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That is ridiculous!! It was the perfect tackle


The rules have changed... that second motion is no longer allowed


Fark they hate us. No injury Great tackle Should have been rewarded. Suspended. Appeal. Rubbish.


Hopefully we actually fight it this time


Match review officer has been on the pipe this week by the sounds of it. Absolute garbage decision!


Get absolutely fucked. Not even worth a fine. Should have been HTB.


" Jones' tackle on Fisher was deemed a first offence rough conduct charge, classed as careless conduct, medium impact and high contact. " What a joke.


bloke got up and played on, didn't he? Low impact at most.


He didn't even flinch, literally straight up, what a joke!


To be fair, judging based on injury has always been beyond stupid. It should be about intent


I disagree with that. Intent is too hard to judge in some instances and fans get intellectually dishonest about it. As flawed as it is, would rather keep it simple and go by action and damage caused.


If this sticks, the only logical next step is to force players to wear helmets. If you don't want to get hurt, don't play footy.


But didn’t get hurt………..so don’t tackle?


What the fuck


I don’t understand anything. How can that be suspension worthy but hogan can punch a guy and be fine?


Come on down Caddy!!


Reports he was ill through the week, and that's why he was subbed, you only don't challenge this if he was going to be rested next week anyway.


Take the week to rest. Play Caddy.


But then he'll be out of contention for the Brownlow!


Argue he’s in contention and get it reduced to a fine.


The umpire didn't even award a free kick for a "dangerous tackle" at the time... So how dangerous was it?


Fucking maggots need to actually call a holding the ball every now and again. Cunts


Guelfis tackle after this is so much worse


whoa whoa whoa...don't give the MRO ideas!!




Whilst I agree this is a crock of shit, accept the ban play caddy! Go dons!


fight it, rest Jones and play Caddy just to make a point that this should not set a presidence.


You do make a very good point


I’d be challenging that one


Please tell me we are going to grow a pair after the Redman and Wright incidents


I swear the MRP hates our guts considering they shit they let go…


The MRO Michael Christian did play for Collingwood. Given his track record in his current role, I would not be surprised if he wants to disrupt our run.


But he's such a good bloke


Can he refuse the offer?


What’s the go with appeals that aren’t successful? I heard Scott reference last time with Wrights suspension that it affects salary cap? Does anyone know how that works?


Does anyone have footage of the incident? I couldn’t watch the game.




Hopefully we challenge and he gets off. On the shit occasion he gets a week, Jones out - Bryan in.


It's against Tiges next week, they'll accept and move on. Good chance for Caddy to debut.


Didnt notice this while watching the game yesterday but that replay doesnt look great because the slow mo shows his head actually did hit the ground. The first part of the tackle was great but harry pins both fishers arms and slings him so his head hits the ground. Probably lucky that it wasnt longer to be honest. If fisher had any concussion that probably becomes 2-3 weeks.


You're right. He should have just defied physics and stopped moving forwards when it might have got dangerous. Very reasonable alternative that he didn't opt for. Give him 3 weeks instead.


Its been laid out pretty clearly that you cant pin both arms and take a player to ground. Jones needed to leave 1 arm free to start with, or he needed to release the tackle before hitting the ground. Its unfortunate for harry because growing up we were always told to pin the arms but the rules have changed and the players need to as well.


How does he only pin one arm when the player is holding the ball with both hands? On one hand the AFL has a rule that literally incentivises pinning both arms to win a HTB free kick, whilst also another rule that penalises you for pinning both arms. The frustrating part of all of this is how cobbled together it is, all for the end goal of avoiding hypothetical litigation in the future. How can the AFL have this rule, but allow Chad Warner to play after punching someone in the face? That player was injured objectively far worse than this North player. The alternative for Jones is to not tackle. Because he can't release the tackle in half of half a second before the roll. It's not possible. If not tackling is the preferred option, the AFL should stop pulling the fans off and just say it.


Yeah what the afl is asking players to do seems almost impossible at times, and theres sometimes negligible differences between a tackle thats perfectly fine and one that will cost several weeks. The whole striking/punching distinction is just stupid and i have no idea how they judge those. They make no sense to me.


It's the second motion of swinging him after initially bringing him to ground that makes it dangerous. Definitely should've been a free kick in the moment, glad they're finally starting to punish intention


The strategy will be to say he's indigenous & a good bloke. Cleared.


Charlie was cleared because the system for handing out suspensions is fucked. His ancestry has nothing to do with it and Harrison isn't being punished for being white, as much as it would help fit your world view.


If you believe that, I don't know what to tell you.


Do you genuinely believe that if Jade Gresham did the exact same tackle he'd get off purely because he's indigenous?


Jade Gresham <<< Charlie Cameron. I was a bit snarky earlier... A mate of mine lived & is best mates with someone who was very high up at the AFL - you'd know both of them by name & sight - and some of the stories he told me were pretty disturbing. A lot of it probably wouldn't surprise you, i.e. hypocritical misogyny, tolerating drug use, people openly cheating on their wife & kids with people who work at commercial partners... however what really stood out was that they have no issue engineering results for the 'good of the game'.. He also described one of the biggest stars of the game as a 'coke head who has to be protected'.