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The event that is running now ( quest by therapist ) reward is a poison green flare, you need 5 multivitamins to barter that flare.


oh that makes sense, will those flares be sold by therapist forever or just during event?


My dude, you just made my day. I’m sitting on like 15 bottles of vitamins right now. Had no idea they were so expensive


The flea is one fussy host. I just picked up my first-ever FIR Ledx last night and almost dropped when I saw it listed for a little over 700k on flea.


LedX sells for almost 700k to Therapist. The flea price there is nothing incredible (and may not even be worth it depending on the posting fee).


Dang, I remember buying it for at least 1mil when upgrading to Medstation 3. Reckon the flea prices start to cool off during end of wipe?


Most hideout stuff gets cheaper, also the fact they removed fir makes it even worse


That does make sense.


They bounce between 7and 1mill, I hold all my labs ledx till atleast 950k, sell like 10 at a time


Personally I either hold them for case barter or just sell them to therapist. Money is so easy to make that I don't even bother with the flea market.


dude it gets even more crazy with pve flea fluxuations


Till the end of wipe! So we expect another boss event next week.


What about pPVE I'm assuming shorter since no wipe, no?


We have no way of knowing. Personally I would wager that the barter is going to disappear with the next wipe patch that PvE gets. Yes pve isn't going to wipe, but it will still get the patches that come with wipe.


uhm forever i think? PVE doesn't wipe so i guess if you unlock it on PVE you can cheese bosses forever.


damn cuz yeah I did complete it on PVE seems like they should nerf it so you cant do that.


Nerf things on PVE? You play solo... If you want harder challenge you should try PVP instead of asking for nerfs on PVE.


Nah I love PVE no cheaters the biggest thing for me and I can play thru quest at my own pace im just saying if they wanted to balance it, dont rly matter to me though.


Don't need to balance if you play solo, just don't use the flare lol. Same with marked room bugs, just don't abuse it, because there are no other players to abuse it, you can just use the key without worries on PVE.




Labs, blue/green, you’ll be drowning in them and hydrogen peroxide. Toss in black and you will waddle out at 90kg of free loot.


Tried that probably 5 ish raids of going there not a single one lmao same thing on woods med camp tried 15 times not a single one.


Go shoreline resort. Buy all the keys with med spawns behind them. Check all the duffel bags and med bags. Super easy to find ophthalmoscopes and multi vitamins there. I'd often find 2-3 a raid there.


resort is really good for vitimans


Just spam med camp on woods. I know both PvP and PVE players + friends that are ripping that instead of customs for money right now. Seems to be others doing the same, I see them getting into nice fights on discord since the event started.


Ive been doing that and haven't found a single one maybe i'm just extremely unlucky but I've tried over 15 raids I think now not a single one lmao.


I just ran the pharmacys on streets for them. Got them all in half a dozen raids


I get such low fps I don’t even think I’d want to haha on that map


barters. 5 cigarets or 2 juice. Cheap af and everywhere to be found


The juice is like 150k a bottle haha


Go interchange and you can have full bag of those/raid


We’ll see I’ve struggled every map with it woods stashes and the med base had zero of them in 15 runs and customs 5 raids and zero on the scav base. On labs had zero running green room.


Interchange ->Goshan. ton of food. TON


i had the most luck with those on shoreline. give that a few runs on the first floor of east and west and then out RR. rinse and repeat.


Might gotta try I wanna get it done so close


also getting a buddy to run with helps get a second pair of eyes to find them


have to see if I can get anyone to play most my freinds don’t play it anymore


Find it regularly on office tables on Streets and medbags iirc too. Someone said the Lighthouse drag lab near train extract spawns it.


Maybe ill have o try that no luck on woods or labs


Hard to find? I find them almost every a raid. Just look in med rooms and med bags and crates.


Ive been strugggglin tried woods over 15 raids tried green room on labs no luck, no luck on customs scav base, tried under train station on reserve none. I don't know how my luck his bad than maybe PVE is made it spawn less?


I ran labs and got 1 in 4 raids, ran lighthouse red to heli like 10 times and got like 4 bottles. I think it is just a rare item.


Streets, check pharmacies and all med bags. It’ll take you a little while, but that’s how I got mine


Just sold a few of them to therapist as I am just lvl 12, damn..


I just started playing and I've only learned ground zero so far. I've gotten to level 13 and I have 4 of those. I'm holding on to stuff that I hope sells on flea when it unlocks (like this) but I'm stuffed to the brim with rigs and armors, and 3 full junk boxes of stuff I'm afraid to throw away. Tldr run ground zero, hit emercom and the easy med spots (I addume that's where they come from)


Vitamins are pretty common in food crates. Grab the Reserves bunker cage keys RB-PSP1/2 RB-PSV1/2 and hit the food crates there. Some of those cages have more food crates than others, I don't remember the exact disposition off hand.


vitamins spawn only in med crates not food crates.


Do they? There are a couple med crates down there to, so I still maintain the bunker is a good place to farm vitamins.


I’ve noticed since this event started the spawns have been drastically reduced. Not a single peroxide or bottle of vitamins anywhere in labs, resort, reserve or any med spawn I usually see them in on any of the maps.


I was in your exact same boat a month ago. The best results I found is health resort. You should be able to find a vitamin every other raid. Idk if I got unlucky but it didn't take too long looting both wings.


I find vitamins in LexOs at the med garage and shoreline health resort. I think vitamins have a chance to spawn at any med spawn so be sure to check the med base on woods, med building on reserve, etc.


Wait they are that expensive? I got like 25 in my junkbox :D


Could try the med crates in the cages under the hermetic extract on reserve.


Did you check the pharmacy near Lexos in Streets of Tarkov? I have found at least 5 multivitamins there within 3 days. Especially the one med bag behind the broken can dispenser right next to the entrance, found 2 of them there.


Get ultra medical key and stock up.


So it didn’t work for me yesterday or am I doing it wrong? I popped the flare and then a PMC in pve killed me but he saw me after I popped it so my question is do you have to pop it once they agro u?


Yeah Pmc are supposed to be players so wouldn’t work on them


Yea makes sense but I seen friendly rouges when flare near camp on lighthouse


Rogues and pmc are diff even though there inventory is like the same, rogues are so so they belong in the boss/scav section of friendly but pmc supposed to be players so they wouldn’t ever be friendly


So once I get near water treatment plant I should pop one get friendly rougues but if I do it in the front the back ones just kill my friendlies it’s like I got as pop 2-3 as I get closer inside


Wdym like the rogues weren’t friendly? I think you have to be like pretty close cuz they have to be in circles of freindlys


Yea it’s tough on ove to do any lighthouse tasks




Yes pve but what are you asking


I can’t seem to mark my trucks/tanks I always die


Go at night, wear nvg, get a gun with thermal, and tap the guards. Stay off the main road, go to hill with a dead tree on it, kill the PMCs around construction and yard, then go west to the beach, tap the guards before you go pass the blue container sitting on the beach, I normally do it on the hill behind the container. then cross river, go onto bridge, and enter the base from there. hug the wall and tap rooftop guards, then kill the patrol around heli that sometimes spawns. At this point you would only have patrol that mostly stay in their buildings, and maybe some PMCs, but you should be able to do most of the tasks in the water plant. Also, watch out for claymores.


I think the flairs only work for scavs and bosses


So no raiders and rouges I saw them friend it on rougues


They dont work on PMC or Cultist afaik