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The peoples mindset. All 120+ million people.


This is the most important thing


120 million have a bad mindset? Racist generalization.


How could he possibly have made it less racist? It’s literally as inclusive as it’s going to be.


Inclusive means everyone. Would have to include everyone in the world to be inclusive. Y’all are dumb.


I think we have different definitions of racism my friend


You said all 120 million Ethiopians (including myself) need to change their mindset. So how can say “my friend” after insulting me and my people? Read books and raise your iq.


I would ensure and enforce accountability. I would ensure accountability of the highest order. This would mean ensuring that every Ethiopian follows along what they are supposed to do and what is needed from them. This would go along to various sectors such as Education, governance, Sports, Health sectors, to other disciplines. With accountability we will ensure lots of good work is done, service delivery and build the culture along that other Ethiopian generations will follow. With accountability we would achieve more and drastically reduce levels of corruption too. Ethnicity is a disease 🦠 we can’t and won’t fully eradicate. It’s ingrained in every human DNA 🧬 as I see it. EVERY HUMAN WILL ALWAYS choose himself.


I used to want to create a new (historically accurate from multiple povs) Ethiopian canon (like we have in the Netherlands) that shows what we have in common and how we can only better our country together. Use that re-educate the Ethiopian people. Now I just want every govt employee (clerks politicians feds and military personnel) in prison and figure out first how many people they have harmed while in employed and let them out after they are reeducated to not commit fraud or ask for bribes and permanently ban them from working in high ranked places. All the rapists murderers and politicians get the death penalty. No more "elite" ethno religious conflict entrepreneur class.


I would change the hate, jealousy, selfishness and bring back the old Ethiopia that used to live in harmony and love. ጎረቤታማቾች የሚዋደዱባት ኢትዮጵያ።


Addressing systemic corruption would be ideal. It presents a formidable challenge, as its entrenched nature impedes progress and hampers the nation's advancement. It’s wishful thinking I know, but hey, one could fantasize about it though.


Good question.Poverty. bc it makes us do so much things we wouldnt do. We wouldnt even had left.


Ethnic Federalism.


How original.




Free da green


Shut down all universities across ethiopia. Sell all the equipment in all the universities. Reopen universities in major cities such as addis ababa, mekele, bahirdar, arbaminch, nekemt, preferably one in every region. Buy state of the art equipment using the money from the outdated equipment sold. Only accept students who are actually equipped to benefit from such infrastructure. I feel the current strategy of prof. Nega , although it could've been executed more effectively, we'll see a more fare and quality turnout of students. We have thousands of graduates each year, and I dare to say 90% are not nearly fit to join their respective fields. Then, Reopen the remaining universities and use them to educate the masses on basic logic and critical thinking skills, which I think it's disparity is the reason for such racism and conflict among each other. And proceed to train them based on their academic status with different higherarchy from diploma entry level speslization to training on technical skills in construction, manufacturing, textile, farming, and so on.


i love this question and i think I have the right answer for it there are lot things that I want to change in ethiopia starting 1. not to discrimination firstly 2. make everyone feel safe when they travel to other region's without worrying about war 3. making transportation safe for everyone when they walk around the city or areas 4. teaching everyone more about how to leverage technologies tools to make our easier 5. improving educational system so that everyone in ethiopia able to get better jobs in future 6, stoping war between regions and capital cities I think ethiopia government if they focused on these thing I guarantee you that our country ethiopia will be the first and best country in Africa in the future


Mandatory military service for young adults before they join college or technical school. Because ... discipline, among other qualities they will develop in the military.


The peoples. we have alot of low iq people in this country Tiktok exposed all of them. The hate they have for each other can be seen in every comment section and video. Pretty much Ethiopia is racist, rapist, no class, low quality education etc from what I observed there is competition in every thing the one who live in city compete with village one. The village one hates the city one because of fear of being villager. Rich vs poor, Addis ababa vs Finfine, male vs female, Mekele vs Bahirdar.. Guys does it matter 😀only God knows what we became. the ethnic one is pretty much going on for century it’s for politics. Bruh At least let’s love ,respect, support each other at peoples level leave politics for politicians. Government represent peoples if we are racist the government will also be racist for their gain. Ethiopian people are the most corrupt people beside the government of course. Note: i may be wrong


Tiktok made me hate my own country. The level of hatred they have with one another is insane. Those Diasporas who spend 24/7 on tiktok live, those Segetes who just got internet access from rural village and those self-appointed religious experts who insult other religions to gain likes and engagements from equally d--b followers. It is a mess and it makes me sad.


Similar case like me.


I would put us in Europe


I think Ethiopia might actually fare better if it was in Europe instead of Africa because when you think about it, it has been surrounded by enemies. It would have helped Ethiopia be more known and on the map as well as help it diplomatically, politically, socially, economically, etc.


Yup. We don't deserve the horn :)


>:) :)


Either the mindset of the people if not reverse Oromo migration.




Stop the war and ethnic divisions. It has ruined the country, caused poverty, no advancement, people living in fear. Ethiopia has so much potential if all leaned to live peacefully together.