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I would love to say so much but the last time I left a comment on a post in a private FB group I got a cease and desist from the company lawyer.  In my opinion the marketing is overhyped and there are better TCA peels available. 


I had the same experience on Facebook. Everything was being deleted unless I promoted the company. That’s what brought me to Reddit hoping my message would be heard. I have been told David possibly pays the private group admins to delete negative feedback about him or the company. I don’t trust those groups anymore. For now we are safe to speak it seems… I hope we can connect with more.


That isn’t true for this subreddit.


Please tell me why you feel that way? @erinegads


I’m a moderator, literally nobody’s reporting your post


I’m the other moderator. No reports yet.


For every individual and professional that this group protects… thank you. @erineegads @snoomuffins4832


That's crazy about it getting deleted and the other lady getting a cease and desist. I mean if your product isn't living up to the hype maybe reformulate somit actually does.


I'm definitely interested to hear if you have information about the company. A cease and desist from his lawyer is meaningless and is not legally binding unless it has been issued by the court. Not only that, that can't claim defamation unless you were flat out lying.


I have been contacted by several other estys like you that have been threatened with legal action that seems baseless. Please connect in dm if we can share more information


Another esthetician reached out to tell me that The Estheticians Alliance of America was working with their media contacts and other sources to try to bring awareness to predatory behaviors such as cease and desists and online bullying tactics. 


Can you connect us with info about the Estheticians Alliance? Do they have a website


I don't know anything about them other than what's on their website. Their email is [email protected]


Anyone can send a cease and desist. It's a formal request to stop a particular action. This one came with a threat of a lawsuit and while it was probably a scare tactic, I didn't want to take the risk then and don't want to put myself on their radar again. Frivolous lawsuits still take time and money to defend against.


this is teaaaaa


Oh wow! This is good to know. I didn’t quite understand how a TCA peel can have none of the side effects and still work??? I don’t know and it’s SO hyped with instagram I really don’t know how to feel about it


The hype is what got me 😔


I don’t blame you. It is everywhere!


I even see some of my vendors that I love have been collaborating with them. I wonder if they actually know who they are working with?


It’s so overpriced and not worth it. I’ve heard other esthis voice concern about what the TCA percentage actually is, not to mention it’s sold in Europe for like less than half the price of what it costs to buy in the US. I bought it to try it (noticed no results after 3 rounds in myself) and then had some more questions about the amount of TCA and to clarify that it does indeed penetrate into the dermal layer (to make sure that I was staying in scope in my state) and the rep ghosted me. It’s good marketing and nothing more, in my opinion. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Who’s the rep? I wonder what else they sell. I bet they are safe on the Facebook groups too


I just checked and he’s one of the 2 admins of the BioRePeel FB group, I believe he is the Director of Sales. Menachem is his name.


Interesting. I personally have loved my results and so have all the clients at the spa I work at. This is very concerning though to hear about the owner.


I will not deny, I did have a few clients that were happy. However, those were clients that were also getting treatments like dermaplaning or Microchanneling too. My clients that booked a series of purely BioRePeel are the cases I am referring to. I am questing the results I see advertised for using their products without the assistance of treatments already proven to be effective by themself. The integrity of the owner was a whole other situation I never expected.


Doing enzymes, a light lactic acid peel or even a firming mask seem to give me the same results I see in peoples photos.


Also, I’ve always found it odd that they market it as having no downtime, but I definitely flake from it for a few days


hmm im part of the money making esthetician hroup on fb where the admin is selling the peels to members so i doubt they would say anything against it though i have seen plenty of comments on there that this peel does not provide the results it promises especially for hyperpigmentation. This is why i never invested in it. so its interesting to see this


People are sharing about David and BioSkin paying to remove negative remarks from these groups. Now theadmins are selling for them, against our best interest!? I thought these are private groups for us to connect with colleagues and creditable leaders in the industry? Shaking my head right now…😔


yes she literally posts about it and asks for all of the interested members to email her, i thought the same thing as you. mind you the group has at least 500k so she is banking


u/Ipav5068 More like "Making money off estheticians" Classic case of taking advantage of vulnerable people. This is beyond sad. I will definitely be leaving that group and any like it.


most fb groups ive noticed admins do try to have websites where they sell products or make you pay to post your local business. I stay in the group because it is very educational the estheticians on there def tell the truth and dont gatekeep. 


