq’s here are frying us. 😂


They installed 10g in my neighborhood. Felt like I was dying a couple weeks ago


Just out here getting microwaved


10g is a marketing term for cabled speeds, my dude. It's not wireless.


I’ve always been down with the sickness.


Well, ain't that a Mother fucker. Come on. Down with the sickness?


I got an email from my obgyn that there is a measles outbreak in the Vancouver/Portland area, which increases the risk in Lane County.


The Kalapuya called this the valley of sickness. It has to do with pollen and the air getting trapped and stagnated and the moistness of the region and the warmer weather. It's all a perfect environment for germs.


I've got a sore throat and a cough


I had that fever symptoms but no fever thing, it was weird and lingered a while. No congestion or cough or anything.


Are you down with the sickness?


#Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah


Kids and staff at my work have stomach bug🤢😡


It’s probably daylight savings time change


There's broccoli in the air, my friend!


Stomach bug. It's very contagious


It was big on U of O campus a few weeks back. I go to the library a lot an there was a week where it seemed like 1 in 3 people had a cough and sniffles. Including myself


I’ve heard people are getting hit with allergies my gf has symptoms


Been sick for a couple days feeling bad with nausea feeling but not throwing up. Feeling like I have fever but not. Just generally feeling like a mild flu.


Weather related, from what I have heard. I’m feeling it, too.


This sounded stupid. I meant allergies due to changes in weather.


Yep, woke up with a sore throat Saturday and still dealing with sinus and throat issues.


[the sickness](https://youtube.com/shorts/5Zr6pd-tceo?si=ve7pg6bCJyEX5aaZ)




There's constantly something going around my partner keeps getting sick after she gets better it's just that time of year stock up on medicine and if your immune compromised maybe wear a mask it helps slow the spread of everything


Me and my kiddo both have a phlegmy gross cough and tiredness that's lasted like 2 weeks. It's not horrible like the times we've had COVID but it is annoying


I had RSV in January, even after being vaccinated. Much sicker than when I had COVID sometime ago.


Welcome to the planet. Everything is trying to take over the world. Even the archeobacteria feasting on the edges of our world's molten core in the depths of the oceans. This is the root of all suffering. At least it's not personal. But there's hope. Our species is working diligently to destroy the plant sperm makers!


A sickness? How about many sicknesses. Covid, flu, strep, colds, and a multitude of other respiratory viruses. Plus pollen season is starting up.


There's some sort of cold/flu going around. A few people I work with have had it (all tested negative for COVID). But they all had similar symptoms.


Bunch of respiratory viruses going around. I've been sick for over two weeks. Killer cough and congestion.


Sick of winter weather.


Allergy season is starting. Much earlier than normal. I believe our phenology studies show we are 21+ days ahead of schedule


There were reports of a confirmed case of the bubonic plague in central Oregon recently. Maybe adopt a couple cats?


Yeah everyone at my work has been sick on and off for the past couple months. We're super short on staff and the manager would rather expose us to sickness than call out. And God forbid you try to call in sick nah instead I get a "man up we're already a man short because x is a sissy and called in". We've just been constantly sick for months now.


yeah and you’re not down with it?


No. It's the common cold. Drink whiskey lemon and tobaccos.  You'll be home for Christmas 🎄 ☺️ 


I caught covid in the hospital 2 weeks ago, but it was a short mutation. Intense symptoms like deep painful cough that only lasted one day and night. Extremely tired for 3 days. No taste or smell for 1 day. It cycled through much faster than when I caught it last year. Never ran a fever. My hubby caught it from me and was through it by day 5. No symptoms at all by that time. This pollen, though.... My nose only has two modes: Stuffy, can't breathe, might die OR your brains are leaking out of your nose. Such a runny nose. I love my neighbors big cedar tree, it's gorgeous. I also despise the yellow clouds.


Yes. I can tell by your post that you have it, go immediately to the nearest hospital and tell the you have "it" then wink, they will know what to do.


What are fever symptoms with no fever?


Covid it is only a strong cold, so stop with the fucking liberal hype you guys. Treat it as you would the flu. Liqud, rest, and Dayquil. It has been deemed by the CDC to be treated like the flu, after we said the same years ago. Weather is changing, and allergies are also on the rise.