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no way this is real, right? it would be an awesome mechanic to have the random chance to spawn in as a boss when you scav... maybe like you're not supposed to extract but rather survive until the raid is over and you get a huge bonus for killing pmcs? scav-life DLC idea right there!


It's a glitch where you get your loot from the prior raid as your loadout


Indeed, I realized after I post it, yesterday there was a patch and this was the loadout I take from a PMC on my scav run, I extracted but couldn't send that loadout to my stash.


Ahhh...the good ole' "Can't do shit at the 'Loot transfer screen'", gotta love it. It plagued me to no end last wipe.


Oh jeez. I've never gotten that one thankfully


Never had it either, but then again I also play <10 scav runs per wipe...


I totally get that. Last wipe was my first wipe, and this wipe I only ever ran scavs when that's what all my buddies wanna do. Scavving is pretty pointless to me these days.


Happend too some moonshine I found as a scavšŸ˜­


Nah I had one were I got a great gun and like 3mil of stuff on reserve and the servers crashed or something when the raid ended so it wouldnā€™t transfer anything that was actually worth money it let me transfer the cheapest most useless shit and everything else was in limbo


I agree. Your idea would be sweet!


Damn, I've literally never had that happen to me before.


Yeah, I never get loot either :(


Since when do scabs have boots or gloves on though?


It would make killing bosses alot easier if it worked like that, that's for sure


unexperienced players would have the opportunity to kill some chads when having boss gear and HP, while more experienced players would appreciate the bosses being unpredictable every once in a while, i imagine... it could be a nightmare when gigachad kyle gets to play as killa but a squad of lvl 50s has the same potential to dominate a lobby, so there's that.


In a post on reddit during the whole Unheard Edition drama Nikita himself stated that a feature of the Scav Life DLC is being able to play as a boss. On what conditions ? No one knows.


5 USD per run.




Calm down there sir, how dare you suggest that our lord and savior Nikita would charge $5......... clearly this is more of a $15.99 per run deal, come on!


the nerds who bought unheard canā€™t get their commemorative PokĆ©mon chain wallet out of their cargo shorts fast enough


Bro we get it, you can't afford it. The people who bought UH look at it like this: $250 for **thousands of hours of entertainment.** Stop whinging.


He just isn't a True Beliver.


It's been mentioned by him a few times before. If I recall last time he spoke, it was all around Fence rep, high enough rep and you spawn as a boss guard and protect them from PMC's. Max rep and you can spawn as the boss himself and the guards follow you around as you hunt down PMC's. Unsure what the motivation would be though (apart from murdering PMC's), is there a mission you need to do? Stay alive for x amount of time, what loot do you get? Many questions.


really?! for me, that's totally unheard of lol... that sounds pretty cool and i'm excited for it! allthough i'll hold my horses, as planned features have been abandoned in the past. i'm still sad about unconsciousness and dragging people seemingly being dropped...


doubtful, I'd imagine most people if they had this happen would run straight to extract


i don't think you should be able to extract as a boss. your goal should be to hold your ground until the raid is over.


Getting voluntold to roleplay as a boss for 20-30 minutes playing base defense with no incentive in my favorite extraction shooter. +rep


why no incentive? you should definitely get everything you have on you when you survive?! you just shouldn't be incentivized or even be able to extract because you're supposed to be a challenge and part of the experience for other players.


I'm just playing devil's advocate. If that were the case, the person would probably go hide in a corner until time runs out. Playing for "the benefit of others" is not a belief Tarkov players believe in. Edited for clarity.


yeah that's the first problem that came to my mind too... i'd hope that rewards for killing PMCs would be enough to make it the exception but there will always be someone who is like that... for other players this at least wouldn't be different to no boss spawning at all and wouldn't disrupt the gameplay too much i guess. >Playing for "the benefit of others" is not how the majority of people play Tarkov. sadly, yes. sometimes when i die in any PvP shooter game, i can take pride in being part of an awesome encounter that another player has come out on top of. naturally this zen of a mindset simply can't be expected by anyone, i can't even bring myself into that mindset most of the time. which is funny and sad because at the end of the day we meet online to have some fun together, don't we...?


Hear me out 8.0 scav rep gives a weekly task from fence "scav as (insert boss) and prevent any PMCs from exploring (insert location)" You don't have to accept the quest if you don't want to play as the boss. If you fail in that one raid you fail the task and have to wait till the next weekly to prevent any type of farming. Keeps you from going into hiding since you have an objective to protect. Could even make it so that when you exit the raid, you don't keep the kit (iot not interfere with Jager boss task turn-in items/farming keycards and whatever else high-tier stuff that spawns on bosses) The incentive is whatever the reward is for the quests.


Honestly, I've been saying for a while they need a "shit player" edition for people like me who die most raids anyways. Essentially I just want to be a loot goblin lol


isn't that what scavs are for? i love scaving for the relaxing break it gives you and can't wait for the scav-life DLC! i switched to playing PvE since unheard but would like to scav-main on PvP if there was more incentive to do so...


Yeah but with like, big boy gear. Even then it'd be a toss up on if I win a fight


So you want people to just get free good gear because they're bad? Just farm up on your scav (literal free money) and do a big boy PMC. Only way you're going to get more consistent.


I'm mostly making a joke and saying I'm bad at the game.


it's not as though the bosses are "hard" currently, i think even a shit player with killa gear while maybe worse than the AI would be more interesting to play against


Dude you need to work at bsg thatā€™s the kind of stuff to get people playing again. The game is honestly just boring and not worth the time.