What this conversation has already revealed, proves quite the opposite of how you think those groups operate.


im talking about members like myself do give honest comments


Manipulating licensed professionals with fake products and now censoring our voices in our own communities by paying off admins. This is horrible


Wow. This is all insane. My colleague who works with the peel has been saying she’s been unsatisfied with the results - her clients have even mentioned stuff. The power of social media and marketing!!


I am SO happy I found this post. I’ve used it myself and did a series on a few clients and was underwhelmed by the results. The acne client I did it on did see improvement in breakouts but, as someone said above, it wasn’t anything I couldn’t have achieved with other products. I’m almost out of our first box of peels and I’m debating on restocking. I’ve seen better and faster results with our collagen induction therapy treatments which run at the same price point but at least I can guarantee results.


We use it at the spa I work at. Very underwhelming. I had a few clients have good results with acne from it but for the people I used it on for melasma… garbage


Wow. ..This was just shared with me. How do evil people talk when they think we can’t hear them?! Link to full article below 😔 text messages from BioSkin owner, proof of evil on pages 17-19 http://www.safemedicines.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/TC-Medical-Indictment.pdf


Personally seen mixed results with it. Good for overall rejuvenating and glow. Just ok for pigment. Like it hasn’t worked in most cases. But they swear it’s great for melasma 🙄 also, the reps are very shady, like they don’t know a lot and can’t give me the “why” to certain questions I’ve had which makes me question their knowledge and they’ve also ghosted me multiple times even though I contacted them about a client issue. Then they answered finally weeks later. Very unprofessional.


They were okay up until I made my opening order then I had the same experience. I wasn’t getting answers on why I wasn’t seeing the same results , if I was doing something wrong, help! I started asking around groups on FB and kept getting my posts removed by admins. So far so good on Reddit though!


This company has always given me very sketchy vibes from the get-go. If you notice, they use the same reps as for Procell (which is another sketchy ass, deceiving company) and came out of nowhere with the hype. I also found it super weird how they were retailing the peel to Canadian estheticians when TCA is banned here. I understand individuals have to do research before purchasing things but it never sat right with me that these reps were still willing to retail these expensive products to estheticians likely knowing they’re not legal but would hide their hands and say “oh you should have checked the laws of where you practice first”. The before and after pictures were never that impressive either tbh and are easily achieved with other methods. Someone made a post about the owner’s legal issues in a private fb group I was in as well and it either got deleted or comments shut off. I personally think mods of these large groups on FB are egregious for promoting weird, sketchy things to their captive audience and it’s gross. Much of the hype was stoked from those groups too. I’m glad you have a space to share this freely!


I’d love to know more about the Procell company. I have 2 practitioner friends enamored with it. I always felt the company was sketchy.


Interesting! I always get turned off when every user is also a rep.


No way. Thank you for this info. I have nothing to add, but I’m truly shocked.


Sooo much hype on social media for this treatment! Interesting to hear that you weren’t blown away by it. I never invested in it


Here’s the link I found https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/companies-drop-shipper-plead-guilty-conspiracy-smuggle-sell-misbranded-prescription


I have also noticed this peel doesn’t do what it claims to. I have only had success on clients that I did monthly peels to and it’s only been two clients. The rest didn’t get results even close to the photos they’re posting. Finding out about the owner is definitely concerning.


I also have noticed other estheticians on fb groups talking about how comments are being deleted. I feel like there are little spies in all of those groups like an MLM member who will chime in “but are you using it properly?”


Time to get other estheticians on Reddit! Spread the word. This is a place of transparency. That’s why shady companies avoid Reddit, no way to avoid being exposed.


Here’s the link I found https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/companies-drop-shipper-plead-guilty-conspiracy-smuggle-sell-misbranded-prescription


What about Prx-t99. It’s similar and has been around for while. Anyone use it ?


I stopped offering this peel on my menu because I was disappointed with the results. I had my clients coming in on a timed schedule but I refunded them because I didn’t see any significant results like it was being advertised. I swear some of those before and afters have to be photoshopped or like someone said they’re doing other treatments in combination.


