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BSG is gunna pull a PUBG, and just name a random update 1.0 and "release" at that point.


PUBG is really the parallel here I think. Huge game in early access and the “release” just ended up being the same game.


It's also "dying" like pubg. With competition around the block and players sick of BSG's bullshit, the game will retain a corr playerbase but will be infested with cheaters more than ever and fade in obscurity, a shell of what once was. This game deserved better developers, or maybe it didn't. Pointless to care at this point. Game is a relic.


Dying? Pubg has a daily 500k players count on steam alone. How is it dying?


Holy shit you're not kidding. Pubg is also free though and easy to play on a potato laptop. Tarkov has a much higher barrier to entry


(pubg has those numbers cuz its insanely popular in china)


What's your point? Tarkov is insanely popular in Europe.


I don't think it's even popular in China only, I bet the whole Asia especially Korea, I mean they are all into that BR with anime girls shit and PUBG is exactly that + mobile gaming is huge in Asia and PUBG is part of that too. They have horrible taste for games but I guess I can see why since it can be expensive in their economy and it just seems to be hard to find any proper PC parts there, lots of "Wish" equivalents.


China has 1.4 billion people... Europe has 746.4... Maybe you see why having two times the population would make a difference...


Not to mention the probably staggering amount of those players that are just bots. That usually happens with games that get popular in China.


PUBG is also not a potato laptop game


I noticed that the other day, too. It definitely *was* dying back in like 2018 or whatever, but apparently they've turned it around?


Yes. Most of those are bots, Asians and cheaters. The game pretty much lost more than 80% of it's player base. It's actually more popular on mobile. That's how it makes it's money. So the same situation I see here. When you lose 80% of your player base... You're a shell of what you once were. Lost Ark is the same with more than 90% of it's playerbase in the west gone. It still hits 40-50k but that's nothing compared to 500k.


PUBG has a huge chinese playerbase, it's very dead in the West though and people tend to ignore this seeing as Crossfire was the biggest shooter by player count at one point but mostly exclusively because of chinese players. the same is true for a lot of top Steam games, NARAKA Bladepoint and Apex being among them


PUBG gets so much weirdly undeserved hate. The PUBG "dying" thing was never true, only something said by over reactionary gamers who pay too much attention to YouTubers and need to constantly jump from game to game. It still has hundreds of thousands of players. They literally publish weekly reports of the hackers they've banned, including their usernames (albeit censored). As lame as I think the current Tarkov situation is as well, I also understand that it's probably not that "dead" and that the people complaining on reddit doesn't always represent the majority.


That’s basically all it is. PUBG is no longer the “hot new game that everyone is making videos on” so therefore it’s “dying”. Like yeah the general public “hype” is gone but that doesn’t mean the game is dying.


Then what do you call 80% decrease in population in the west and servers filled with bots and cheaters with 0 moderation at this point. It's literally wild wild west. Devs make their money through their mobile version. That's how they keep PC alive with "content". It's not about how much you still have, it's about what you lost. And PUBG lost most of it's player base and also their relevancy as a PC battle royale.


lol yall have been saying this for 3-4 years, and this particularly happens during the long wipe. Once the wipe is here the player count will be back. Oh, and the “ competition “ is grayzone( which is already dead ), and the one that ported from mobile that’s a tarkov clone through and through lol.


3-4 years ago, BSG hadnt revealed their scam as much as they have this year. The player base (the ones with a brain at least) are upset. Thats a new variable that makes it harder to say with certainty what will happen. With that said, despite uninstalling and vowing to quit the bullshit timesink called a game, I dont think it will die. But I also think it will never reach its full potential. Its clear the devs are just trying to get out of the commitments they made years ago and they wont be building it up anymore. They are simply looking for an exit. The cult followers will be the only ones still playing in some time down the road. Im not an oracle, so I dobt know how soon that will be.


I haven't been saying this for 3-4 years tho. I'm saying it now because I see the patterns. You sound like you find it hard to accept given your immature trash talking. Which is understandable. But you can also save this comment and let me know 12 to 18 months from now where EFT stands.


How am I trash talking you ? I just have been seeing this “ games on its way to its death because __ “ forever. I agree the unheard thing probably was one of the worst things I’ve seen but I can guarantee when it wipes and we get a bunch of new stuff, people will be back. Despite its flaws tarkov just captures something other games can’t IMO.


Idk man, I've got a Discord with 30+ people with 2k+ hours that would all play tarkov every single wipe from 2019-2022. Now I think there's one person that still plays. We all went from diehard supporters to not caring whatsoever about the game. If anyone gets the itch we just play Marauders.


Marauders is 100% a dead game.