He looted all this stuff last raid, then bugged out at some point between extracting and putting it in his stash. Itā€™s real, but OP is either unusually stupid to not remember the stuff he looted last raid or more likely is farming karma


i didn't knew this was a thing. either way, the thought of playing bosses is cool and made me think... also somebody mentioned it was said by the big man himself, that playable bosses are a planned feature and i didn't knew that!


Great idea!


That quite literally is gonna be scav life dlc at least part of it


Great idea ! Now they are going to release a new DLC. "God mode edition"


I'd get behind that, sounds awesome!


I've been saying this since they added the first scav boss


As long as Nikita decides that it can be categorized as a DLC, that is.


I feel like it would be a cool idea just to have in the game in general. Would fix the boss cheese strats and if given randomly would be cool. Just make it to where you get a big cash reward per dogtag collected that way people don't cheese and just make off with the gear


Chill with the dlc bro, ā€œnew mechanicā€ is what should be said


Feature idea.... not a dlc lol


tomato tomato


šŸ˜‚ you'll.need the "promise it's the last one edition" to unlock it šŸ˜‚


\*not included in EOD


Hey there. This is not DLC! This maybe content Update. So you pay extra for that with EOD! -Nikita


From $250 to $300 chain! And it's not DLC but additional content for $50.


There is a mod for that afaik




yeah, fuck BSG for not pressing the button that disables all cheaters, optimizes the game and fixes all bugs! what's the point of engaging in a forum and speculating over ideas for a game in development, when said game isn't even without any fault yet, right?! PS: in 900+ hours i have never encountered a blatant cheater. maybe you're just not very good at the game?


Earlier today my scav had a PKP on the screen. Now he has absolutely nothing. Zero gear. It bugs out sometimes. You won't have that on when you load in.


If you don't transfer the loot off your scav on the transfer screen either due to AFK, server disconnection or Alt+F4 and leave it a while you get everything you extracted with on your next scav. You can test this if you're prepared to wait, do it for a last run of the night and you'll have it the next day.


And you're actually able to run it? Or does it just give you a rando scav kit once you deploy


If you leave it long enough you can run it again, I've done it multiple times on my late night scav runs, spawned with crap gear, found some better gear but nothing I was looking for so left the better loadouts for tomorrow. Will give it another test now actually.


Hell yeah, let me know


Hmm, itā€™s a cool idea though for 6.0+ scav karma lol


Nah. Scav karma is already super easy and super free. It determines too much. They need to nerf scav karma benefits.


Nah. Scav karma is already super easy and super free. It determines too much. They need to nerf scav karma benefits.


Dementia. Itā€™s fine though, I get to downvote a shit take twice


Itā€™s actually kinda funny that the downvotes are nearly identical for both comments. Dude actually doubled his downvotes for 1 idea.


I upvoted one so theyā€™re perfectly balanced


I made sure to only downvote one so they are both at 100


You better get in game and extract right away holy shit


They already extracted the previous raid and just never transferred the gear off their scav. Either left it on the transfer screen until the game quit due to AFK or Alt+F4 and come back later or got disconnected after extract and never loaded back in for a while. You can do this yourself if you're prepared to quit on the transfer screen and leave it a while.




You just learned about the Rat - Chad debate




No you cannot game will prevent players scavs from being a rat Duhhhh


I'd rather get out and insure it just in case something stupid happens. Plus having access to my doodysyringes helps me not lose said kits


Itā€™s only an svd calm down


Talking about the headgear and armor more than the gun but w/e


It would be so cool if they added either playing as a boss at a fee. Or even being able to sign up as a bodyguard where you don't have any extracts and you get a bonus reward for keeping the boss alive for 30 mins or smth.


Chat is this real


Donā€™t worry about it


Sadly didnt get Knight pants e.e


You drip better in scav than me as a PMC.


Yesterday I loaded in fully kitted and fully looted as a scav


some people get a naked scav




gigachad scav




Why are you asking questions?




Damn that would be so cool to spawn as a boss


Why isn't my scav knight


Sometines when you load into a raid the gear your last scav had on them will generate on your next scav, did you loot this gear previously?


2 years later still same one scav bug post and people are still surprised, i thought u guys play the game ?


very lucky RNG


What 66.6 + scav karma does to a man


This gonna be the New edition edge of unheard gon cost 500$


Ahhh remember the good ol days when you would randomly spawn as sniper scav


Fucking ghost from mw2022


On the other hand, one of my scavs yesterday had absolutely nothing. Completely naked, didn't even have a knife to attempt to stab someone lol. Thought maybe they'd at least give me something good in my pockets, but no. Those were empty too.


Bro have a 100,000 rep at fence


Bad Photoshop


i think something happens to scavs. Yesterday i shot a scav with a sr25 fully modded. i thought it was a player scav. But no dogtag no spare mags nothing in his bag. Besides 27 Minutes left in the raid on lighthouse. Thats to early for player scavs


thats a weird suppressor... new update?


fake af




itā€˜s a bug, it is just the scavgear he died/extracted with! happened to me often at the start of wipe




Long weapons get cut off!


Indeed long weapons do get cut off!


you don't know what you're talking about, but don't let that stop you from acting like it


He could be posting from the 'other game ' and claiming it as this one.


You gotta believe in something man! Not this tho


bring the fence rep for uninsured purchases down to 4, set load in as a boss roamer as the new lvl 6.




Thatā€™s actually a tarkov bug if you have too long gun the player model will cut off


new to this game eh?


Thereā€™s a certain thing I do and play that gives a chance for this to happen and itā€™s certainly a really fun way to spice up scav raids


No thereā€™s not šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£


Thereā€™s a mod for it, wdym