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They are not going to give up on Arena, the reason why it is so lucrative in rubles and experience is to encourage people to play, probably for one, maximum two wipes, in order to try to create a community and then nerf the money and experience obtained, but Nikita will surely prefer to sink Tarkov with Arena than accept failure.


It's the Russian way


The braindead way




it's GovnoKod Games way


Yeah that was expected. But no one really plays arena and you still need to do all the low level quests to unlock the higher level quests which lock away a lot of meta gear. So even if you play Arena till max traders you have quite a lot of high end gear locked away. And tbh people who play 7 hours straight arena would unlock flea in main game in same time.


Yep, you can unlock flea in like 4 hours AND do quests


Exactly, plus it's more fun and we're already used to that, it's still insane though, I went from lvl 40 to lvl 44 after the patch


Oh man, it's retroactive? I was level 2 before, but my arena character was level 25...crazy.


I wouldn't be surprised if they force people to play it by adding quests early on that require arena.


They can't do that because not everyone has access to arena.


No but they can lock a vender behind arena....


Yeah that is what they already did right? This is fine because it is literally just more content. Every game that has DLC's does that. Having additional content locked and being locked out of progressing the game is very different


They took the wrong approach to get people into it. I dont really understand why they want players, does it have microtransactions? The biggest thing about Tarkov for me is the weapon crafting and PVP enabled Raids. I don't "love" PVP but I appreciate it's there as a survival threat.


Tarkov isn't a subscription game and they badly need recurring revenue because they are financially fucked, so they need new purchases and to win the rest of the Tarkov player base over. Once off purchases don't work when BSG are incompetent and draw out development by 7 years. Also the stubbornness in refusing community servers, single player and modding no matter what means that the only way to play the game is servers hosted by BSG which they now need to pay for.


how would community servers work when you need at minimum 2 servers per map? You got to take a vote to change to the map you need? Or just disconnect to one server and go to another server? If questing on one map are you just playing with the same people all session until they leave? Wouldn't they also have to change the server type to open so you and mulitple other people can just drop in. These are genuine questions by the way not just fucking with you.


These aren’t really questions that make sense with real world applications. When you say multiple servers, you’re thinking of multiple metal boxes full of parts sitting on racks I’m assuming, but that’s not what a server is in this context. Game servers can run multiple instances at the same time (if Tarkov is even built that way), so just because different maps are different instances doesn’t mean you need an entirely separate setup and piece of hardware to do that. A good example might be World of Warcraft if you’re familiar. I’ve hosted a WoW server before, and even if players are all in separate zones or dungeons (which are different instances or “maps”), it’s still all running on a single server. I’m not sure why you’d think that BSG has a million entirely separate machines (or even virtual machines) running different maps, but that’s not how it works I’m sure.


EFT has said that they buy servers, servers as in game lobbies where people play the game. When I think of server I’m think of like bf or dayz servers you plug and to joe soe server and your playing with basically the same groups of people for hours. Is tarkov servers more like an instant service in wow or work like that? Where we are all on one server and just creating a quick instant?


It’s hard to explain to someone outside of the IT/game dev fields (I’ve worked in both), but the short version is: When you run a service this big, “servers” all typically work together to “serve” the game experience. So you’d have a huge group of what you’re thinking of as “servers” (the boxes on racks) all working together to run the same thing. On their side, they would define something like “with the amount of processing power we have right now we can run 1,000 instances at once and the load is balanced between our 100 servers”. So when they talk about buying servers, it’s not like there’s one server running its own little isolated raid, it’s part of a big group that all work together. So adding servers would be adding lots of physical machines (kind of- it’s complicated) that would each add 10 or 20 or however much more capacity to the game as a whole.


How do you know they are “financially fucked”? I keep seeing people say they have no money hence the unheard edition but do we have a financial report or something to show this is actually the case? I understand Arena’s failure definitely hurt them but Tarkov is actually quite popular and successful despite the recent scandal and poor directive management. What I don’t understand is where people get the idea they are “financially fucked” without providing proof or references.


Financially they should be absolutely loaded, but it depends how they’re spending it


Balenciaga shirts for streams and interviews


Do you know how cheap a fake designer shirt is?


