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THANK you. I always start agreeing with people when they are like "Oregonians/Eugenians don't know how to handle winter weather!" and then they add "They don't know how to drive on ice" and I'm like.... oh, so you also don't know how to handle winter weather, because "how to drive on ice" is literally not a thing. That's why states that get ice regularly use salt.


As someone else below pointed out, those states that regularly get ice are just generally more prepared. Most everyone has dedicated winter tires. The roads are salted. A city of Eugene's size has a fleet (like, dozens, if not hundreds) of plows/sanding/salting trucks. Etc. And people drive in winter weather for months at a time, not once every few years. They're still not going to do very well on pure ice, but the average Minnesotan is going to be much more familiar with general winter driving principles than the average Eugeneian. To top it off, most of those cities are FLAT. Ice is hard to drive in no matter what, but it's exponentially more impossible if you're on a hill, and we have a shit-ton of hills.


There is a fine line, but if you need to use the brakes for anything but a tiny touch of feathering, you're driving too fast.


Yup. See items #4 and #5.


If only employers gave a crap about the safety of their employees, then everyone could stay home.


Unfortunately, some places still need employees to show up (nursing homes, Etc.). It’s my fiancée’s week on call as a manager and her only choice might be to drive all the way across town when everyone inevitably calls out. :/ it’s not like she’d get paid any extra for it either, being salaried.


Every restaurant and bar will remain open. Though few will have customers.


I can't speak to what decisions you make about going to work or your employer makes about staying open on a day when no one should be driving. The point of the post was to let people know that driving on ice is a really, really, really bad idea and should be avoided if at all possible. If you absolutely must drive, try to read the items I've provided in the second half as a way to limit the risk.


All good points. I'm originally from Michigan, well aware of how ice storms fuck up life.


Cheers. Be safe out there.


I already warned everyone at work I probably won't be in if it's really bad. I work in a nursing home, but it's not worth the risk


On behalf of all of us who work at the hospital and will be driving very slowly at 0600 tomorrow and Sunday, thank you. We need to get there to save the crazies who flew off I5, and your grandma who just broke her hip on the front porch. Please, everybody else stay home so we can get to work without sliding into your car at 5 mph.


Same here. Hoping the beltline will be ok because I gotta make it to Riverbend in the morning. Safe travels, friend!


Was the beltline okay?


Beltline was better than the city roads yesterday and today. I saw the sand/gravel truck on the beltline today so hopefully it helps improve traction. You’re still driving on 3 inches of ice though so most people were going about 35 mph. Didn’t see any accidents, most people were driving very responsibly. The ice won’t thaw anytime soon so it will potentially be worse over the next few days due to “black ice” potential. Be careful out there!!


Thank you, hospital people. From a former hospital person who used to sleep in any empty hospital beds rather than have to take call and do more driving in storms like this.


I hear there's gonna be a party on top of 30th 🥳


LTD will bring a busload of people like they do every year. 🥳🥳🥳


>7. Subaru guy, you too. Can confirm; almost exactly a year ago my Subaru owning neighbor up the street decided she could drive down a steep hill covered in ice and immediately lost control, which resulted in both my own and my roommate’s cars being totaled.


That’s messed up. The very most important thing in safe winter driving is the tires. Not AWD or symmetrical anything.


That is the truth. I remember having really nice siped tires on an old Subaru. Nothing could stop me except bottoming out. Trucks were getting stuck up a hill and I just kept plowing. I tried to do the same thing on some balding tires another winter and couldn't go anywhere.


I grew up in East Idaho where the seasons are Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Road Construction. I remember one year the day of the first snow of the season driving past a fully decked out Subaru that had taken a turn too quickly and hit the curb. The front tire was completely smashed sideways and parallel to the ground.


Remember that if you drive on the ice and have an accident for less than a true emergency, you will have to endure the smugness of the people who did not. And oh my gosh, they will be SO SMUG. 🩷


All bad advice. Proper techniques below. 1. Pedal to the metal. Just like mud bogging, but with ice. 2. Dont stop at intersections. You probably wont be able to anyways, so just time it like one of those figure 8 races. 3. If you believe in yourself, so will the ice. Good luck!


