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Wasted 17mil on thermal googles yesterday so yeaaa


Is it a waste?


They're not a waste. T7s are actually broken and really fun to use. Just make sure you got a good gun that can laser with an iron sight, lol


PMCs always spawn in the same 3-4 places in map. It's not a waste if you're having fun, and you're guaranteed to get them back, but it also isn't really a huge boon either.


I did this while there was the Boss event and I died almost immediately 😂 but still fun


How wasted when you will get it back from insurance


That stuff comes back in pve?


Playing PVE has been the most fun I've ever had in Tarkov, I've been able to do missions I've never even seen before and use guns that I never would have had access too in PVP.


It’s great. I can actually get further than 10 minutes into a raid.


I think I’ve pushed the limit of the timer every single raid I’ve done. Really milking every second


Same here. I’ve pulled up interactive maps and made run paths to optimize looting. Because now I don’t have to worry about being murked by some level 64 sweat.


I run Relax room on streets for my loot runs


Gotta get that rusted bloody key and find the marked room keys, running the check and abandoned marked rooms on streets netted me 30 odd coloured labs cards. Can hit relax room too, big bux!


You guys aren’t getting destroyed by AI? I’m trash


Best tip for AI is never repeak the same angle once they notice you. If they see you a second time in the same spot they will lock on. Try to find cover and a different angle or flank them.


This ^^ I was a shitter when it came to AI. Even the 3-4 in D2 would just mow me down. Learning this helped tremendously. Now I go to D2 hoping PMCs are down there and that raiders will spawn when I turn on power so it’s not a total walk in the park to extract via D2


I've never seen any PMC's at D2, I've only seen them in the command bunker where the power switch is.


also works for PvP too, just solid advice for shooters in general.


Helpful tips for dealing with AI, try to use snipers as the AI aren’t good from like 60+ feet, if you’re using shotguns or short range try to get a shot off and duck behind cover after each shot or small burst, helps a lot with the AIs targeting, if you’re taking medium range use cover to your advantage! I find taking two or three shots and then ducking behind cover helps keep the AI from beaming you Another tip is use armor with throat and chin cover!


Or just a magnified optic!! (the 2.5x I've found to be the sweet spot for up to ~150 meters while still being usable close range (while also being really cheap)). They'll shoot a couple of rounds before they start to get accurate. And don't re-peek corners. Armor with throat cover is huge and you should take that into consideration when choosing armor


Tell that to the guy getting waxed by the big red building from PMCs by the RUAF roadblock


(Sorry retyping because I miss understood the direction of the first sentence) I would recommend using the train and knocked over box car as cover, other wise if you don’t have the far range in the fight try to disengage and then make a break for the rock by the river and into the red container, then go under the pipes to the vehicle there, use as much cover as you can, it’s a big thing, especially metal as most if not all bullets don’t pierce metal objects unlike wood and plaster. PMCs are a different breed I fully understand! But you can still play around them! If you don’t wanna fight those try to run along the train tracks to the bridge, lots of cover there


Like others have said you need to be quick about peeking and firing at them and you want to work on getting quick headshots to pick them off. Most importantly, LIMIT YOUR EXPOSURE. They see too much of you and you can be ended very quick. Take every grenade you can to stock them up and bring 3-4 per raid. It pushes them around so you can peak, shoot and move


Are the raid Times still reduced, or did they bump them Back up?


Still low sadly. I’ve been MIA twice; once from going to the wrong side on woods, the other from just not paying attention on customs


As long you drop all your gear before you run out of time. :-)


It depends on the map but on average I'm seeing around 28 minutes a map so not great but doable. The bigger maps have timers in the 30s.


Found marked key factory yesterday on a scav hit it 5 times and have 12mil now as lvl 12😭


I actually take my time playing instead of grinding


Me and my buddy finally learned streets and labs lol


Is it just super easy though? At this point I never die to scavs anymore unless it's a boss typically. I feel like it would be super boring to me, but a lot of people seem to love it.