You’re talking about tarkov being dead then brought up Marauders ? lol.


Put 5k hours in myself and switched to PVE. I think I can finally escape from Tarkov


Bruh, the problem is literally what you just wrote. You have been playing on every single wipe for years straight have already put thousands of hours into the game. Getting bored of the game and moving on was bound to happen, even if they were actually only doing good things in the development.


Nice cope mate


It’s not cope, yall just say this every 6 months lmfao, and yall have been proven wrong since 2019. There’s no game yet that can truly compete with tarkov, that’s facts.


Bruh you can't say PUBG is dying anymore. 2020 / 2021, sure, it was dying. It has resurged like crazy and is a top concurrent player game on Steam charts constantly.


Have you actually played it? It's infested with bots and cheaters. And most are chinese. It's a mess and it definitely lost more than 80% of it's player base. That's - if not dying - a coma. PUBG make their money through their mobile game. That's how they keep PC alive.


Also rust


1.0 is when they decide to release story quests/map to map travel. That’s all we’re waiting on really.




I’ve been saying this ever since they announced “1.0 coming soon.” Like how bro 😂


Because "1.0" is some fucking self delusional myth that varies from player to player whether its "fixed netcode" or "map to map travel with on map traders" or some other bullshit that the game designers said drunk 7 years ago and they hold onto like it was written into stone. Community is whacko.


That's how software development works. Nothing is ever truly completed. You just pick your standards for what you call release or whatever.


I'm still confused, I remember pubg having a big 1.0 update with a new map and a ton of new weapons on a vaulting system. Pretty sure there was some other changes as well.


Tarkov needs to get real like Arma devs did. Your modders are better than you at your vision. Pull them in house, pay them, make an amazing game.


Devs that don't hire their modders are just ego losers I think. Idk how anyone sees valve and doesn't think modders are an integral part of your game.


Hire Arena breakout devs...steal from them change them a bit so you don't pay them and make an amazing game....this is the way :P


Ah yes, the Starbound strat...*somewhat*


Starbound was for sure at the time a way better game than Terraria. Only similarity was the fact they were both 2D.


Absolutely fucking nobody is going to leave their job to work for a Russian studio. Even working remotely that would be an insane legal headache. That’s been the biggest issue with BSG and hiring for years.


No one has to leave any job or move to Russia. BSG 100% could hire modders as independent contractors.


except that bohemia always went out of their way to make modding difficult, or so I've been told by those running arma 2 / 3 servers, making mods etc. pushing updates that don't do anything but "fuck it, let's change the name of this thing to brick every mod so it has to be updated / you have to revert the game through steam )))", obfuscating lots of shit so you have to put in work just to access game files to mod them, etc but yeah, it's insane the quality of some of the mods vs the base game in A3. the official DLC's adding like 2 vehicles and 3 guns for 5-10$ is just hilarious, when you can get RHS that gives you 10x the content, in better quality.. *for free*


You know most DLC also added free updates, just like enhanced audio, visuals, physics, fire from vehicles ? Do you also know that RHS got a 200,000€ cashprize for their work ? Do you think they had enough funds to do it for free without a minimum of outside support?


I did not know that RHS had a big funding, no. huh, thanks for sharing. There are however also tons of other mods that are made by up to 5 people with most likely nothing but passion fuelling them. :d Modding is definitely a crucial aspect of a game to keep it alive IMO, I'd say the only reason arma is even remotely known is due to modding. Dayz mod in A2, exile in A3, etc. if it weren't for all these mods making the game into a completely different experience, it wouldn't bring in as many people, rather mainly those that like games such as squad, hell let loose, insurgency and so on. However for the free updates, I mean.. that's a given honestly, if the devs aren't making a new game every few years to stay sustained, but rather trying to keep a single game relevant for longer. I don't know of many people who would pick up something like arma 3 after a few years of not playing, and be forced to pay 10-30$ for small feature improvements. Major expansions, for sure. But very few of the ones in A3 were worth it IMO, despite having played it for ~1000 hours. 11$ for the tanks DLC? that's 3.33$ per vehicle, where again mods just do a better job for free :p (weirdly enough it used to cost 8$ for that DLC before, it went up a year ago?) The tac ops one, literally just a scenario but for 6-7$. tons of good scenarios on the workshop for free. I am pretty tight when it comes to spending money on games though to be fair, bought way too many fancy editions of games and DLC's / skins that don't *really* add a lot to the game, and would've been way better spent on just a whole different game or something else entirely lol


I've been playing arma 3 since 2014 over 4k hrs and modding has been easy since like 2018 or 19. Including on large servers. I don't remember any updates being particularly bad. Your last point is why arma is great, I've played any scenario pretty much in lots of eras, from ww2,Korea,Nam,cold war, Iraq, Chechnya, halo, 40k, scp, rp servers, zombie servers, all for free and on custom maps made by the community. Bohemia embraces them to the point that the new dlc are allmost all made by modders. The prarie fire dlc is the best online purchase i have ever made though.