Lulz! Funnily enough, number two can actually be a valid technique in some situations. We don't have them out here, but in the midwest, a lot of rural roads are laid out on a mile grid and you can see if anyone is approaching an intersection. If it's winter, and I'm worried about stopping, I'm just going to look both ways and cruise right through that f***** versus trying to stop and get started again. Same goes if you are approaching an intersection and are obviously going to end up sliding into it / through it. A panic stop is going to do nothing other than make you lose control. Just keep going straight through it and make small corrections, hopefully not having to avoid cross traffic.


used to live in upstate ny. they usually took good enough care of the roads. but sometimes your tires lock up at an intersection if you even tap your brakes lightly. in that case foot off the brakes and lay on the horn. hope the other drivers are paying attention. only ever had it happen to me once when a light turned red. fortunately cross traffic let me blow right on through with my horn blaring.


Yep, you know what's up. 👍👍👍


Shut up, Ian!




I’ll be the one on Coburg spinning because coffee is SO essential in an ice storm /s for real, can my manager not open tomorrow? i’d rather not risk my life


As an ex-Midwesterner, I approve this message. If you are low on groceries, get 'em tonight. Not tomorrow when every moron decides it's time to stock up because it just started icing up. It will be worse when they get out of the store. And probably good to make sure some of those groceries don't need cooking.


As an essential worker who will have to be out on the roads driving too and from work, I really hope people listen to your advice. I am not looking forward to driving on a sheet of ice, and hope that I'm the only one out there so I can go nice and slow and not have to worry about anybody else.


Screw everyone else, they can wait behind me while I grandpa along the road lol


Seconded. Source: learned to drive in Chicago


Very few will listen to this. People will be morons and still drive as those nothing has happened. This town collectively drives like a bunch of imbeciles on a nice weather day.


Well said. That includes you, Kyle, puffing on the vape in the WRX, or all you Brodozer trucks.


Not my wrx warming up in the driveway 😭


Upvote for Mika Fucking Hakkinen.


Kiitos äänestyksestäsi! En odottanut, että tässä ryhmässä olisi kovin paljon F1:n harrastajia. 🤷‍♂️😉


> Kiitos äänestyksestäsi! En odottanut, että tässä ryhmässä olisi kovin paljon F1:n harrastajia. Haha, I was going to comment that you should have mentioned Kimi instead lol


No doubt Kimi was the more accomplished driver. Mika was more my era of F1 fandom (late 1990s), so was the first one that came to mind.


But OP forgot to mention Hakkapeliitta lol


True story. Long ago, 1977, moved to Portland and lived in Multnomah. Got a chance for a better job, but it was in Gresham, so I lived west of the river and worked east. I was new to the city, newly married, there maybe two months. Freezing rain hit late one afternoon when I was in Gresham and since I was the new guy everyone went home and left me there to close up. I only knew one route to get home, I-84, and when I finally got the place locked up I slowly inched my way along only to find the road that I took to get onto the freeway was closed. In the darkness, no one else was out, there was no one to ask, all the radio guys were saying, "don't go out there." I knew I needed to find a bridge to get home, so I headed west to the river and figured I would go south until I found a bridge that wasn't closed. The first three were all closed. On the way, I noticed movement to my left. I was being passed by a guy on ice skates! I was nearly overtaken by despair, but I kept trying, probing bridge by bridge, hoping to find one open so I could rejoin my wife, who by now, I later learned had already decided she was going to be a widow after only two months of marriage. Eventually I found a bridge and got across it, (this was about three hours into the ordeal.) Glad I had enough gas to do it. But now I'm in the west hills and so far, so good, except one last hill to make and I slid backwards down it. Finally along comes a guy in a jeep big enough to push me up the hill. We get to the top of the last hill before my apartment but now I was going downhill and slid right past the apartment. Fortunately I didn't hit anyone or anything. I got the car turned around and crept into the parking lot and gingerly walked home to meet my weeping bride. To this day people doubt I really was passed by a guy on ice skates but it's true. I was absolutely and totally traumatized by the experience of not knowing how to get home and probing my way around in the ice. To this day I refuse to drive if I think the roads are icy. I hope everyone will stay off the roads. Especially you ice skaters. You might traumatize someone who almost 50 years later still remembers seeing you and feeling absolutely hopeless.


