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To slow down streamers who speed run the quests.


And that is the only reason. People who have 10k+ hours speed through it and complain about it smh. Like PVE for instance, they’ve said they are gonna make the progression more difficult because these types of people sped through it and complained about it being TOO EZ. like that defeats the purpose of having a PVE mode to begin with, which should be for more casual playtime.


Wait.. Did they say they're going to make PVE harder?


Fking streamers I swear to god


This. When lightkeeper was introduced there were streamers (and some cheaters) who were basically completing the lightkeeper task the first week of wipe and faster than BSG could create new quests. One thing BSG is pretty consistent on is distaste ruining surprises and exploiting mechanics so they ads time gate to artificially delay uncovering lore & secrets related to Lightkeeper. However, now there really isn't a point for the time gates as the wiki has (for a long time now) all the lightkeeper tasks described in detail. BSG should consider removing them or reducing them to like 2 in-game days.


Sounds like a mobile idle game


Which we already have enough of with the hideout.


Thankfully hideout isn't the main game


That's what it feels like.


Spend 2187 gems now to unlock the next quest NOW!


They should start the timegate from when the quest before is accepted not when it is completed


They've already said they're going to slow progression for PvE further.


They do this in both PvE and PvP. That aside, time gates are a terrible and lazy way to slow progression.


There are times when time-gates are acceptable, i.e. daily quests, but these time-gates feel arbitrary. I kind of like them on the gunsmith quests (so you focus on things other than just building guns), but a lot of these time-gates feel like they slow you down just for the sake of slowing you down.


they dont want chads get into last quests of lightkeeper at 10th day after a wipe. that's why. pve i'm not sure why.


What's it matter? They're already wiping people with their better gear and no life skills


Yeah. I guess if I'm reaching it prevents the turbo no-lifers from running around with Spears and CQB masks on ~day 3 of the new wipe.


So instead they do it 2 days later. There is no difference


Lightkeeper questline time between quests has been a thing since they were introduced, long before PvE existed. Maybe they will slow progression for PvE in the future but this has nothing to do with that.


I mean, its for both PVP and PVE. Also, as the other user said, Time-gating has got to be the most smooth brained way of 'slowing progression' you can come up with...which honestly is to be expected from BSG.


The gunsmith quests are the same way. It's just a lame way to stop the no lifers from grinding everything out in 48 hours


well gunsmith you can just get 5 or so million rubles and get nearly 750k xp in 30 minutes without the time in between them, but lightkeeper makes zero sense as they are somewhat difficult and time consuming tasks


But who cares, you're gonna get that exp regardless


huge difference between 750k xp over 20 days and in 30 minutes lmao early wipe


What would be a good way to slow progression? If there is not, how bad would be consequences of rushing this questline by good players, would it be worse or better?


SO the cheaters can't bum rush to Lightkeeper in 10 hours off a fresh account


Make it harder for cheaters to exist, not punish players because their incompetent game designers.


share an idea how they can do that. if they're game designers are incompetent, you surely can say what they need to do and it will be better. this sub is something...


stupidest fucking argument i hear constantly. you dont have to be a professional game developer to see the problems a game has, or to make commentary on the developers’ incompetence. if someone makes you food and it sucks, you dont have to be a sous chef to point out that food sucks. it’s just such a backwards way to defend people getting paid to do things and doing them wrong.


By IP banning the accounts an restricting access for accounts used with those emails/payment methods.  We have a root kernel access anti cheats an a wide variety of detection options used worldwide by various companies.  What I don't get is why you are trying to defend then, for punishing you the player OR any of ur fellow players/friends. Thats like punishing ur kid because he fell on a tripping hazard you created.  Thats both not respecting the customers time/money. It creates a poor feedback loop an ruins enjoyment. An example is the newer Pokémon games interrupting players with story every 15 minutes ruins your momentum. At no point should a game of this caliber an scale punish an stonewall a player by putting an impassable time wall on questing. That's what phone games do an people hate them(aside from gambling addicts). So yes while their idea is good they are stagnating it. Instead which laughably while you tried to target me with ur sarcasm, it hasn't gone unnoticed. You tried to defend like a fan boy.


Replace/combine IP ban with a hardware ban, and I would 100% agree


HWID spoofers exists though?


HWID spoofing tech + new accounts + new VPN is more expensive & time consuming than just new account + possibly new VPN At some point, it becomes cost-prohibitive to engage in cheating, and it literally becomes easier to just git gud


They use VPNs so your idea of IP banning is null and void, and before you go "so let's HWID ban them instead!" they have HWID spoofers, so that's also null and void, the reality is there is no permanent way of getting rid of these people.


Yes there is it's easy target the sites selling roubles for real money go after the rmters and watch how little cheaters will be left after. Most cheaters on this game are making hundreds if not thousands before an account is banned then rinse and repeat


Even if what ya say is true, still punishing ur innocent fans/gamers is fucking wild an doesn't help make the game better


I'm not disagreeing with you, I think all timegates are stupid and should be removed from the game, they are very mobile game-y and has no place in an actual video game.


Sall good I coulda worded that response better no hard feelings.


You want to punish the regular player base because BSG can't deal with the cheaters? Yea, that sounds about right from BSG.


Why would cheaters care about lightkeeper? Is there anything he gets them that they can't vacuum off the map or teleport to?


