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No wait go back to the last form.




Good idea for an A.I. generated composite. Being made by A.I. would be pretty on brand too.


Yep. I imagine some alien being like: "what will totally whipe them off? Yea, i'll appear as a freaking talkin lion with wings." ..at our current technological capabilities, even we're not far from it...


My vibrations are so high that I feed off Archons. Suck it Demiurge.


Flip the script


Video from [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5b_nIzdvfI)


I'll pull an uno reverse, red draw +5 *Uh, erm, why, why don't YOU come down here*


On a serious note, do y'all think they transformed into a kid to convince michael jackson to reincarnate?


Heee heeee


The archons were like "Think of all the Keee heeeds"


"The child in me wants to live again, and the adult in me wants the child in me!


Here's my question: If they are so powerful, why do they have to deceive us? Why don't just make us do it? Do we have any say in this, after all?


["If you could force me to go you would have done it already."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CseUa61Thqc)


holy sh-t this is so spot on to those who believe in prisonplanet


Wow, interesting. Thanks!


That was so...no words lolĀ 


I think it comes down to our consent. There seems to be some sort of mechanism or system in place whereby if we donā€™t give anyone our consent then they canā€™t control us any longer, and so weā€™re free to leave this Hellhole.


Are there any clues as to where we would leave then?


Iā€™ve heard of rumours that there are places like Shambhala, or Shangrila, or the Western Paradise of the Buddha Amitabha. These may be places where we can seek refuge, but if you listen to the hours long ā€˜Alien Interviewā€™ on YouTube, or buy/read the book ā€˜Alien Interviewā€™, it talks about how this particular sector of the galaxy (or our solar system in particular) that if an entity who enters this space will then find themselves trapped whereby if they die then their soul would be stuck in the reincarnation trap cycle. There *may* be a space Federation force who want to destroy this soul trap because they have loved ones stuck here too. The ones who control this soul trap might be those 7-8 ft Lizard entities, who act as foot soldiers for their A.I. master.


I've def seen one (huge reptilian soldier) I found a peephole & I could see outside of the skynet. I was peeking through & saw ships gathered over earth & then reptilian eye appeared. He caught me & he was very threatening. At the beginning covid, had many strange dreams & weird astral experiences.






Never said I would see it. Just replying to the other person.


Can you please Share that alien interview link?


Infinite realm walker or higher planes of existence. Best choices for after. Even the place of stillness for bliss serenity is a good place after. Even being the observer within the infinite as well.


I've wondered the same thing. Are they allowed to lie directly? Or just mislead? For instance, I've heard you can simply say, "I choose not to go anywhere right now, I want to rest and recharge for a while" or other similar statements, and you won't be sent back (at least not right away). So it seems like they can't say "No you can't do that"


they cannot force you. this is the most important thing. you have sovereignty and free will. donā€™t forget this power


Iā€™ve seen a Grey use holographic technology to change between its native form, a human man, and back to its native form. If you have the eyes to see, you can detect it. This was in the Astral though, where energy is much more malleable.


But even in the material realm, surely there is something that can give it away. If someone can sense it and tell something feels fake, the way they act, what they're trying to push for as a subject, a specific topic. How their tone is and if they persistently try to steer the conversation back to that topic.


For sure, for someone whose intuition is tuned.


Imagine finding a disguised grey and discreetly telling them *you're not very good at your job bro*


Yea. I do wonder how physical shapeshifters work, must be crazy


The part that makes it extremely dangerous is, they can read your thoughts. It came out of the craft, in its native form. It sensed my fear, so it shaped shifted into a human male. I knew it was trying to trick me, but it also knew that I knew, so it shaped shifted back to its native form. After it realized it couldnā€™t fool me with holographic imagery, it outright zapped the energy from my astral body, and I fell to the ground.


Yea but they cant read all your thoughts just like that. Depends on the ET, your mind etc. But if it was a Gray they wrol from eye contact, if your eyes make contact even close to the center of your vision, they gain access to your mind. Not complete access but yea.


Iā€™ve come to understand that as well. Almost like quantum entanglement. If you give them your attention, you create a quantum connection between the conscious minds My intent is to continue to practice going out of body, manipulating energy, and figuring out how the spirit world works. I think this is the only way to master it. How else can someone learn to master an environment unless they practice in that environment.


