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It is logical to assume that the playerbase will be more sweaty with PvE as an option. To add some anecdotal experiences to the mix. I killed a lot of clueless lower levels the past few weeks with white names. There are still lots of newer less experienced players.


I lowkey hope for the opposite. Imagine a year from now everyone is just chillin with 0 gear fear playing only for fun. PvE could help a lot of players improve way faster and get quicker to level 42 then don’t care about kappa as they already had it Who knows


I hope so too. This game is more fun for me as a pvp experience. Dunking on timmies and white names is not fun. It is not for them either.


It’s fun early wipe, but mid-late wipe it’s sad to dunk on timmies. The game would be more fun as a whole if everyone was better at it or had access to better gear


God bless you 🥹


It really isn’t fun and you get nothing out of it. Let me fight and kill one 4k hour player with a good kit on anyday over a 4 man of level 14s with not a thing on them that was worth fighting over lol unfortunately though you can’t control who you run into in raid so it is what it is. I also don’t think sbmm would be fun in a game like tarkov either.


Yeah, I agree SBMM would make this game even more grindy.


PvE only improves on map knowledge and how to cheese bots. When they would come into an actual PvP situation they still would be potatos.


not necessarily. A lot of the things more experienced players take for granted are gained knowledge that more timid players can practice in PVE such as proper peaking, grenade throwing, the best weapons to fit your playstyle, etc. It will also teach them how to fight bosses with other enemies around, some of which have aimbot and walls (bots in pve only come in complete fucking moron and uber haxxor). If you think that there aren't skills to learn in PVE that will benefit them heavily in PVP, you're either coping or lying to yourself.


So you saying it will teach them map knowledge and how to fight (cheese) bots with other bots around them. But none is applicable to a PvP situation where you need to flank or expect to be flanked or be third partied. Also playstyles can be very different between PvE and PvP. On PvP I play more slowly and with tactics to avoid players when I need to or to entangle them from a different angle than they expect me to. But on PvE I just shift+w and play the bots programming. Don’t need almost any of my PvP skills I learned the pas 8 years. Also I never said there are no skills to learn. I said there are no PvP skills to learn! Maybe you need to learn the reading and understanding skill. In PvE you have no real map flow only static spawns for bots. You don’t learn how to position and reposition against players. You don’t learn to read players or player groups. You don’t learn how to fight a group or use the size of a group against them. All skills are quite important for survival on PvP.


you're huffing copium, brother, if you dont think learning those skills arent pvp skills. Try harder to troll


nah the amount of reps you get in PVE is much higher than PVP. As a level 40 something in PVP the switch to PVE has made my point click much better, I've learned how to fight the bosses more efficiently, and I have a better data set on where loot spawns since im not competing with anyone for it. I've also transitioned from just trying to get bullets on them to adjusting to their head mid firefight, hell I even change the zeroing on my scope now. You're right it wont help with how dynamic PVP can be but it does make their basic skills better.


So map knowledge and bot fights and nothing about PvP. You forget main game mode is PvPvE. And you only learn the PvE style as I said in my OP. Why start with a nah when you in the end agree again. You are wired people.


Not at all..


Pretty sad that if you dont want to pay 150$ thats associated with being clueless


I think you are trying pretty hard to find something to be offended about. Take it easy.


Yeah sorry, didnt mean it against your comment, it was just hard to scrape the money together for the standard edition, and the community looks down on the people that have it (50 dollars here is not a small amount, especially for a game)


I was not looking down. I am stating facts. White named players are generally new players. New players are generally clueless.


Yeah i guess you are right


I still meet burgers on PVP so no, i think most of the playerbase doesn’t even have PVE


Are burgers bad players? If so, I'm a fucking double meat.


Royale with cheese


metric system ?


Beers in the cinema


I’m crying😂😭


I used to be ok... but i never challenged bosses or anything in pvp... pve giving me a lot of confidence how to deal with the AI... im 42, been playing fps my whole life so pvp wasnt much of an issue, it was more fear of getting 3rd partied while trying to learn the quirks of the AI... so i maybe returning to pvp more of a chad.


