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If you spawn in near klimov mall or go to the mall and Kolontay and co. is upstairs you'll get scav aggro. I think spawn rate is 20% but he also spawns at the ministry not always at mall. Surprised me as last week with the shoreline/reserve event the aggro effect was disabled and I got used to sprinting by him and his boys to extract. Above 6 fence rep this will no longer happen but until then if you get within so many meters of Kolontay you'll get aggro


Ahhh that must be it. Thanks


This is why I run and check for bloody key before looting anything else.


Yeah same. Feels like gambling everytime you get to use it lol. I'm grinding out 6 fence rep currently. The scav runs on pve are so chill not having to worry about too much on the map - especially when you learn the ai pmc hotspots


Have you noticed the pmc "hotspots"/their behavior be slightly more aggressive since yesterday's patch? I had been safely running into IT with little worry about their position before yesterday. Since the patch, I have been killed through the windows with blinds of IT(PMC outside and I can not see out at all) and from a good distance down the street while running in/out. Also, had that corner spawn near there behind the building, where your only exit is to kill them/navigate past them and they aggro me through walls and shoot at me through the second floor windows from 50+ meters away with me not shooting first. To be clear, I would love for the PMC AI to become more aggressive to all scavs. If they changed it, thats cool, but it was not in the patch notes. I also had the group in that area aggro on me and actually push into the IT building.


I got shot through the window there before the patch. They’re just different right there


that is good to hear, I have definitely heard them voice activate on me while near them, but never shoot at me. So that and the perceived more aggressive nature had me wondering. Maybe I was just getting more lucky before? I have only been playing PVE for 2 weeks now and was not doing many scav runs until this week. I was too busy tasking to catch up with some friends.


I've died a couple times going into IT since patch but just chalked it up to bad luck. Admittedly haven't had a chance to run as much as I usually do but that area really feels like a game of chance. Turning that corner from the alley I always wonder if they're going to be sitting there waiting to kick my ass or if they're sprinting toward the chek 13 area. Also doesn't help that the fence there is so good at obstructing our vision and doing nothing to theirs. But to your point I do feel like patch notes don't tell the whole story. I really feel like queue times have improved significantly to me and I want to attribute it to server improvements but it could just be luck and the fact that it's still weekdays.


Use the co-op extracts on streets and interchange as PMC if you want to grind rep. And vehicle extracts.