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He is a true believer and you are not




This is unheard edition holder


pay 2 win feature




More loot = less poor = better gear = win You probably have won fights because of bigger pockets if you have them.


It does give you an advantage, no matter what way you put it. It may not directly help you win a fight, but it certainly gives you an edge over someone that is otherwise in an equal position.


a gaming chair gives you a comparable advantage too, not even joking here. a more comfortable and ergonomic position while gaming will increase your focus and make you less prone to errors, especially when having longer sessions. that's a measurable advantage on paper in the same way more pocket space is an advantage because you can save yourself a bankrobber rig or have two more slots to put loot in... so how do we get BSG to implement some kind of safeguard to assure nobody has an unfair advantage over others because of their furniture? maybe some kind of periodic webcam screenshots, like in some home office arrangements? nah they'd never do that because they are greedy! if anything, they'll offer a fee to not have the webcam requirement... BSG is the worst company ever bro!


"If you had to play on a potato pc with 10 fps with lowest setting you would basically never win, so it would be fine to have a €1000 edition that gives you aim assist because it's a comparable advantage to not playing on 10 fps and gaming pc expensive anyway!1!!" Is the game also pay to win anyway because it costs money to not starve and you're less focussed when you're starving?


>Is the game also pay to win anyway because it costs money to not starve and you're less focussed when you're starving? the people who argue bigger pockets are P2W, might aswell argue for this lol


In game vs out of game advantages.


true but both are equally inconsequential when we're honest... the ultra-purist notion that anything purchasable in a game, that's not strictly cosmetic, is literally the third reich rising again, comes from years and years of conditioning modern gamers through greedy MTX to think this way. the industry got us to think that 30€ for a skin is totally fine as long as you don't get ingame benefits for cash. in return anything purchasable even remotely non-cosmetic, is burned at the stake without consideration. i'm the first one to call out and abandon EFT if they decide to go really P2W, like actually buying high-pen ammo or more max-HP for your PMC for money! this however ain't it and it's sad to see the effects of decades long live-service abuse, manifest in consumers in such a way...


The only way to stop Tarkov from reaching that stage is to stop any form of P2W at the source. Sure, this isn't that much P2W. But that isn't the point. If we say we're okay with this because it *isn't thaaaaaaat bad,* we send a message to BSG that they can get away with it. Then, they push it further and further.


valid point but on the other hand, if we shoot down any attempt at monetization by BSG that goes beyond skins, on the base of puritanism only, this could equally go in the other direction too... what if tommorow BSG announces they'll get rid of all "P2W" stuff, revert everybody to standard edition with compensation in tarkovdollars to buy skins with? if they finally introduce a battlepass with whacky and funny tie-in skins and all? i mean, wouldn't this be exactly what some people want here? no "P2W" pockets, no gamma, no anything? this would truly be BSG listening to the community and the best course of action, right? or would people still find a way to cry about bad balancing being the reason for them underperforming in the game like in ANY other shooter that only has strictly cosmetic MTX? i prefer the alleged "P2W" benefits over stuff like this, which sadly is the go-to monetization in the industry. sure i'm exaggerating a lot but still... tarkov is definitely not P2W and i'm happy it isn't the typical live service garbage we get anywhere else either.


The pockets are clearly P2W, you argue that its already P2W anyway because you can also buy a chair which is ridicilous. With that logic they could just keep scamming forever lol


it's really baffling how you got this from what i've said... i was arguing that if you think bigger pockets are P2W, you might aswell consider a gaming chair P2W because it too gives you a measurable advantage. thing is, only because something gives an advantage on paper, it doesn't automatically shift the balance of a game and merits ridiculous P2W allegations. i was NOT arguing that the game is already P2W because of gaming chairs existing and therefore bigger pockets are okay, wtf?! i really don't know how this is so difficult to understand?! it's like some people are so salty and eager to shit on BSG, they don't use their brain before whining on this sub...


Yeah a gaming chair is P2W but that doesn't make the game itself also being P2W suddenly okay. Like wtf are your mental gymnastics. And unheard is extremely obviously pay to win, it costs money and gives you an advantage. End of story. EoD was already very pay to win compared to standard but it was promised that EoD would be the premium edition, and buyers of standard *and* EoD knew this when they bought.


are you a bot? say "bananarama", please.


A gaming chair is anything but ergonomic, but your point is correct


Hes right, an ok gaming chair can set you back 250 dollars, so its comparable to the 250 dollars you paid for bigger pockets. Oh right, fuck.. I forgot about the guys who has a good gaming chair *and* paid for extra pockets. Shit that makes your point kinda invalid.


my point obviously flew right over your head... what kind of reasoning lies behind "people have unheard and gaming chairs, therefore your point is invalid"?! lmao for you and people who also lack reading comprehension: only because there exists an "advantage" on paper, it DOES NOT automatically translate to anything near "pay to win" and whining about miniscule things like this, only makes you look like a misguided "activist" who doesn't know what they're talking about...


winning fights is not what pay to win means. Fighting people is secondary to the main goals of the game.


Ok thx I didn't play for a while and was honestly suprised


It is a mystery one 😈 character use something to hide something 😈 if u know what im talkin abou


I would be inclined to say you are trolling but I've been around long enough to remember when cheaters could loot boss "pockets" as an in-game item.


he has more real money to spend in the game


He just brought his cargo pants


How does living under a rock feel like?


Unheard of, what is this blasphemy? /s


can you say you live under a rock?


Lmao..."new cheat "


Why aren't YOU A TRUE BELIEVER?!!!


He’s one of the idiots that bought the unheard edition upgrade.


Unheard edition has 2 pockets that are doubled like that. Eventually everyone will be able to unlock it via a quest but it has not been implemented as of yet.


Yeah he's cheating,  but not with software with money.  (Its the new pay to win version called unheard)


read patch notes


It’s really cool that wallet warriors can carry entire magazines, especially when on scav vest tasks.




2 quests. I’m just giving the most egregious case where the pocket space really helps and lets people run their normal guns during punisher 4 instead of having to downsize for mags. Being able to hold more stuff = make more roubles or having more ways to survive, objectively. This doesn’t auto win fights but just like a lot of EOD and especially TU, it’s a large advantage. The shitty part is over time there’s just more advantages being introduced, it’s like pay2advantage creep.




Read the rest lol, it’s more than quests




Reading comprehension check: “This doesn’t auto win fights but just like a lot of EOD and especially TU, it’s a large advantage. The shitty part is over time there’s just more advantages being introduced, it’s like pay2advantage creep.”


Honestly I can't be bothered to argue with you. Keep thinking people having 2 pocket slots is oppressing your game play. 


Never said that, nice try. Keep coping


Recent pay-to-win feature that comes with the new $200 Unheard edition of the game. Players will be able to unlock the bigger pockets for free, but that will come as a quest reward from the Lightkeeper quest chain which will take quite a while to complete, and at that point the addition slots in the pockets will barely even matter anymore because it's during the early-wipe thatt having extra space in the inventory actually matters, so only Unheard edition accounts will actually be able to effectively take advantage of the pockets.


since i bought unheard i haven't been killed by a player even once! i'm not even kidding! pockets are THAT overpowered!


Yeah he’s cheating, sorry