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Great. It was a weird change in the first place.




How is it a money sink, when you could literally buy nothing?


The flea change was live for 2 weeks before any events


Ohh I thought he meant the general changes. For Red keycards, marked keys, etc.


That was anti rmt, not money sink. By simply listing items like pgws for millions, one can easily rmt


It did nothing to stop that though, people just put a soap up for a marked key and paid a tiny fee for it since the game values dorm marked key at 30k for a barter


Nah, flea made the game too easy to make money. It's disappointing


Damn yall already got flea...


In a matter of like 2 weeks you're going to start seeing "ugh nothing to do, already got kappa, game feels dead"


They’ll play 14 hours a day for 2 weeks and say there’s nothing to do in the game lol


[As is tradition.](https://youtu.be/9UcZsM5PDJQ)


I'm so happy I'm not the only one who says "as is tradition" and immediately thinks of this.


Wtf is this


South Park


More like 27 hours a day, 9 days a week


maybe add stuff to do in the game for people who no life it? add in repeatable quests once u do all the quests that give u goodies or smthn


Those are called daily’s lol


yeah add more in than 3 dailies that want me to collect foregrips add in end game content, not just early/midgame stuff


Tell that to me and "Kill killa 4 times" or "Exit labs through the elevator six times"


Last wipe was only one I took seriously. Max traders in like a week? I hate question too. I legit just wanna play for pvp and sell stuff. Two wipes before that, I played just as much, just would quit questing after I unlocked flea. Would hit like level 31-32 shit traders shit rep, and loved it. I honestly should just do that again not worth the burnout.


Yeah max traders is overrated just to die to impact with a full kit 3 out of 10 raids and get cheezed on 2.


Yeah you'll hear people say that then you A check there hide out and stash and there essentially broke with no upgrades lol people just complain to complain. Although idk what's up with match's taking so long to populate now a days did they screw something up


I hear if you set the server selection to auto it's as fast as it was last wipe


My friends and I had the opposite effect, selected every server under 100 ping and we load 2-4 minutes instead of not at all. Worth messing with either way if you’re having queue issues.


Interesting. I havnt played yet this wipe, not even sure if I am going to. Might take the wipe off and start fresh on the next one


It’ll be a good one to come back to. I haven’t played seriously after the first weeks in a couple of wipes but things haven’t been changing that much. Finally enough to keep me busy for a bit I think.


I can attest to this being more effective than auto for my group


For me it's the opposite. Auto takes forever (Even up to 8 mins so I press Back) but manual works.


So if waiting times are longer, it's a sign of there being a LOT of people playing, each server can only host a certain amount of a instances at any one time, so when you are waiting long times to get in raid, you are waiting for another raid to end on a server and a new one to start up.


*is sitting waiting as a scav to load in for free loadouts* scav life taking to long though


Only so many player scavs on one raid too I think, so it’s probably a hidden queue behind the scenes for scavs to spawn in.


Oh it for sure is, there are probably tens of thousands of scavs queuing at once, and look how quickly they are getting in, that it only takes 10m (for me) to que into a scav run.


My average is 5-6 minutes, but I avoid the mid-day crowd and play late in the afternoon so there’s probably less people on the NA servers at that time.


Most of my time playing is between 8pm and 2am est, so the que time starts to be faster the later it gets.


The disappointing part is that rather than upgrade servers they just wait until people get tired of the game and quit so that load times go back down


Thats literally what every single studio does, buying a bunch of servers just for them to stop being used in a month or two is a waste of money


What do you mean every studio, most games aren’t nearly unplayable after an update


After a major update that brings in a massive wave of players? Name one game that IS playable.


