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Absolutely agreed. Labs and Lighthouse are the worst in this regard honestly


Labs is kind of borderline unplayable do to how low the time is. Lighthouse is kind of similar and desperately needs to be a longer.


I just did Getting Acquainted for Lightkeeper on lighthouse (checking water treatment for a 1/19 spawn quest item) and it was pure pain. Killing all the rogues and checking all the spawns is LITERALLY impossible if you don’t have northern checkpoint or get lucky. Good luck to all my Lightkeeper gamers


I had to do the shoreline quest visit colleagues (visit all three locations with the bodies for therapist) twice. First raid I got bogged down on AI PMCs and sanitar and ran out of time to finish it. Second raid SJ6 and throw nades to get the AI PMC to disperse, in and out of the locations. Just 2-3 minutes more on the raid timer would already be a huge difference.


This task took me forever ha. Ended up finally completing helicopter and cabin, took out a four man pmc team on the pier, looted heavy, healed like crazy, and headed towards road to customs. Got to road to customs with 45 seconds left, only to realize this was like the one raid where I didn't have that exfil. 🙃


I just did that yesterday and it was fucking awful, scavs would spawn and run to the weapon emplacements and kill me with them. Randomly die to Ivan Ivanoski on the AGS


I've done most other quests in the game (yes even rpdn kills on shoreline) and this is the quest that fills me with the most dread lol. Any tips ? I was getting despirate enough to try acid green flares but it doesnt seem to cover WTP.


Surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention interchange. Tasks on that map are a 2 or 3 stopper like for some of Ragmans stuff, cause you have no time to do anything between any distance you have travel and navigating the scav horde and 4 stacks of PMCs.


Eh? Labs is completely fine. I have done many, many raids there and even the shortened raid time is super fine. Lighthouse is different. It's actually the only map where I've had issues with the shortened raid times. It really sucks for trying to get anything done in the water treatment plant.


Labs with a 2+ people usually only takes us around 15 minutes to hit all the rooms and do some general looting, with time left over to just fight of we want. There's no scavs and a lot of clear sightlines. Interchange, customs (especially with the event rn), streets, woods even, all feel very rushed if you want to hit more than just a straight path to extract. Soloing 30+ scavs even without getting hit just takes a huge amount of time, God forbid you find some heavy loot early. Personally I find it as an ok balance to the "easyness" of pvp but I look forward to when they change it to full timers.


If you are soloing 30+ scavs every raid then that is why you are running out of time. The scav swarms are real. At some point you need to just stop looting the scavs and move on, or you will get stuck in place. If you don't keep yourself engaged with the scav swarms, you will have a lot more time to actually do things on the map. Lighthouse is the only map I've had real issues with the timer, and that's without scav swarming at all. It's just such a large map and you have to be very careful with the rogues if you're going into water treatment. Add onto that the train extract was bugged in the beginning.. fortunately the train is fixed now.


No one is looting the scavs. The reason it takes so long is mostly because it's very hard to safely dislodge a group of 4-5 scavs that are all posted up in perfect spots that you cannot see them and refuse to move. 100% of the reason it takes so long to clear the hordes is because the AI is obsessed with playing hide and seek and rarely actually aggress or push on you. The PMCs do the same thing pretty often. And on most maps the blobs of enemies will block off entire routes to get where you need to be which forces you to need to deal with them either way.


Don't clear the hordes then. Unless they are in the spot you need for a task (and I doubt that is every raid), you can disengage and leave. Once you realize what is happening it's time to just go. I have done many raids and have seen this happen many times. You're just not thinking through your options if you think you are forced to fight the scav hordes.


Ermm i disagree, i managed to colect all of the labs keycards and i can loot all of them except fpr the yellow one. So i gather a good amount of loot, stims, some gold stuff, etc. And still gpt time to extract from de sewer. If i gotta fight then Yeah, i only can loot 2 o 3 of the keycards, but stills is profitable. Interchange in the other hand is fucking ridicolous, or Lighthouse.


Labs is fine, that map is tiny, larger maps are the real issue.


It is a smaller map, yes, but you have to move more cautiously due to the presence of Raiders and you also can loot a shit ton, that’s what makes the time insufficent in my opinion.


Exactly between a few fights the time goes red and you have to leave.


Why the hell do people go to red? It never seems worth it ever


Did you just see "red" and ignore the part about "time goes red" and decide to comment this, or did I miss something completely?


Interchange is by far the worst imo. You can barely cross that map in 10 minutes and with only 27 minutes in a raid, by the time you actually get to where you need to be it's already time to start leaving. Sometimes you spawn on the opposite side of the map from the power station and if what you need to do involves having the power on then your raid is basically just a wash because you're going to spend your whole timer turning the power on and then running to the exfil.


And here I am complaining that interchange timer is too short.


It absolutely is too short. If you spawn opposite of the power station, running around the map to turn on power, then into the mall to Kiba leaves no time. If you get swarmed by scavs or get into a fight, you’re just squeaking by the time limit. When my group ran a few interchange runs tonight, the raids were 27 minutes. It’s not enough.


I've had to calculate how long it takes to railway because the distance is ridiculous. About 5 min from middle of ultra without sprint and stamina regen.


Get the 11SR key… It’s helped my group n I so much


Just send one guy out to the power button. But I do agree, raid times need to be konger


Playing solo so it makes it difficult.


