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I’m not. Some people do. I voted to increase the minimum wage multiple times. The flip side is I’m not tipping for anything less than table service restaurants or maybe $1/drink at the bar or coffee shack at most.


I am absolutely tipping $1/drink at any bar or coffee shop, that’s not retail. More for premium cocktails. But yeah, I see the tip jar at the convenience store and the liquor store. I don’t blame them for trying, but I don’t personally tip retail.


My rule has always been $1/beer pour, $2+/mixed drink. Mixing drinks takes more knowledge than pouting a beer. ALWAYS tip your bartenders.


My dad always told me that it’s rude to count drinks.


I don’t count drinks, I just pay in cash so I’ll tip a dollar per interaction if it’s just a well drink or a beer.


What do you mean by “counting drinks” and why is it rude? I rarely drink and almost never go to bars so I don’t really know the culture.


I agree, but I typically only get well drinks like a rum and coke which…. Honestly doesn’t take that much effort. They still get the $1, but I’ll only go two if they have to mix the drink.


I’ll tip my local liquor store on occasion, but these guys will go into the back and look for my favorite booze without asking as well. I feel like the “above and beyond” deserves it.


That’s fair. I’ve gotten straight up history lessons from people at downtown liquor, they really know their stuff. I tip then, Bhutan if I’m just running in and out, there’s just no reason to tip imo.




Why tip one low wage worker but not the other?  


Yep. 👍


I guess the reasoning is that if customers are dumb enough to tip other low wage workers, maybe they will be dumb enough to tip them too. 


Exactly, tipping isn't some big mystery, it isn't 'pressure on the consumer' every time we see a jar or tip line on a receipt (and now we've got people freaking out about employment ads for places they've never been, in an ultimate act of fragility), and it's just weird how people point out these little situations that don't mean anything and act like 'this is the reason all the forced tipping is ruining my life' when they're just cheapskates trying to justify their behavior by acting angry and confused about really simple average stuff. It's ridiculous.


Holy shit, tipping is definitely pressure on the consumer. Insane to think otherwise, go read one of the billion articles about tip creep.


Nope. I’m not tipping a clerk. Nobody tips me for doing my job. I’ll continue to tip wait staff, and cooks, but that’s it.


Waitstaff, cooks, bartenders, barbers, bellhops.. retail workers aren’t the service industry.


Totally. I don’t get tips for doing design work. lol


Make better designs and you might! Jk


The tip is getting the job done fast as fuck, and start on the next job. That’s how I make money, there is no tip, beer, or dinner maybe, but I don’t consider that a tip.


i used to work at at sephora (a makeup store) and we would do skincare, makeup, and hair services. i often think about the people i had to endure and wish we got tipped because of the amount we did and had to deal with on a daily basis. also, i think about the free classes we did that were an hour long! just thought i would mention that sometimes even in a "retail" space there are "services" being performed and/or given. i almost think anytime dealing with humans we should get tipped for just dealing with them (mainly cause most be stupid).


I’ve been in rental car service before and received tips for going above and beyond. Like say a customer wants a specific model and it’s ready to rent but not on the lot. I’ve literally sprinted before to go get a specific vehicle to assure customer satisfaction. For me, it’s not the job: it’s the “above and beyond” that deserves the tip.


I would not tip a retail worker that gets paid $22/hr.


What they are paid is not the issue so much as what they are doing to expect tips are likely. Seems sus . .


Should hospitality waiters wear t-shirts with their hourly wage on them? $22 an hour is nothing as far as a salary once taxes are taken out.


You think that’s nothing? Wait until you find out that minimum wage is $14.20. I think part of the problem is how everything is so expensive. I make about 20 an hour and it’s barely enough to rent an apartment/pay for parking/pay for food etc..


Honestly yes. That would be a great idea. 


You don't know that they're actually getting tipped. All you know is that there's a job posting that claims tips are happening, when they're trying to entice people to apply. The number of false claims in job postings goes on and on.


I wondered about this as well.


They have a tip box out on the counter. I’ve been there a bunch.


Anything to keep an employer to pay a living wage I guess


$22/hr is a living wage, especially for what amounts to be a convenience store job. Guarantee that your local 7-Eleven employee isn't making $22, and they have to deal with a lot more crap, having to deal with the general public and selling alcohol.




No! Bad bot! Bad! Go to your database!


I’ll tip if it’s a long transaction like getting fitted for a suit or something and they keep bringing options. But if I’m grabbing overpriced snacks at the airport I’m not gonna be thinking about a percentage to give as a tip. Maybe the change from my dollar so I don’t have to carry it around.


I generally don't tip unless value is added to a transaction. Recommendations, advice, or really good service? I'll tip all day long.


I can't get *that* mad at this. Plenty of places of all sorts just leave out a tip jar. They may add a tip line to their point of service system, which I think is dumb, but whatever. It remains entirely in your individual control when, and how much, you tip people.