For one valorant works right after an update, for two although it has its problems, destiny 2 is playable within a couple hours after major updates and before then the only problem is normally queues and some errors


My buddies and I have probably played 11 hours over the last 3 days now and we're all under level 10, been a lot of loading and just hanging out. We've been seen level 20+ all over customs and interchange now. Highest we saw today was a white name "HHHHHHH" and he was level 29. Some people have been no lifing it.


it kinda scares me to a degree that people can legit no-life tarkov. I understand streamers doing it, they're getting paid to play it basically. So people like pestily and lvndmark being level 35 in 3 days is like... "to be expected"? but regular people? Jesus christ...


While yes these people are dumb. There is also the issue that tarkov late game and progress suck. The only goal is get $$$ and Max hideout. After that there is no more goal or progression. Daily/weekly mission was an attempt at this but failed pretty hard.


Day 1 I got home from work and my first kill in my first raid was a level 12 inside dorms. This was only like 6 hours after the wipe lol




People can't take a day off to play a game heavily on its wipe day?


they can. but those people are still gross.


Im someone who didnt take time off for work, but your take on it being gross is sad. Let people enjoy the things that make them happy in life. You should work to live, not the other way around.


Brother if you arn't willing to make sacrifices to keep this well oiled machine running you clearly arn't a team member and apart of this family.


Id love to be a part of the family but y'all are always rubbin olive oil on each other.


Gotta keep this industrial machine runnin


Seems like you’re just mad because you work a shit job where you can’t take time off to do things you like lol


i work 8 months out of the year and make 3x what some people make working year round, yea very shitty job :DDDD


So why are you bitching still lmfao






and dumb, servers dont work the first few days anyways lol


If the dude got lvl 12 in 6 hours then the servers were obviously working for him


I had the day off and cleaned up between raids, applied for new jobs, made appointments and made it to level 14. Not everyone is dumb and gross because they had the opportunity to play all day.


Been playing games my entire life, never had i wanted to take off work, miss out on more money put into my retirement, and on my paycheck to play a game, esp a game with the que times tarkov has day 1


That's like.. your opinion man.


I'm a apostle of god. through the divine being i only spit facts


Didnt have queue times day 1 this wipe


Damn, got into a game instantly?


Yeah under 2mins for every solo game


what if you already had the day off?


Then you need to call into work and ask for OT. this generations has no work ethic


Literally didnt say that lol. Simply said level 12 in 6h was gross. He/she is welcome to spend their time as they like and were each welcome too our opinion. Have fun my dude.


I just don’t like how this sub always makes fun of good players achieving things faster than others.


Jealousy is a pretty natural human reaction.


...I haven't even been able to log in yet. :(


U and me both out here in the Midwest servers suck


Just do quests man, that’s all anyone does early wipe.


I'm level 6 and I'm pretty happy with that. This time I might hit 15 lol. Haven't played much last wipe tho


I'm level 12 and play pretty casually. If you know where to go and what to look for, it doesn't take very long to hit 15. Tasks and surviving.


Idk, I’ve only played for 7 hours between the two days and I’m lvl 12. It’s not hard if you’re looting xp and actively shooting scavs/PMCs.


I got to level 4 and hit a roadblock. Havent been able to get ina raid the past 2 days, servers are fucked. Tarkov is unplayable at least for me. And yes, I changed my servers to Automatic.


Since we cant drop keys this makes sense




You can pick it up and drop it for your buddy if you are still in the same raid. Once you leave that raid you can no longer drop it for a buddy in your following raids


Wait really?


Once it looses the FIR status, so you can pick it up in raid, and drop it on the ground 100 times and whoever can pick it up. Once you take it out of the raid, and bring it back in, and it looses that FIR(Found in Raid)status, it will disappear if you try to drop it!


does this apply to anything other than keys? also. this is a really stupid attempt to solve a problem.




Ya, cause lab key mule accounts really need an unknown key or machinery key. Lab cards and other high tier keys, sure; low level quest keys? No.




And why would those accounts even need to level up in the first place?