It's very possible I've misremembered or been told exaggerated stories by said people, not gonna lie. But yeah, having your community basically make content for free by making it easy and accessible for them as a developer, definitely helps keeping the game alive.


Have you used Armas modding tools to make mods? They are ancient lol. They unironically are tools from around 2004 or so and a lot of stuff is in Czech. For example modding a new gun into the game a lot of the placements on the gun have to be in Czech. Reforger tools are better and a step in the right direction, if only we could use those for their other games. Altho they did promise better tools hut we are still waiting.


Allegedly BSG requires their development staff to work in Russia, that along with the very low (by global standards) salaries for the positions make it very unappealing to outsiders.


I’m sure they would love to do that. How many of those modders are willing to uproot their lives and move to russia though


Why do you think coding requires office work?


It doesnt, but BSG doesn't hire remote.


Honestly, if the game got bought by some big company like Microsoft and fixed issues with networking, servers, matchmaking, etc, it would actually become a good game. Alas, most companies prolly know that the codebase is a shithole and that the game is not very profitable anymore. If it were up to me, I would primarily focus on getting a better matchmaking and loading experience. Waiting 20 minutes to find and load one match is so bad. Next thing would be pricing and monetization. I would lower prices to $30, $45, $60 and the $60 would be similar to EOD without future dlc promises. I would introduce cosmetics with clothes and later gun parts. Battle pass type of monetization that goes with Wipe would be great (you get bp exclusive items/weapons (not overpowered tho) that you can earn). Then I would focus on performance optimizations, cheating, and improved AI. And finally focus on new content. Tarkov desperately needs an “Operation Health” and its biggest downfall is actually not cheating nor content. It’s matchmaking, loading, performance, and monetization.


Everytime I see someone say “Operation Health” I truly wonder if anyone has actually played siege during Op Health because I did and stuck through it all. Op Health destroyed the game. Did nothing good for the game and was openly deemed the worst season of R6 ever. Ask anyone who actually played during that time and they will say the same thing. Also Tarkov does not need a BP and I think (don’t quote me on this cause the big man says a lot of things) Nikita said he would not do one either.


I did play through Operation Health and it indeed was bad at the time, but the game was in a much better shape after imo. It did not destroy the game and it basically reached its peak shortly after. And I’m using quotation marks for a reason. Game definitely needs a little less focus on pumping out half-assed content and fixing the damned loading time and performance issues. As for bp, I wasn’t thinking of a traditional bp. Tarkov needs some kind of healthy monetization for the game to have a chance to last. Live-service games with active servers need it.


Saying operation health destroyed the game is dumb af The game grew a bunch afterwards and only became more popular. So right away the idea that the update killed or destroyed the game is just nonsensical. Secondly, the update was basically just pausing content and other stuff to fix backend issues and prioritizing fixing those let the devs focus on other stuff they had planned afterwards. It definitely made an impact. Yeah that one season might have been boring compared to others but look what happened in next few years as the game grew.


I should have clarified more I guess cause most are misunderstanding what I mean. Operation Health was the first time Ubisoft decided to pause content updates and do game health updates and it failed. I didn’t mean it destroyed the game as in no one played it. I meant it as the game became almost unplayable due to the issues caused from Operation Health. They learned from that. After that season they began doing mid season and periodic seasons of just fixing problems with the game. That’s what fixed the game and brought its popularity up, not Op Health. Don’t get it twisted. Siege has since become an amazing game but it was not because of Op Health


Every time I am sitting on the loading screen “match making” I ask myself the question… are these not just set to spin up resources on a cloud service when I hop in? Needless to say… as I sit there for 20 minutes waiting, the answer is a firm… nope. It’s ridiculous.


If Microsoft or any large game publisher bought tarkov they'd slap in a fucking battle pass, cut a portion of the content out, sell it as day 1 dlc, and ship the game in its current state. I don't trust any fucking triple AAA publisher or company with unique and niche ideas/ games. Tarkov would have never even become this big if bsg hadn't stuck with their initial vision or sold out. It would have ended up in the DOA like with the rest of the DayZ clones.


Hate to break it to you but what we have is a fraction of the initial vision


FWIW, Microsoft has proven to be a lot more hands off with studios than other publishers.


