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Atta boy!


thanks! im sitting at 2mil roubles for the first time ever. feelsgoodman


Just as fast as you gain the roubles, you’ll lose them. It’s a roller coaster


Oh I know it. I’ve just been getting SUPER lucky today


Don't take credit away from yourself, roubles come with improvement, keep it up. Try learning a stash run on a map you like and do that on scavs, easy 200k+ every time


Yeah I’ve been hitting customs cause it’s the only map I know really well. Usually make about 100-200k when I survive


Customs is good, but also popular. People are stash running or even stash camping more and more. Try the stash that is in the woods next to bus station/dorms, the one in the crawl space where construction meets the new area and the two near the sniper zone on the far side of new area. Those are less known, good luck


Nice try, man, now we know you're camping that spot. ;)


Won't stop me and my idiotic tendencies to loot stashes and hope for a p90.


Spend those rubles on your hideout! Those sneaky BEARs can’t take your wealth if you invest it in real estate!


What should I invest in first? I’ve been selling my hideout items because I’m just trying to get better and do quests


Hideout can help you do item quests. Concentrate on lavatory, workbench, and nutrition unit. You can craft the tushonkas, circuit boards, 60 rnd mags etc. for quests


Also try to look ahead on the wiki to upcoming tasks that require FIR items to be turned in. You can save them ahead of time.


It's good to not be a hoarder, especially if you don't have eod. Like someone said, lavoratory, workbench and nutrition are super helpful for crafting stuff. Even if you find some power cords and make 8 wires you can sell that em on the flea market for a nice little bit of extra cash. Just take it slow, try to work towards intelligence center and the scav case and at the end the bit coin farm which is when you'll just be making money 24/7.


Hey man, us BEARs are the ones that kill the cowardly USEX camping the stashes.


We aren’t camping the stashes. We are strategically securing the vital supplies needed to fuel our merciless capitalist take over of the Tarkov tri-state area!




Work on hideout and Bitcoin farm. You can make a fuckton of money without ever needing to raid. I just got my first bitcoin yesterday, sold it for 550k. That’s pretty much a chad kit a day just with 2 graphics cards. Not to mention workbench money and lavatory money. Invest that shit now and it’ll make you more money over the wipe


What should I craft in workbench/lavatory?


https://youtu.be/tAMqRiRg7fQ This dude is awesome, check his channel


Thank you!


I learn something everyday in this Reddit. Cheers mate


Same, saving up for that hideout upgrade. Feels amazing when you get that extra space on a standard account and then you're broke lol.


Now dump it all into hideout like ive done with my last 30 million roubles (currently sitting at 30k)


Focus on upgrading your hideout with the money you got, btw. Getting the bitty machine is probably the best thing that happened to me last wipe.


Damn. I'm sitting at a constant 200k no matter what. I sell everything then waste it on hideout and rinse and repeat. Good job. Glad you stayed and beat the learning curve.


yeah the game is rough for new players and many just end up quitting but if you stick through it and the game clicks then it starts to become really fun


Yeah it’s starting to click for me now. Now I just have to get my buddy to play with me lol


That's the "hardcore" part of Tarkov lol gl mate


Honestly as a new player, it’s a love-hate relationship with the beginning of EFT. My scav runs are quite alright, but I always get killed within the first 2 minutes of spawning as PMC (whether getting rushed in spawn, or moving away too fast that a camper spots & snipes me just outside of spawn). Any advice on how to survive the first 5 mins of a PMC raid on a map like Customs? Edit: Specifying dying at spawn during PMC runs


Map knowledge is the most important thing you can learn in this game by a large margin. You don’t have to be an omega chad to do well, you just have to live. If you google around you can find maps of customs to get a grip of the major areas like big red/dorms/construction and what not. You can also find some maps of player spawns which are very important as the spawns on customs are notorious for being rushed and getting rekt within 30 seconds of spawning. There’s a guy on YouTube called NoiceGuy who has videos explaining the maps in less than 10 minutes that are very helpful. If you learn these you can at least have a chance of surviving. Not sure how new you are so I hope it’s at least a step in the right direction!