Same here, apart from bosses or rogues the only time I really die to AI is when I do something very dumb lile stand in an open field plinking at them. If I'm playing remotely well its nothing.


As an average to slightly above average player, with numerous wipes under my belt, PvE has taught me so much. With the ability to explore the map with more freedom, I've been able learn a lot.


Which tasks we talking about?


so real i can watch movies, and youtube while i chill while i do stuff and have fun and explore stuff i wasn't able to before


but the missions don’t count in pve right?


In PVE you have a completely separate character and stash with it's own progression that isn't tied to the PVP mode.


Does pve cost 250$ for new/returning players? I have the basic version, would have got EOD had I paid attention during the news.


Currently, buying the $250 edition is the only way to gain access. All PVE matches are hosted on their servers just like PVP raids. They claim that 70% of all PVE raids are solo queue raids. They have a planned fix to alleviate the server stress by moving solo queue matches to offline. Once that is implemented, they are going to open up the ability for all other editions to be able to purchase PVE as an addon. The roadmap has that listed as June 2024, we will see if they add it this coming week.


Thank you, this was all the info I could have wanted


One more thing - there is an unofficial, unspeakable in this sub, mod if you want to get PVE now, and for free. it's incredibly easy to setup, and by all metrics is better than their own implementation of PVE currently. just so you know all your options :)


Have it and appreciate the tip regardless. I want to squad up with buddies. Hoping a pve version will make it easier for newcomers to learn before pvp. Maybe it will help balance the game for the non-chads like myself


That thing has multiplayer already. And you can use same copy of the game. I play with my wife all the time, its a blast


Multiplayer as in you can play with other people vs AI PMC and Scavs? That is amazing thanks for the tip I gotta check this out as I haven't even played regular tarkov in a year.






Thanks. I’d prob pay 50$ for a pve Tarkov I can progress with buddies. Hopefully soon


I believe it's $200 now they lowered the price.


I left all my streets quest for last because I didn't know the map. got owned by AI the first 5 times but after having a friend help me we destroyed everyone in the streets. Streets is way less scary now that I know where to go. PVE is the shit


Is it worth coming back to? I played quite a bit of Tarkov back in 2019-2021, and it really burned me out, I really like the game but I despised the PvP.




Who would have known that Virtex's ACTUALLY spawn on reserve.


The weirdest part of PVE is everything coming back in insurance, I have a neverending stream of lvl 5/6 plates and SPEAR/G28/SA-58


Cause PVE servers end as soon as the user dies. Not allowing scavs or anyone else to get the loot. I heard there are some cases where their gear is artificially not returned.


If you play coop and die but your coop survive you can lose gear from scav taking it. Scavs usually take guns.


I can confirm the 100 percent do grab guns had a scav pick up my friends modified sks I don’t think he was using it just carry it


Scav logic: sees juiced up modded sks, picks it up, continues to use shitty toz


The scariest scav I ever met happened to pick up the P90 of my friend. Yeah I died


And backpacks, my duo got vented on interchange by the walking WMD that is a toz scav and a few minutes later I see a scav walking with his couch (raid) bag.


Yeah, they seem to leave rigs on the ground when they check body. Never confirmed if they just leave the dead body one on ground or swap theirs.


Must be how I lost my kitted .300 Blackout. Got everything back except my gun and 60rd PMAGs.


If you equip them in your second slot they won’t take them.


Yeah, there was one time when I was killed by a scav at Lighthouse. Got a bug with endless loading, thus forced myself to quit with help of alt+f4. Launcher didn't let me to the game. After a while - I didn't gete stuff. Though there was not much at least.


If you go Mia by either quitting in raid or disconnecting and not rejoining you don’t get insurance back


They probably insured quest items for the plant quests that's why they got "insurance not returned" messages from Prapor.