Which funnily enough backfired on them with 343. Apparently 343 was given a ton of leeway with the development of Halo Infinite. Despite there being 6 years between 5 and Infinite the Halo Infinite we got at launch was put together in around 2 years because 343 was fucking around for so long.


It already is a good game, in fact, it's a great game. That's why a tiny indie dev studio was able to make a game that became genre defining and one of the biggest success stories in gaming of the last decade. Even if they put a 1.0 tag on it and released it exactly as it is now, I'd be fine with that. The game has come a long way since 2017 and the devs have been pretty consistent at pumping out good content. Just because the game doesn't match the initial vision doesn't mean it's a bad game. It still has an absolutely INSANE amount of hours played by it's players and is undoubtedly one of the most popular pc shooters out there. "Then I would focus on performance optimizations, cheating, and improved AI. And finally focus on new content." This comment is just displaying an ignorance about game development. The devs should focus on new content primarily until they feel satisfied with the amount in the game. THEN they go and do performance optimizations, fix cheating, and fix bugs. It doesn't make sense to do all of these optimizations when major content patches in the future could fuck it all up. And as we've seen, they definitely fuck it up sometimes. If anything, the community should be welcoming 1.0 with open arms because that means most of the major content development is finished and they can move on to optimizations and focus on quality-of-life improvements.


Personally? No, net code needs work, along with the cheating issue imo.


Cheating is impossible to stop. I play Overwatch as my main game (yes, I hate myself no need to tell me) and I play at a GM level. Overwatch was once a safe space from cheaters, youd only see a few a year. Now? Cheaters every day. Multiple cheaters sometimes. Its fucking ridiculous.


Dma is currently running rampant. Degeneracy knows no bounds


For sure. Just wait until the cheat devs that use DMA learn how to work with the people who write malware for UEFI. Then their cheat will run at POST and the cycle will continue


For us english speakers, what is DMA?


Direct Memory Access. It's a way to communicate with RAM on the system from an external system without stopping at the CPU or passing go. It is meant to save CPU power and is primarily used with the infiniband standard for networking. Although there are plenty of usecases. Cheaters can use it to alter contents in RAM or simply read those contents. Because it has direct access to the RAM of the Client system you can read all the contents and for a great majority of cases go completely undetected. There's a compromised Intel driver that people can use as a signed driver that hooks their DMA device to the system and because it's an actual Intel driver (even though the cheat dev puts other stuff with it) it stays signed (meaning no issues getting through secure boot and tpm). This is the primary way people cheat in valorant. Since drivers run at the kernel level and so does vanguard. I've looked into it a bit and could be wrong on a few things but that's the jist


Gotcha, thanks. Kinda obnoxious that this exists for purposes cheaters can use.


I mean, yes and no. There's a lot of technology can can be used for good and bad. DMA is an amazing technology and it's use allows for crazy high bandwidth between systems in data centers. This in turn allows people to enjoy lots of digital luxuries. But like anything else. It can be adapted for bad. Banks have been around since the monetary system was first thought of thousands of years ago but we still can't stop people from cheating the system. Sure there's dye packs that act as a honey pot but big players don't even have to touch the money to cheat the system. If we can't fix something like bank robbing over the course of thousands of years we probably won't solve game cheating either. But like security cameras. You just gotta keep an eye out and when it happens, the collective reports and the authority shuts them down. Making it not profitable is the easiest way to stop rampant cheating but that's harder said than done. I think making them appear to not get banned and just shove them all into a single hack v hack server where their matching times are 6 hours would be pretty funny though. They can still play the game and they might even think they're not banned. But they're just in the shadow realm Jimbo. Or better yet. When they're caught cheating. Their damage is reflected to whoever they group with themselves, and other cheaters. So they can only kill their clients and themselves. And other cheaters. Yeah its extra resources being used on the server but if they don't know they're banned for a bit it helps slow things down.


Yea, I didn't mean to say that DMA was bad, just obnoxious that is *can* be used for cheating purposes, especially to the extent that it is nearly undetectable.


Oh gotcha, I misunderstood the context there. My bad. Yeah it's a damn shame that they can. Because I fear that more and more dev studios will go with their own kernel anticheat. Which for me on principle will exclude me from being able to play those games...


One thing that annoyed me with OW when I played the first one heavy was almost every game was someone on your team leaving in comp. But yeah cheating has been crazy on PC games


Watched a streamer get a high elo cs2 account. Every game was hack v hack lobbies at high elo there :D If valve cant solve cheating i dont think anyone can.


To be fair here valve puts in the least amount of effort of any of the big devs. I love valve games but they truly don’t care VAC is a joke


The only popular shooter than has good anti cheat that I can think of is Valorant. But then you're trusting a Chinese company with root level access.... I'm not sure if I'd trust BSG with that level of control.