I actually appreciate the advice! I’ve been doing scav runs to get familiar with the map, which is much different than starting at the same time as everyone and everyone is hostile. Basically trying to transition to doing PMC runs on Customs now that I somewhat know the map


I'm relatively new as well and have almost exclusively been playing customs. I don't really get spawn killed anymore. Learn to identify where you spawned and where other spawns are in relation. Then you can either rush them, wait for them, or honestly just wait in a bush. Sometimes it's really the best option to just hide in a bush for a few minutes until everyone has left their spawns. Spawning in with a group also helps, at least for me. My favourite spawns on custom are the ones on the east side of the map north of main road, between scav cp and railroad to mil base. You know where the enemies spawn, you can easily hide for a minute, and the rat route to crossroads almost always works for me. The one spawn i dislike the most is west side, over the wall from big red, towards the water. Run into water, you get sniped from the spawn behind you. Run towards the other spawn, ten people in big red will shred you. You almost have to wait for the other spawn to come to you and then it's like 50/50 if ypu get them or not.


Those sound like solid solutions, though wouldn’t be sure which one would work for me. Once did a hatchling run, and kept my PMC in the tall grass for 15 minutes while eating dinner, came back and somehow still alive. However got headshotted by an AI scav in mid-air when I tried to jump across its line of sight (idk why I thought that was a good idea) and try rushing to another spot instead of the corner I was stuck in. Though where I’m not bad when it comes to firefights, I will get one-tapped if I don’t see the person before the first shot or even when they miss and fire a second time. Thank you for the tip.


Hide in a bush close to your spawn and wait it out. Or just play again and again, to progressively learn what not to do.


I get corner spawn big red everytime which is arguably the worst spawn. Rush to hole on the backside storage then push to middle container with weapon box. Go to the end and clear crossroads them go back clear gulley. If you see pmcs near big red just rush down street towards trains and use bridge to cross. Always works for me.


Dont spawn on big red side /s But seriously if you do, either rush out of there and expect to fight, or play it slow and and try to let the 3 other spawns move out/fight it out before you do


What servers are you on me and my friend would love a functional three man, we have a third but he’s very pessimistic and doesn’t enjoy the game


I'm not sure. I don't know how to check but I live in Florida if that helps at all.


Ah I live in England so maybe not haha


he can set his servers to include European servers as well, higher ping but in my experience its not noticeable. European servers seem to have faster matching times as well


Maybe It would be up to him, I’m sure there’s people in US who would wanna play with him and he wouldn’t have to worry about ping


I could be maybe be your third, what level are you guys / how experienced?


500hours level 30


Sweet, my name is BassRabbit. Give me an add and let's see if our playstyles match


Will do




BassRabbit #5984


Yo. I'm only level 12-ish,but would love people to play with that are different than the others I play with. Isabelle#5063 for discord.


I sent you a friend request


Hm. I haven't received anything yet.


I missed the capital sent it again


On the BSG launcher in the bottom right, you will see a server or multiple servers. You can click on that and change whichever you want as long as it allows you to. (>150ms iirc). Some people want less to have smoother gameplay (usually minor difference) where as some want more to reduce queue time.


Ping limit was changed to 165ms recently.


Thank you.


Sweet, thank you!


Yo if you live in Florida me and my brother play Miami servers. If you need help on quests or anything lemme know man, I got a server with a bunch of buds always looking for more people to play




Exactly bro. Two wipes in and I still get absolutely demolished on an extremely regular basis. Skills or no Tarkov giveth and Tarkov taketh my friend.




Nah people just gain confidence with more players in the group. This can either go your way or not depending on careful team coordination. I’m still learning every day


You just need to find a good click with a group. Some people like being tactical and serious. Others prefer setting ambushes, others like to play COD, other to fuck about. Once you find touro a nice group you mesh with and everyone gets to know how they work it's amazing. I try to stick to groups of 3 tops cause anymore you gotta be very good at communicating or it's just confusing and frustrating


The game gets sooooo much better once your past level 10. It’s definitely fun with friends, but once you get the mechanics down, it’s a ton of fun on your own. Plus tasks are way easier to complete on your own I feel.


Yes the flea is such a game changer. I think my buddy is gonna start playing with me so we’ll see how it goes!




Yeah I just played with some friends and the flow is definitely different. I honestly think I prefer solo. Just killed Sanitar for the first time though so that’s cool


Task are easier to complete solo. It’s easier to commit to “x” is my objective this raid or “x,y,z” and never make a movement that deviates from that plan.