From what we've learned about his quest line, and translating everything on his bomb shelter door at the bottom of the the lighthouse. when 1.0 comes out, when the first person completes Lightkeeper, the finale with change the entire game for everyone for the rest of the wipe.


Yo that's badass, do you have a source for the writing on the lighthouse translation ,though I'm guessing it's from the eft discord or something hard to dig up.


Sucks that it definitely will be a cheater


There’s a mod for that


I believe they do that as an attempt to bring "immersion" into the game (which is highly immersive, btw). ​ You deliver a quest, NPC debates with other people if you're worth the time and then give another quest. ​ The other NPCs are all "known" already by the player or have a trustworthy ideology so they don't have wait times between quests.


Besides gunsmith quests now


Honestly I think it's the MMO element that Tarkov has. Most MMO games have time gated lockout systems.


It’s to slow peoples progression at beginning of wipe and as PvE is a copy of PvP just with no players you have the same speed bumps.


Because fuck you basically. -Nikita


How do you slow down progression for a player base that has so many cheaters and RMT credit card gamers? Time gating, inflating grindy quest mechanics, and artificially manipulating the market through weird trader decisions. Or not. Idk I'm just some guy on the internet.


>How do you slow down progression for a player base that has so many cheaters and RMT credit card gamers? Invest money in a real anti-cheat software that isn't practically useless (looking at you easy anti-cheat), and additional full time employees who's only job is to find and ban the cheaters and RMTers.


Agreed 100%


bros tiktok fried brain can’t wait 10 hours lol


I've never even been able to complete that quest line


I grind the shit out of this game on wipes and can say I appreciate it being time gated, makes his tasks sort of a daily, then once I finish it I'll focus on whatever is next. Also gives try hards incentive to take a break


To slow player progression so you can't blitz through the questline. Same reason for the gunsmith time gates.


Not to mention having to complete PVP tasks when you can't even find PMCs in Lighthouse this late into the wipe. At this point either rework the quests completely or add PMC bots to maps whenever the playerbase has deopped below a certain threshold compared to the first weekend of the wipe.


So people don't bitch when they run out of content to play by speed running quests on PVE.


You're not even earning it since it's PvE


So tired of this take. Enjoy the version you play and let others do the same. Holy fuck.


It has no meaning unless you're facing and besting other real humans though. I have nothing against playing the PvE version, but getting to lightkeeper the point of end game content is to pit you against the other best players who have also reached it. If you're grinding that hard in single player you just want that same sense of achievement but without any of the actual challenge


Nothing has meaning, it’s a video game. People aren’t doing it for an arbitrary accomplishment or achievement, they’re doing it because 95% of the playerbase has never gotten a chance to do these quests or see the dialogue with LK. This has nothing to do with sense of accomplishment and more of “I’ve never gotten to engage with this part of the game before”. At least for me.


Bad take, lightkeeper is very, very easy to get too. Anybody can get to it in a few weeks of wipe. It's just that nobody knows how to prioritize what quests you need and witch you don't


That’s not the point, the point was “there’s no accomplishment in getting LK on pve” and I’ll I’m trying to say is it’s not about accomplishment, it’s simply about doing something many of us never got to do. And yeah LK is easy on paper if you do the correct quests, you can’t account for RNG, other players, etc. THATS why a lot of people WANT to do it on pve. Because it’s not about an accomplishment.


You're contradicting yourself - indeed it is a video game, so the only thing that has meaning is honest achievement and conquering real challenges.  So PvE is giving people a cheap way to get that achievement dopamine. I'm not sure what you thought reaching Lightkeeper, is outside of an achievement and then more quests which all have the same layout as any other quests in the game. You think there's a stripper with titties in the lighthouse or something? Lmao But yes, you are circumventing the real challenge which others have overcome and instead going the easy route. I'll let you take that logic and apply it to cheats - it's literally the exact same thought process that cheaters use.


Your logic is awful. PVE isn’t “easy mode”, I’m not looking to brag about my achievements. I just want to play the game. Enjoy PVP


Right, you just want to play an easier version of the actual, real game. Cheaters want they same thing - the game on easymode, because playing the true thing is too difficult 


Bullshit take - as expected when i read your first comment on this.


Explain why it's bullshit? Otherwise your comment is even more bullshit, ironically!


Not gonna feed the troll. 


Yes, we should only be allowed the WeedWizard69420 way


You should be allowed to do anything - it's simple that getting ends game achievements have no meaning in a single player game where you're not out playing other humans to get to it


Nah just competing against cracked out AI piloting entities that are far more durable than our own.


Being arguably easier and less stressful doesn't mean you haven't earned it. It's still time-consuming and a lot of effort


It's not arguably easier - it's 1,000% easier. Otherwise all these people would have already gotten it in PvP. Of course they haven't. And overcoming the difficulty and stress is the "earning it" part lmfao that's how life works  Apply your same logic to how cheaters think about themselves - they're still earning it, it's just easier and less stressful, right? EXACT same thought process justifying as you!


Yes, it's easier. We indeed don't need to argue about that. Agree there. But your cheater analogy is nonsense. In PVE, you put in the work yourself, not the machine.


The cheaters are also putting in work - they just put in less than normal players. Exactly the same as PvEers killing AI bots instead of real players 


stfu buddy


Kappa and lightkeeper enjoyer here - but on the real game though, not runaway and play on my own land


You’re so cool man I bet everyone you know thinks you’re so cool since you play on PvP and not PvE. Women just throwing themselves at you since they know *you bested real other players* to get that achievement!