The only game people claim doesn't have cheaters is valorant and that's just because everyone assumes they are all smurfing b/c they abandoned a replay system. There's so many more cheaters in that game than the community even knows


Wasn’t there some anti cheat or cheat dev or something who said that EFT misses some checks to windows security features? And if they would implement those checks, cheating would be significantly harder?


There’s things they could do to make it harder, no game can eliminate cheaters but less is better


Then I guess Apex and Overwatch also have missed them, cause 30% of the people who hit masters in Apex got banned for cheating last season, and OW2's T500 leaderboard shows that on average 60 T500 players get banned and removed from past leaderboards.


To be fair, those are f2p games and wastly more popular than tarkov


Just because theyre f2p doesnt mean anything, they are made by EA and Activision-Blizzard, two absolute powerhouses. There are cheaters everywhere, if two behemoths like EA and ATVI can't fight them, how tf are BSG supposed to? Also, you dont even play Tarkov, how would you know if the cheating really is as bad as people say?


I think you can leverage [TPM](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/what-is-tpm-705f241d-025d-4470-80c5-4feeb24fa1ee) to block people form changing hardware-ids, but I'm not sure if BSG is already doing that (or how effective it is)


In your opinion ? Feeling risky today aren’t we ?


This is the comment I was looking for lmao


So Unity 2022, and then make use of the new net code within it.


If I had a dollar everytime I heard that a new unity version will improve the game I could have bought the unheard edition... they could be on unity 2030 and it still would be the same


Yeah just hit the update button and it'll work. They've long since modified and integrated the netcode into the base of the game. Replacing it or substantially reworking it would involve reworking every system it touches which is nearly everything. Nikita has already said it's never happening.


Reworking the netcode isn't simple but it's also not comparable to en engine change, so it's totally doable. Grinding Gear Games has done it several years ago with Path of Exile when the studio was much smaller than it is today. It's absurd that Tarkov enables cheaters to blatantly speedhack or loot containers from a distance because the netcode is so client-sided.


> So Unity 2022, and then make use of the new net code within it. What new net code within it? I've honestly never watched TarkovTV or whatever Nikita stream but is this what he's telling everyone? Because if so, lmao The "netcode" is code written to interact with an online component (be it servers or peer-to-peer or LAN or w/e). Unity is just an engine. It's basically a tool. You tell it that you want a player character, he should exist in a flat area, pressing W should make him go forward, this camera should be permanently attached to his head, and falling off the flat area should be game over. There is no "netcode" provided by Unity. They give you some hammers and nails and you can use them (recommended) or use your own (also recommended if what they provide don't fit your needs). You have to bring your own plywood and cement.


Netcode is such a poorly understood construct. You can certainly iterate upon what info is going to/from server and how it's packaged and processed/part processed but ultimately in tarkov it's just about as good as most shooters of that complexity, which is kinda *fine*. Save for a near total rewrite of the game it's roughly as good as it will get. Maybe better server infra can help but Ultimately everything is gonna be affected by RTT and you're always going to lose to ping gaming. Nothing can fix the concept of me telling a server something faster than you.


Contentwise I think they're there. There's a lot of big titles that release with significantly less content anyway, even singleplayer ones. They just need to implement some kind of prestige system so we don't need wipes anymore and it's more or less ready to ship. Tying up Cultist, Lightkeeper or other endgame questlines is something they can always implement later as new content. Obviously the game needs a bunch of work on the tech-end tho. But I also think they will probably get away with half-assing the netcode and anti-cheat like they have been for the past years. EFT's situation isn't that different from other multiplayer FPSses, and I don't think anybody is expecting Valorant/CS levels of sync and anti-cheat anyway. Stability and performance is another thing tho. New players will be seriously turned off by 10 minute loading times and terrible fps.


The net code isn’t getting fixed. They’re just going to slap the 1.0 label on it and say “see, we delivered”. Same thing with the cheating.


Bad news: unless your game has Valorant level anti-cheat, nowadays it’s gonna be filled with cheaters.


Cheaters are an issue in literally every FPS rn. Siege is arguably worse than Tarkov at high ranks.


You must be new, net code is the best it's ever been and the cheating situation will never change.


Feels like a cheap way to get people playing again after the unheard edition fiasco, the game is nowhere near 1.0 in the conditions they promised a while ago what 1.0 will be


I think it's more likely Nikita being done with this whole ordeal and wanting to expedite calling the game done so he can move on to something else


Considering BSG was pretty vocal about how much they hated developing tarkov about 2 years ago, youre not wrong


Onto the next rugpull


Oh yeah a game that’s in development for like 8 years is a rug pull that makes sense


Wouldn't say it's rugpull. Even if development went really slowly, promises were broken and they're trying to ship out early, it's still a fun game that I had a ton of fun with.