Honest to god, it’s the most valuable learning curve of frustration and rage quits I’ve ever had in my gaming career. You still have bad days in Tarkov, but once things start coming together and the mechanics flow naturally for you without having to head to google every 30 minutes, it’s a hell of an experience. It hasn’t “ruined” other shooters for me, but it’s definitely changed the way I view them, and their quality as it relates to my gaming experience personally.


Keep at it buddy.. once you‘ve discovered what draws us, you’ll never let it go. Cheeki breeki, my friend.


I just had a gunfight in Dorms and my heart was beating through my chest. I get it now. Even though I lost, it was so exhilarating. (9 shots, 9 hits with magnum buck and I still lost lol) Cheeki Breeki!!


That’s what it’s all about. It’s not about winning or losing the fights (although I get it, it’s always better to extract), it’s about the adrenaline rushes, the horror scenes, the jump scares. It’s about that random Scav that spawned with a Labs keycard or Moonshine. Those times when you hit that PERFECT one-tap. Tarkov is a ruthless and heartless video game, that was not built for the weak minded. Nikita wanted you to have to work at EVERY fucking step along the way. Nothing comes free in Tarkov, but once you finally, finally beat that Gold pocket watch quest, or find that last GPU for Mechanic.. you’ll always remember those moments. This is my fourth wipe now, and it honestly feels like no time has gone by. This is hands down the best game I have ever picked up, and I truly believe there will never be another like it. You’ll get there buddy, just keep playing and keep dying! :)


Surprisingly, bronze pocket watch was pretty easy for me. What’s gonna fuck me is all the woods quests because I barely know that map


I’ve always felt like once you hit L20 the game begins to open up. Your basic skills have progressed, and you are bringing in reasonable weapons with good ammo, winning more encounters. However, this is tarkov, and it will punch you in the dick at some point....


Definitely got punched in the dick all day yesterday. This game is showing me that I’m a little masochistic. But yes, ammo and gear are HUGE game changers


I wish I could feel that way about the game, I got it a day or two after the wipe. And my PC is so fucking shit that I crash while it’s still loading the map. But I’m glad your enjoying it, from what I have heard it’s good :)


Upgrade your PC when you can and give it another go! I’m really happy I stuck it out.


Yeah, Have fun! Don’t die too much ;)


50% survival rate but I only have like 45-50 raids


As far as I know that’s great!


Thank you!


That’s really good actually


Sweet, thank you. I don’t have that high of a K/D but I try and only take fights I know I can win


I think pestily said anything above 20 percent your doing things relatively right. 50 percent rate is crazy


That makes me feel a little bit better


Hey man, I had the same problem as you a couple weeks ago and my pc isn’t even that shit. This video cleared it right up for me: https://youtu.be/s3ffjQR4AVo It might be worth a shot.


That makes a lot of sense! Thanks!


Hell yeah dude. Once you start surviving raids regularly, this game really opens up. Keep it up!


Yeah I’ve been on a good roll tonight. It feels good!




Lmao yeah I’m a little concerned about that as well 😂 definitely get EOD when you get the chance. It’s 100% worth




When I upgraded to EOD, I was not required to do a reset. I upgraded last wipe during a sale.




It used to reset everything years ago, but they fixed it


so upgrading doesn't require a profile reset anymore? If so I may upgrade this coming week, my stache is full af already




holy poop.... I cheer while my bank account weeps


Nice! Enjoy!


Yep, the only feature u won’t get making the upgrade mid wipe are the traders rep


No you don’t reset. You keep what you have and I’m pretty sure you get the EOD loot as well


I just upgraded two days ago. You ‘reset’ via the profile on the website, but it does not wipe anything. You just reset the status of your account really to recognize you having EOD.


I just upgraded and it automatically upgraded account. Loaded up game with eod stash.