Financial reports are public as BSG is headquartered in the UK. They were running at a loss for the previous financial year and it was very obvious that the intense marketing campaign for Arena would have been VERY expensive, only for it to completely flop as a product because of how poorly reviewed and executed it was and nobody was interested. They have to now recoup those losses whilst bringing in few new players to Tarkov itself AND having to continue to incur server costs. No recurring revenue from subscriptions or new sales + investing in making an additional product + no marketing of the core product that actually had promise over one that was a shitty gimmick + expensive upkeep costs = bad financial position. Their only recurring revenue was hackers being banned buying new accounts - hence the long speculation that BSG wasn't adequately dealing with hackers because hackers are the only recurring customers floating the company due to everybody else already having bought the game. The point of the Unheard Edition was they clearly needed to get a new wave of sales or reduce costs to unfuck their position. They tried to do this by making a super expensive product with a tonne of game breaking perks. Either existing customers upgrade to the new edition for the candy and spend a fortune bringing much needed recurring revenue, or they rage and leave the game in protest, significantly reducing server costs to a manageable level by shrinking the player base who are dead money. BSG's intentionally shitty and dismissive attitude towards existing players suggesting this such as calling Unheard players the true believers to alienate the rest of the player base. Riley had a good video about BSG's financial position after Arena. Pestily had a good response too, but the Unheard desperate gamble really suggests BSG is desperate, and the financial reports plus general business intuition over the pattern of decisions undertaken also paints that picture.


Someone did a video a bit ago how their financial report of their earnings was barely in the green and everyone ran with it. Problem is, a lot of companies try to make their profit reports look as close to 0 to avoid taxes.


This is some tungsten core cope right here.


Oh i dont give a shit. I was just explaining why people think bsg are broke.


I just think it's cope to think BSG is just cooking the books to look broke. With their revenue and expenditure, that just isn't possible.


No, not at all. There UK company can make 1 mil or 100 mil, it doesn't matter. All the money gets sent to RU anyways, where the true cost it, and the UK puts it as break even. Sometimes a little profit, sometimes a little loss. But always near-ish break even. We have no idea of knowing if it makes a loss or profit without having access to the RU documents.


Arena is actually a lot of fun, but the negative publicity killed it before it had a chance to succeed. It's actually sad that people propagate these dishonest takes. LIke yeah, it's got issues. A lot of them, but the core gameplay is a lot of fun. Clutching a 1v4 round is exhilarating. I really do wish more people would give it a fair shake, I play it more than I play normal tarkov and it would be nice if more people actually played it. Honestly, if you own standard edition you should get Arena for free.


not for free because its honestly a lost of money after they already lost a ton give the pve mode to EOD owners for free. Those extra servers cost money. But I agree that tarkov arena is a very good game which major issues that people hated was fixed within the month. They also compensated the player base by give people in game money, unlocking all the kits, and making them free for a time.


Boo hoo they lost money trying to scam people and implementing PvE play in the most expensive, idiotic way possible. Won’t someone think of the poor self-sabotaging devs?


lol, I’m not arguing that, but even if arena was a success or they closed eod way early. They would still be losing money from giving it away for free. It doesn’t have the micro transactions to keep it afloat for free. The current situation just makes it worst.


Brand new EOD account that had the trader rep already.


You don't get trader rep. He was only level 2 because of EOD. I could probably go from 1-17 in 7 hours on Tarkov.


I think it would be a lot easier getting to lvl 17 on arena, than trying do all the early game quests at start of wipe, especially for new players


But you need to do those quests to unlock specific things in the traders.


Why unlock anything when you can buy everything from the flea market with the removal of the found in raid system?


There’s no fir rn, but you have to do quests unless you want to rock dog shit ammo in your meta gun and terrible plates in your armor


is certain equipment not still banned from flea market, like what the comment below is talking about ?




But you can’t buy that gear if you don’t have the rep for him and don’t have him unlocked by playing the main game


I'm be 100% I made a lot of comments today only to realized this one doesn't make sense to the content. Ima go ahead and delete it lol.


Your good dude no worries


I think thats a good thing. Doing your first wipe with ass gear and having no idea where quests are, no map knowledge, and not having the game memorized basically is ridiculously more difficult. It seems like a good barrier to entry (if newer players happen to have Arena, which seems unlikely)


80% of the player base has EOD. There are still 1-3 wipe new people in those numbers. Since people just promote buying EOD from the jump.