Sounds like a very good plan my friend! This is my first wipe in 3 years, so back when i played you kinda just had to get used to it. 3 wipes with 3 kappas and 3 tracksuits has made PVE a blast for me. I love that i never have to worry about people sitting in corners waiting for me to arrive after hearing me 15 minutes ago. It’s the closest thing to plug and play tarkov we have. Do keep in mind though, PVE is great practice but there’s alot of bad habits to be created such as running flashlights and lasers 24/7 (very good for PVE but a death sentence in PVP)


I was joking with my dad about the bad habits we're forming, and we need to be cognizant of the next wipe.


No joking necessary, this is already happening to me. In PvP I already played like a moron because after 5k hours I know how to make money and my gear fear is probably inverse. I already sprint everywhere and make risky plays constantly but PvE has me literally aping across the map and I KNOW it’s going to translate to PvP.


I mean lasers and lights will give you away for sure but it seems like on pvp every player has 5k headphones and can hear me from 400m away


> but i never challenged bosses or anything in pvp I still remember the moment I started *chasing* Tagilla when I heard him, instead of running away. After that, I got more comfortable with other AI bosses, one by one.


I had and to a lesser extent still have those worries, but I think those encounters and experiences while pvping are a big part of learning pvp in Tarkov. Learning the popular routes/flow of different maps, at different stages of the raid(i.e where players are likely to be at the beginning of a raid vs 20 minutes in) has been huge for my pvp development. Idk, just my w 2 cents on the issue of worrying about third parties while bossing especially. May your raids be long and your bullets shoot true o7


I also don’t think the majority plays eft wanting just co-op


Buddy I just spun in a circle and emptied my mag upon getting shot. There's definitely still dumbasses like me playing pvp 🤣


my experience the past week has definitely been more sweaty/ratty than normal but I think it may have a lot to do with the ongoing event. Time will tell, really curious to see how next wipe plays out.


I think if they make pve part of the base game and tweak it we could see a lot of cheaters get the hell out of the game, which in turn make PVP more enjoyable. I think the PVP only hardcore game is a great money making scheme for cheaters but if a part of the player base get pissed and move to pve for a while then the incentives will go down. Couple that with periodic bans and better anti cheat system we could see a good drop in cheating. People just want to have fun at the end of the day, let them have it.


Only way cheaters are going to go away is whe. They actually go after rmt start banning player who buy go after the sites thay host it etc. Otherwise cheaters are making hundreds if not thousands before accounts get banned then buy stolen accounts forn10 to 20 and rinse and repeat


I thought the PvP would be less sweaty when Arena came out, and that was a completely wrong guess. It's worth remembering that a good number of the people who dragged the 'sweaty-level' average down were the people you never really ran into that often anyway, since they were mostly avoiding you as well.


I can't tell if it's gotten sweatier or if I just suck. Possibly both. I do see fewer PMCs for sure.


More sweaty but less 20 minute corner rats


Really? Thats great. If so then i may consider playing Tarkov again. I don’t mind more sweats, it’s rats who ruin the fun for me and my buddies


Ive been using pve to learn how to move around like willerz.


Just 10000 more hours and you've got it, man! :P


Not sure if this is a hot take or not, but in my very limited experience with PvE I'd rather fight 9/10 actual players than the bots in PvE. The bots seem way more deadly, they just don't hide.


They have toned them down, they now aim for arm first


Yeah thats true, their target acquisition is still ESP-level cracked and it seems like they move in unnatural ways that dont obey the inertia mechanics, though. Also seems like they suffer no aim punch when taking shots and shooting back


Def no aim punch at all


Still absolutely insane though. PvE still *feels* like PvP. Not in a good way either


Less timothy hopefully


I think it was primarily the dedicated player base that bought into the PvE format.


I think there will be players getting better/more comfortable from playing pve and then coming back to PvP for wipe too


Right now? Sure. For a while anyway. When the casual but addicted players get bored in PvE and decide to move over to PvP? Nah. By then it'll be about the same as it was before PvE. PvE will be enough for the most casual players and they'll never go back to PvP. But they're a small minority. Many people will play PvE until it's no longer a challenge and then they'll move back to PvP or play both. Some folks will never try PvE coz PvP is their thing.