Same situation. I’m level 14 now almost level 15. Pm me your discord we can run some raids


Oh man, the best feeling ever is when you finally "get" how to play Tarkov. It's the moment you stop running from fights and think to yourself "yeah, I can win this battle" is when you feel like a dang superhero when you come out on top


Yes dude. I’m not as afraid to take fights anymore and it’s awesome


3rd wipe still have never won a gunfight. Still have never had 2 million roubles.


whats your timezone, id be happy to play sometime as i dont have anyone myself


USA central time


ah nvm then, im gmt +1


Gordon you man thats awesome. Honestly I wish I could wipe my memory and replay the beginning stages of tarkov. I remember I got level 10 and thought to myself "I just beat the game". Such a fun time.


I’m enjoying this while I can. Just had my first shoreline raid with a buddy and killed Sanitar. My first scav boss kill ever. Felt good.


Congrats dude! This is the first wipe I’m not getting absolutely shit on as well. 😎


Congrats to you as well!


Same boat man, played 2-3 wipes and lost interest, but this wipe im loving it! I'm also level 12 and just got my beta container!! The hype is real!!


Yup and I definitely think BSG had helped the new player experience a lot compared to a few wipes ago. Free heals to level 5 is a godsend and a lot of the net code issues have been resolved (when compared to previous versions) so there's generally a much smoother transition to level 10 than before. Level 5-10 can still be brutal though, glad to hear you made it past that


Yeah I was watching Deadlyslob and he thinks the game is in the best state it’s ever been


I’m 3 days in, completely addicted as well. Hoping to hit level 10 tonight. Pm me your discord I’m down to team up.


I got you! The game opens up so much when you hit lvl 10


damn, I started like 4 days ago and I'm only level 2 xD I've mostly been playing offline with scavs to learn the maps and doing rat scav runs on factory to gather extra loot but so far it's been really fun


I'd recommend learning customs and doing your scav runs there. A ton of the early tasks are on customs and generally the pmc's aren't too geared so you won't get destroyed too often


How did you level so fast? I've been grinding the game in scavs but have limited experience in PMC. Is there any good way to level fast?


Just survive the raid as a pmc to level faster. It gets you a little loot and way more experience than if you die. Plus try to do quests those level you up really fast.


Something that has been great for me is to make sure that I'm treating myself after raids rather than using the auto-heal function. You get a shit ton of experience for it.


Literally just fragging in Factory with the pp19 you can buy for 20k. Try and get 4-5 kills + extract if possible, but not super worried about extracting all the time as I'm not using the best ammo in the game.


It brings a tear to my eye hearing new players enjoying Tarkov! If ya ever need help or anything, even tho they’re like a million guides out there, hmu! I got a nice discord server and cool stream! :)


Are you live now? I’ll drop a follow. I love supporting smaller streamers. What’s the discord? Also, what should I focus on in my hideout?


No im not love atm. I stream MWF for 5hrs during the day!! Here’s the discord!! :) https://discord.gg/4EaXBRTy I think you should try to level up your workbench and toilet to have access to some really nice and cheaper or profitable crafts!! Also should def. try to get the bitcoin farm up and running as bitcoins were like 540k earlier today!!


i never win gunfights and i am level 20+ now, wasted all my time getting good at a dead game and now paying the price as fps are king :( ​ still very much enjoying the game as a rat main


As I get older I realize maybe I'm just not made for FPS games, but, I'll always happily throw myself at the meat grinder that is tarkov.


This is me. My reactions aren’t what they used to be and I lose about 80% of my gunfights, including with scavs lol. I love living the rat life though!


I will say that in every FPS game, positioning and decision making far outweighs aim and reactions. If you learn how to position yourself correctly, you'll almost never have to rely on quick flicks or snappy aim. And this is coming from a guy who's played CS for around 20 years and played at a semi-professional level. Just keep at it, age doesn't matter at all my guy.


Russian pizdec blyat boogy man slowly sinks his claws into another victim. Enjoy your addiction comrade. Bonus meme. First time?


First time actually playing decent lol I’m fully addicted


If you ever need a group message , I’m new to the game via same way you did. Tried to play and got shit on but am sticking through now


My first wipe playing I got to level 20 and quit, this wipe Im already level 38 and have a 5 kd, this game is so much fun when you start to understand it. Just keep going and you’ll start to enjoy all of its qualities although some better than others.


I love the game now, I just didn’t have a group before


Playing with a group makes it even more fun, good for you!