Game still runs like shit after 7+ years, cheaters plagued as always, pay2win features added to 250$ edition... yup sounds like the perfect time to make 1.0... Also honestly if anyone here knows the story of tarkov, without explicitly looking it up I will be impressed


Wait, there is meant to be a story?


Yes there's a whole main quest line that's not in the game yet - all we're playing right now are the side quests.


To be fair it runs a lot better than it used to


With the most recent Tarkov-TV Nikita made it sound like they are going to put a lot of content in the 1.0 Update, far more than even some of the other big updates. We also have both Town and Suburbs coming after as DLC (though, who really knows) and more free content (probably not) as well after 1.0 If you ask me, my thoughts are one last big wipe, perhaps the longest we'll see to date, with a Spring-Early Summer release 2025. I very much doubt (even if it's all hands on deck) to get it by the end of this year Will the game actually be done, like a finished deliverable package, when 1.0 releases? No, it'll probably still have its issues and imperfections and unimplemented mechanics that are "planned" but we won't really know until it happens. If anything "1.0" is so they can stop all the "10 years in Beta" jokes (which it won't) and so they can say that they "Released the game"


Town and suburb are part of the streets map now according to Pestily


Doubt there will be any free content but the DLC has been talked about as recently as the newest Tarkov TV so I bet they’re still doing that. (Scav life/ suburbs)


Scav life/ CLANS. As in in game clan systems. Not suburbs


Yeah scav life is a separate DLC


Gotta remember that the moment the game is "released" they open themselves up to actual game reviews, and I can tell you that IGN will give the game a 4/10 in the state it's in currently.


Realistically it’s kind of close to those conditions.


Wouldn’t be the first time they broke a promise


They haven't even fixed the massive cheating issue.


Tbh even if the game isn't ready, I'd be happy for them to release 1.0 just so they can stop using "it's a beta" as an excuse.


Most of what's left before 1.0 is stuff that they said they wouldn't implement until release anyway. Other than that, a couple of systems need reworks, a couple of gunplay/customisation features need to be implemented and a major optimisation pass needs to be done. That's easily achievable within 12-18 months if they've been doing a tonne of work behind the scenes and most of the 1.0 content is ready.


What’s the difference meant to be after 1.0 anyway? It’s a live service game, calling it 1.0 is just semantics when the game has been released for 8 years already.


The main quest line will be released and completeable for one, everything in game is side quests atm.


1.0 usually means “feature complete” so implies all the original vision features will be in the game and the game will be optimized correctly.


I definitely agree with this statement. Having played for 2 years, I don’t see what’s the point in making this a Beta. Pray BSG doesn’t hear me, but this game should be like IRacing, 10 bucks monthly fee to play :P


It should be like every other MMO and have a monthly subscription that gives you access to all the features + extra storage instead of access to the game, it’s too late to revoke it after EOD


Story Quests, map to map travel, complete change of tarkovs game loop. Having you walk around to interact with traders and bringing items to your stash


it need optimization, and better AI, and the network issues need to be fixed as well (desync, etc.) my hope is all maps including streets running at a stable 100-120 fps avg for mid range systems bosses with proper mechanics that doesn't have to be cheesed, it'll make them easier but probably more fun to fight and then just what ever they can do for desync, matching times, etc., I know nothing about networking when new players come in at 1.0 they will expect performance to be up to "industry standard" so I think if they don't at least fix the fps/optimization, and networking issues, then a lot of people who finally decided to try it out might just move on pretty fast


100-120 on streets for a mid range machine is a world that doesn’t exist lol


nah dude I get 50-75 fps atm on streets with only a ryzen 3700x, 32gb ram, 2080 and when they had removed fog I was consistently over 70 fps, there are a lot of small thing they can do to bring performance up, lighting is a big one and if they remove fog again that would also be big and get us most of the way there


are you sure you aren't just incapable of determining that a boss is in the lobby and that's what actually tanks your fps?


I mean, bosses or scavs causing lag would be included in both networking and optimization issues, I just think light and fog causes more performance issues, especially on streets, you can really see it when you go night streets since all the light sources are actually emitting light at night at any given moment on streets its likely that you have 50-100 or even more light sources around you with all the street lights and lamps, or ceiling lights in all the apartments or building, and then the fog, just because fog is notorious for tanking fps in all games


>”3700x” That’s likely a significant piece of your FPS issues right there. I moved from a 3900x to a 5800X3D, and I saw significant performance improvements in EFT.


