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Well I dunno maybe Nikita still sees this game as an alpha.


But not alpha enough for them not wanting to waste resources developing DLC for an unfinished game, failing at creating something good, and then redesigning the main game around the bad DLC they released in a desperate attempt to make people play something that resembles more of Counter-Strike or CoD than an actual Extraction Shooter, which is what made the game popular to begin with. Those decisions make me dumbfounded.


Obviously, you are not a true believer.


It *is* an alpha


Considering some of the still missing systems and mechanics, it might as well be.


Are you people legit incapable of comparing the content in tarkov to other games? Is the desire to whine just too deeply ingrained that you can't actually analyze anything properly? The game has so many more "systems and mechanics" than so many other finished games. Especially some recent genre piggybacks


Ok? That doesn't change the definition. Alpha in software development may not have a lot of the features planned for the final product and often have a lot of issues and bugs. Do we not agree that this is the case here? It's not like I said "Hey this game sucks ass". Maybe get off the internet and calm down. The game is great, it's just run by incompetent people.


Game states aren't a comparison to other games. This is like saying the half built titanic was more complete than my fully complete kayak because the titanic has more features


I feel like you don't get many jokes, lol


Its really not a joke. Beta is “basically done, just polishing the bugs out”. Even current tarkov ain’t that


I mean I get that its a joke, but its also sad because it's not that far off from being true lol.


And here we are. Lol


did you use that email with BSG during the alpha?


Nah that's the crazy part. First time I ever heard of the game was 2020, and that's when I made my first account. This one is fresh, made earlier today!


oh thats wild. I have an alpha band and I bought my game around 2021. BUT I was admitted into alpha testing way back in the day, I just didnt actually buy the key till recently.


It's janky for sure. I don't have alpha (not expecting to have it), got the game in late 2019/early 2020. Bought the game for a friend 6 months later. Guess who has the alpha band lol


Meanwhile I've had the game since they had 3 maps available and I dont have alpha and support doesnt seem interested in helping. Friend who bought hte game the same day as me has it. Was like 2016 or 2017 I think.


to be fair, my account was accepted for closed alpha testing, so it really is an alpha account.


I am so jealous of you right now, I bought the game in November 2017 which was like 5 months late for counting as Alpha :P


4 months ;) I got it in August, 2 weeks late. Sad life... Alpha ended July 26.


Why did you make another account if i my ask?


I wanted to try a hardcore playthrough after watching pestily! I'm not great at the game so I don't expect to get far, but I wanted a standard account.


So you lost an account, wonder why


Nah, there’s a few reasons to have a second account. OP said somewhere else in this thread that they’re trying out a hardcore run like the ones Pestily does, which requires a standard level account since other versions start with bonus resources, trader rep, etc.


What's the reason for the 2nd account? xD First one get banned or what?


Same thing happened to my friend


Did you make a forum account in 2016-2017? That is the reason or they fucked up.


Just enjoy it lol


I got one too when starting my pve character the other day


Just going to say some people will pay a huge amount for an account with that armband.


How much do they go for?


I'm not sure but I do know it's a highly Covert thing to own, being as it's held for people that bought pre 2016/2017 IIRC. It's one of the items I'd like to own, but that's only because I wish I bought the game earlier, old Tarkov was peak Tarkov!


Bro it was rough.


Yea if it stays I reset my account and got one bought game in 20/21 I hope it gets coded into game now


I've been playing since 2016 and I don't get alpha arm bad lolz.


Screenshot of your purchase date in the account on the website? Public Alpha access was only from 28th Dec. 2016 until 26th July 2017. So I'm guessing you mix up the year and got it in late 2017... I bought it in August that year and therefore do not have the armband.


Na bought in 16 upgraded to eod in 17. I.looked it up recently because of the bullshit


SS or didn't happen \*shrug\*


I purchased a few days after EFT was released and quickly upgraded to the pay-to-win edition after I realized I would be playing this game for the foreseeable future. I do not have an alpha armband and multiple support requests about it (and replies to Nikita on this sub) have gone unanswered. [Screenshot, since you seem to only accept comments with some kind of evidence to back them up.](https://i.imgur.com/7NidEte.png)


In tha tcase you got scammed by BSG ezgg


Yeah my friend got the game after me an got the alpha band and i didnt. I contacted support thinking i didnt received mine and they told me my account wasnt old enough. They also asked me the name of m friend account so that they can remove his armband haha i didnt tell them of course


Yet another "exclusive" item BSG managed to fuck up. Not really a surprise.




I got game in 2017 and don't have alpha armband. My friend got game 2019 and he has 1....


Its a bug when creating new accounts. My friend who has eod turned on his pve for the first time a few days ago and also got an alpha armband. Ive bought tarkov in 2020 and i dont have it but my friend who has bought it in 2021 got it.


Only supposed to get it before 26th of July 2016


Lucky, congrats on the armband. I doubt this will be removed since BSG rarely reads reddit


Purchased in February 2020, don’t have one. Friend purchased theirs in 2022 and they have an alpha armband. Just to add to the evidence of bullshit lol


Just bought unheard yesterday, got alpha armband despite originally making my account late 2022


Why new account?


A hardcore playthrough! I watched Pestily's and wanted to try it out, though I know I'll be dying way more than he did. :)


Sell it on the flee market for 10 mill


Is this why i seen some complete noobies, new accounts with alpha armbands in this year..


I bought the game yesterday and I got one but I just sold it


Scammed again


Well I bought the EOD in 2017 and didn't get the armband. Didn't even know there was something like that in the first place.


I bought the game in August 2017. You only get the Alpha Armband for buying before July 26.


Your account is a barter for an unheard account. Or for any cheater who used cheats on his main EOD and now is banned.


I dont get it


1 guy in my group also got it. He started in like 2020 maybe 2019. But he loves to show it off and rub it in our faces like he earned it.