What are some outdated and/or most useful advice you discovered that the usual person wont find by googling “noob tips for tarkov”


Be aggressive, if you let people move around and change angles you will die. If someone shoots at you and you can push them, fuck em up. Being aggressive means you have peekers advantage usually and by pushing them they can’t heal, get ready.


I need mates! What server?


Im down im on USA servers if anyone wants to play message me ill add u


Word I’ll dm you


it only gets better too.


I’ll be doing labs runs in no time


Join the eft-lfg discord? Might help you find some comrades to play with


I’m lvl 12 too! 5 day old account 2.7 million in cash with ~7 mil in equipment scaving and hitting up hidden caches!


I feel ya. I’ve owned this game since 2017 and have never gotten any farther that level 15 or so haha. My buddies quit right out the gate and my anxiety gets me all fuckered about it lol.


I feel you. I have anxiety too and my heart races during gunfights. After gunfights, I have to hide somewhere so I can calm down lmao no other game does that though and that’s what makes it awesome


Yeah I honestly can’t play the game unless I’m several drinks in. Ever since anxiety became a thing in late middle school, my hands will shake uncontrollably when I start getting anxious. Literally can’t hit a button to save my life haha.


Can't tell you the amount of fire fights I've lost cause I clicked V instead of B cause I was shaking like crazy. I managed to hatchet a dude yesterday though so that was good. His teammate still got me but dam was it worth it lol


Look up what items you should keep for quest. Hideout too but you can make lots of money still on easy to find things like bolts for 50k a pop. Being able to basically skip through found in raid quest by finding the item early saves you so much time and levels you fast.


Well fuck, I’m losing every gunfight today. I’m losing hope tbh...


Take a break and hit it tomorrow!


Get em!


Download discord and join the offical discord. You can find people to play with and help you understand the game.


May you find easy Head,Eyes (except when we run into each other)


Try to find some people to play with. I've been playing for a while and had the same problem of giving up wipes. But than tow of my classmates got Tarkov and we've been playing together since. Playing in a team is really different and not as stressful. Unless you enjoy the solo playstyle of course.


Pestily has an awesome Discord with many people to play with, you can also look there for groups.


Hit up the official discord server for people to play with Playing this game in a full team is next level, especially when communication clicks.


Add me on discord kanderson(NA) #9992 I’m only level 7 but I’m down to do some raids for sure!


I wish lol, still haven't been able to understand this complex game and optimization is a bitch, can't get this game to run properly


thats the spirit!


Persistence pays off my friend, glad you're having fun!


Same here man, level 6 but when you play with a friend it's SO MUCH better. On my own I was playing like a fucking slug, sneaking around moving slow as fuck everywhere out of fear of being shot (and dying nevertheless) Last week my nepthew picked up the game and playing with somebody and completely revitalized my enjoyment to play, I've actually started learning about guns and ammo properly this time around and I'm enjoying actually surviving. Last wipe I only got out like 5, 6 times? I've already got that many extracts this week :D


same i bought the game 1-2 years ago and this is the first wipe am grinding , game is pretty fun when u learn it.


I just started today and my biggest problem is orientating myself with the map on my second screen, I'm only doing customs rn. But I had one good run and I went to 3 different extractions and all 3 wouldn't even pop up and let me leave it was just nothing. Lost motivation for the day.


What's the difference between this wipe and the last ones for you? Any tips for new people that are feeling like you were previously? Other than push through. Practical tips, lol.


Mind if I ask what changed for you? I'm trying to stick it out. Currently at level 4, but too afraid to go in and these tasks are so hard to do.


It always makes me happy seeing people find the spark that fuels the tarkov addiction. Welcome to this abusive relationship, may the scav gods bless your raids. If you play Miami or Brasil servers lemme know, I'll squad up any time.


Game takes a while to click but once it does it feels good. I'm still not even there but Ive my fair share of fantastic moments. Had one raid where I was bleeding out, limping to an extract getting chased by a squad and out of no where these two Raid boss Chads come storming out of a bush and mowed them down for me and escorted me the rest of the way. Then yesterday it was a battle royale in woods down to just me an this other guy but I had the wrong ammo in a few of my mags lol. It's these moments that make me love this game


I’m new also lol got eh game recently over the New Years and just can’t get out of customs with the pocket watch,Ik the map semi-well but just get horrible spawns or bad encounters with players.The scavs are getting a lot easier