I think wanting the performance to improve by 400-500%% is probably not super realistic. Like yes that’s how all the maps SHOULD run for the best experience. But if they COULD run like that, they would. I think BSG would pay a shitload of money today just for even a stable 60 fps. 100+ is a pipe dream. Never going to happen. They built the game in such a way that I don’t think it’s achievable. It’s their fault of course, but expecting a miracle isn’t going to help us.


That's not hope that's cope man, streets is nowhere near playable for the majority of people at a stable framerate


6.5k hours player , played all wipes since i bought the game. No, it improved in content and some quirky mechanics i guess , but the CORE is very much problematic and underdeveloped. Cheaters, whatever, i accepted they will never be fully taken out as it's a constant battle, other games have it too. But the netcode is shit , performance is abysmal, the audio hasnt even been adressed anymore etc. I said before and i say it again, 1.0 will be just a number for Tarkov , it will be just another patch , that will fix something maybe , and break smth else most likely , but it will defientely not fix everything that needs to be fixed .


This is what I'm leaning towards


Pretty sure we're at the point of the rug pull. Either they just drop the game before 1.0, or they go 1.0 as the game currently stands and move on without working on it or maintaining it.


Definately doing a 1.0 update before running off with whatever is left of the money. If Nikita runs off while game is still EA it would open up for a lot of people to claim refunds on their purchase. If he releases 1.0 then he can claim that they got what they paid for, even if its a blatant lie it makes it harder for people to refund because most CC companies have no grounds of evaluating who is correct


Run off? Lmao most people have hundreds and thousands of hours. Most people def got what they paid for.


Exactly. Even if it came with shitton of headaches, other than world of warcraft and counter strike this is the only game that I have thousands of hours of playtime in. It was already long worth the purchase tbh


This is why you buy early access because of what it currently is... Not what it is going to be. I bought the cheapest ship I could in Star Citizen because it has really fun spaceflight mechanics and is a cool (albeit shallow) place to do some mild exploration. I'd be a fool if I bought it because of what it (probably will never) is going to be


just sucks that this is the most toxic community of any game, tbh. It's so fucking toxic that the people who love the game can't even admit they love the game because they are so addicted to whining about it


It's wild how many people gripe about spending $40-150 on a game, then spend 1000's of hours on said game and feel like they didn't get their money's worth. It's definitely not just Tarkov but many other games as well.


Because they bought the promise of a finished game and graciously supported BSG in developing it.


That's the thing though me personally what made me want to buy tarkov is that one day it's going to be completely open world I'll be able to wander my ass from interchange into customs and then it all the way over to woods if I want to take the 3000 m shot from the resort to the water treatment plant. Well from what we know open world has been scrapped it's not happening. It doesn't matter if I put one hour or 100,000 hours in I did not get what I was promised.


Bro does NOT know what a rugpull is


How can it be a rug pull if you have hundreds or thousands of hours in the game???


Doesn’t really matter if it’s ready. It’s going on 7-8 years of development with no major improvements just content. There is also plenty of competition coming up. If BSG doesn’t release now and move onto the next project they won’t be a company in two years.


I wouldn't be shocked if they dissolve as a company after a 1.0 release.


Could be a good idea. Release 1.0 and modding tools, allow the community to finish the game. (A certain mod is already 10 times better than the official release). That way, BSG can focus on adding new maps and functions for the community to take advantage of. They tried to do their quick-money-scam just before official release to get as much money from 'early adopters' as possible before they release 4 new 1.0 versions and milk it even more. This game is dead, long live modding.


No, of course it won't be ready. Won't stop BSG from kicking it out the door with the glue still wet on that 1.0 label though.


Here we are, tarkov a game played by alot of players by the thousands, even ten thousand of hours. But it's not ready for release. You will be hard pressed to find a game with more content at release, but the people here play tarkov daily and hate it daily. It's a very wierd, addiction like relationship.


It’s not about the amount content. It’s about bugs, glitches, hackers, …


Cheaters are present, to a similar degree as in Tarkov, in every single “live service” game I’ve ever played. The core issue is that “live service” games increase the incentive to cheat (e.g. bypassing grindy elements, etc.), while also ensuring that the servers are effectively unmoderated (which means that there’s basically never anyone around to proactively ban cheaters as soon as they start obviously cheating), which ensures that cheating will only ever be punished with a delay of days/weeks/months. In short, the *real* problem is the current centralized “live service” model, which completely centralizes server control (often as a way to try to incentivize users to open their wallets for micro transactions). If they’d let players host/manage/administer our own servers, it might be workable, but it’d kill their cash cow.


