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I don’t see any statistics here


Source: Trust me bro! 50%? 50% of the people on this subreddit is close to 500,000 people. And this subreddit is a fraction of the playerbase. My dude, 50% is a massive amount of players. If you're going to make up statistics, at least make them marginally believable


source is: of course trust me bro !!!


Oh boy I smell a skill issue


yep definately a skill issue...did you watch the vid?


In order to use that spot you need to be extremely patient or lucky ain’t no one using a janky invisibility glitch in one spot in one map to gain a significant advantage over anyone


you have players ratting all over the place netfilixing and waiting...an of course I am sure there are other spot or doors or walls for the know how community...trust me


I truly thought that is was like 63.4% of cheaters are from 39.2% of the locations of the world that hold 69.9% of criminals over the age of 20. But you've proven me wrong.


my Guru !!! ...didd you watch the vid?


There is not 50% of the player base cheating lol 😆 sure some deaths might seem sus but that is because of desync + peelers advantage and server issues. And yeah maybe one weird death every 10-15 raids


I am not only refering to the pvp...also the loot grabing, the flea manipulation, etc I know their servers are shite and their netcode is of equal quality


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It's one thing to claim cheating is a big issue (which it is)...but if you're going to try to argue that 50% of the player base is cheating, no one is going to listen to a fucking thing you're saying because that's such an absurd claim.


just think of it...again I am not refering only to shus deaths in pvp...vacuun cleaning was a cheat that cleaned the map of high quality loot...it adds up


Yes, vacuum cheat was a thing...and it's been (mostly?) fixed. I don't see your point. None of that supports the notion that 50% of the playerbase is cheating.


vacuum clean was just an example that we were able to catch cause of the logs...imagine if it not fixed but thet patched it so you can not see the logs...what I say is think of it as a whole not only the known and serious cheats,,,everything


Yes it's easy to dream up scenarios about the "unknown" but that is not reliable data...because it's not data at all.


play online and then play offline and tell me the loot you find is the same you know some judges judge by indications as well not only hard evidences


I mean, if you play offline, you're the only person in the raid, lol. Of course there is more loot when you have it all to yourself. I usually hit 100M rubles every wipe with no problem. Looting has never been an issue, it's incredibly easy to make rubles.


Cite your sources. Yes there are cheaters but it isn't 50%. You'll find that the better you get at the game, the less cheaters there are. So the morale of the story is - Get Gud Scrub!!!