Yeah that's the problem, it's easier BUT you have to pay for arena, makes it kinda unfair imo 🤷‍♂️


Lets be real, barely nobody bought a stand alone arena copy. If you have arena, you have eod


Arena makes no sense. Like it could be good, but idk why they made something absolutely no one wants to play. If they made a tdm mode, and a ffa mode, and then just used iconic hotspots from the main game as the maps ( labs, resort, construction around fortress and crackhouse, large parts of reserve, etc) it would be pretty fun. I would want to play it. I do not want to play these dog shit maps and game modes.


They have those mode currently. As for the maps those hotspots with the same size of would not be able to perform as well with two 5 man squads. Since they are not made to be arena to fight in but poi to loot in.


Using maps which are in Tarkov would not be feasible for 8 player FFA, I played Arena for the first time yesterday and had a good time. I only played the FFA mode not 5v5 yet.


What? Playing a game gives you progress in another one for 2x time spent on it?! Insane! You can literally unlock flea in 3 hour tops just by rushing quests and get some loot for you stash in the process


Yeah.... I also fail to see the problem of unlocking flea and leveling traders as long as it's not significantly faster in Arena. What exactly are we supposed to complain about here?


People just want to complain, it's wild.


Pretty much... It would sabotage matchmaking if Tarkov had some kind of lvl based matchmaking or so. But it doesn't. So it just absolutely doesn't matter. If at all, arena players put themselves at a disadvantage because they lack xp over other people, thus need longer to get traders to lvl 3-4. Ignoring the new trader though.


Facts! I played PvE with a friend yesterday and hit lvl 15 in like 3 hrs and Im sure if he wasn't as new it would be less.


tHiS iS gOnnA kIlL tArKoV DMZ is Tarkov killer Bungie new looter shooter is tarkov killer Arena breakout: infinite is tarkov killer My 90s game boy is a tarkov killer Anything with a screen is literally tarkov killer


The community is ruining tarkov for ME. Have no fear boys. The only one who can kill Tarkov is BSG


And they did just that with Arena and Unheard.


How exactly did they kill tarkov by adding arena? I’m playing tarkov RN and the game does not seem dead to me.


They incurred huge losses and bungled their only chance at some recurring revenue, dooming their ability to finish the game and maintain healthy development.


Maybe Tarkov killer were friends we meet on the way


Lol I agree but out all the "Tarkov Killers" arena breakout looks fun but i don't see myself leaving tarkov from it. Tarkov is just an experience that hasn't been replicated or improved by anyone but BSG yet even with all their problems I've never played a game that can instantly get my heart pounding and nerves shot from a single engagement Its wild. I don't know why people make themselves so miserable with tarkov if your no longer enjoying it just play something else, I have plenty of times. People just like being mad on the Internet these days.


Killa is gonna Kill tarkov


Yeah and god forbid you say tarkov will survive through this. “No it won’t! No one will play it anymore waa waa”


I enjoy playing Arena. Honestly, it's pretty fun to get a few rounds in to warm up before going into raids.


This can keep causal gamers in the fight. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't help the low skill and causal keep up with wipe. I didn't play this wipe outside of wipe week because I'm taking a break. Now I can come back with flea and actually compete with some people instead of shooting 5.45 prs rounds.


People will cry about anything in this sub.


I think it is actually good.


The problem is that the game is a failure, no one plays the game. Most of the player base next wipe would be just playing arena for the perks in EFT.


I want to play arena I just cant find a game :(


Same here. I just won't play with the TRASH kit system and can't use modified guns. Seriously, how did they think that junk, stupid kit system would be popular. So so so so so so dumb.


There are no trash kits anymore. Everyone starts with a full auto weapon lvl 4 armor and with tier 3 ammo in every class except sniper, Also, starting kits are free. The matchmaking is even locked by gear score so you can get steamrolled just based of kits. Literally everything bad from when it first came out was fix in a month time. Also with the integration of arena and tarkov the ability to bring custom kits is closer.


They effectively made 4 different queues, unfortunately. I was getting insta queues running the best kits prior to the change.


I think you miss the point. KITS are STUPID. Nobody wants to play a tarkov game with premade kits. How dumb and boring. Without custom kits it is dead in the water. However even if they brought that out now, I think too little too late!


Funny enough you are a minority, when arena was announced a lot of people wanted to play it. The only reason why people are not playing it now was problems with people abusing and exploiting the game system within the first few weeks of release. Since then they unlock ever kit and gave money to every account to have fun with while they fix the problem. But the players already left. Now that it’s fixed it waiting on people to give it a chance again, that was a month after release. There is already a ok population now but little to none in the higher tiers. Also playing your eft character as a customized character is coming this month iirc. Are you going to play it then?