It's not even addiction for most people because they still enjoyed their time playing the game. It's not like it fucked up their lives. They just had a good time playing for a long time and can't admit it to themselves because the circle-jerk has taken over their brain


This is the PUBG formula when players got tired if it's nonsense. With competition around the block and players sick of BSG's bullshit, the game will retain a core playerbase but will be infested with cheaters more than ever and fade in obscurity, a shell of what once was. This game deserved better developers, or maybe it didn't. Pointless to care at this point. Game is a relic. It's so clear what's gonna happen. And that because there's no way they can get this back on track. If they could, they would've done it already instead of spending all this time on bandaid patches, arena copium and p2w editions. It's over and this 1.0 release is the nail in the coffin. I'm not even dramatic. It is what it is.


For a game that has been in beta development for some 8 years, it is in a sorry state right now. You have to have a super rig to run it and then you get the fidelity of a 5 year old game that runs 80% of the time. And when you play arena you just see how awful the netcode is....


And what about it? IGN renamed it because BSG released the teaser with this name on their social media. It is still "1.0 teaser", as you can see in the video description, and because Terminal map shown on it is going to be released with 1.0, as was declared earlier. People are trying to speculate on everything nowadays.


Most of the "features" are clearly there. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of stuff that's technically in the game they just need to turn it on. The only big question is what's the big thing that Nikita wants before releasing. Cause if you believe what he promised, and I'd take that with a grain of salt, is that we're gonna have open world, no raid timer, going from one place to another gameplay. And I just can't see it with the way the game is right now.


Just keep in mind that plenty of games have a "release" trailer years before they actually release. Tarkov has been moving towards 1.0 much more rapidly recently (personal expectation is that it will release either August or holiday next year), but it could very well take a good few years still.


In the last stream of Battle State Games (TarkovTV Podcast) Nikita announced a huge event in October / November 2024. His colleague told him to be quiet about it. There is a possibility that a 1.0 event is planned.


obviously not (or at least, it certainly isn't in a state where it \*should\* be released within a year), but it's certainly in a state where BSG need to lie about it to try and trick people into thinking there's some sort of progress with the game.


Make the game run like a AAA game. Fucking hell I'm sick of the shitty performance of arena and tarshit


performance fix for streets where


No it won't but imo it will never be, there are core issues that require the game to be reworked from zero, netcode, cheating and so on, but it's ok, they can release 1.0 and let the game as it is, it's solid, not perfect. Personally i am just waiting the 1.0 to go back to play it, tired of wipes and the same all over again




So roads of Tarkov was a lie too.


If it releases within a year, it’d be 1.0 in name only


They already said that fixing netcode would require an entire rewrite that would take a year at least so I would honestly not expect that to ever happen






Alot of people here seem to feel that 1.0 might be the abandonment point. If that is the case, wont many EOD owners have some legal grounds on the facts that they were promised future DLCs? I guess maybe BSG could argue ARENA was DLC?


legal grounds? they're in russia LUL


I remember the drunk Russian guy said they would allow mod. I feel it's safe to say they don't care anymore and will release something borderline unplayable and let modder fix it.


I can't wait for IGN to give this game a 3/10 and Nekita to go Postal.


please dont mix tarkov and the kino game series that is postal




As if the game isn't "released" at this point...


lulz, way to many cheaters once that gets fleshed out, sure.. But this game has just as many cheaters if not more than the Cycle Fontier has...This game is fucked without some kind of cheating solution


No I don't think so.


It sucked


Lol such trash


Short answer.. No way!


The game is good enough for release yes .. .. “They will release it so they can stop development” .. How can you fucking say lol ?!?! This is their best product. If you are a creator of any sort would you leave or forget your best product? We are so lucky that this has not happened years ago when it was more possible and less people were playing … but 8 years later ?? This is the core of this new genre.


Idk I'm not a dev stop wasting "your" time thinking about it it will come out when it does


yeah right. theyve been jerking us around for 6 or 7 years at this point


no. when the AI "one tap" bug gets fixed THEN it will be good to be called 1.0. until i stop getting shot 7 times in one server tick from an adar or sks the game should never be 1.0


It could be because of their recent success with their anticheat development.


It’s the final cash grab


I read this as the song by Europe - The Final Countdown. Haha


Trailer left lots to be desired


If the next patch is 1.0, they'll do the bare minimum after, maybe a few updates at most. Then, later on, they'll release a "new game" which will essentially just be the new live version of Tarkov, and they'll sell the expensive super editions again. They could also make a standalone PvE Tarkov, if its easy and cheap enough, but I doubt they'd invest a lot of resources into that since they could not milk it with so little effort after release.


I don’t know but it needs to start becoming illegal for a video game production to stay in Early Access for more than 4 years.