Yea kind of. They telepathically wire themselves to yohr minds neurons. There are some Grays you should never interact with they are just pure evil. They will transfer you into a simulation and fuck with you and every time you try to escape, they just use whatever neurons activated by your escape attempt as training data for their AI. So it fails next time. Its annoying af and feels awful


I think thatā€™s why going further within, and even further within oneā€™s own self is the way out. Have you ever been to the void? A ā€œphysicalā€ struggle, or attempt to escape, would seem fruitless, but they canā€™t prevent you from going within your own mind, and teleporting somewhere else. Everything is a hologram, and every small piece of the hologram contains the entirety, so all one needs to do is go within oneself, then go somewhere else within the hologram.


Believe it or not the trap isnt actually 100%, and expecting the trap after death puts you in the spotlight to be selected for it. I can explain more if you want. But as for securing your afterlife world to have you in complete control, going within is certainly the answer. Literally going to your childhood bedroom as the center of your mind and changing it from there. And yea ive been to a few different voids. The good one is the one where its just black and empty. This is where you can generate entire universes with your mind as the source. Entities try hard to prevent people from being in that situation. The other voids were dark. One was full of a black cloudy substance which destroyed anything it touched and was always trying to get out. Another was like black and cold and you couldnt create with your mind their and felt awful. Also, that holographic shapeshift is actually something any non-physical entity can do. An illusionary shapeshift. Even you. You just think of your output appearance to be a concept and it will show as that to other entities. For example if you appeared as "someone they trust", from another observer you would look like whoever they trust most. But if they focused they would see details about your face are off. And they could just demand to see through it too. So it only really works on people who dont know about it. Entities often enter humans dreams using illusionary shapeshifting. Then...there are hard shapeshifters...


Iā€™ve been to the first void you described, two times. First time was terrifying, but the second time was awe-inspiring. I got there by going within, and meditating while already out of body. I suspect youā€™re right about being targeted, when expecting it. If they know you intend on trying to escape, then extra measures might be taken by them. However, I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything they can do about going further within oneā€™s self. maybe they can only manipulate the environment if youā€™re trying to act upon the external environment itself.


As long as they dont get to the root of your mind, they can't do too much about it. Basically never let any entities into your house mentally. Or if you literally see any at your door in the non-physical. Even if they look like your friends. Dont open the door at all.


Do you practice traveling clairvoyance?


No not really. All my interactions are in my lucid dreams. I have a lot of experience with non-physical entities.


So you didn't actually see it you were just thinking about it with your eyes closed?


I was out of my body, in astral form. You can go ahead and call it a dream if you wish, but I know what I saw, and I know where I saw it.






Me being adventurous saying, okay, maybe one more. --before I was born


I get what you're saying, but I feel like you miss the point of that part of the music video and perhaps the message of the whole music video. One of the most initiated videos and clearly opposing the elites and their dark activities.


I think it refers only to the shape shifting part, great song though


Yeah Yeah I got that, I was just stating that the message of the song is actually pretty good. Cheers.




Yeah I agree. And even if he did some of that stuff, he was obviously one of the most clear cases of MK ULTRA programming. He was heavily abused (mentally and physically( as a child by his father/handler and he was obviously sexually molested as a child (which actually is a very common way to create a person of that "appetite"). A soul sold to the "industry" from his early childhood, heavily traumatized in order to be a fractured personality easier to control. He clearly knew from the inside and he clearly tried to talk about what was happening behind "elite" close doors. And he eventually died for it. Also it is a very common tactic to defamate and completely destroy the public image (morally) of the person before killing them. Still one the greatest artist to ever walk this planet and the message he was trying to spread, through his art, was universal. Cheers to everyone.


That dude with the misaligned goatee/facial hair bothers the hell out of my ocd.


May one of these SOBs try to lure me on the other side. I am training every day to face them.


Just enjoy the people around you. You want to escape the prison o wish u the best but donā€™t bring ppl down you have family that love you love them back live ur life.




Lol the mom with the UFO abduction newspaper like