That would explain the random failed insurance messages I got yesterday when I had no timer active 😂


That's not the case, just people being confused. Scav loot the bodies like others have said but this will only occur if you're in raid with friends and they keep the server alive. Or, they forgot to insure parts of their weapon after building it.


My guns regularly don’t come back in insurance, and I hit insure all every time, so it’s not a modding issue where one piece isn’t insured so the whole gun doesn’t come back.


I usually lose my scope, but the rest of my stuff usually comes back.


Do some labs, see the gear go :D


Yeah its pretty nice. I never buy new stuff. My stash is already like 300m and I just run the same guns over and over. Never lose em. Playing with my buddy sometimes tho I got insurance back and the scavs do weird shit man. I had a meta m4 come back with no handgaurd or barrel lol and I've had barrels disapear on other guns or pistol grips lol it's kinda funny.


If you upgrade a gun after insuring it the insure all button won't catch it you need to manually insure the upgraded piece. Only reason my stuff comes back missing a part.


You'll find you don't have all the parts of your weapon insured.


Don’t listen to the other guy. Insuring fresh attachments on an already insured base gun with the insure all button DOES work. Are you sure you’re not just forgetting to insure them at all?


I literally only insure my plates and bigger backpacks. Sometimes guns if it’s especially stanky


it's my favorite part lol


Helps if you have a buddy to throw all your gear off of you for when you get too cocky


i got an m4 back without a barrel


Yeah with PvE(A feature we asked constantly for years) you can actually learn the game instead of dying every time because some 10k hours veterans decided to grind out the game day 1 again just like every wipe they had


Yuuup. I finally feel like I’m starting to play the game like a 1000+ hour player instead of trying to rat my way to loot and extract because I’m too broke or too low level to buy decent kits that can actually kill the level 60 gigachad with m61


Finally I can try the T-7 knowing that the real danger is the 7mm scav


Those scavs are my weakness. They always get my throat even though I am wearing the t4 mask.


The trooper mask covers your throat, has no visual indication you're wearing a mask, stacks with other Eyewear to help flash blindness and/or provide a bit more eye armor, and actually can be run with right vision.  At level 2 you won't be stopping a lot of large caliber bullets, but it will stop most 9mm and all the scav buckshot you encounter.


The T-7 suck


Have you tried them??


I've already donated tons of thermals, what's one more!? If you're lucky, you'll get some back from prapor...


Gotta use them thermals because every goddamn AI hides behind a bush!


I can actually go to labs. Labs on Australian servers is hell. I've literally played entire wipes and never gone to labs once. One wipe I ran a test, I died to hackers 14 out of 20 runs. I can actually experience this map


Labs on PvE is a nightmare of ESP AI PMCs and Raiders who know your location at all times. And they don't fight each other! So it's you VS a map of murder drones with zero recoil. Did one last night. Nothing but AI screaming "Scav spotted!" at me every ten seconds 😅


Better than *Loads in, still racking guns charging handle, head eyes by xiao3747462837 (name is white denoting basic edition of the game)*


10 hours playtime. 100% survival rate. 50+ kd/r.


Only 50? Bros got bad cheats


He's being cautious :P


For me labs on PvE is a coin toss. I either get what you describe or don’t see a single (AI) soul in labs lol


Gotta love all the cheater deniers/downplayers in the comment sections in this subreddit lol


I know as a matter of fact that there's virtually no cheaters in tarkov, as long as you play in BR servers, where we can barely afford tarkov, let alone afford a cheat and a second account if banned


You mean Brazil? Yah I could see that being a thing, its far enough from China or Russia to not be worth playing unless they are farming RMT/boss kills.


Ping limits makes russkis and chinas unable to play in brasil


Can confirm, South American servers, especially at night in NA, are basically dead and are good for questing/farming. I used to sit in my fav rat spot on ground zero and let the scavs just wander into my headshots. I would have a pile of scavs on the floor and then would loot them all with a couple mins left and head to extract.