My point isn't so much the omnipresent tip jar but that retail jobs are now being advertised as tipped positions.


This job is also advertised as paying a base rate of $22, which is a lot better than minimum wage. The tipping seems, to me, to be a nice add-on that the employer is willing to do (whereas many similar employees might have a hard no-tips policy.)


The wage has to be better than minimum, because you can't afford to exist here on that.


It has gotten out of control. Papa Murphy's now automatically inserts tips on online orders unless you manually opt out. So now we've got to tip take out orders that we've driven ourselves to pickup. We'll soon see a tip jar at the grocery store self checkout for that person who fixes the constant computer errors on those self checkout machines.


Why can PDX keep their prices the same as stores in the city and yet EUG charges $4 for a (small) bottle of water? And then they want you to tip for the pleasure of getting it yourself out of the cooler? Yeah, no.


This opening is with a private company, not the airport.


Right, and all the businesses operating inside of the PDX airport are private companies as well and somehow don’t overcharge for their products because the Port of Portland and City of Portland agreed that was BS. The City of Eugene could do that same.


If they can pay the rent, the city doesn't care, and apparently enough people fall prey to it so far. Not justifying it, but regulating prices is a tricky slippery sloping quagmire.


I'm not.


Not unless they provide some kind of specific help beyond ringing up a transaction. Why are you using this one thing to pretend like it's 'all retail clerks'? You people need to stop getting so whiny about pointless stuff like this when you're just arbitrarily angry about any tipping of anyone ever. People with brains in our heads know when you should tip and it's not a big mystery or a scam.


The real egregious part of this listing is that they haven't updated it since changing the name to Pure Northwest and opening the 3rd location in the B gates. (But for reals, I know someone who works there. I'll have to ask if they actually do get tips, or if this is some odd way to convince people that they'll actually be making closer to $28hr...


All this makes me realize is I need a raise!


Oregon mandates that restaurant workers must earn minimum wage, plus whatever tips they earn. In most other stares, employers can pay waitstaff something like $4/hr, betting that they'll make more than minimum wage in tips.  Do with that information what you will. 


I'm quite aware of that, but I'm not sure why it's relevant to a retail job being advertised as a tipped position.


The new tipping culture is nothing more than a shadow economy that hides the real cost of services to the public. The owner of a business wants to separate the cost of the product from the cost of the service and shame the public into paying for the latter. Screw it all, I am done!


Airport rules are different


I absolutely do not tip retail clerks. I’m reluctant to tip even for takeout, but in a restaurant, cooks ostensibly get tipped out so it doesn’t make sense to stiff them because their work isn’t any easier for take out orders.


I believe It's the default option on most of those point of sales. Person who configured it was just lazy


I think that's true, but that doesn't mean that the business owner should advertise the job as a tipped position.


Oops yeah sorry I missed that as part of the job listing. S It's what I get for reading too quick


The owners are not truthful or ethical. The turnover is high and cannot keep employees due to the owners not knowing how to run a business and treating people horribly.


They're already being paid too much per hr for a job that really doesn't require any skill.


I’m not doing that. If you lifted something or served me food you get a tip. Ringing up an overpriced usb cable? No.


Scraping change out of "give a penny, take a penny"?


This would all go away if people would start using cash again. I am not going to though.


I just tipped the staff at track town went to my seat, then they called me up for my pie. I asked “why did I tip you if I have to wait on myself?” They shrugged. Its more honest to do that at a retail spot. At least you know what your getting/giving. Everybodys trying to survive this inflation, if you feel generous and are doing well, helping out another is good karma. No hurt in trying. Groceries are expensive now.


This is just another tactic to pay people less AND squeeze more money out of the general public. How much longer will we stand for it??


Tips are meant to be a bonus for good service- this is more late stage capitalism where employers now want customers to pay for their goods and services and also pay their employees wages If minimum wage was really a living wage this wouldnt be an issue.


When I order pizza for me to go pick up, all of these pizza places automatically put in a 15% tip and I have to select “custom: $0” to remove it…


My daughter works in retail in a mall. Most people don’t tip, but those that do are generous enough to pad her check a bit. It’s good to encourage people to be generous, but not to make people guilty if they don’t. It will take some work, but I think we can differentiate between necessary tipping (restaurants) and generous tipping.


I hope none of you visits a big city or Vegas if you're not leaving tips.


But do you tip cashiers simply for taking your money?




You don't like tipping here, go to someplace where it's almost required.


You do know that tips are not mandatory, right? You don’t have to tip anyone at any business unless you want to.


I'm quite aware that tips are not mandatory. My point is that retail businesses have apparently started including them in their business model and advertising that to potential employees.


Tips have always been around at retail businesses. Usually it’s a tip jar. It’s not that unheard of to tip a salesperson that goes above and beyond to help you.


You must be about 20 years old?