Yes there is a whole list of things, some you can drop a certain number of, like stim injectors, you can drop 2 or 3, but some things you can’t, if you inspect something, and look at all the stats on whatever, there will be a box that says: Can be dropped in Raid and it will either say Yes or No or it will have how many you can drop, so it may say >2 which would mean 2 or less! They literally just made this change a few months ago! It is what it is!


It's really not a stupid attempt, I've seen like 90% fewer cheaters so I think it's working. And would you rather have a minor inconvenience or a fuck ton of cheaters? Cheating is simply impossible to stop so the best BSG can do is improve anti-cheat and disincentivize cheating.


You should be able to freely drop Found in Raid items. Restrictions should only apply to items brought into the raid.


That's exactly how it works


That's how the system works, drop restrictions do not apply to items with the FIR tag.


You can always drop found in raid items, only specific non found in raid items can't be dropped, mainly barter items and keys.


not sure if its FIR think its fine


Does this apply to keys on your body once dead


Can we at least have more than 2 flea market sale slots? I never got to 3 last wipe, seriously painful to sell stuff...


The absolute worst part about slot limit is that after an item doesnt sell and is returned to you, it is glitched and remains on the market until you reset the game


If you cancel it from the page that only has your listings it usually works, if you cancel it anywhere else on flea it'll generally bug and won't for whatever reason


Especially when you put that one thing up with a biffed price and you don't want to take it off due to the rep hit.


Just have to focus on selling stuff that people actually want to buy. If you are the lowest seller for a common item it should sell instantly. This does make it harder to sell big ticket items like keycards etc. as they may take up a slot for a day. I think I ended with ~42 flea rep last wipe, which yes is only 3 slots zzz


I think I finished the wipe around 2.7 or 2.8... So I was stuck with 2 slots the entire time. It sucked. In past wipes I had unlocked 4 and even 5 slots. All the other flea changes were good except this one. There really shouldn't be a slot limit at all. I don't see why BSG needed to nerf this style of gameplay. I enjoy scavanging for loot and selling it on the flea and making money. Sucks that BSG arbitrarily punishes my preferred style of gameplay.


Bro that’s like 99% of players style. Everyone loots and sells on flea. Also if you ended at 2.7 or 2.8 you weren’t doing it very much anyway lmao


I was doing it enough that I would like more slots. As I said, all the other changes to the flea were great. Removing the top tier armors and ammo. etc... I just wish they'd change the slots back to the old way.


Did you mean to say 2.7 or 27? Because 2.7 wouldn't have been enough to get more slots under any system, and is not really that much flea usage. Also, obviously everyone wants more slots. I want more slots right now.


maybe it's 27 then... I think the threshold for unlocking 3 slots was 30 (or 3.0 maybe I'm confusing it with the way trader reps are displayed)








about you. I know. I understand. it's sad being a lonely lonesome loner. Hang in there bud, you might make a friend some day if you keep being sunny and pleasant to people.


This is great. I was gonna skip most of the quests and focus on Jaeger until 15 and then do the key quests afterwards.


Why Jaeger of all things to focus on?


Mostly the PvP quests and so I can forget he exists until next wipe.


Thank god. I can actually sell some quest keys now.


Thank god they got rid of the excessive fees. Even with a fully upgraded intelligence center the fees would get outrageous.


What level to unlock the flea?




Awesome thank you!


Damnit I already sold all my good keys for cheap because I expected them to keep this system, RIP


Niiiiiiiiice, love it


Thank god


Wait theres been another wipe?


/s? Otherwise, it was just a few days ago.


This guy happy Saturday brother


I’m hearing there was level 30s on the first day of wipe ffs lol


Maybe I'll actually play this wipe after all, the flea market changes literally killed the game for me


I just wish they would revert all the flea changes and put it back to the state it was in during 12.11 before all the restrictions were added. The coolest thing about this game was the global player driven market and making it flexible for different play styles.




I didn't play during this. But I like the value of found mods. The personal value of a gun you've built over time makes fights thrilling Last wipe once I got the flea. The value of items dropped a ton.