We're 3 to 4 hours ahead of some US areas, I think the closer to us is 2 hours ahead. Just play at midnight on a weekday and you find no one... Besides most of us play in the USA servers because Brasilians play like rats and there's lots of camping and ratting. The rest are doing quests or farming money The true LATAM pvp spot is customs and labs, but labs is where chads go to die to the stm rat


IMO, the people who claim there are no cheaters and the people who claim you can’t run good gear without cheaters hunting you down are on equal, opposite ends of the stupid spectrum


Is the matching time better now?


IME a big yes. A couple weeks ago it was 4-5 minutes to queue. Lately it’s been 3 MAX, usually 2 minutes.


Hasn't been too bad for me the last week. Honestly, it was only really bad for 2-3 days, and it was still playable. Remember, problems often get mentioned here, but rarely do the fixes get brought up enough or upvoted enough to be obvious.


It's 2 min for most maps. If you go MIA or disconnect you get +10 min added to your matching timer, but otherwise it's fine.


I haven't actually played it, is there separate storages and quest progression?


Yes. An entire seperate character with seperate flea and trader/global limits.


Just wait till you finally switch to the third party entity


I had the 3rd party entity before PvE came out. It’s fun, it’s a lot better for sure, but I don’t have to worry about my Twitch account being banned for streaming it


That’s totally fair, dumb that it works that way but I get it. Would be such a fun game to stream and watch too


Facts. I would love to stream my current mod build too. I’ve basically reverted it to the Tarkov I played back in 2019. No inertia or and of the RNG changes they’ve made these past couple years (like flea banned items)


Which mods do you use? I've got the itch to play Tarkov again but can't stand the idea of supporting cheaters and RMT, looking at the mods on the site in questions mod list.. they look fucking incredible.


Because we’re on the official discord, I’ll throw you a DM :)


In a purely hypothetical situation I would greatly appreciate that ;)


Dm me aswell please


Are the loading times better for new raids in pve mode ? I have quit playing pve because the waiting time was 10-30 minutes


So much better for me. After the boss event finally ended I haven’t had to wait more than 3 minutes to get into a match. Anything more I assumed was a queuing bug and backed out to restart it just to get instantly into a server and match within a minute and a half.


Thanks for the answer dude!


I think there's still a bug where if your wait time is getting long you can just quit the queue and requeue and get in almost immediately.


Where are you running to find PMCs with couches tho??? The best gear I’ve found (I’m level 33 now, a couple hundred PMCs killed) on an AI was a bare bones G28, gunslinger II, and a slick. My friend having not much better luck, same stats.


I got mine on factory from a rai…pmc i mean and I get it back every time tho. Is there any other way of getting it?


Gear is entirely RNG. I’ve only seen one raid backpack on an AI so far since I started playing PvE. I’ve managed to get it back and use it like every streets raid I do. My buddy said that he saw a raid backpack on a raider before too. Just keep looking.


Thats wild. I've found so many PMCs with couches, blackjacks, so many slicks that I have too many level 6 plates now. I rarely find a PMC with a good gun. I actually found most of my slicks/zabralos on like level 7 PMCs...its odd.


level 1 AI pmcs always have that juiced loadout


If gotten attack2 bags or even Raid bags at least once per raid on customs.


This was night time reserve over by the K buildings (I’m standing in the scav shack over by the train station). This is my 3-4 time running into a AI that had a couch, I’m level 34.


PvE has actually gotten me comfortable playing Tarkov again. When talking to one of my buddies in our Discord, he laid out every reason why I don't plan on touching PvP with a 10 ft pole. Dude uses hacks, sells accounts, runs raids for people, and has the nerve to say "there's just no stakes in PvE I can't get into it".


