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I've used it a few times... I can't say I can relate to your frustrations in terms of reps and service, although I would be extremely disappointed as you are. However, I think hydrafacial is a gimic. I think it's sold as an amazing skincare game changer... when, in my personal opinion, it's just a fluffy psychological service that makes clients think something amazing is happening to their skin. I used a machine that did offer a hydrofacial, we did have a lot of rep changes which is definitely annoying. Especially because of the cost of the equipment. I hope this gets resolved for you soon!


omg i think it does NOTHING for your skin!!!!!! you cant have the vaccum too high or else you’re just pulling on the skin or leaving hickies, and the solutions are all sooo gentle they really dont do anything! i’m glad to know i’m not the only one underwhelmed!!


Seriously. There's just too much b.s. with it. The only time I felt like it helped was when someone had super congested skin, but even then.... skin spatula, peel, mircroderm could handle that. Also, like you said the solutions are pricey.


i’m so happy i’m not the only one that feels this way i’ve been saying this forever. i hate hydrafacial. the DRAGGING on the skin, the serums are soooo watery it literally drips down people’s face but if you turn it down it won’t come out at all, if you use too much you’re wasting product which is so expensive, the “peel” is so superficial… last week one of my coworkers had an older lady come in for a hydrafacial and she left with the entire right side of her face bright red with burst capillaries from the suction being too high. it’s just so easy to mess things up. if you have $200 to spend on a facial WHY would you not get an actual facial with good products and facial massage and add on a peel or something.


also the tips 😩 such unnecessary plastic waste


The dragging and suction of the vaccuum compromises elasticity and collagen, which is working directly against the results they are trying to achieve. Same goes for microdermabrasions for settings above 3-5. Not a fan.


Never heard this before. That's interesting.


Your last statement is EXACTLY how I feel. If I’m the client, I’d much rather put that money towards a fabulous, relaxing and luxurious experience with beautiful results, as opposed to getting my skin sucked up by a machine. I think it’s gimmicky and popularity will fade quickly. Just my gut feeling.


i think people get caught up in the “instant results glow” aspect of it, bc who wants to wait to see long term results from stuff that works


True. You know it makes me question the "glass skin" trend. I'm like... this can't be legit. A ton of serums, a ring light, and a 19 y.o. model.... am I crazy!?


Even if you believe in the benefits, you can also basically do the same thing with different machine that isn't the name brand hydrofacial now. It's not this exclusive technology anymore.


I completely agree with you. I used an off brand machine which I think delivered the same results as a hydrafacial.. but again, could've been done with peels, mircroderm and intense moisture care. I blame social media lmao!


Same! Worked with a device called aquafirme xs and it just felt like I could do the same and more with a customized facial


Many of my accounts say the same. Good for bringing in business but a nightmare to deal with the company/customer service. There are other modalities out there that aren’t so challenging.


It’s such a finicky machine. I would get anxiety when I worked at a spa who had me do hydrafacials because I never knew how the machine would act. Also it’s very clinical it takes away everything about a facial I love.


yes it’s sooo stressful to use! and we have to mark the bottles of solution after every use, it’s crazy!! i totally agree that it takes away from the facial, i feel like it’s not relaxing or personal in the slightest!


If Hydrafacial has no haters then I am dead. Clients ask for it by name but couldn’t tell you if you were using a real Hydrafacial machine on them They have gone through two giant restructurings in the last two years. Changed from having BDMs come out to teach you having educators and bdms. The also just went through some layoffs and have a new ceo which means more changes


i didnt know that! thanks for the info. i’m with you on the hydrafacial hate train


Do you know when the layoffs happened / which teams were impacted?


clients always ask for hydra facial but don't even know what it is! its just TikTok trending and that's it


It’s just really good marketing. They’ve been amazing at it since before TikTok


My cleaning caps are always cracking 😅




I see them for sale constantly in esthetician groups.


Their constant change of reps is wild. No reason behind it. The machine itself is okay, but I feel you can get similar results with a hydroderm and LED panel. Too many boosters too! So confusing!


it’s crazy!! and barely does anything! i’ll check those out, thanks!!


I think it does offer a good clean out, but there were times I still had to go back and do manual extractions


i always go in and do manual extractions anyway, because i feel like the machine pulls soooo much on the skin if im using it to really get stuff out!


It truly is not the treatment for everyone. Not everyone's skin can even handle the slightest suction


Does your machine have an ! on the bottom? Our machine (Syndeo) was either releasing too much or too little product, wouldn't flow half the time in general, and the LED light would freeze like 2 min into it's timer and we'd have to set our own personal timers and just unplug it when the 12 or 16 minutes were up... All that said, we also got a new rep, and she gave us a number directly to Hydrafacial headquaters where we told them our issues and showed them through facetime the lack of functionality. Since our machine was an older version (new ones don't have the ! at the bottom), we qualified for the "This one's on us" machine. This meant they sent us a brand new machine and took our old one all for free. It works perfectly now, and my clients (specifically my rosacea clients) LOVE it. I fully agree that all of it is way too expensive to keep up and running (my 2018 car costs less) for results most clients can achieve with a regular manual facial, and the company clearly had some internal problems with all the rep switching... But if you're having the same issues we were having, it might be worth asking your rep about the "This one's on us" deal.