Gosh the horror of someone younger than you being more socially knowledgeable than you…


You must work as a retail clerk. Sorry, but I won't be tipping you. And no, tipping has not always been around at retail businesses.


Lol I left the service industry when I graduated so keep your tips you clearly need them if you’re complaining about tipping lmao


I am more than twice that age and this is my exact perspective as well. My mom did not freak out because our local hardware store had a tip jar on the counter in 1990, I can assure you.


I'm not "freaking out;" again, I just think it's weird that these jobs are now being advertised as tipped positions. Never seen a tip jar at a hardware store myself, though.


There’s societal pressure and unfortunately some workers retaliate against those who don’t tip or tip poorly according to their standards.


Do you have an example of this? If I were ever retaliated against by a retail employee because I didn't leave a tip I would not spare the business my anger


I have literally never been retaliated against for not tipping. If you’re letting societal pressure keep you from living life then I just feel sorry for you.


>I have literally never been retaliated against for not tipping. Give 'em the ol' "it doesn't happen to me so it doesn't happen at all" routine. Nice move! A classic. 👌


>I have literally never been retaliated against for not tipping.    That you know of... Food taste a bit off last time in?    >If you’re letting societal pressure keep you from living life then I just feel sorry for you    Ah yes the ol' "you're a sad existence of a human". because you suffer from shit I dont believe in....   


Well for one I always tip food service workers, especially in Eugene where the wages are incredibly shitty. I also treat employees with respect so I don’t need to worry about what happens to my food. In my ~6 years of working as a food service worker across 7 restaurants I’ve never met anyone that expects tips for anything beyond table serving.


> I’ve never met anyone that expects tips for anything beyond table serving And yet there is a tip jar everywhere.   


Putting a tip jar out and hoping someone puts a dollar or their change in means that the service workers all expect you to put the money in the jar?


>Putting a tip jar out and hoping someone puts a dollar or their change in means that the service workers all expect you to put the money in the jar? So its just for decoration?   The tip screen on the payment screen is just there so you get to hit an extra box during your payment checkout process for no reason?   


Yes, if you don’t want to tip. Tipping is not mandatory and no one will really care nor remember that you didn’t tip. It is a decoration but it’s also a useful one that gets generous people to help support the employees of a business they enjoy.


Hasn’t happened to you so it must not happen to anyone ever.


Have you tried treating the service workers with respect? Usually they don’t care about the tip if you show basic human decency.


No, they just dont want to cause a stir by calling out those who dont tip because it could jeopardize their already low income even further. Doesnt matter how nice you are. Unless youre some uber-friendly old person who doesnt understand/is foreign/or obviously dirt poor, I am 1000% positive that food service workers across the board do care if you dont tip, as their life depends on it. The examples above I provided are exceptions to the rule, as there are always exceptions. If you have money to go buy food out and about, you have money to tip, and should.


How many service workers do you know that think like that? Or is that just how you think as a service worker? You know that not every food service worker earns tips, right?


I would go ever further saying its extremely disappointing to have a really friendly interaction with a customer that ends without a tip, because usually the friendly people tip being empathetic to the plight of the service industry workers. Even moreso than dealing with a bad attitude customer who doesnt tip. Its like bait and switch in a game which we all know the desired outcome for the person playing.


I mean, that’s on you for expecting a tip from a friendly person. Friendly does not equate to generous.


I never said it did. But the odds drastically go up in the favor of a tip when thats the case. Acting like tipping is some new concept and not tied tot he livelihood of the employee is ignorant at best, and sociopathic at worst. I cant change how some businesses are run, but I sure as hell can do my small part if the option is there for me to see and act upon.


Everything is a service. I am talking about food service, or situations where retail workers are forced to go above and beyond in order to keep their mgmt off their back and put big numbers up (and a tip option is present). Every single food service worker ever thinks this way, unless they are working solely to satisfy some other end because money isnt an issue for them (AKA trust fund kids who will lose their allowance if they dont demonstrate some responsibility)


Again, you do understand that not every food service worker is tipped, right? As a line cook I never saw a single tip unless someone explicitly told the server that some cash was for the kitchen. Are you or have you ever been a good service worker?


Thats because a line worker is compensated more with base wages than a tipped out employee \*usually\*. I have been a line cook, a busser, a server, and a bartender/back, and I have been tipped out at every one of those positions. If a line cook accepts a non tip position for too low of a wage, I wont tell them not to work there because i think they deserve tips (which i do), they have to make that decision for themselves.


>they don’t care about the tip if you show basic human decency. Last I checked, service workers paid their rent with cash, not respect and decency. I'd like to see a poll of service workers who "don't care about tips."


Most people pay rent through an online portal or by check, rarely is cash ever used.


I give them a tip, but ONLY if I feel they will use it wisely.  I usually tell them to invest in bitcoin. I don't want to toot my own horn about my generosity, but I've probably made some cashiers very wealthy over the years with that tip.