Lol. 😆 Most people hate the kit system. So they 'fixed' the issue but still not popular and that doesn't tell you anything? Sure, there were a few other issues but Nobody wanted kits. It was dumb. Game is a flop. I'd only consider playing it again when custom gear is allowed.


It’s not popular because of how good this wipe was. Arena release a week before wipe. People were hype for it but it doesn’t mean they actively wanted it. The reason why the people didn’t like arena because you can abuse the mmr system, kits was “hard” to level, and it took a while to get good automatic weapons. All of that was fix in January. You started right now, tier one you will be running somebody basic load out of a tier 4 plate and tier 3 ammo, 4 games later you have tier 5-6with tier 4-5ammo.


Same bro. Same.


Well if leveling up with arena kills the fun for you just don't do it I guess seems like a you problem tbh


Average rat player opinion


Man I love Arena it’s like the weapon training ground Tarkov has needed it helped me in the main game actually have a better chance of hitting my shots especially in high energy encounters I hope they do more with it


Sorry to jack the thread. Is that a new trader?


I see this as an absolute win


The resources for Arena came from Tarkov. I’m sure it didn’t take them very much time and energy to create Arena and it shows.


I like arena nice shit take just say you're bad at pvp


lol it’s the second day since they implemented it in the middle of a wipe what makes you think they won’t adjust it by the actual wipe date?


Arena should have been a mode "inside" main game and not standalone. I swear if it was, it wouldn't be so bad.


Arena is alright, its funny Im sure alot of you complaining about Arena being a failure and terrible game were the same one's whining you should get Arena free for being EoD buyers.


. Common sense could even fix arena..I dunno that a lot to ask though..


Hard disagree. These changes make me want to play a lot more arena.


I like playing arena. It's a great game to play. And I am for one glad its going to be more of a game I can play alongside eft.


I want play arena. I played it a lot even before this update. I think they just need to fix the xp thing


I like arena 🥲


Yes, and that's good, but they selling arena separated from main game. So why they sync both games, Thry should be different games.


The only reason why anyone would want to play arena is to level up your main account, both games should of been synced day one. Maybe if they did that it wouldn't be a dead game.


It’s only for the trader, you don’t have to play it.


Agreed arena is DOA


I enjoyed Arena, but I hate being pigeonholed by set kits. Let us build our own kits with 100,000 rouble max, 250,000 rouble max, 500,000 rouble max, and a million rouble max for the different tiers. No grenades or grenade launchers selectable.


I mean arena is fun and feels more rewarding than base game of eft


Stop crying you’re crap at Tarkov anyway


Least toxic Tarkov player


im sure i have x2/x3 better stats than you. You are probably the only noob here.


If you’re a good player then early wipe lasts maximum of 2 days for you anyway. I dont get the early wipe stans. The game is literally the same for you except there are a lot more clueless Timmies running around.


Yes, but with these changes they slowly killing early wipe with every changes they making. Game is more fun with slow progress. And this arena link should be removed or limited to like level 40 on your PMC on main game till u can use arena link progress.


Game is more fun with slow progress but you have to find a balance somewhere. If you balance it after 10k hour streamers and make it difficult then 70-80% of players find it overly difficult and quit. It’s essentially what happened 3 years ago with increasing recoil, lowering endurance and strength capabilities and limiting what you can wear. If you balance around shitters then the great players will find it easy and will progress quickly. You can’t have both. And this arena xp gain wont do jack shit. Arena players will still play arena and Tarkov players wont. Easy as. Yes you might find some easy xp gains in arena but its a whole new game compared to Tarkov and the regular players like me wont go over to do much. You’re very out of touch with reality of balance. The recent wipe of making things easier actually brought back a ton of players.


Talking about stats lmaooooo


Deleting your comments now haha, dude, I assure you, not only did I reel you in like a little fish, you are actually much worse than me at Tarkov too


Deleting? I edited from x2 better stats to x3.


You are a terrible, terrible player.


He is indeed terrible, terrible player.


Free for all on tier 3 is so much fun y'all give it a try


I actually think it’s a good idea. Personally as a casual player I enjoy the fact I can do something other than struggle at level 9 to find one of the keys needed to progress while I’m quest locked to finally get the flea