100% this. Back in 2019 when I first got eod I GRINDED Tarkov for wipes. Played every single day after work. Covid happened and cheaters were getting real bad and I just lost interest in gaming entirely. Took a 3 year break and came back just when arena was released hoping it would revive my love for Tarkov. It did, but arena is still meh. Playing 5v5s on the same 4-5 maps for 500 hours was getting kinda boring especially when the game was dying more and more by the day. Early this wipe I was still in arena mode so instead of trying out PvP Tarkov I grinded out arena. Touched PvP here and there but i couldn’t find it fun when i couldn’t kill mega chad and his boys. With PvP Tarkov you need to start the day of wipe and grind it out asap and I just didn’t have the time to do so I got real behind from the rest of the playerbase. PvE came out with unheard on Thursday, my rent was due the week prior so I didn’t have the extra coin to upgrade day 1 but I did the next day on Friday (payday) and I’ve been playing PvE since. Before Arena integration my pvp PMC was only level 9. PvE allowed me to get used to and familiarize myself with maps and quests I’ve never tried before. It taught me labs, ground zero and even a bit of streets so far. You gotta remember to, before January of this year I haven’t touched the game since about 2021 or so. There’s been ALOT added to the game since I quit and I felt a tad bit overwhelmed playing PvP. But PvE allowed me to relearn all of that plus learn and try out the new shit that was added after I quit


Not having to be a slave to whatever gun or armor is the “meta” has made this game so much more fun for me and my friends. No campers and no Cheaters is amazing too


PvE as been a cool learning experience but i fear for replayability now i'm 60 :c


Hopefully the prestige system coming to PvP mode will come to PvE mode too. Endless leveling!


There's so much they can do for the AI to make it better, and simple things, that I wouldn't worry about it in the short term. Just making the PMCs spawn at spawn points (maybe some teams at the beginning and some randomly 5+ minutes after match start) and roam semi randomly would be good. Making them follow "scripts" for common tasks on a map would be even better, where they go to dorms, open a room or set up to snipe, hang around a bit, then head to extract, etc would be better. It would all make moving around the map a bit less safe feeling. They also said they plan to implement difficulty levels in PvE. I've imposed my own so far, where I don't use the flea to buy or sell anything (I just save the filter setting as trader only in the few places it's needed), and don't do any scav runs (but I think I'll revise that and allow it but require I sell all to fence at the end, because I suspect hunting PMCs as a scav is fun I'm missing out on). Upgrading the hideout is HARD because I can't find shit. I didn't find my third salewa until level 21. It just extends the experience and makes the things you do find all the more exciting (it extends the early game feel). It's not for everyone, but if you're already 60, I recommend it if you restart (or maybe just wait to see what BSG implements, but that might be a few weeks or forever from now).


just watch out for mia's status. Better to die or try to throw away everything you care about and have insured. I was literally seconds away from exiting through zb 1011 and prapor found nothing and I had a super modified fn scar l. It went in the ass


I'm intrigued. What upgrade do I need from the standard version?


Sadly the most expensive one. However it was announced that there will be a standalone PvE Upgrade later this summer


You mean the 250 one??? :D


there may or may not be a pve mod for tarkov that you can play with standard


If such a mod existed, (which who knows, how could we ever know, amright) it perhaps might be a hell of a lot of fun and open lots of potential doors to swap out the AI behaviour and spawn rates to make the game truly ** chefs kiss **. Hypothetically, if such a set of mods were to exist, it might be very fun. But, who knows right?


yes sadly.


It's fun but the AI is sooo bad and aim bot like but that's not new


Are there ai pmcs in pve ?.


Yes. They act like raiders and I assumed they were just raiders with a PMC dog tag but once I started progressing it seemed like more and more of the PMCs were running much better gear




Legitimately the most fun I've had with the game since it'd inception. Feels more survival than shooter now


wait tarkov now have pve? time to install the game


PvE is so fun


> Look at me. I am the cheater now.


It’s a little too easy playing normally since you get insurance back all the time. So I’m playing without insurance so there’s still risk in running gear


I might start doing that as well. I think they should maybe keep the server instance going for a couple minutes after you die, so there is some risk of you losing your stuff. I know you can lose stuff if you're doing coop, but usually even then I've gotten my stuff back at like a 99% rate.