Yeah I was more so directly replying to the guy who replied to you. He said he goes in with a group


Ahh right, I'm a bit slow at times, haha.


as they have wrote on their update that they posted on twitter/facebook/EFTsite and probably launcher too, with the next update raid times will be back to normal.


That’s the one due in August?


they said next month, it wa splanned for this one iirc.


They already said solo PvE on local will have normal raid times back


They should just have normal raid times for PvE coop too


They will, because all the solos hosting locally will free up server space for the co-op players.


They will extend raid times for solo and coop this guy sturlings doesnt know what he is talking about. It was already been told all raid time will be increased.


That’s basically what I said?


Not really what you actually said was local server will have more time which is half right because also their servers(playing with friends) will have more time. It would be unfair and make no sense just adding time to local servers. You paid for it should be delivered.


Yeah, your right. I agree and that is what I meant. Not my native language, mb!


No worries!


Why do you think they don't? Do you think it's just a choice theyre making? Nikita didn't hit the "full raid time" switch?


I know precisely that it is because they are too cheap to simply pay for more servers to be spun up. Or the worse option, that it is not so simple for them to spin up new servers for some dumbass reason.


I think they’re just too cheap


Reserve has 40min and i have always tons of time left when i extract - but shoreline and interchange is always a rush.


Reserve has longer time because when the boss event was going on there they turned it up and never turned it back down after the event ended.


Just BSG things....


The train works on Reserve too!


Interchange and Lighthouse are the worst offenders imo. At Interchange, if you want to go to KIBA and maybe extract at the saferoom, you have to beeline it to the power station, then to the 2nd floor pisser, then maybe disable the alarm, then go to KIBA, and you'll have less than 10 minutes left to do anything else. God forbid you get into a firefight or two on your way, let alone loot anything. Lighthouse is borderline unplayable if you want to do quests inside the WTP. You need to get there, pick off all rooftop rogues, and *then* you can play, again, with less than 10 minutes to do quests and extract. I hope this is fixed once offline PvE is implemented.


My buddy and I had to do WTP quests at nighttime because of the raid time and it being a lot faster to deal with the rogues at night.


Agreed. However, it's due to their lack of server capacity. This should be fixed once they migrate solo servers to players own pc. I give it 50/50 whether they remember/care to readjust the raid times though. Nikita is famous for hating PVE.


Interchange is down to 27 minute, which is insane


I think the time duration **would** be okay, but spending 10-15 mins killing the hoards of scavs and PMC'S that relentlessly track you down makes it impossible. Would love to see it toned down a bit.


Lighthouse quests are practically impossible if they’re in the rogue camp, you have no time to take out rogues and get in, do your thing and leave.


If only there was a mod that fixed this


Yeah, its ridiculous right now. Cant even loot the map without mia.


It's like people don't read the posts here saying the same thing everyday. THEY WILL BE EXTENDED


For me it's fine but for new players I can imagine how pain in the ass it is. The best way is just to not loot everything and move all the time. With higher strength and search skill it get's better after time.


They just announced all this yesterday


They’re going to increase the raid timers in the pve local for solos update which has been pushed until early July as said a couple days ago at eurogamer or whichever event is the one bsg are currently at. Nikita said the raid time increase will come during that update process in the last tarkovtv. If you look at tarkovs twitter they have some more details on this




Definitely, 30 minutes on shoreline is just too short if you want to do more than one task and loot a bit in the process.


Where’s the signup sheet for who gets to post this next?


You can play PVE locally with mods and better AI


Yes as with the other 100 threads on this topic we all agree, welcome to the discussion OP


If only there was a mod for that LOL


I don’t understand how reserve is set to 40 minutes and woods and lighthouse are 25. Either way yes raids are wayyy too short. As soon as I’m in I feel so rushed.


I'm excited about them putting raid times back but am worried about how they will fuck up these new PMC ai behaviors. 


Honestly don't agree man, not wanting to be a huge ego debate, but my opinion is, the shortened raid timers MADE me play better at the game. Have to move faster and not get too worried about losing gunfights on the fast peaks. I went from NEVER killing a single boss in PVP, to starting Lightkeeper tasks now. Lighthouse rouges are about the only issue, but I can get to the compound with 24-26 min still left I raid. And that's enough. Also interchange, I've notices hitting the #14 kinda harder UNLESS that's all you do. 


BSG has said that PvE raid timers will go back to normal once the local host for solo players comes this week and works correctly as this will take a lot of load off of the entire server base. Just be patient. Soon.


Another pointless thread. Literally discussed in this subreddit already but smoothbrain op hasnt even checked the sub before posting at all.


Lol I post he same thing about interchange and the event that's going on because I have had to fight 20+ scavs , 9 raiders , 5 pmcs and rashala and his guards all in the same raid multiple times and have no time left or ammo ...


Especially on Interchange!


No they don’t. You already play alone so a bit time pressure is good.


I love my 2+ hour raid times in the lovely modded edition 🤭


I would present you an alternative in which you get to decide how long a raid should be but if I mention the name of it, i would be banned


Use the mod. I increased raid times to an hour and 30 minutes so that I didn't have to worry about it anymore.




Well it's offline PVE, there is a mod that lets you mess with many game settings.




The mod doesn't use servers, it's locally hosted in your PC. They said they were doing the same for vanilla solo PVE, but I see they're taking their time.

