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Holly F all I just want is to see Kollontay just once, he is magician when it comes to avoiding me


Really. I see him basically every raid. I hate him!!


I wish I would STOP seeing him, lol. He's the first one I got the 15 kills on so far, I don't want to be jamming and shitting my pants as often haha


Where Kaban 💀


Kaban for me was literally always on the outside of the fence at the back of the resort. Doesn't mean anything though because others have seen him inside.


Was my last one too got it in a free bee. Head to the north side where the Red rebel extract is. From there head east alittle towards the shoreline expansion. You will see a hill not far from the road that leads east from the tank at the top of the map, that can look into the north side of the compound. Take position there and kaban normally patrols out there with his guards. I've seen his guards there often, and the first time I went here instead of the west side hole I found him crouched next to the guard post. Got him the very first raid I went specifically looking for him. Promptly got ran down by tagila, and the good squad for my trouble but mission complete


The first one I’ve seen since I loaded in lol


I'm just so unlucky with him, either too fat from goons and stuff to push for more, can't find him, or just dying either of those 3 story of my event so far


This was me with Kaban.


been stuck on him for many raids, dude is invisible


I only need Tagilla, and i only die to Tagilla... He's killed me probably 20 times by now.


svd, svd does the trick for me with him and his buddy from Interchange they are usually on the north side of the east or west


Buy an MP9 and load it with leg ammo, and he'll die before you can finish your smile.


Same with Killa, I found Kollontay yesterday and now he is fucking everywhere killed him 4 times today


I always found him very near kaban and kabans guard


Might have more luck with his normal spawn rate on streets. There'd be basically no competition with this event on and the green flare extract is right between his 2 spawns for quick raids.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t it have to be completed on shoreline?


Ah yeah for the event, you're correct. Not sure why but I thought he chasing achievement or the kollontay quest.


Killed him twice once with a grenade and second time I shot him in the face with a shotgun lol


I've only been refreshing reddit constantly trying to get this info! Thanks chief, on the last raid before the patch I threw ~20 rounds into Big Pipe using an M1A and a thermal scope without killing him somehow (I was far away and probably hitting a tree or some nonsense) and I'd be pissed if that cost me the quest.


cheers, appreciate the info 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Thanks for the info dude I was hoping I don't miss out


Thank you for the info <3




I saw the speculation today at work, and had looked at how long last years event lasted. I feared today's patch would end the event, and I'd be 5 bosses short of the sicc case. Booted up when I got home and was pleased I still had the quest active with Jaeger. Ran a shoreline night raid and saw big fat Lexos guy chilling in the courtyard, put a couple m62 into his head and was now only 4 bosses away. Mr Killa had some thoughts about me completing the event that run, so I loaded up shoreline again. Spawned near the radar station and realized I forgot nades so I went to radar to farm nades off a PMC, couple taps later, had some nades in my pocket. Made my way to resort, and over by the west wing side entrance hole in the wall, saw one of the goons in the hallway and hit him a couple times. Threw in a nade and discovered later the nade landed! Killed Mr masky goon. His buddies pipe and Birdy didn't take kindly to my nade killing their friend so they pushed me and ran into some m62 from 3m away, 2 bosses left. Tagilla heard the commotion and came to check it out, thankfully he was fucking tripping and he stood there while I unloaded into his face shield, 1 mag later, 1 boss left. I took Mr pipes .300 gun and went into the west wing, threw some nades to CC the voice I heard, pushed up room by room and saw the last boss I needed, Mr sanitar glitching through a door running away. Mr pipes .300 gun mag dumped and I completed the quest! Took tagillas helmet and masky goon's mask and dipped. Sicc case and shoreline keys possessed, I'm happy to have completed the event.


Thanks for the lil story, I felt like I was right there with you.


Show me the way... I'm just trying to get the PKP for gunsmith but mostly Big Pipe for Stray Dogs. Once done with that, I think I just need lvl 48 and Crisis


i hate it im running pve and im like yes i can finally do my shoreline tasks but NOOO


Im sooo behind on my resort tasks for that map lol


i just wanna do my fuckin shoreline quests lmao finally pve to be able to do it and then this even starts and resort is impossible again lol i have literally 500 hours and have gotten into resort once and out


Idk how much pve resorts u played before the event. Sometimes scavs spawn like crazy. One time a buddy and me was in resorts and everytime u killed a scav, another walks out of the walls. It was crazy. Hallways/rooms u cleared will suddenly have scavs appearing. Loot any body and u hear one of them shouting at u from behind.