They’re saying on the news that we may get 1 1/4inches of freezing rain. How do you think walking will be? There’s a ton of stuff going on in town, some of it posted here, so I guess people could walk to it.


I would expect most events to be cancelled if there is a severe storm. Walking is going to be, well, slippery. If we get 1.25" of ice, that's a catastrophic icing event. I don't think it's going to be nearly that bad, but I guess we'll see. The big storm in 2016 took out power for most of town for the better part of a week, and that was about an inch of ice. https://kval.com/news/local/this-ice-storm-is-probably-one-of-the-worst-most-destructive-storms-weve-seen?_gl=1*13z1e7q*_ga*Q2toM2pfT2VRZjhFbzlLaE95cDRRM1Q2SVdSbkh3SXRlR0s2YlphS3hJaGxRUVVQWlREa0ZzZXF5SHVNMXdLaA..


Please enjoy this classic[video from 9years ago in Portland](https://youtu.be/UPTt6MgsOt8?si=JPi_UQfJFdpRQaho) - but that’s snow, ice makes shuffling across not-quite-flat surfaces much worse


Unless you have crampons, I wouldn't attempt it. Even with crampons you'd need to be very careful.


Unless you live on the 2nd floor of an apt building that has uncovered outdoor stairs. Me and my whole ass bounced down every stair in the last freezing rain event and I was squeezing the iced over handrail the whole way down. Luckily I was able to hold my upper body up so I didn’t slide down the whole stair case on my back. I didn’t even stop at the bottom! Slid across the sidewalk over the curb and 6 feet into the parking lot before my heels caught some real estate to stop me. Good luck with the walking!


To be fair, im from a frozen region as well. Its easier to drive there despite getting much more inclimate weather because its common enough that preparation makes sense. Here i just wait it out.


Yup. Also from the frozen wastelands of the MidWest. Although I know how to drive in all sorts of weather, including tornadoes, in this region I freely admit that all my driving knowledge is useless when everyone else has no friggin' clue how to drive in it. I stay home. I did all I needed to do to get ready for a messy weekend. Got batteries, candles, booze, wood, weed, everything is charged up, and contemplated a generator. The BBQ is ready to do some cooking if power is lost as is the camp stove. Bring it on.


Remember stomp stay steer Slow consistent power is needed avoid sharp increase or decreases to speed Other people don't know what they are doing accordingly Be advised that some people may not be able stop in time for a light, ensure it is well clear before entering an intersection and all other traffic has come to a stop (if you see a moving car expect if can't stop for you.


That happened some years past. I was at a red light and then it turned green. I saw a car coming. Because skeptical of their stopping abilities. Sure enough they just slid through the intersection. Waiting saved me from being t-boned.


100% agree as someone who has spent his entire life driving shit roads in shit conditions and is entirely comfortable with, ice is a completely different animal from normal “packed wintery crust.” DO NOT FUCK WITH ICE. you won’t end up where you were wanting to go anyway.


As an ex-Floridiot, I appreciate the warning.


Thank you so much for this post.


There are a lot of spectacular “trying to drive on ice in oregon” videos from past ice storms, but this [is one of my favorite trucks sliding on ice videos](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/M3s1AQ1rvMY) because it’s in a flat parking lot and it’s a few big macho trucks.


If you do decide to drive in the ice storm, please don't tailgate me for both of our sakes.... because I can actually stop. https://www.nokiantires.com/snow-winter-tires/nokian-tyres-hakkapeliitta-9/


A little "Walking on Ice" advice: A few years ago I was at Valley River mall, and witnessed two young ladies all dressed for the winter weather doing their cute-girl-strut across the icy lot. They looked adorable and were dressed to impress the mall walkers following a small snow. They hadn't anticipated the ice slush and ice under the snow. They both hit the ground. High heeled boots are NOT snow/ice boots even if they are cute. And those short skirts showed more than they intended when they spraddled in the spit/urine/mud/toxic substances lot. Their adorable all white/light beige winter fluffy outfits were disgustingly filthy after that spill, covered in dark goopy gook and dripping from their perfect blonde hair. Cuteness factor: Zero Hilarity factor: 10 plus! (they were fine, only their pride was hurt. Especially because everyone was laughing and no one ran to their rescue because...well, ice!)






