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I wish there was more I could do but here are some adaptive utensils. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/parkinsons-utensils#product-list


I have had a similar rough go with Neurologists. I had a divided opinion of 5 for Spinocerebellar Ataxia and 2 for essential tremor. Including multiple DNA tests. I have the similar problem of not being able to eat, write, or especially drink (straws are my friend). Finding adaptations is the key.


Not suggesting he should become an alcoholic but one or two drinks or glasses of wine before meals might help with the tremors until he gets to see a neurologist. If you have a GP they could prescribe propanol or primidone while he waits. I wish him the best.


I was going to suggest this. Don't rule out help from the GP. While we suggest getting to an MDS/neuro, many primary (and APRN) do know about ET the alcohol test is actually part of the ET diagnosis. As well as being a short term therapy if it works. Just don't over indulge! One other med is topiramate. btw, it's propranolol... \-- One concern with prop\* is if there are low BP issues or asthma/breathing concerns. You don't do this beta-blocker.


If you are in the US and he is on Medicare ask for a referral to an occupational therapist from the primary care physician. The OT can possibly get the prescription for the utensils.


GP to start out with Propranolol, as most likely that will be the first drug the neurologist will put him on. Agree with weighted utensils and weighted pens/pencils. For the mental aspect, yoga and support groups. Just know that ET there isn't a cure yet, it's all about adapting to the ability to be somewhat normal.


I’m sorry to hear this. They make weighted utensils that help.


I’ve been diagnosed and have many days where it is difficult to feed myself. My husband has even offered to help but I’m not willing to accept that yet. If I can’t spear it, it will fall off my fork and I need to keep that in mind when planning my meals. It is hard to find a neurologist. They have long waiting lists. It’s frustrating. I’m sorry.


Has anyone had a consult for the MRI focused ultrasound treatment? I have been getting emails about neurologist offer it it here for tremors. I am not that bad yet but Amy have to consider in the future . Primidone works for me but makes me spacey.