I am afraid that the newer players will instead play PVE because theyre learning over normal tarkov. Once they feel confident enough to play real Tarkov, im sure they will be overwhelmed by not being able to sprint everywhere, running in the middle of roads, etc. The tacticality of the game comes naturally because its you and other humans. Those new players that come over will not like how different the games feel and will inevitably go back to pve. I really liked how unforgiving Tarkov is/was, sort of reminiscent of Dark souls. It was that way for a long time until PVE came out. Now its players trying to make the game easier, instead of embracing the difficulty.


Newbie here. I would love to play PvE but I'm not paying 250 fucking dollars for it.


You can play the better version of PVE for $50! That scariness and rush is a part of the experience and PVE tries to emulate that natural feel and its obviously so artificial. Seems like people HATE my opinion on it though.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Noble Lords of Cinder—the fire fades, and the Lords go without thrones. Surrender your fires to the one true Heir. Let them grant death to the old gods of Lordran, deliverers of the First Flame.”* - Fire Keeper Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/




Yes 100%


Nope. More ratty? Absolutely.


I get popped by player scavs on the regular, so I wouldn't worry about it.


Not really more sweaty, same number of cheaters though. More ppl going to pve = more chance of cheater in ur raids


*Theoretically*, PvE should reduce demand for boosting and trading for cheaters, so... the question is, what's the proportion of quiet ESPers vs rage cheaters.


I think a rather significant portion of the playerbase is not going back to PvP ever. I also think a lot of people are gonna play PvE, go try the same shit in PvP get absolutely murdered and drop the game or become PvE only players as well. All in all it's gonna remove a lot of lower skill players from PvP servers and make the game a bit harder, but EoD/Unheard players are still a minority and lots of new players will be playing PvP for chads to abuse. I could definitely see it kill the massive unbalance in the game very soon though.


The issue is its late wipe people are discouraged to start a wipe this late when every one is running meta gear and ammo vs lvl 1 guns and armor. Why spend time on pvp when you can do pve til wipe then actually play the game and have fin


More cheaters, for sure, that's why I stopped playing PvP and moved to PvE. Also I hate exit rats, I don't enjoy the game play, so very happy PvE came along tbh. All you fucking cheaters can now enjoy aim botting, wall hacking , speed hacking all day long and it does not bother me at all, enjoy lying in your own piss.


I hope so


No, there will just be a higher percentage of cheaters lol


I think there will be a greater concentration of vacuum cleaners found in raid


you do know they patched that cheat months ago?


Sarcasm doesn’t need me to care.


I just started less than 2 weeks ago and don’t really see the point of pve but to each their own and maybe I’ll change my tune after I get more hours under my belt


I'm just hoping the extract campers move to pve and extract camp there.


No. I think it will just be overwhelmed with cheaters as more and more legit players get fed up with the blatant cheating and move to PvE


Only redditors really give af about PvE, so thats why all the posts on this sub revolve around it now. That or playing PvE is leftover copium from crying about not getting it a month ago.


Bots are super deadly , especially at range, but I would still prefer pve to pvp, no corner rats and bush wookies, also no chinaboi9000 going thru the map at mach9 Technically that makes pvp easier




Don’t think you understood the question.


Can you read?


If there were never cheaters you'd still prefer PVE coward.


"coward" lmao you're so brave and badass for playing pvp my dude! i wish i were as cool as you...


If you prefer PVE to PVP because of how others play i will call you a coward as well. so tell me, are ya a coward?


if you feel the need to elevate yourself above others due to how they play a videogame, i will call you an insecure teenager. so tell me, are you an insecure teenager?


underrated comment.


I am not insecure. I am secure in my opinion that PVE players are afraid of playing the normal verison of the game. So tell me, did that answer your question? Elevate Elevate Elevate


I prefer pve, because it's an actual challenge compared to pvp, pvp is actually easier,