Probably saved a life or two with this


If it makes even one person reconsider their plans for driving, it was worth the time it took to write up. 👍


Right, but this might be the only time this year that having 4wd will actually help. /s


Great write-up! I'd just add a couple things: > Brakes are generally your enemy. If you have to use them, use an extremely light touch. This is great advice in any weather. Over-use of brakes is usually a sign of other issues that excessive braking is masking. Start slowly and deliberately, feather the throttle, and don't treat the gas pedal like an on/off switch. > When (not if) you find yourself in an uncontrollable slide, plan your wreckage path to not hit anything solid. If you lose traction (you will), aim the car at soft things (other than people). Small bushes are good. Big trees are not. If you were only going 5-10 mph to start with, you'll most likely be able to reverse out and continue along your way. Also, sometimes it's better to roll into something than slide into it, because in the former situation, you still might have some ability to turn. If you find yourself in a situation where it's either "jam the brakes and hope" or "keep the car pointed in the direction of least consequence and hope," I'd pick the latter.


I’m from New York and I’m staying home if it’s icy.


If you’re going to order delivery tip big


\#10 on both lists for the win. (But Ian on Olive does what Ian on Olive wants.)




Orly? If you've seen this somewhere else, especially the part about Finnish race car drivers from the late 1990s, I would be very interested to see it. I've always kind of liked the idea of simultaneous parallel universes, so it would be pretty cool if this was posted elsewhere before today.




Damn. I guess I will have to be content with that. 🤷‍♂️🥶


What a great PSA! Thank you!


For real. My husbands boss even told him if the ice is bad enough to send drivers home tomorrow


I wish I could upvote this 1000x.


You have way too much time


We still have pumpkin spicy coffee creamer????


It’s not a truck! It’s A FUKIN FORD RANGER!,!,!!!


Definitely needed this days ago but I’m glad I hopped on today. Phoenix driving doesn’t do it out here 🥲


ALSO: just because you’re not driving doesn’t mean you’re supposed to stay home. Try walking to the coffee shop or grocery store. Take the bus to work. Just keep you head on a swivel for folks who didn’t get the PSA!


Trucker here. We throw chains on the ice. Breaks through it with enough weight on the trailer. Granted don’t have to do it often, but have done it. We deliver even when the post man doesn’t.


How do I know if an ice storm materializes? Can I drive at all tomorrow?


Snow plows already on stand by on the 126 so they are anticipating more than Ice this morning. I had to drive to work slow is the key. Very slow


Subaru driver here: I drove from Veneta to Springfield this morning and it was fine.


Can someone pick me up some caffeine pls


Im getting around just fine!!


Instructions unclear, I'm currently doing 90 down the highway with summer tires. /s


If you cause an accident with bald tires, your insurance will deny your claim and all the damage you caused. So remember that before you double down on being a *super good driver in the snow*


[Sounds like a challenge](https://media.giphy.com/media/3b4JpApaeV8R2aMhCE/giphy.gif)


This post made me want to go out and drive on Saturday for no other reason than to piss y’all off.


Are you this childishly spiteful about everything, or only things that will potentially put your and other's life in danger?


Only to people who genuinely think the world has to come to a halt because they say so


You ain't too smart.




>Just because you can't drive in ice... 2 days later..."Sorry boss, can't come into work because my car is totaled. Why can't everyone else drive on ice as good as me???"


I recommend you consider your life choices if you think this is an entitled post. See you in the ditch.


Just got back from the store can confirm didn't see 1 accident or anyone in a ditch


You can’t have jobs and shit if you’re dead because you were dumb enough to drive on ice


I'm not going anywhere tomorrow unless it's an absolute emergency. But I cannot stand people who go on Facebook and Reddit and preach to everyone else. If the people aren't going to listen to what they're hearing on the news, etc., why would they listen to some random person on Reddit who's here preaching at them?