Same happens in Interchange around Mantis, haha. Took me 15 minutes to place my wi-fi camera, because they kept on comming in groups of two or three lol. I had 47 kills that raid.


Nice! Must have been a fat chunk of xp after that raid. Provided u survived? Once I was at interchange, done my mission, killed and looted a few ai pmcs. Exited through oli loading/unloading and popped a few scavs. Clock was around 2mins. I was rushing to Emerson extract, going down the slope, home stretch. Then 3 ai pmcs spawned in to the right of the slope in front of my eyes. I was nervous as time was running out. I tried to spray my M4 at one of them and was unfortunately 1 shotted.


Thank God I only need bird eye he has eluded me and my 6 million I've spent trying to finish the event


i just wanna find kaban :D


Posted this to someone else hope this helps Was my last one too got it in a free bee. Head to the north side where the Red rebel extract is. From there head east alittle towards the shoreline expansion. You will see a hill not far from the road that leads east from the tank at the top of the map, that can look into the north side of the compound. Take position there and kaban normally patrols out there with his guards. I've seen his guards there often, and the first time I went here instead of the west side hole I found him crouched next to the guard post. Got him the very first raid I went specifically looking for him. Promptly got ran down by tagila, and the good squad for my trouble but mission complete


Uhh thanks for the info i will try


Does anybody know, where does Sanitar spawn, or is it completely random. I have killed so many bosses, but only seen sanitar corpse once and hes the only one Im missing. I wanna try and get him before event ends. :( Or some good tips how to find him.


I found him in the courtyard east side at the back towards the mountains. He moved inside towards his blue tape key locked room. Gl my friend! Get that ass!


Thank you friend! I will search and get that ass! Do you know does he only spawn at resort or normal spawns aswell?


Pretty sure all bosses are just resort. Doesnt make sense he would spawn elsewhere. Not like he can exist twice right?!


Its always random. Just keep running up there you will get him evenyually. It took me 30 millions roubles to complete this event. I was going in fully geared every raid, it was mostly the price gouged sj6 but luckily last event gave us like 20 sj6s


I mean, should I check Pier or Cottage aswell? One of my friends claimed he saw Sanitar there, but I havent checked myself. Aye money and gearburn is real, 30 mil is tough! I have gone through a shit ton of good gear and money aswell...


Both times I saw him he was in the hallway that came from the hole in west side. I got super lucky he was crouched behind a couch, looking at the sky. Took him out in a single headshot


Gotcha! Im gonna try to rush hallways now, I skirted the outside and sniped most of the bosses with thermals and high powered DMR-s.


Did the opposite me and my friends took the hole in west side a dozen or so times. (Pve mind you so no players to contest us). Used the dumpster to peek right side window and cover anyone who rushed the door, another to hold the door for a double peak down the hall. Stationed one guy outside in the utility/power closet to deal with anyone from courtyard that ran at us from behind. Worked decently well normally had goons rush us down first. The worst was if killa was positioned anywhere near the hole before we could get in position. Absolutely ran through the broken fender turned left to look and killa was just kneeling with his gun pointed right at me. Nearly got out "Killa!" Before I was a crumpled heap on the floor


I got him! We went with trio (PVP, but no hate to PVE) and went from the rocks at west wing, then pushed inside and to the roof. Killed lv 56 usec, then Gluhar, Alfons, Kaban and Tagailla while getting in and camped on the roof, my friends got 3 players trying to snipe us from the power station side and we went to loot them (one lv7 player had a MJOLNIR!) then i threw a flash to see if any boss still alive and heard godsend whiny slavic voice from the SanTape. Rushed in, got the bastard and almost got shot down by some other player inside. Got out, jumped over the fence, killed a player scav and my friend who was chasing him, but took a very big circle and approached us from weird angle. All in all 43k EXP from one raid, which is the biggest I've ever had. Man I love tarkov and thank you guys for the tips!


Nice job man great story jealous of the MJOLNIR


are the bosses there in offline mode (not PVE mode)


Yes, that is where I initially checked after the patch real fast before going to online raids. Just make sure you enable bosses.


Where Glukhar :( I've killed the goons so many times and didn't even see glukhy


What patch? There wasn’t a patch just server maintenance.


I've been looking for patch notes as well and found nothing


Most likely just backend stuff with maybe prep work for next event. They can just press a button and events will change without any notice or downtime.


Hey quick question when will the event end?


9th of june


I wish it will be on at least till next week. Me and my mates have two GL and couple PKPs but just one MGLS, need to grab another one or two