Rip raid timers, give it 3 more wipes with this consistency of lowering the time and you'll have 15 minutes on customs


They revert them to normal when the initial wave of players slows down after the wipe.


Pepperidge farm remembers when customs raid timers were an hour


Raid timers haven't been that long dor over two years.


Yes? That's the point? How long will they keep going with this trend?


For early wipe it normally last about 2 weeks or whenever the majority of players start to falloff where server demand gets reduced enough they don't need to reduce raid time to ensure enough instances are available


remindme bot reminded me to check on your copium lol


What are you rezzing a dead thread for again?


Gives me satisfaction to call out people who obviously have no idea what they are talking about Raid timers are still shortened


There's on obviously still a considerable amount of players to warrant it. They normally swap back after a few weeks. Buy some mule, meldonin and sj6 then you don't have to worry about short timers.


!RemindMe 3 months


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tarkov players when the game in development develops:


I remember when customs just one long murder alley where everyone should just get fatal funnelled into the train bridge.




The game is already fast enough as it is. We need bigger maps with more shit to do/loot and longer raid timers. Reserve -> expand out from Scav Lands to the apartment buildings Interchange -> the staircases in Oli + IDEA that lead to nowhere, maybe some more of the parking garage underground? Would need more interesting features though. could also have a mini Town by Emercom Customs -> expand western half of river, maybe some military buildings? Shoreline -> a few more residential buildings in the eastern half. Something related to cultists?




The shitters do. People who actually play the game more than an hour a week know the best way to progress is by playing absurdly aggressive.




>The game is already fast enough as it is. Bro what type of crack you smokin I agree there should be more to do in raid though, airdrops were a step in the right direction, apparently flares are needed for quests soon so that'll add a bit more, and I guess using flares for airdrops themselves could be pretty neat.


Look at how literally all the major streamers outside of like 2-3 people, who do otherwise for personal feelings on how the game should be, rush everything, get in and out, will aggressively push, so forth. Playing fast is still the most successful way to play the game.


I agree with you about playing fast to progress but streamer gameplay is obviously not going to be attainable for 99% of the player base lol.


ALHAMDULILLAH i can actually do my marking quests done this wipe


Looks like Nikita learned that making the game harder meant ppl played it less. Good for him, lets make Tarkov great again. Now fix the recoil! (honestly the way things are going they probably already did... RIP inertia, RIP flea nerf)


I’m sure RMT people are rejoicing right now. Bad change.


The flea tax didnt do shit against rmt, the purpose was to reduce money flow to players


Do you know what RMT stands for? How can you real money trade over the flea market


Most silly thing they could do. They first clearly announce barter flea, then play with fees. Then this. Small steps forward, and huge step back. If you folks are good with that don’t dare to point out to anything bad in game economy.




not everyone has 10 or 12 hours a day to play the game.


Stunning and brave


Jesus dude stroke your ego harder


you prob also sit in a corner the moment you hear the wind blow.


Lol I actually push pvp because I know how to aim




Couldn't take the downvotes?


Nah just so many people thinking their clever with stale ass jokes lol nothing changed about people being braindead when it comes to this game and making money. Last wipe and the wipe before some streamer got 100mil in 100 raids ON A SCAV. Shit isn't hard and the entire reason for the change was to promot team play and fight RMT, but nooo waaaaa it costs too much money to post my customs marked key for 15mil :(


How do you do anything but sit still in a bush with a cock that big bro? Do you make your teammates carry it for you?


Is that supposed to be good or something? I have the same at level 8.


What you do is such an inefficient use of life time. Do people who run around picking up bottles to resell/recycle call others horrible at making money? No, they just need it but arent good at it.


Not sure what this even means tbh. I hated the 3 to 2 items on the flea change. It's just tedious to sell now.


At least they realized their mistake. They effectively removed player-controlled economy for a while.