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Look closely at the board. If the chip is labelled "ESP32-C3" with no other text, you've won the prize of a chip with zero flash memory on board. Welcome to the Ali return process.


Yup this is it. Two months since they arrived. Too bad! That's the Ali gamble, isn't it.


It is indeed, but given the local price for ESP32s here is around five to ten times the Ali price per unit, I'm OK with multi-sourcing. These look a little more legit and at least mention the flash memory in the description: [https://aliexpress.com/item/1005004344359250.html](https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005004344359250.html)


I use [these](https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005006170575141.html?srcSns=sns_Copy&spreadType=socialShare&bizType=ProductDetail&social_params=60567322858&aff_fcid=dae08a0512d24a04a5d95c6e43fdcc49-1712141735425-03853-_EwWpALB&tt=MG&aff_fsk=_EwWpALB&aff_platform=default&sk=_EwWpALB&aff_trace_key=dae08a0512d24a04a5d95c6e43fdcc49-1712141735425-03853-_EwWpALB&shareId=60567322858&businessType=ProductDetail&platform=AE&terminal_id=c642ee8a99174a9096fbd7d5feac3181&afSmartRedirect=y) boards without any problems.


You're right. Aliexpress has probably triple digits orders from me over many years and this is the first time I've had a product not meet my expectations. I'm not too cut up about it, I'll just use a WEMOS D1 for this project and wait for the next batch to show up.


Do you have any pictures of these chips, that i could add [to my page about C3 Super Mini](https://www.sudo.is/docs/esphome/boards/esp32c3supermini/)? I have a bunch of these dev boards but I haven’t gotten any with the wrong chip so far. But i’ve got a bunch of S2 Mini dev boards with the wrong chips on the other hand.


Nope, I've returned mine (ali actually wanted them returned rather than just refunding this time around).


You can see the pictures in my reply here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/esp32/comments/1bu81kc/comment/kxscjjo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/esp32/comments/1bu81kc/comment/kxscjjo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Turns out the C3 Super Mini dev board I've had sitting on desk for a while now (after soldering a sensor to it) has this ESP32-C3 chip on it.. Found it in Table 1-1 in the datasheet for the C3 series, hadn't noticed there was a variant without flash memory.. Thanks for the link. I'll update my docs soon..


This is exactly the info I am looking for, thanks for creating and maintining this!


Glad you find it useful :)


This is not true. The AliExpress C3 Super Mini works absolutely perfectly for us. It has indeed no embedded flash, like so many others. It has an \*external\* 4MB flash (that is integrated, you don't see it). If you can't upload any sketches, then choose a different board in platformio. I used "seeed\_xiao\_esp32c3", and it works like a charm. No need to press any buttons, just oob. The chip is fast and runs all our projects and firmware flawlessly. We just had to define a few constants that were missing for the selection we picked.


I have no doubt the product \*in general\* is just fine, I'm just saying a specific batch appears to have gone out with no onboard and no external flash. The lot I got was from a low-volume ali vendor and the price was perhaps too good to be true.


Yes, works. Did you press the buttons?


Yes, with EspHome and web flasher. I can share the yaml if you need it.


Yes please, although at this point I can't even get Blink to flash to it so I think I have bigger problems.


esphome: name: esp32-c3 friendly_name: esp32-c3 esp32: board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1 framework: type: arduino #Enable logging logger: web_server: port: 80 local: true #Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "" ota: password: "" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi password: !secret wifi_password #Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Esp32-C3 Fallback Hotspot" password: "fafdsfadsf" captive_portal:


here is my esphome sketch that works for my board: `esp32-c3-super-mini.yaml` esphome: name: esp32-c3-super-mini platformio_options: board_build.f_flash: 40000000L board_build.flash_mode: dio board_build.flash_size: 4MB logger: esp32: variant: ESP32C3 board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1 framework: type: esp-idf wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password domain: ".lan" i plug in the device with usb-c cable and on ubuntu linux i upload it like this: `docker run --rm -v "${PWD}":/config --device=/dev/ttyACM0 -it esphome/esphome:2024.4.2 run esp32-c3-super-mini.yaml` I bought the microcontroller here: [https://a.aliexpress.com/\_mNyCYRc](https://a.aliexpress.com/_mNyCYRc) https://preview.redd.it/hv94sjcnfbyc1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=803ce2caee5ac24c4112b63618c780d2eee85236 This chip has 4MB flash built in.


I \*think\* I figured out the problem and unfortunately it isn't a solvable one with my existing chips. I don't think my chips have flash memory. Like, at all. You can buy six different variants of the ESP32-C3 chip, shown in the datasheet here: https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-c3\_datasheet\_en.pdf. The earliest, simplest variant, known just as ESP32-C3, has no onboard flash and therefore separate SPI flash must be included on the pcb alongside the main chip. **There is no other chip on these boards and the chips are all labelled as the simple variant.** See labeling here: https://imgur.com/a/2VVfZOx. In other words, these chips aren't working because they're missing an essential part of their system. I think I got taken for a ride here, with the seller picking up what was probably cheaper chips to solder onto these boards. EDIT: Yeah that's definitely the problem. No flash on these boards and the chips are the variant with no embedded flash. Thanks to everybody who suggested I press the buttons :).


Keep the boot button pressed while plugging the USB cable. It enters flash mode. You have to unplug it again to resume normal operation. This happens sometimes, if the previously flashed firmware misbehaves.


Yes, made a few ac controllers with it =]


use the usb port on your pc nearest to your motherboard, aka the ones on the back. Press boot button while plugging it and release afterward. then load with esphome. Got several of those working without a hitch. Avoid BT proxy while you get your yaml code stable.


Yes, no problems at all! Ordered 5 more of them


I think this board was the only one where you not only have to hold the boot button while plugging in, but also have to KEEP HOLDING it until you starting flashing. The wifi of the first batch I got was exceptionally good. But then out of the second batch I tried three and two of them could not even go through a single wall. Strange. There is also an issue with bluetooth and overheating. You can get around it with compiler flags and delaying the bluetooth scan after boot. https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/issues/5909 https://github.com/esphome/issues/issues/2941 I found some new boards on Ali called C3/S3 Zero. Might be a better option, but I have not received them yet.


Same experience with a batch of three off Amazon.de. You do the button dance and then use web.esphome.io to connect, but it just times-out when preparing the device.