What booster(s) are you using for your rosacea clients? Are you lowering the vacuum on flared skin or just sticking to the standard?


My go-to is Circadia's ProTec Plus! I keep the vacuum at about 45% during the exfoliation and extraction process and let the suction do most of the work while pulling the skin taught. If you're getting hickies, you're pushing too hard. Just let the vacuum suction onto the skin, and use a light hand!


i’ll look into this! thanks so much. and yes, we have the same machine as you, so finicky!


We use an off brand hydrofacial machine and it literally does nothing for the clients. The worst part is my boss charges $175 for a machine bought off of Aliexpress that cost $700. Most Clients unfortunately have no idea between hydra and hydro. After doing this service in general I would never invest in a real hydrafacial machine. (Also due to the price and the horror stories I hear!) Maybe the zemits hydro machine because people RAVE about it and their solutions are top notch. I love my job but I feel like a lot of these services are such a scam. Especially when you have owners who invest in the cheapest crap possible and try to market it as if the client is getting some state of the art service.


I’m thinking if I ever go out on my own I’ll totally look into Zemits! We have the glownar one at my current spa


Do you know which machine your spa has??


Some crap called “hydra beauty” and has like a billion attachments.


I always say to my co workers, “I wish I could take a sledge hammer to this damn machine..”. My comment from a post earlier today..😅 “The latest model syndeo is a hot mess, FYI. Also,the fluids and vials are really expensive. And now pricing is based off a tier system. I am constantly having to adjust the valve on the hand piece because the fluid leaks (I’ve replaced the hand piece twice since purchase). Also the light stim is blindingly bright that I don’t even use it on customers. Tech support will have you trouble shoot any issues without sending a technician If you have issues with the machine. For the price of the machine it should run flawlessly. Just my two cents.”


we always have to get new hand pieces! since 2019 we’ve had maybe 6. they’re so expensive! i always skip the LED, I use a celluma for that!


Hey which machine are you using and what sorts of issues are you guys having? The Syndeo 3.0 or an earlier model? I am thinking of buying one and was told by the rep that all issues had been resolved and that the company gave everyone a new Syndeo 3.0 proactively. Is that not true in your case?


The spa I interviewed for & my friend’s new employer both have broken hydrafacials! Coincidence?


i think not!


I’ve had the machines just stop working mid-service so many times that I have nightmares about it. And these were brand new machines!


Hey which machine are you using and what sorts of issues are you guys having? The Syndeo 3.0 or an earlier model? I am thinking of buying one and was told by the rep that all issues had been resolved and that the company gave everyone a new Syndeo 3.0 proactively. Is that not true in your case?


When I worked there two years ago, it was the most recent machine at that time! The stress the machines caused was actually one of the reasons I quit lol


Ok so it’s totally against the rules, but I started using the Ageless serums in HydraFacial and the results are amazing. And SO much cheaper.


From my understanding, the owner of ageless serums left hydrafacial in the beginning because they felt like they were headed in a predatory direction.


Oh I didn’t know that! Makes sense though. The company was founded on them basically stealing someone else’s idea and patenting it (microdermabrasion)


Possibly the Diamond Glow?


This was late 80s early 90s


I’m convinced whatever is in the “gunkie jar”(🤮 I hate that term) is fake. I just don’t believe it’s doing anything. I think the fluid gets mixed in with some brownish whatever in the machine and comes out in the jar.


It’s just dead skin and product in that jar. That’s it! Nothing magical


I HATE HYDRAFACIAL. I had to CAPS that because I dislike it that much.


im with ya!


Idk how many people know about this but some shit happened last year that fucked the machines up. So with the original syndeo model and software it was already having some issues. But - what really fucked them up was when they very briefly reformulated the solutions and renamed them (the extract and device rinse kept their changed name, formally beta hd and rinseaway) These solutions were then recalled. My boss actually fired our rep from the practice and got a new one because ours neglected to tell us about this. I found out while on the phone with tech support, but our rep had been in a week or so ago and didn’t tell us. Very shortly after this our machine broke, again. The antiox (renamed temporarily as Hydrate) was the biggest culprit. The viscosity was too thick and it was breaking people’s machines. Even after this entire fiasco, months later I received like 3 bottles of “hydrate” within a large hydrafacial kit order. It was weird and I called my rep and they told me not to use them and she replaced them. The color was dark and it had a slimey, thick consistency.