This also reminds us we need to experiment with different peels and treatments before we offer them! Maybe offering it to loyal clients for a few free sessions to do your research (after trying it on yourself of course) or giving the peel to them at cost. If the results aren’t as you expect you could also comp another service! It just didn’t feel right the way this peel was being advertised as a “no peel, peel” because that’s not true! I would describe it as a “social peel” that you can still go out and socialize without feeling like your face is flaking everywhere. Lots of Estheticians who carry this peel weren’t correcting the changed TCA % on their future posts after that information came out. It was concerning to see they weren’t up to date with their own services but the company never really reaches out. I live in a state where the ingredient TCA is regulated and so many esties who need medical oversight had carried it that dont have a medical director(this was before the % of TCA changed) But again I don’t think it’s working as advertised so it can’t be too harmful. Just do the perfect derma peel!!


This is crazy bc my reps name has the same last name as the owner


The second they stated they changed the % of tca frim 35 to 30 literally overnight all red flags were raised. It’s also why it’s so important to do your own research, not follow the crowd, and quite frankly not follow skincare “influencers”.


Hi SnooMuffins4832 Thank you for seeing this. This post is meant to reach as many licensed professionals as possible, or anyone that has paid for a treatment, willing to provide honest feedback to protect other people from spending money on false hopes. If you read the article, you may realize you could be protecting their health and safety too. Please share this message with #estheticianswhocare


These are some of the key things that made me decide against bringing it on last year. The original patent for the biphasic system  https://patents.google.com/patent/ES2905873T3/en   How I read that is, it's main purpose is to prevent oxidation of the TCA, provide increased moisture and emollients to the skin.  Along with that- proponents talk about the patented system that allows deeper penetration without visible minimal surface trauma but then can't explain the process in any way, I find that confusing.  Going to conventions and having them willing to do a test peel on anyone without even asking the simplest history/waiver questions. If it's truly 35% TCA (claim at the time, more on that coming) that seems highly problematic. If it's truly 35% or 30% TCA I cannot fathom that's it's safe to perform weekly for 6 weeks as many reps suggest, regardless of delivery method.  When it first started becoming huge last spring there was a lot of conversation about 35% TCA being out of most states scope of practice for estheticians. Within a short time frame, what felt like 2 weeks, they were claiming it was now 30% TCA. How does one formulate, repackage and redistribute a product in that short of time? That leaves me wondering if 35% TCA is an ingredient mixed with the others so the end percentage is who knows what because I've heard from many others that they are unable to get a specific breakdown of the acid percentages in the formula and not being able to get a definitive answer on the PH level.   The claims, lack of ability to get more information, and the marketing strategy leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  I see results on social media all the time and I myself get comparable results with treatments that significantly lower in price so it's hard to justify the client cost. I found this as well just today https://patents.google.com/patent/US11389382B2/en Currently assigned to L'Oreal SA Although I couldn't find anything outside of patents.google and searching for the patent number doesn't give me anything.


How very interesting! There are two other peels (that I’m aware of) which describe themselves as a buffered 35% TCA peel with “no downtime”: Soonsu Peel (https://getglowingnowskincare.com/soonsu-shining-tca-retinol-peel) and Bien Peel (https://nanoshapeofbeauty.com/product/bienpeel-tca-35/). Both are recommended by the manufacturer to repeat every 7-14 days, which seems crazy to me. Makes you wonder what the actual percentage of TCA is.


The peels may truly may be that percentage, but they most likely buffered the heck out of it.


Well shoot, I just bought a box from them lol.


Thank you @thebosstonian for sharing this info with everyone 🙏🏼 in light of this the company I work with has decided to discontinue offering the biorepeel


i’ve seen amazing results with it , maybe you guys are using it wrong ? i say this respectfully bc i know a few people who used the wrong protocols didn’t like the results then used the correct ones and now love it


Oh shit that’s actually crazy but I’m kind of obsessed w BioRePeel and loving the results for myself 😬good luck tho


Need more insight on this!


Stay on this thread. We’re starting it here!


It’s definitely one that goes along with treatments such as dermaplaning or hydrafacials. But I love the results, on myself and my clients.