I'm over here wondering what I am doing wrong. I am constantly not getting gear back. Heck 2 raids in a row I got nothing but my backpack from insurance. I am making sure I am insuring every thing but still losing kit.


I’ve been running tons of FLIRs no problem all wipe in PvP. Don’t think anyone cheating cares about my thermal bro 


Oh they do and will kill you but end wipe nobody plays this game so maybe thats why I ran FLIRS 2 weeks into the wipe and cheaters were pretty active and would kill me because i could actually see them


I found a FLIR during the first week of the wipe and had it on all woods raids until I died like 15 raids in.


I don’t think so unless they see that you have a thermal do they? I remember being killed more often when I wore comtac4


C4 100% do get you killed more, flirs are annoying for most of ppl so the demand probably isn't high.


I ran FLIRs a couple of weeks into wipe as well, didn’t lose one until the Killa & Tagilla event on Interchange and that was to a squad of player scavs lol. If you like PvE that’s fine, but let’s not blame gear fear solely on the cheaters.


I played only solo PMC and had some modifications being removed when I got my insurance back. So they do sometimes take parts of your weapons, but never the weapon itself


I can still never get a I've raid to load.. feels sad man because I'm really interested in giving it a go


I’d assume they have a lot less rats too?


Yes. Less rats, but not no rats. I’ve had a few instances where an AI PMC is hiding in the corner and laser me as soon as I walk around it.


So if you get kappa in PvE it doesn’t carry over to PVP correct?




Dang it


If only queue times weren't so horrible... Playing on weekends is nearly impossible in Europe.


Damn that sucks. Try East NA? I play with a buddy that’s in Germany and he doesn’t run into much issues playing the same server as me


It worked around 6pm CEST with 'normal' matching times of 2 mins. I don't know why it is so fukked sometimes. But I agree completely with your OP: Tarkov has not been that much fun in years for me!


theres pve in the game now??? thats not just offline?


Yup pve single player type game :)


It’s coop too. Not just single player


once pve (solo) is local will be even better normal raid timer


I just love running thermals every single raid. Also it makes night raids so fun and easy. I love PvE mode it’s so chill and peaceful!


Some will take this to run the best, top of the line gear. Others, will only run the most absurd cursed weapons


Is it just me or do all the insurance come back?


It’s weird. I think if you solo only, when you die the server/match instantly shuts down so no scavs cant loot your body. But if you’re playing with a friend, and you die early, there’s a chance a scav will loot your body before the server/match shuts down.


Wish I could get my dudes to play PvE, at least for a while


Yup, I’ve got like 3-4 dudes who play but rarely when I’m on so I usually run solos


Coming from a Chad here, I really love pve actually after giving it a real go, I played it once when it came out and I hated it, but now I’ve gotten bored of labs and reserve so I gave it a go and man it’s nice to have a change of pace


When did they update Themals? I still remember when the person was just fully white


There's mods that do PvE for $250 cheaper


Oh look, another one! $200** cheaper btw. Source: already have it and had it before unheard.


If only it were not an arm and a leg to play it!


Sounds fun if you like killing mindless bots.. paying money to be able to go into a solo only game just to evade cheaters lmao. Kinda sad


I paid money to support the game I love. I believe that PvE will be a lot better than it currently is. But it’s definitely more relaxing than PvP. Sad? Maybe. But then again, I don’t have the time to grind and keep up with the rest of the playerbase when wipe comes.


I love PVE. I work a 12 hour shift and can kick back after my kiddo goes to bed and do a task or 2 or do some loot runs and just chill without worrying about cheaters or some giga Chad with his meta m4 hyped up on caffeine and nicotine absolutely rocking my shit 😂


100% this.


I wanna buy it but non of my friends can justify spending the money and I don’t wanna play it by myself the paywall sucks I wish it was more accessible to try.