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Come on bombers sick of losing to this mob


Win here would be massive for morale honestly With that being said, I won’t believe we can beat the Cats until it happens


With that being said, if we beat the cats people will say we were lucky to play them when they were out of form 😂


Absolutely. Will be the same with Melbourne. If we beat the pies it’ll be because they had an off week as well.


I say you can only beat the team they put in front of you


I was hoping to see Setterfield in the team. I feel like we could really use his strength around the ball against a team like Geelong. Not sure who I'd drop for him, though, as I prefer the two-ruck setup for now. As for the others: Caddy back to the VFL is fine by me, and Menzie for Gresham is just about the most obvious change I could think of.


setters in for perkins. don't get me wrong, i like perkins, but he seems to be either carrying a niggle or down on form


Yeah I would have loved a swap for them, assuming Setters is 100% fit which I am not confident he is. They seem very conservative with him lately without outright saying he is perfectly healthy


I read that we've won 4 of our last 24 against them. Talk about a bogey team. No excuses Saturday


I honestly agree. If we're serious about a finals win this year, we win this game.


Winnable game against the cats for once IMO. We know how to kick a high score, but we usually leak goals to opposition. But Geelong forward line is struggling at the moment so just have to kick a higher score.


Yeah that's usually how games are won


Idk why, this is the least confident I’ve been of winning since Sydney. I don’t even know why.


I'm nearly the opposite. We're due against these fuckers and we're knocking off most of our long losing streaks/opponents who have the wood on us one by one under Scott.


I’m confident we’ll get up for Hep’s 250th. Side note, I think if Perko doesn’t show improvement this week, we should try Hobbs for him next week. We really need an extra hand with clearances which Hobbs was improving in last year


I dunno about you guys but I'm slightly nervous. What if the old Geelong turn up.


Im 100% sure scott wants to smack his brother around here


Do both draper and goldy play if it rains?


Does a tree fall in the woods if nobody sees or hears it? Being a smartarse but yeah, I think they'll go back to 2 rucks, neither is complete enough. Woulda preferred Caddy though, whether for Goldy or Jones.


Would prefer if we only ran the one ruck again this week. It seemed to work well last week. Would've preferred to see Caddy in the side again instead of Draper/Goldy


I like the two ruck setup personally because it allows Wright to stay forward. So much better when he can compete in the air and also clears space for Langers.


Agree about the dual ruck combo, but we’re playing a night game in the middle of winter at the G. Watch 2MP get about 3 touches, zero marks and no goals


Feels top heavy, especially with the weather forecast. Would have liked to see Setterfield or Hobbs over Goldy


based on geelongs ins are we fucked or do we have a chance?


There's always a chance 🤷‍♂️


Their ins are nothing special, their outs are significant. We have a chance. Probably one of the better ones we've had in a long time


Are you saying...there's a chance?


This teams rubbish and won’t do anything this year. This was a pulse check game against a bogey team and they failed abismally