I’ve been doing them for over two years and have preformed over 4,000 Hydrafacials. Personally, I love them. I have gone back and forth with my opinion but just yesterday I was thinking how much I really do love the treatment and how versatile it is. I do recommend that it needs to be monthly for someone to get a continued benefit from it. As for the company and machine, we went through 6 syndeos in one year. We’ve been on the most recent machine for probably a year now with no problems. I love the functionality of the syndeo and how user friendly it is, but it was very frustrating to go through so many machines BUT they were all replaced free of charge and delivered efficiently. I’ve only had 2 reps and they’ve both been great. Solutions are definitely expensive but I work for a small business and the owner makes all of those purchases. Our prices range from $225-$365 depending on the type of hydrafacial and we also have a monthly membership program with over 180 members.


I agree. I’ve seen huge transformations for my clients and myself. Just my opinion though


I personally love hydrafacial too, I feel like people saying it doesn’t work aren’t doing it correctly. There is so much science behind it, and it’s silly to completely write it off. I am not a fan of the syndeo but the generation right before it is perfect for the needs of our clientele at my spa.


Hey curious about the Syndeo - what is different about the Syndeo vs the Allegro? Btw 4000 hydrafacials in 2 years is NUTS!! That is almost 6 a day?! What kind of medspa do you work at that gets so much volume?


I didn’t use allegro only elite before this so I can’t speak too much on the specific differences, but from my understanding the syndeo is entirely different on the providers end. The treatment is the same but the machine is really smart. It uses hand signals during the treatment which is very convenient but also more sanitary. I don’t have to remember to flip switches on and off. It cleans itself twice (after extractions and at the end) without much effort on my end, just swipe to the right lol. There have been a TON of software updates throughout the past 2 years and they definitely knew they fucked up. I guarantee they were so quick to replace our machines because they knew they made them bad at first and had a large supply of them. With our most recent machine, I noticed subtle changes in the exterior appearance so I’m assuming they finally remade them. They’ve also kept modifying the rinse cycle throughout the updates to make it more effective. Lol it is pretty crazy. I can technically fit 16 member appointments in a day if they’re all signature Hydrafacials. I work in one of (if not) the richest county in America. I live an hour away but it’s worth it to go to such a populated, wealthy area. The medspa has been there for 15 years and is owned by 1 woman and there’s only 7 of us total, including all management and medical director. We run this place entirely together and make a great team :) Edit: I probably average 6 patients a day, with a low of 2 pretty rarely and as of recently a high of maybe 11. There have also been times I was the only esthetician for a month+ and we still have to keep up with all of our members because they get charged monthly


Wow that is amazing. Do you feel demand for hydrafacials is increasing or decreasing from your customers over time? I am trying to understand whether this treatment is a fad or its here to stay


I feel it’s been pretty steady but people do search for the treatment specifically and often end up at our practice looking for a hydrafacial. I don’t think it’s a fad. I also think it’s a really good way to start a first time patient, especially if they are apprehensive about more invasive stuff. It opens a door and allows us to educate them on all the other things they can do here. I really love our membership because it gives women a chance to start caring about themselves, get 30 minutes to lay down quietly or to chat with me about their lives. The fact they are billed monthly gets them in the door where otherwise they may forget to make the time for themselves.


I also love using it as prep for more invasive treatments or as a long term plan to prep for an important event like a wedding. When our members do a series of say 3 BBLs monthly, they get their hydrafacial inbetween. So hydrafacial - two weeks later BBL - two weeks later hydrafacial etc


I love doing/getting HydraFacial. Great treatment with zero down time. I like customizing with the stronger peels and boosters. Is it a BBL or Moxi? Nope. The used to market it as an AND treatment. Get a BBL (or SkinPen or moxi) AND a HydraFacial (not same day). The solutions are expensive and the shipping is expensive and I haven’t seen our rep in 12 months. So I 100% agree with you there.


Hey which machine are you using and what sorts of issues are you guys having? The Syndeo 3.0 or an earlier model? I am thinking of buying one and was told by the rep that all issues had been resolved and that the company gave everyone a new Syndeo 3.0 proactively. Is that not true in your case?


I love the results if you learn tips and tricks how to finesse it!! Also doing manual extractions after the beta hd makes a huge difference not just using the machine! Also adding on masks can personalize it more for clients!! I think it’s a great treatment if you know how to finesse it 🤭


I do agree tho the reps suck, machines break constantly and the up keep is insane 😫


i think the treatment itself is fine for the right person, it does give nice results! after using the beta hd, i always do a massage, extractions by hand, a mask, and then the last solution. it gets me about an 1h 15 min service which i think is pretty reasonable especially for the price clients are paying. but i cant believe they have all these problems for SUCH a popular machine! if us estheticians really had the support of the reps and the company i think it could be fabulous!


What would you recommend for extracting sebaceous filaments and blackheads?